Showing posts with label Graphic Designers i like. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graphic Designers i like. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2015

New work for Best Health

Over the summer I completed 3 large illos and several spot illos for the September issue of Best Health magazine. It's on news stands now. Great Art direction by Jackie Shipley. 

#Illustration #women #fitness #fashion #style #lifestyle #AlannaCavanaghIllustration

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

My prints in Covet garden magazine

The latest issue of Covet Garden is online and it's beauty!
It features the home of my talented friend Colleen Nicholson 
+ gorgeous photography by Jodi Pudge.

 Photo by Jodi Pudge

My Empty Belly print over Colleen's fireplace. 
How great is that brass turkey? love!!!

 Photo by Jodi Pudge

My espresso pot print over Colleen's sink. 
Really like the mix of textures in this shot. 

#silkscreen #print #art #affordableart #InteriorDesign #Toronto #decor

Friday, January 16, 2015

Illustrations for Globe and Mail Style

I ended 2014 with one of my favourite illustration gigs ever: 
The cover + 6 illustrations for Globe and Mail Style. 
Art direction by Bryan Gee. 

Globe Style Cover
I incorporated collage elements into all the illos.

I was really happy with this hand and champagne glasses. 
It was Bryan 's idea to add a gold frame to the server's cuff for an over the top 'richy rich' look.

Had a lot of fun doing this overhead brunch scene. I love drawing hands!

This illo shows how a guest can be helpful for a Holiday host. :-)

This illo accompanied a piece by the owner of Joe Beef.
This 'big group of people celebrating in the woods' scene winter is based on my own very cozy get togethers in my favourite cottage in Kazabazua Quebec. 
Feel cozy just looking at it. :-) #grateful #happy 

#illustration #food illustration #fashion illustration #cooking illustration

Monday, September 22, 2014

KIP Illos on Site

Here are some photos of my Illustrations for The Kip Condo development enlarged on the hoarding surrounding the sales centre. Design by 52 Pick up.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

New Illustrations for THE KIP

For the past few months I've been working on illustrations with the fantastic Communications Firm 52 Pick up.  The gig was for a new condo development in the West end called THE KIP.
Their website launched last Wednesday and you can now see all the illos here.

I was really happy with the limited palette in the illos and how the designers matched up the colours in the type treatment. Also love the KIP logo. Very fresh!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sali Tabbachi in Toronto Life City Home issue

The home of two on my favourite graphic designers Melissa Agostino + Henry Tyminski of Sali Tabbachi was featured in Toronto's Life special City Home issue.
My Big Orange Scissors print is featured on the salon wall in their office.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Lemon Heads!

Designer Heather Shaw of pi'lo sent me these great photos of her boys sporting my Lemon Tattly on the weekend.

In case you missed my post the first time..... Tattly is a temporary tattoo company founded in Brooklyn by well known graphic designer Tina Roth Eisenberg. (aka Swiss Miss)
My Tattly page is below.

I have new Tattly's coming out soon! and they played a big part at the Artscape Salon which I participated in last week.
Photos of that very fun event coming tomorrow!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Photos from NYC and Surtex

Lotta Jansdotter + her assistant Laura with Illustrators Tracy Walker + Betsy Everitt
Setting up our i2iart booth
Illustrator Ian Philips with the custom made plates + pillows we made for our booth

Ian's Truck Pattern
I think this would be perfect for boy's bedding. :-)

 Closeups of my Melamine plates
My brogue shoe illustration which I chose for my pillow

Tracy's banner
I really love this wintery pattern. Subtle and sophisticated.

Some of Katy's Dockrill's adorable work.
(I love this mouse and again i think great for bedding or fabric!)

Tina Roth Eisenberg aka Swiss miss checking out our work for some Tattlys!
(Note her Tatted up arm)
Swiss Miss and Illustrator Betsy Everitt looking at Betsy's badger pattern
In background: The fabulous Nate Williams!! and his lovely rep Crystal of Magnet Reps.
To the left you can also see the tip of Frank Sturges' booth.
One of Betsy's great illustrations 

 Monica Melnychuk beside her banner
Closeup of Monika's owl pattern - Adorable.
 My agent Shelley Brown + Arren Williams, Creative Director of Home at The Bay

Sarah Watts 
I just loved her quirky + layered booth
In a tweet I described it as "Edward Gorey meets Hipster Haunted House"

 Fellow Torontonian Elizabeth Olwen and her sweet booth
Loved her fresh flower bouquets
Bekka Palmer + Sarah Anderson at Tattly's great minimal booth 
at the National Stationary show
Love the huge photo of the woman with all the Tatts!
Yoko Ohama of Tattly just after planting my lemon Tattly on my arm

And Beyond the Javit's centre....
 My sweet friend Scott working at the fantastic 192 Books in Chelsea.
Bryant Park
A great place to unwind after a long day

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New Work: Illustration for Smithsonian magazine

Here's a new piece just completed for Smithsonian magazine. I loved drawing the higgley piggley stack of books and was very happy to illustrate an article by Clive Thompson - one of my favourite writers on new media and fellow U. of T. Alumna!

Thanks to Art Director Maria Keehan for the gig.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas pudding card

Here is a Christmas card I recently created for the lovely designer Marg Dyer of Austen Eliot Communications. Lucky for me she printed off a few extras for me to send out.
I think the wobbly pudding will be particularly appropriate for my foodie friends.
ps. Marg and I have plans for some more card collaborations in the new year. :-) Stay tuned.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Creative Morning with Paddy Harrington was great

Am rushing off to silk screen!

The quote I scribbled above is:
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift" 
- Albert Einstein 
Here are my notes from Paddy's Harrington's talk complete with sketches of Colleen Nicholson's legs and great Chanelish flats!
One of his main messages was Trust that your Intuitive brain is churning away at the problem all the time!
More later. Very inspirational.

Monday, April 30, 2012

New Work: Videos + Signage for the LCBO

My favourite figure in this illustration is the guy on the left with the checked jacket. I based it on a snazzy one I found on the J crew website.

I've just completed a large project for the LCBO as part of their newly released redesign. I created illustrations for signage, flyers + 3 videos which you can view on their website + on Vimeo.
Above are 4 screen captures from the videos.

I worked with a great group at Blammo Worldwide (Don't you love that name Blammo?!) including Creative Director Andrew Simon, Senior Art Director Grant Cleland + VP Director of Client Services Kristin Vekteris. The animation of the video was done by the lovely Steve McGregor + his great group at Poster Boy who worked many late nights to meet the April 30th deadline!

Many thanks to Blammo + the LCBO for such a wonderful gig.