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Posts mit dem Label journaling calendar 2014 werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Dienstag, 25. März 2014

calendar pages

Hi there,

yes I know, I did not truely stick to my commitment of a weekly calendar lately, due to time, illness....
but last but not least I made 2 pages to write in

off to cook dinner.
Have a nice evening!

by the way, here´s a link to my newest YouTube try

Freitag, 14. Februar 2014

calendar page week 8 and an artjournal page

Hi friends,

finally the cold has brought me down as well, sneefing and coughing, but don´t worry I have not heart that´s contagious via the internet :)

Inspired by the many faces from Susi I tried my luck - and how do they say - only practice makes perfect. Way to go...

But at least both pages helped to destash some stickers and rub-ons.

Stay healthy, XXX

Samstag, 1. Februar 2014

calendar page week 7

Hi there,

sorry I haven´t been around much lately, but Sarah still has a fiebre, we are at the year´s end book keeping at work..... you see, I am really busy.

So I used today to make another page - and with week 7 being around Valentine, of course there had to be hearts

A great page for using up all those scraps and vintage images I have been hording

Enjoy the weekend

Samstag, 18. Januar 2014

some new calendar pages

"Fighting" with my blog I changed to Google Chrome and here we are - finally able to upload me new 2 weeks pages to journal in

Quite a while ago I found this wrapping paper and immediately fell in love with it. And while searching for something else I found a little rest of it, these stickers and off it went.

just having fun playing

Have a great weekend, XOXOXO

Samstag, 11. Januar 2014

Montag, 6. Januar 2014

journaling calendar week 3

Enjoying my last day of Holidays I tried the chalk technic, at least my interpretation of it with some doodeling.

By the way, do you know the series of White Collar. I just can recommend it, it´s great and makes you smile. And to be honest, loving Oldies even when I was Young, one of my professional wishes was to become an honorable master thief or a pirate pride.

Participating at:

Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

Dienstag, 31. Dezember 2013

journaling calendar week 1

I´m a little bit late with showing week 1 as it has already begun, but as they say better late than never

I wish you all a wonderful start in 2014 and a happy and creative new year