Showing posts with label Wish i thought of that. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wish i thought of that. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ingenious New Yorker cover

Saw this cover in the subway last week. It stopped me in my tracks.

Here is a close up. Isn't it ingenious?
It's a blurred version of that fabulous dandy Eustace Tilley with a scroll wheel on top of him indicating the universal message of 'page loading'. I thought sooo clever. The cover was done by reader Brett Culbert and was his entry to the magazine’s annual Eustace Tilley competition that has readers submit their own interpretations of the publication’s original 1925 cover illustration by Rea Irvin.
You can see the rest of the entries here:
Sure is alotta clever folks out there...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Social Media Explained by Mac Web Guru Douglas Wray

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Press: Design Lines

The Winter Issue of Design Lines hit stores today!
It is beautifully designed as always by Melissa + Henry of Sali Tabacchi.
(Yes I'm biased:-))

The issue includes a big feature on paper goods made by Canadian artists. My silk screened Alphabet cards are included in the list. See below.

The list also includes great cards from Kid Icarus + Whigby. (who I adore!)
(Whigby is founded by the talented + funny Frank Viva. I will write a full post on him at some point!)

A close up of my Alphabet cards

Available at:
TYPE books
883 Queen St. West Toronto
Good egg
267 Augusta Ave. Toronto

ps. The issue also includes a feature on the gorgeous home of Paul Bain + Isa Spalding written by my friend Alison Garwood Jones. Way to go Alison.
pss. Look at that Paul Smith Rug. Soooo juicy. Also I love the painting over the sofa. It reads "Over the Sofa". Wish I thought of that.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Inspiration: I'm Comic Sans Asshole

Really love this video by Joe Hollier that my friend Graeme sent along to me.
In it Comic Sans, (the most hated of typefaces) gets anthropomorphized + bad-assified.
Love the line "Sorry I'm standing in way of of your minimialist bauhausesque fascist snooze fest" and also "I’m the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg."
The monologue was written by Mike Lacher’s and originally appeared in McSweeney’s.
So funny + inventive.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Wow in keeping with the map documentary I'm watching...
This morning I found this amazing Paris map as wallpaper made by Canadian company Roll Out.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

File under Wish I thought of that

Should I work for free? Flow chart.
Another funny + spot on creation from smarty pants designer Jessica Hische.

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is how I feel about grocery shopping

A friend of mine -who frequently sees the inside of my (empty) fridge- bought me this tote. Love.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Brilliant: The Theory of Hipster Relativity

The cartoon reads
" There is no such thing as a hipster on it's own. A hipster can only exist in comparison." So true.

Dustin really nailed the current outfits and accessories.

The lumberjack guy with beard + banjo and Gin making Dandy just walked past my window!

Thanks Linda and Myles.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

Film: Exit through the Gift Shop

Everything the poster says is true: Joyous, Inventive and Funny as Hell

Banksy himself “appears” in the film cloaked in a hoodie, with his voice disguised.

From the trailer - very clever. :-)

Last Sunday I saw Exit through the Gift Shop: a documentary by the well known British street artist known as Banksy.
It was really hilarious + plus very educational! (A winning combo!)Even the trailer for the movie is a riot. See above.
A lot of critics have speculated that the film isn't in fact a real documentary but rather an elaborate hoax orchestrated by Banksy. Either way it's still well worth seeing and will leave you wanting to see lots more of Banksy's fantastic + provocative work.
ps. I think the film has one of the best titles of anything EVER.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The New Math

New math is a website run by Craig Damrauer.
Since illustrators constantly need to be thinking metaphorically and coming up with ways of visualizing concepts - it's a good place to go for inspiration. ps. He sells tshirts too. I love the "Please recycle - signed Mother Nature" on his packaging.
Very cute.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Far Foods: Brilliant

FAR FOODS is an alternative packaging concept for supermarket produce, highlighting the distances that some foods travel from and the resultant carbon dioxide released during the journey. The receipt features a boarding card style tear-off strip. By James Reynolds. Brilliant. via swiss miss.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dress Code Design form

Through Grain Edit discovered dress code design firm. Dress code = young whipper snappers Andre Andreev and G. Dan Covert.
Great design and copy writing.

A page from their recently released book Never Sleep (an advice guide for young designers)

Business cards designed for Van Toeffler President of MTV.
Really unpretentious. Great.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A response to the Keep Calm and Carry on Posters

The folks at Modern Toss in the UK have come up with a new slogan in keeping with the current economic collapse. Apologies to any delicate eyes reading this post!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jillian Tamaki: Courageous

Fatal Foibles

Yes indeed to social networking!
I've admired Jillian Tamaki's work for several years now.
The self portrait and "Fatal foibles' above are taken from a cartoon she did recently for the Guardian.I thought them both funny and wonderfully honest.