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Homeland Security

Congressional Research Service [CRS] Reports

CRS Subcategories:

  • Policy and Related Issues
  • Detainees and Enemy Combatants
  • USA Patriot Act
  • Disaster Relief and Emergency Response
  • Critical Infrastructure and Assets
  • Foreign Terrorist Operations
  • Terrorism: Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and Radiological (CBRN) Weapons
  • Pandemic Influenza and Avian Flu
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  • Other CRS Archives:

    Military & National Security
    Homeland Security
    Weapons of Mass Destruction

    The Congressional Research Service [CRS] is the research arm of Congress. Many Congressional Research Service Reports are available @ Rep. Christopher Shays or Cong. Mark Green. The University of Oregon Library includes links to other sources of CRS reports, a large number are online at the National Library for the Environment and some of the more interesting reports show up at the Foreign Press Center.

    Homeland Security
    Ref. # Title Date Format
    RL33942 H.R. 1 (Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007) and S. 4 (Improving America's Security Act of 2007): A Comparative Analysis Mar 29, 2007 PDF
    RL33742 9/11 Commission Recommendations: Implementation Status Dec 4, 2006 PDF
    RL32551 9/11 Commission Recommendations: The Senate Confirmation Process for Presidential Nominees Mar 23, 2005 PDF
    RL32609 9/11 Commission Recommendations: Intelligence Budget Sep 27, 2004 PDF
    RL32337 Andean Counterdrug Initiative (ACI) and Related Funding Programs: FY2005 Assistance Dec 9, 2004 PDF
    98-204 EPW Appropriations for FY1999: VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Nov 9, 1998 PDF
    RL31004 Appropriations for FY2002: VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies (P.L. 107-73) Dec 7, 2001 PDF
    RL31924 Civil Service Reform - H.R. 1836, Homeland Security Act, and Current Law May 19, 2003 PDF
    RL33160 Combating Terrorism: The Challenge of Measuring Effectiveness Nov 23, 2005 PDF
    RL31497 Creation of Executive Departments: Highlights from the Legislative History of Modern Precedents Jul 30, 2002 PDF
    RL32777 Creating a National Framework for Cybersecurity: An Analysis of Issues and Options Feb 22, 2005 PDF
    RL33858 The Department of Homeland Security's Risk Assessment Methodology: Evolution, Issues, and Options for Congress Feb 2, 2007 PDF
    RL31490 The Department of Homeland Security: State and Local Preparedness Issues Aug 14, 2002 PDF
    RS21920 Detection of Explosives on Airline Passengers: Recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and Related Issues Feb 7, 2005 PDF
    RS20821 Direct Assaults Against Presidents, Presidents-Elect, and Candidates Apr 5, 2006 PDF
    RL32475 First Responder Grant Formulas: The 9/11 Commission Recommendation and Other Options for Congressional Action Aug 5, 2004 PDF
    RL31853 Food Safety Issues in the 109th Congress Feb 4, 2005 PDF
    RS22050 FY2006 Appropriations for State and Local Homeland Security Feb 14, 2005 PDF
    RS22050 FY2006 Appropriations for State and Local Homeland Security Mar 1, 2005 PDF
    RL32696 Fiscal Year 2005 Homeland Security Grant Program: State Allocations and Issues for Congressional Oversight Dec 13, 2004 PDF
    RL32711 Homeland Security: Compendium of Recommendations Relevant to House Committee Organization and Analysis of Considerations for the House, and 109th and 110th Congresses Epilogue Mar 2, 2007 PDF
    RL34004 Homeland Security Department: FY2008 Request for Appropriations May 17, 2007 PDF
    RL33428 Homeland Security Department: FY2007 Appropriations May 10, 2006 PDF
    RS21322 Homeland Security: Evolving Roles and Missions for United States Northern Command Nov 16, 2006 PDF
    RL31148 Homeland Security: The Presidential Coordination Office Oct 10, 2001 PDF
    RL31148 Homeland Security: The Presidential Coordination Office Mar 30, 2004 PDF
    RL31421 Homeland Security Office: Issues and Options May 20, 2002 PDF
    RL32711 Homeland Security: Compendium of Recommendations Relevant to House Committee Organization and Analysis of Considerations for the House Dec 29, 2004 PDF
    RL31751 Homeland Security: Department Organization and Management - Implementation Phase Feb 4, 2004 PDF
    RL31751 Homeland Security: Department Organization and Management - Implementation Phase May 27, 2004 PDF
    RS21322 Homeland Security: Establishment and Implementation of the United States Northern Command Feb 10, 2005 PDF
    RL32597 Information Sharing for Homeland Security: A Brief Overview Sep 30, 2004 PDF
    RL30252 Intelligence and Law Enforcement: Countering Transnational Threats to the U.S. Dec 3, 2001 PDF
    RS22222 Material Support of Terrorists and Foreign Terrorist Organizations: Expiring Amendments in Brief Sep 15, 2005 PDF
    RS22222 Material Support of Terrorists and Foreign Terrorist Organizations: Sunset Amendments in Brief Mar 17, 2006 PDF
    RL32188 Monitoring Foreign Students in the United States: The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) Jan 14, 2005 PDF
    RS20598 National Commission on Terrorism Report: Background and Issues for Congress Feb 6, 2001 PDF
    98-505 GOV National Emergency Powers Nov. 13, 2006 PDF
    98-505 GOV National Emergency Powers Jun. 20, 2006 PDF
    98-505 GOV National Emergency Powers Jan 21, 2004 PDF
    RL32803 The National Preparedness System: Issues in the 109th Congress Mar 10, 2005 PDF
    RS22078 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board: 109th Congress Proposed Refinements Mar 11, 2005 PDF
    RS21900 The Protection of Classified Information: The Legal Framework Aug 5, 2004 PDF
    RL32518 Removing Terrorist Sanctuaries: The 9/11 Commission Recommendations and U.S. Policy Aug 10, 2004 PDF
    RS21009 Response to Terrorism: Legal Aspects of the Use of Military Force Sep 13, 2001 PDF
    N/A Terrorists Attacks by Al-Qaeda Mar 31, 2004 PDF
    RS21017 Terrorist Attacks and National Emergencies Act Declarations Jan 7, 2005 PDF
    RL33123 Terrorist Capabilities for Cyberattack: Overview and Policy Issues Oct 20, 2005 PDF
    RL33020 Terrorist Financing: U.S. Agency Efforts and Inter-Agency Coordination Aug 3, 2005 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy May 30, 2003 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Jan 8, 2003 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Dec 3, 2002 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Aug 6, 2002 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Jul 10, 2002 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Jun 21, 2002 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Mar 26, 2002 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Feb 25, 2002 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Dec 17, 2001 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorism, the Future, and U.S. Foreign Policy Mar 23, 2001 PDF
    RS21075 Terrorism Insurance in the Post Sep 11 Marketplace Dec 7, 2001 PDF
    RL32519 Terrorism: Key Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission and Recent Major Commissions and Inquiries Aug 11, 2004 PDF
    RL31191 Terrorism and the Law of War: Trying Terrorists as War Criminals before Military Commissions Dec 11, 2001 PDF
    RL30938 Terrorism and the Military's Role in Domestic Crisis Management: Background and Issues for Congress Apr 19, 2001 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Apr 21, 2006 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Feb 2, 2006 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Sep 8, 2005 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Jun 8, 2005 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Feb 22, 2005 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Jul 6, 2004 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Oct 2, 2003 PDF
    IB10119 Terrorism and National Security: Issues and Trends Sep 8, 2003 PDF
    RL31387 Terrorism: The New Occupational Hazard Mar 29, 2002 PDF
    RL31227 Terrorism Preparedness: A Catalog of Federal Assistance Programs Dec 27, 2001 PDF
    RL31209 Terrorism Risk Insurance: A Summary of Legislative Proposals Dec 7, 2001 PDF
    RL33011 Terrorist Screening and Brady Background Checks for Firearms Jul 25, 2005 PDF
    IB95112 Terrorists and Suicide Attacks Aug 28, 2003 PDF
    98-733 F Terrorism: U. S. Response to Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania: A New Policy Direction? Sep 1, 1998 PDF
    RL33645 Terrorist Watchlist Checks and Air Passenger Prescreening Sep 6, 2006 PDF
    RS20844 Temporary Protected Status: Current Immigration Policy and Issues Jan 14, 2005 PDF
    RL33555 Trends in Terrorism: 2006 Jul 21, 2006 PDF
    RS21895 Secrecy Versus Openness: New Proposed Arrangements for Balancing Competing Needs Oct 12, 2004 PDF
    RS21955 S.Res. 445: Senate Committee Reorganization for Homeland Security and Intelligence Matters Oct 15, 2004 PDF
    RL32941 State and Local Homeland Security: Unresolved Issues for the 109th Congress Jun 9, 2005 PDF
    RL31266 State and Local Preparedness for Terrorism: Selected Policy Issues Feb 5, 2002 PDF
    RL31266 State and Local Preparedness for Terrorism: Selected Policy Issues Dec 19, 2002 PDF
    RL32417 The Department of State's Patterns of Global Terrorism Report: Trends, State Sponsors, and Related Issues Jun 1, 2004 PDF
    RL32607 U.S. Public Diplomacy: Background and the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Feb 4, 2005 PDF
    RL32221 Visa Waiver Program Dec 20, 2004 PDF
    RL33918 The Whistleblower Protection Act: An Overview Mar 12, 2007 PDF

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