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Posts mit dem Label 100 Proof Press werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014

we are back....

Sarah and I are finally back from our trip to the US. It was really great but the last 2 weeks sometimes so hot (120 Fahrenheit or 50 degress Celcius) that we both probably have shrunken some centimetres...
We just fell in love with all these cooling systems that made life tolerable for us. Not to speak about the hazelnut frappochino or the hazelnut macchiato from Starbucks :)

And look what I found in the mail- a free copy ot the current Stampers´sampler with my cards - 3 pages - yeeppiehhhh

Wishing you all a great week. Now I am off to get some sleep (too many hours time difference and the fact that I am not really able to sleep in a plane


Sonntag, 30. März 2014

100 Proof Press little Circus

Life can be a circus, we all know that, and so I made a little circus using the shadow box sizzix die, TH stickers and some left overs from G45

Off to give my daughter playtime with the PC.

Samstag, 29. März 2014

100 Proof Press: 3 little houses

You know I am a horder and when I found these chipboard houses that had been lying around for quite a while I wanted to put them to good use and make some deco for my entrance, hanging from my entrance lamp.  And as they are going to be seen from both sides of course I had to decorate both sides with all these great stamps from 100 Proof Press

Hope you all have a great weekend.


Montag, 24. März 2014

100 Proof Press and fridge magnets

You know that I do love to make fridge magnets, one never can have enough. Okay, one could go through the staff hanging on the fridge and throw some things away - one could - or one could make more magnets :)

The background was made with alcohol inks and the stamped images of 100 Proof Press were collaged on top using mod podge.

Hope you had a great start of the week

Samstag, 22. März 2014

easter egg with 100 proof press

with eastern not too far away and having had just the right egg to alter I made this easter egg, all stamps are from 100 proof press:

It all started like this - with a plastic egg wrapping of some sweets, a double layer of gesso and  7 gypsies tissue paper

and here some pics in details:

Have a great weekend

Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

guest designer project for 100 Proof Press

Hi friends,

I have some happy news to share. Sara from 100 Proof Press has asked me to do some projects with her fab stamps and of course I said yes.

Isn´t she just sweet? I have lots of ideas in my head for her because I think she can be used for all seasons.

Have a great week,


Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

good news

Hey friends,

I wanted so share with you some good news. Guess who got published in the current Stampers´ Sampler...

I had so much fun with this stamp from 100 proof press.

Have a great weekend