Showing posts with label creative process. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creative process. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2015

New work

I'm changing my illustration style abit by adding texture to my drawing and removing alot of the outside lines. Am happy with the results.

 Overlapping butterflies
#illustration #texture #silkscreen #surfacedesign #pattern #wallpaper

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Working on a custom Penguin Book print

Am working on a custom Penguin Book print this week for a very special customer. 
The first + second passes of black and orange ink are complete as is the tea staining.
Next step: Screening in the new title.

For Custom title pricing please see my online shop.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

New Eloise print

My new Eloise print is now complete.
She was printed on two different papers: 

 Eloise printed on Cream Somerset paper. 
This paper has a lovely weight (300 GSM) and has a great texture and deckle edge.

 Eloise printed on White BFK Rives paper. 
This paper also has a very good weight (270 GSM) with a smooth finish and deckle edge.
 This photo gives a good idea of the deckle edge.

Eloise measures 9" x 12"
She is part of an edition of 40 and is numbered and signed. 
She is 150.00 and is available now in my shop.

Below are some process shots.

 Mixing the orange ink for Eloise purse.
(trying to match it to the print out)
 Print after Pass 1 (grey) and Pass 2 (orange) are completed
 Registering (figuring out the placement) of the 3rd pass with the acetate.

Applying the black ink to the screen for the final pass.
Completed print!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Work/Life: My pages in the Directory of Illustration

These are my 2 pages in uppercase magazine's Directory of Illustration. 

Photos of my inspiration board, me in NYC, sketches and stuff currently hanging out on my fridge.
This is the pattern I created for the directory.
I would love to see this made into fabric or wallpaper.
Hello Mr. Sanderson or Schumacher....!
These are some drawings from my sketchbook.
As you can see not all of the phones made it into the final pattern. 
Sometimes you gotta Kill Your Darlings!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sketch: Tufted couch

 I came across this sketch I originally did for the Style at Home booth at the IDS show in 2011.
See here. 
 It didnt make the cut for the mural but have always liked it so decided to revisit today and complete with some colour. ps. I do all my drawing by hand using pen + paper, then scan in and colour in photoshop.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Ring Ring pattern

This is brand new pattern I created this week which I will be showing at SURTEX this month.
I think it'd make a fun wallpaper in a girl's room. I could also see it being used on fabric.
Ring Ring comes in 3 colour ways: retro pink, mint, and grey.

Below are my initial sketches for the pattern - drawn with a glass of rosé in hand FYI!

I was inspired to draw them after settling into the latest episode of Mad Men on Sunday night and catching an image of Trudy picking up the receiver of a fabulous orange 60s telephone.
I often find my favourite sketches are those done when I'm relaxed and have just settled into doing something else. :-)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Lourdes on What's in your Toolbox

My friend Lourdes (Sanchez) is featured on What's in your toolbox on Design Sponge. 

 The interview is by Ginny Branch Stelling and it's funny, honest, self deprecating + inspiring.
Delicious photos too.
Love this photo in Lourdes studio - especially the Paul Klee in bkgd.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In the studio: Screening my Lacy legs print

Pass 1

Pass 2

My assistant Canary Lord Percy oversees the drying of the prints.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Back in the studio

I am beginning another edition of my penguin books silk screen prints!
Araceli joined as my assistant + we spent a very inky Saturday at the Halo Halo studio printing the first orange layer.
It was quite chilly so we kept warm by singing show tunes. Am convinced this made the prints come out better.

Very inky screen.

Me with prints drying on the rack in background and my A Room of One's own screen which will be printed on top next week.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Inspiration: Unzipped

Over the holidays I rewatched one of my favourite docs: Unzipped.
The doc follows designer Isaac Mizrahi as he plans his fall 1994 collection.
Directed by Douglas Keeve.

Very inspirational + a great peek inside the creative process.

Isaac Mizrahi drawing + deeply focused. I LOVE this photo.

In his Manhattan apt kvetching to a friend and freaking out re: his upcoming show. (Classic creative person!) Decor note: Love the salon wall!

One of my favourite people in the doc is Issac's producer Nina Santisi. (Above in headset) She is so grounded, organized + supportive - ie. what every zany creative person needs! When Issac's show is a success she is the first person he calls. Significant.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inspiration: Comedian + Writer Demetri Martin

Demetri Martin is talking about his creative process on Q right now.
Really great. Smart + funny.

Some good lines:
"I have to make sure my writing is a
by product of my life" (ie. authentic - not just carried out for a goal of making a movie)

"If I spend the day making things I feel good. If I spend the day reading Twitter I feel lousy"

" I love Stand up comedy because it gives me a short feedback loop"
The same could be said of blogging. :-)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Very inky over here on the weekend

On the weekend in prep for my holiday sale next Saturday I printed a new edition of my big brogue shoe print.
I printed a varied edition with ochre, teal + blue versions.
Below are some pics of the process.

After the first pass with ochre ink the prints dry in my map drawers.

Here are the blue ones.

The very important pizza dinner break with my assistant.

Next day pass 2 with black ink.

Finished prints drying.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Print No. 2 for Bata shoe museum: Librarian shoe

Here is the matching sister shoe to the t strap shoe which I screened last week.
It also measures 5" X 7".
It is signed and numbered from an edition of 60 and is 60.00.

Below as always a peek behind the process.

Mixing the ochre ink = yellow + brown + titch of red

After pass 1

Applying the black ink

Completed print.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Print " T strap shoe" for Bata shoe museum

I have a new print "T strap shoe".
It measures 5" X 7" and is 60.00. It is from an edition of 60.
Here is a bit of the process behind the print.

This print was commissioned by the Bata Shoe museum to coincide with their Roaring Twenties exhibit.

So.. Naturally Step 1 was to visit the exhibit!

Our Beautiful Bata Shoe museum designed by Raymond Moriyama.

This is an amazing show -- and it runs till June 2012 -- so still plenty of time to see it!

Some great boots.

Groovy t straps very popular in the 1920s. (I wish they made shoes like this now!)

Check out these floral beauties. Gorge!

Many shoes in the exhibit were created by Andre Perugia a French designer discovered by French fashion designer Paul Poiret. (who I find very fascinating)

Here are some incredible gold shoes designed by Andre Perugia in the 1920s. The roses show the influence of Paul Poiret.

And... here is Andy Warhol's interpretation of the Perugia shoes above created in the 1950s. (Neat eh?)

Step 2: Filled with visions of shoes in my head I begin doing sketches.

Step 3: I decide on the t strap and librarian shoe and get a screen made.

Here is the screen.

Step 4: I cover over + tape the portion of the screen that I'm not using.

Step 5: Mix the pink ink.
Formula = white + magenta + red + retarder (which slows down the drying process)

Step 6: Apply the pink ink with spatula and pull with squeegee.

Ta da. First pass.

Step 7: Apply black ink for layer 2 and pull with squeegee.


Completed print.

ps! This week I am working on a 2nd print "Librarian shoe" to match this one. It will be same size + price and methinks they would work nicely as a set.
Did I mention Christmas is coming?