Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humour. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Inspiration: Comedian + Writer Demetri Martin

Demetri Martin is talking about his creative process on Q right now.
Really great. Smart + funny.

Some good lines:
"I have to make sure my writing is a
by product of my life" (ie. authentic - not just carried out for a goal of making a movie)

"If I spend the day making things I feel good. If I spend the day reading Twitter I feel lousy"

" I love Stand up comedy because it gives me a short feedback loop"
The same could be said of blogging. :-)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


There is a new visual booksaving service out there called Gimme Bar. It was created by Fictive Kin and looks to me like the geek guy version of Pinterest (which I've noticed appears to be populated 99% by women!) The demo video is adorable. (I think those Fictive Kin guys have a great sense of humour) It's official: There is too much going on on the web. :-(
via swiss miss

Sunday, August 28, 2011


After a sad week I was in need of a laugh.
Found on FFFound

Monday, May 16, 2011

Portlandia's video "Put a Bird on it!"

Fred Armisen + Carrie Brownstein put a Bird on everything

I realize I'm very late to this but just had to post this video as it's cuz so funny + accurate.

Portlandia is a new sketch comedy/TV show on IFC starring Fred Armisen + Carrie Brownstein. The show mocks the stereotypes found in Portland Oregon and in this clip, it takes on the BIRD trend that's been going strong on Etsy and in indie urban centres for years. Spot on.

Monday, January 10, 2011

This is how I feel about grocery shopping

A friend of mine -who frequently sees the inside of my (empty) fridge- bought me this tote. Love.

Friday, September 10, 2010

TIFF piece for Globe and Mail

In honour of TIFF I'm posting a piece I wrote for the Globe + Mail on Sept 9th 2005.
Note that most of the behaviours and scores are still applicable today although if I was updating it for 2010 I would change #5 to "Nab an invite to Canadian Film Centre BBQ" for a score of 86 and in #7 I'd swap out Molly Parker for Ellen Page!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fomato cards: Smart+ Sweet

Discovered this smart + sweet greeting card company from California called fomato. Lots of the cards contain social media jokes and I find the sweet creatures sitting behind their computer screens kinda heartbreaking.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

NYC Day 2 Muji, Great packaging, Din din

Went to Muji. I want one of everything.

Then saw some great packaging in Jublilee market.
Love these Republic of Tea labels with their directives- especially the Get it going one. Very bold idea!
Must check to see who designed them.

Then dinner with lovely Scott.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Inspiration: I met the Walrus

Back in 1969, 14-year-old Beatles fan Jerry Levitan snuck into John Lennon's hotel room in Toronto. Armed with a reel-to-reel tape deck, Levitan convinced Lennon to do an interview. 38 years later, director Josh Raskin created an animated film using Levitan's original interview recording.

Written directed and animated by Josh Raskin
Pen illustrations by James Braithwaite
Computer illustration by Alex Kurina

Love the combination of Barithwaite's 'yellow submarine-ish'pen + ink drawing with victorian ad cuts, newspaper articles and photographs.
Also love how Raskin animates the character of Jerry Levitan solely by opening his mouth like an old fashioned marionette.
A lesson in less is more.
Beautiful and witty.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Graham Roumieu

Illustrator/writer Graham Roumieu
was on Q (on cbc) today promoting his new Big Foot book

one of the few illustrators who also writes.
he explained that Big foot represents all of us who feel at odds with society
I think his strengths are
capturing the feeling of modern day alienation and
skewering pop culture. (black berries, facebook etc)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

So many websites - so little sense o humour subtitled remember to not take yourself too seriously

So i have finally -and i mean finally started working on my website tonight
Was inspired by the sites of Illustrator's Debbie Powell and Harriet Russell (those brits - always funnier!!) and American
F Chimero
All are full of quirkiness and do not take themselves or their website too seriously

eg. Debbie Powell's Ist page has a pair of legs that say Come on in!
F Chimero's bio reads "He wished he travelled more"
and instead of "Links' he uses 'Brothers and Sisters in Arms'. Hilarious, Refreshing and something to aspire to.
Hmm i think i wrote this before concerning Number 17 Design firm.
definitely a pattern here.