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Posts mit dem Label altered art werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

Montag, 22. Dezember 2014

altered christmas bottle for de Stempelwinkel

I love to alter bottles. First you have the joy of drinking and then the joy of altering the bottle :)

Here´s a little sneek peak,

more pics and pics of the design process can be found here:


Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014

Halloween upcycled tissue box

I love Halloween decorations and being given the chance to be a guest designer at de Stempelwinkel I have altered a tissue box.
For a more detailed step-by-step instruction you can go to



Once again de Stempelwinkel is particpating at a huge Halloween blog hop, so if you need Halloween inspiration come and visit 

Sorry I am still not much around but Sarah and I have caught a severe cold using up all of our energy.

Sonntag, 21. September 2014

hopefully I am back

Hi friends,

I really missed you all and hopefully life gets now back to normal. Sarah is back at school and -even though the budgeting process is still in full swing for 2015 - I feel like I can breathe again.

What I show you was made a while ago I hope you like it nevertheless.

Have all a great Sunday

Stamps are from Tessha Moore, woodpart from fernli designs.

Freitag, 11. Juli 2014

Home deco

I guess I am a little bit behind showing some of the stuff I have made mainly for my crafting room (and yes also destashing).
Here we go:

Inspired by a banner I have seen in Sew (Stampington) I remembered that I had the basis materials in one of my drawers - unused for ages - but you see, finally they were given life.

Some weeks ago I wanted to go to a book flea market but had to find out that it was a normal fleemarket. Being already there I took the time to look around, bought some vintage photos and ......

the wooden gears and swirls are from Fernli Designs.

And with Fernli Design having this wonderful huge wooden tags (ok, the wooden stuff I could not resist, but it helps destashing some other stuff and as you can see is immediately used :) )

Papers by Tilda.

And now G45 is greeting you

We are finally coming to an end (hope you have not fallen asleep) with my new stationary from Fernli Designs

it´s the new home for all my waterbrushes and my post-its, not to forget the postage stamps in the drawer.

Have a great day and enjoy the weekend

Montag, 19. Mai 2014

altered wooden board

Having worked pretty much lately I really felt the urgent need to craft, but I was not into stamping or painting. So I have decided  to use an already painted wooden board (once blue but boring) and to destash at least some of the things I have been hordering way to long...

in detail

Yes I have to confess I really love this stencil from stencil girls.

Thanks for still coming by my blog even though I am not so much around lately, I really do appreciate it.
A big hug for you all

Samstag, 22. März 2014

easter egg with 100 proof press

with eastern not too far away and having had just the right egg to alter I made this easter egg, all stamps are from 100 proof press:

It all started like this - with a plastic egg wrapping of some sweets, a double layer of gesso and  7 gypsies tissue paper

and here some pics in details:

Have a great weekend

Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013

altered boxes collage

Having finally found the time to make photos of the stuff I have crafted (no I have not been lazy crafting only lazy making photos and uploading them) I want to show you what I did:

altered packing boxes where glued together

 it´s a fun Collage mixture which took me quite a while to finish

here are the boxes in Detail:

of course, starting with the christmassy one....


the Music box is still waiting for some Inspiration.

more you can see tomorrow...

Till then and spent a fab Christmas eve!