The last couple weeks have been crazy with the move + working on several new projects = no time for proper blogging.
Herewith a collection of my fave images from the last little while.

My bedroom for now.
That jam cupboard is one of my favourite pieces of furniture.
Wonder how long that chandelier is gonna be on the floor. :-)
Sept 27

Janet and I enjoying a cowgirl bagel at one of my fave spots: The Rustic Cosmo cafe.
(Cow girl Bagel = bagel with egg, bacon, cheese tomato guacomole - yum!)
ps. Janet - hope you won't kill me for putting up this pic.

Chris behind the counter
Sept 29

Kim's shoes at the Drake cafe
October 1

Someone made me a nice omelette. :-)
October 8

Thanksgiving dinner with Shannon
(One of my favourite cooks - and friends!)

Shannon's stuffing = out of this world
October 10

Radiant Child at the Lightbox Fantastic
Love his work + Does anyone, and I mean anyone have more style than Jean Michel Basquiat?

Wonderful dinner
Starting another morning at the Drake

One of the servers shows me his fab tattoo which is a quote by
Rimbaud which translates as " What soul is not without fault"
ps. I am starting every morning at the Drake because I have yet to find my Braun coffee grinder!! Oy vey. Much to be done on the loft front.