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Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)

Congressional Research Service [CRS]
Nuclear, Chemical and Missile Weapons and Proliferation

Arms Control
U.S. Nuclear Weapons

India / Pakistan
North Korea

Other CRS Archives:

Military & National Security
Homeland Security

The Congressional Research Service [CRS] is the research arm of Congress. None of their reports are available at the official CRS web site, and they would be quite happy if none of their reports were available here. The University of Oregon Library includes links to other sources of CRS reports, and some of the more interesting reports also show up at the Foreign Press Center.
Ref. # Title Date Format
Arms Control
RL33865 Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements Jan 29, 2007 PDF
RS22474 Banning Fissile Material Production for Nuclear Weapons: Prospects for a Treaty (FMCT) Jul 14, 2006 PDF
94029 Chemical Weapons Convention: Issues for Congress Jan 6, 1997 HTML
RS21758 Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction: Establishment and Composition Mar 31, 2005 PDF
RS20351 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Pro and Con Jun 28, 2005 PDF
N/A Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE): Flank Agreement & Treaty Jan 1997 HTML
N/A Conventional Forces In Europe Treaty: Russian Attitudes And Implications For Us Interests Sep 15, 1995 HTML
RL33067 Conventional Warheads for Long-Range Ballistic Missiles: Background and Issues for Congress Feb 9, 2007 PDF
96492e Export Administration Legislation Aug 27, 1996 HTML
RL32359 Globalizing Cooperative Threat Reduction: A Survey of Options Jul 2, 2004 PDF
RL30427 Missile Survey: Ballistic and Cruise Missiles of Selected Foreign Countries Jul 26, 2005 PDF
RL30427 Missile Survey: Ballistic and Cruise Missiles of Foreign Countries Mar 5, 2004 PDF
RS22125 NPT Compliance: Issues and Views Apr 26, 2005 PDF
RL32572 Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons Jan 9, 2007 PDF
RL32572 Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons Jan 13, 2006 PDF
RL32572 Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons Sep 9, 2004 PDF
94054 Nuclear Arms Control and Nuclear Threat Reduction: Issues and Agenda Oct 30, 1996 HTML
RL31448 Nuclear Arms Control: The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty Jan 3, 2007 PDF
RL31448 Nuclear Arms Control: The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty Jan 21, 2005 PDF
RL31502 Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Missile Proliferation Sanctions: Selected Current Law Oct 21, 2005 PDF
N/A Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Missile Proliferation Sanctions: Selected Current Law Nov 25, 1997 HTML
98-116 Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, and Missile Proliferation Sanctions: Selected Current Law May 27, 1998 HTML
RL30699 Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Weapons and Missiles: Status and Trends Jan 14, 2005 PDF
RL33408 Nuclear Command and Control: Current Programs and Issues May 3, 2006 PDF
91023 Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy Issues in the 104th Congress Nov 1, 1996 HTML
IB10091 Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues Jan 20, 2006 PDF
IB10091 Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues Jun 3, 2005 PDF
IB10091 Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues Jun 21, 2004 PDF
IB10091 Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues Oct 7, 2003 PDF
IB10091 Nuclear Nonproliferation Issues Jan 2, 2002 PDF
RL32595 Nuclear Terrorism: A Brief Review of Threats and Responses Sep 22, 2004 PDF
97-1007 F Nuclear Testing and Comprehensive Test Ban: Chronology Starting September 1992 Jun 9, 2005 PDF
RL33548 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Apr 4, 2007 PDF
RL33548 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Nov 15, 2006 PDF
RL33548 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Oct 11, 2006 PDF
IB92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Jun 21, 2006 PDF
IB92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Apr 27, 2006 PDF
IB92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Mar 22, 2006 PDF
IB92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Jan 23, 2006 PDF
IB92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Jun 10, 2005 PDF
IB92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Jan 10, 2005 PDF
92099 Nuclear Weapons: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and Nuclear Testing Jun 4, 1998 HTML
97-564 Nuclear Weapons: Disposal Options for Surplus Weapons-Usable Plutonium May 22, 1997 HTML
92099 Nuclear Weapons Testing and Negotiation of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Nov 14, 1996 HTML
RL31559 Proliferation Control Regimes: Background and Status Dec 26, 2006 PDF
RL31559 Proliferation Control Regimes: Background and Status Feb 10, 2005 PDF
RS21881 Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Sep 14, 2006 PDF
RS21881 Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Jun 7, 2005 PDF
RL32929 The Reliable Replacement Warhead Program: Background and Current Developments May 11, 2007 PDF
91139 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties (START I & II): Verification and Compliance Issues Nov 22, 1996 HTML
RS21528 Terrorist "Dirty Bombs": A Brief Primer Apr 1, 2004 PDF
RL32097 Weapons of Mass Destruction Counterproliferation: Legal Issues for Ships and Aircraft Oct 1, 2003 PDF
RL31332 Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Terrorist Threat Legal Issues for Ships and Aircraft Mar 7, 2002 PDF
US Nuclear Weapons
92059 Civilian Nuclear Waste Disposal Nov 21, 1996 HTML
95110 DOE Laboratory Restructuring Legislation Dec 4, 1996 HTML
96020 The Department of Energy's FY1997 Budget Dec 3, 1996 HTML
98-256 Department of Energy FY1999 Research and Development Budget: Description and Analysis Jun 18, 1998 (PDF)
97002 The Department of Energy's Tritium Production Program Sep 16, 1997 HTML
91039 Magnetic Fusion: The DOE Fusion Energy Sciences Program Dec 31, 1996
IB88090 Nuclear Energy Policy Dec 5, 1996 HTML
IB88090 Nuclear Energy Policy Sep 1, 2004 PDF
RS21133 Nuclear Posture Review Jan 31, 2002 PDF
90074 Nuclear Weapons Production Complex: Environmental Compliance and Waste Management Nov 21, 1996 HTML
RL32130 Nuclear Weapon Initiatives: Low-Yield R&D, Advanced Concepts, Earth Penetrators, Test Readiness Mar 8, 2004 PDF
95111 Privatizing the United States Enrichment Corporation Dec 4, 1996 HTML
97012 Restructuring DOE and Its Laboratories: Issues in the 105th Congress Jan 31, 1997 HTML
IB10036 Restructuring DOE and Its Laboratories: Issues in the 106th Congress May 17, 2000 HTML
RS21762 Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator Budget Request and Plan, FY2005-FY2009 Mar 8, 2004 PDF
RL33607 U.S. Conventional Forces and Nuclear Deterrence: A China Case Study Aug 11, 2006 PDF
RL31623 U.S. Nuclear Weapons: Changes in Policy and Force Structure Aug 10, 2006 PDF
RL31623 U.S. Nuclear Weapons: Changes in Policy and Force Structure Jan 13, 2005 PDF
RL31623 U.S. Nuclear Weapons: Changes in Policy and Force Structure Feb 23, 2004 HTML
RL33640 U.S. Strategic Nuclear Forces: Background, Developments, and Issues Apr 3, 2007 PDF
RL33640 U.S. Strategic Nuclear Forces: Background, Developments, and Issues Sep 8, 2006 PDF
95-1173F China Policy: Crisis Over Taiwan, 1995 -- A Post Mortem Dec 5, 1995 HTML
N/A China's Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction Jul 15, 1998 HTML
98-485 China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers From U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Background and Chronology Jun 12, 1998 HTML
98-485F China: Possible Missile Techonology Transfers from US Satellite Export Policy -- Background and Chnonology Aug 13, 1999 (PDF)
98018 China-U.S. Relations Mar 25, 1994 HTML
92-056 Chinese Missile and Nuclear Proliferation: Issues for Congress Nov 16, 1995 HTML
N/A Chinese Missile and Nuclear Proliferation: Issues for Congress Oct 20, 1993 HTML
94422 Chinese Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control Policies: Implications and Options for the United States Mar 25, 1994 HTML
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues May 9, 2007 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Jan 31, 2007 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Dec 11, 2006 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Nov 15, 2006 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Oct 2, 2006 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Aug 2, 2006 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Jul 17, 2006 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Apr 6, 2006 PDF
RL31555 China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues Jan 31, 2006 PDF
92056 Chinese Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Current Policy Issues Jan 6, 1997 HTML
92056 Chinese Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Current Policy Issues Jun 1, 1998 HTML
N/A Foreign Military Assistance to China--Perspectives of U.S. and Foreign Specialists Jul 8, 1997 HTML
94-154S Theater Missile Defenses: Possible Chinese Reactions; U.S. Implications And Options HTML
98-549 Transfer of Missile and Satellite Technology to China: A Summary of H.Res. 463 Authorizing a House Select Committee Jun 24, 1998 (PDF)
RL33192 U.S.-China Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Jan 31, 2007 PDF
RL33192 U.S.-China Nuclear Cooperation Agreement Dec 13, 2005 PDF
India / Pakistan
RS22530 India and Iran: WMD Proliferation Activities Nov 8, 2006 PDF
RL33292 India's Nuclear Separation Plan: Issues and Views Dec 22, 2006 PDF
RL33292 India's Nuclear Separation Plan: Issues and Views Nov 21, 2006 PDF
RL33292 India's Nuclear Separation Plan: Issues and Views Mar 3, 2006 PDF
RL33016 U.S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Dec 22, 2006 PDF
RL33016 U.S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Nov 22, 2006 PDF
RL33016 U.S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Jun 27, 2006 PDF
RL33016 U.S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Mar 28, 2006 PDF
RL33016 U.S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Jan 12, 2006 PDF
RL33016 U. S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Oct 24, 2005 PDF
RL33016 U. S. Nuclear Cooperation With India: Issues for Congress Jul 29, 2005 PDF
RL33561 U.S.-India Nuclear Cooperation: A Side-By-Side Comparison of Current Legislation Dec 22, 2006 PDF
RL33561 U.S.-India Nuclear Cooperation: A Side-By-Side Comparison of Current Legislation Sep 5, 2006 PDF
RL33529 India-U.S. Relations Feb. 13, 2007 PDF
RL33529 India-U.S. Relations Jan. 3, 2007 PDF
RL33529 India-U.S. Relations Nov. 9, 2006 PDF
RL33529 India-U.S. Relations Jul. 31, 2006 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Apr. 6, 2006 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Feb. 9, 2006 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Nov. 15, 2005 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Aug. 1, 2005 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Jul. 15, 2005 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations May 18, 2005 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Feb 23, 2005 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Nov 4, 2004 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Jul 29, 2004 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations May 20, 2004 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Feb 25, 2004 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Dec 3, 2003 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Nov 7, 2003 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Oct 9, 2003 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Sept 8, 2003 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Feb 5, 2002 PDF
IB93097 India-U.S. Relations Dec 31, 2001 PDF
93097 India - U.S. Relations May 21, 1998 HTML
93097 India - U.S. Relations Dec 9, 1996 HTML
93097 India-U.S. Relations Apr 21, 1995 HTML
RL31589 Nuclear Threat Reduction Measures for India and Pakistan Feb 17, 2005 PDF
90149 Pakistan Aid Cutoff: U.S. Nonproliferation and Foreign Policy Considerations Dec 6, 1996 HTML
RL33498 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Oct. 26, 2006 PDF
RL33498 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Jul. 27, 2006 PDF
RL33498 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Jun. 21, 2006 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations May 9, 2006 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-US Relations Apr. 13, 2006 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Feb. 10, 2006 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Nov. 14, 2005 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Jul. 26, 2005 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Apr 27, 2005 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Mar 2, 2005 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Oct 8, 2004 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Aug 11, 2004 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations May 14, 2004 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Feb 6, 2004 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Dec 2, 2003 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Nov 3, 2003 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Oct 3, 2003 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Sept 3, 2003 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Feb 12, 2002 PDF
IB94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Dec 31, 2001 PDF
94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations May 28, 1998 HTML
94041 Pakistan-U.S. Relations Nov 7, 1996 HTML
RL32745 Pakistan's Nuclear Proliferation Activities and the Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission: U.S. Policy Constraints and Options Jan 25, 2005 PDF
RL32745 Pakistan's Nuclear Proliferation Activities and the Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission: U.S. Policy Constraints and Options Mar 16, 2005 PDF
N/A President Clinton's South Asia Trip Mar 31, 2000 HTML
93243 South Asia: U.S. Interests and Policy Issues Feb 12, 1993 HTML
RL31900 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Trade Between North Korea and Pakistan May 7, 2003 PDF
RL31900 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Trade Between North Korea and Pakistan Mar 11, 2004 PDF
RS22530 India and Iran: WMD Proliferation Activities Nov 8, 2006 PDF
97-474 Iran: Arms and Technology Acquisitions Jun 22, 1998 (PDF)
93033 Iran: Current Developments and U.S. Policy Jan 2, 1997 HTML
RS22531 Iranian Nuclear Sites Dec 12, 2006 PDF
RS22531 Iranian Nuclear Sites Nov 13, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Mar 8, 2007 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Feb 22, 2007 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Feb 9, 2007 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Dec 26, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Sep 6, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Aug 3, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Jul 20, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Apr 12, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Feb 28, 2006 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Oct 3, 2005 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Nov 23, 2005 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Aug 2, 2005 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Mar 17, 2005 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Mar 4, 2004 PDF
RS21592 Iran's Nuclear Program: Recent Developments Aug 15, 2003 PDF
N/A Iraqi Chemical & Biological Weapons (CBW) Feb 17, 1998 HTML
N/A Iraqi Chemical & Biological Weapons (CBW) Capabilities Apr 1998 HTML
98-129 Iraqi Chemical & Biological Weapons (CBW) Capabilities Feb 17, 1998 (PDF)
92117 Iraqi Compliance with Cease-Fire Agreements Dec 2, 1996 HTML
N/A Iraqi Compliance with Cease-Fire Agreements Nov 27, 1998 HTML
RS21324 Congressional Action on Iraq 1990-2002: A Compilation of Legislation Dec 5, 2002 PDF
98-114 Iraq: International Support For U.S. Policy Feb 19, 1998 (PDF)
98-120 Iraq Crisis: U.S. and Allied Forces Mar 6, 1998 (PDF)
94049 Iraq-U.S. Confrontations Dec 5, 1996 HTML
N/A Iraq-U.S. Confrontation: 1997-1998 Dec 17, 1998 HTML
IB92117 Iraq: Weapons Threat, Compliance, Sanctions, and U.S. Policy Dec 10, 2002 PDF
RS21823 Disarming Libya: Weapons of Mass Destruction Sep. 22, 2006 PDF
RS21823 Disarming Libya: Weapons of Mass Destruction Apr 22, 2004 PDF
RL33142 Libya: Background and U.S. Relations Jun. 13, 2006 PDF
RL33142 Libya: Background and U.S. Relations Jan. 25, 2006 PDF
RL33142 Libya: Background and U.S. Relations Nov. 4, 2005 PDF
North Korea
94-933S Korea: Procedural and Jurisdictional Questions Regarding Possible Normalization of Relations With North Korea Nov 29, 1994 HTML
94-311S Korean Crisis, 1994: Military Geography, Military Balance, Military Options Apr 11, 1994 HTML
94-578F North Korea After Kim Il Sung Jul 20, 1994 HTML
RS21473 North Korean Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Jan 3, 2007 PDF
RS21473 North Korean Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Oct 18, 2006 PDF
RS21473 North Korean Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States Sep 20, 2006 PDF
95-1187F North Korea's Campaign Against the Korean Armistice Dec 11, 1995 HTML
RL33590 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Development and Diplomacy Jan 3, 2007 PDF
RS21391 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: How Soon an Arsenal? Aug 1, 2005 PDF
RS21391 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Latest Developments Oct 18, 2006 PDF
RL33590 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Oct 5, 2006 PDF
RL33590 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Aug 1, 2006 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program May 25, 2006 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Apr 7, 2006 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Jan 17, 2006 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Aug 31, 2005 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Jan 27, 2005 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Dec 30, 2004 PDF
91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Mar 17, 2003 PDF
IB91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Jan 22, 2002 PDF
91141 North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program Dec 12, 1996 HTML
94470F North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program U.S. Policy Options Jun 1, 1994 HTML
RL33709 North Korea's Nuclear Test: Motivations, Implications, and U.S. Options Dec 12, 2006 PDF
RL33709 North Korea's Nuclear Test: Motivations, Implications, and U.S. Options Oct 24, 2006 PDF
93-612F North Korea: Policy Determinants, Alternative Outcomes, U.S. Policy Approaches Jun 24, 1993 HTML
94-505F North Korea: U.S. Policy and Negotiations To Halt Its Nuclear Weapons Program; An Annotated Chronology and Analysis Jul 20, 1994 HTML
94-299F U.N. Security Council Consideration of North Korea's Violations of its Nuclear Treaty Obligations Apr 6, 1994 HTML
RL31900 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Trade Between North Korea and Pakistan Nov 28, 2006 PDF
RL31900 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Trade Between North Korea and Pakistan Mar 11, 2004 PDF
RL31957 Nonproliferation and Threat Reduction Assistance: U.S. Programs in the Former Soviet Union Jun 26, 2006 PDF
RL31957 Nonproliferation and Threat Reduction Assistance: U.S. Programs in the Former Soviet Union Apr 6, 2006 PDF
RL31957 Nonproliferation and Threat Reduction Assistance: U.S. Programs in the Former Soviet Union Apr 19, 2005 PDF
IB98030 Nuclear Arms Control: The U.S.-Russian Agenda Jan 3, 2006 PDF
IB98030 Nuclear Arms Control: The U.S.-Russian Agenda Sep 27, 2005 PDF
IB98030 Nuclear Arms Control: The U.S.-Russian Agenda Aug 8, 2005 PDF
IB98030 Nuclear Arms Control: The U.S.-Russian Agenda Jan 24, 2005 PDF
IB98030 Nuclear Arms Control: The U.S.-Russian Agenda Jan 17, 2002 PDF
91144 Nuclear Weapons in the Former Soviet Union: Location, Command, and Control Nov 27, 1996 HTML
IB90838 Nuclear Weapons in Russia: Safety, Security, and Control Issues Mar 1, 1999 HTML
IB90838 Nuclear Weapons in Russia: Safety, Security, and Control Issues Feb 2, 2002 PDF
98-299 Russian Missile Technology and Nuclear Reactor Transfers to Iran Jul 1, 1998 (PDF)
R42848 Syria’s Chemical Weapons: Issues for Congress Aug 20, 2013 PDF

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