Showing posts with label Typography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Typography. Show all posts

Sunday, September 20, 2015

New lettering 
#handlettering #type #lettering 

Friday, January 1, 2010

Book Designer David Drummond

The stolen l = brilliant.

Here's the entire series.
Love the level used to signify wellbeing. So clever.

The process of creating this cover is documented on his blog.

David Drummond is top notch book designer known for creating very clever covers with an economical style. He limits himself to four fonts: New Baskerville, Helvetica, Trade Gothic and Futura. His blog is full of interesting details from his design process + great pictures of his office in rural Quebec.
In an interview with Chris Tobias, Drummond attributes the intelligent and subtle humour he brings to his work to the reading of the book A smile in the Mind by Beryl McAlhone and David Stuart.
(I am keen to learn what secrets lurk inside these pages - the book is on it's way from Amazon!)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Design Inspiration

Beautiful poster by Design studio Heads of State which was influenced by the work of 1940s record pioneer Alex Steinweiss.

Stills from wonderous film titles created by Saul Bass.
Great use of contrast and such a sense of whimsy.
What a Master!!

I've already featured this book but it bears repeating.
Highly recommended.

Two great Rand book covers.

Began work on the poster today.
Step 1 = Flipping through my typography and book design books. New Vintage Type, Paul Rand, A Mano and Masters of Poster Design are four reference books that keep close by at all times.
The design studio Heads of State, Saul Bass and Paul Rand were very inspirational as always.
All are wonderous at contrasting textures and producing a simple elegant solution.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Inspiration: Beautiful handwritten Type

I got an assignment for a poster full of handlettered type today so have begun the process of gathering inspiration.
Found this beautiful hand written note from a site which highlights some of Jane Campion's documentation from the making of her film Bright Star. I love the crease of the envelope, and the big H and the d curling back on Hampstead... but most of all I like the ink blobs on the E.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Letter playground by Nate Williams

The fantastically talented Nate Williams started a new 'participatory site' this month called letterplayground . It's a community space to play with letter forms and get inspired. Nate has a real knack for bringing creative people together and encouraging growth + continual learning. (Such good things) He is also the founder of Illustration Mundo.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Berlin: Signs and lettering

As always when I travel, I am drawn to signs and lettering

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New work: Book cover for Penguin UK

I just finished my book cover for Penguin UK.

I worked with the wonderful designer Ami Smithson of who designed the cover of Zadie Smith's novel White Teeth amongst many others.

Birdie swinging on back cover. w-e-e-e!

Completed chaise with pillows for front cover.

Squiggly elements.

Above is the completed chaise lounge which will appear on the front. For the back cover I sent Ami a bunch of squiggly drawings (above) and she played around with them until she came up with the bird swinging from the chandelier. It's my favorite part - We-e-ee!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30th 7:00 p.m. at The Urban Gallery (beside Swipe Books),
401 Richmond St. $10.00 All Welcome.

Type designer Nick Shinn is speaking tonight at TYPE club. Should be a great talk for anyone interested in typography.