Ahh Sunday...

Started the day at
Cafe Pick Me up145 Avenue A - right across from Tompkins Square park
The perfect spot to read the NY Times on Sunday morning

Me visiting
The High line -
the amazing new Park built on top of a former railroad line. It runs from Gansevoort St. in the Meatpacking District to West 34th St. bet 10 & 11 Aves.
The design was a collaboration between landscape architecture + urban design firm
James Corner Field Operations + architecture firm Diller Scofidio + Renfro. I was blown away by it's beauty. (A must on your next NYC trip!)

The incredible
Standard Hotel which straddles the Highline.I found it creepy looking - in kinda a good way)
(Has become famous for it's exhibitionist hotel guests!)

One example of the incredible new architecture you can view from Highline.
(A lot of gutsy stuff has been built in last 5 years - exciting)

Dinner Later at the charming Tipsy Parson in Chelsea

Tipsy Parson contained
THE best bathroom I've ever seenAmazing black + white wallpaper
Great lighting + sinks!
(The photo does not do it justice!)
I know Margot Austin would approve of this photo. She also takes pictures of bathrooms. :-)

Late night visit to the
Maritime Hotel so that I could view the
Josef Frank fabric in the lobby!

Closeup of a chair
This is
Frank's Manhattan pattern which he designed after emigrating here.

On way home through the West Village I read Jonathan Adler's manifesto in his window.
This quote has always been a favourite.