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Congressional Research Service [CRS]

CRS Subcategories:

Ballistic Missile Defense

Other CRS Archives:

Military & National Security
Homeland Security
Weapons of Mass Destruction

The Congressional Research Service [CRS] is the research arm of Congress. None of their reports are available at the official CRS web site, and they would be quite happy if none of their reports were available here. The University of Oregon Library includes links to other sources of CRS reports, and some of the more interesting reports also show up at the Foreign Press Center.

Ref. # Title Date Format
RS22652 China's Anti-Satellite Weapon Test Apr 23, 2007 PDF
98-575 STM China's Space Program: A Brief Overview Including Commercial Launches of U.S.-Built Satellites Sep 3, 1998 PDF
RS21641 China's Space Program: An Overview Oct 21, 2003 HTML
RL31369 Imagery Intelligence: Issues for Congress Apr 12, 2002 PDF
RL32602 Military Role in Space Control: A Primer Sep 23, 2004 PDF
RS20824 Military Space Activities: Highlights of the Rumsfeld Commission Report and Key Organization and Management Issues Feb 21, 2001 PDF
RL32988 The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's FY2006 Budget Request: Description, Analysis, and Issues for Congress Aug 1, 2005 PDF
97-634 STM The National Aeronautics and Space Administration: An Overview and FY1999 Budget Analysis Oct 27, 1998 PDF
RS21408 NASA's Space Shuttle Program: Issues for Congress Related to The Columbia Tragedy and "Return to Flight" Jun 2, 2005 PDF
RS21606 NASA's Space Shuttle Columbia: Synopsis of the Report of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board Sep 2, 2003 PDF
RS21408 NASA's Space Shuttle Columbia: Quick Facts and Issues for Congress Apr 17, 2003 PDF
RS21411 NASA's Space Shuttle Program: Space Shuttle Appropriations FY1992-FY2002 Feb 13, 2003 PDF
97-218 SPR Radiofrequency Spectrum Management Apr 23, 1998 PDF
IB93017 Space Stations Feb 3, 2003 PDF
IB93062 Space Launch Vehicles: Government Activities, Commercial Competition, and Satellite Exports Feb 3, 2003 PDF
RS21720 Space Exploration: Overview of President Bush's "Vision for Space Exploration," and Key Issues for Congress Dec 10, 2004 PDF
98-942 STM Satellite-Delivered Television: Issues Concerning Consumer Access to Broadcast Network Television via Satellite Nov 22, 1999 PDF
RL30481 Satellite Television: An Analysis of Legislation Creating Loan Guarantees for Providing Local Broadcast TV Signals Jan 22, 2001 PDF
IB92011 U.S. Space Programs: Civilian, Military, and Commercial Jan 3, 2002 PDF
IB92011 U.S. Space Programs: Civilian, Military, and Commercial Oct 21, 2004 PDF
IB92011 U.S. Space Programs: Civilian, Military, and Commercial Mar 16, 2005 PDF

Ballistic Missile Defense
Ref. # Title Date Format
98-496 F Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Demarcation and Succession Agreements: Background and Issues Apr 27, 2000 PDF
RS21057 Missile Defense, Arms Control, and Deterrence: A New Strategic Framework Oct 31, 2001 PDF
RL31111 Missile Defense: The Current Debate Jul 19, 2005 PDF
97-862 National Missile Defense: Status of the Debate May 28, 1998 PDF
IB10034 National Missile Defense: Issues for Congress Sep 7, 2000 PDF
RL30967 National Missile Defense: Russia's Reaction Aug 10, 2001 PDF
RS20062 National Missile Defense and the ABM Treaty: Overview of Recent Events Mar 19, 1999 PDF
94-154S Theater Missile Defenses: Possible Chinese Reactions; U.S. Implications And Options Oct 31, 2001 HTML

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