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Operation Iron Swords - Day 231 - 24 May 2024

“At any point, Hamas could have ended this burgeoning tragedy to
surrender and release every hostage. …
Hamas instigated and owns this humanitarian catastrophe.”
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)


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Some sources claim the decisions of the International Court of Justice [ICJ] are “binding,” which is true in the sense that there is no other body to which ICJ decisions may be appealed. But this terminology is misleading, because it creates the impression that compliance with ICJ decisions is mandatory, which is true if the stae in quesiton has accepted the "compulsory jusrisdiction" of the court. But Israel renounced compulsory juridiction in 1985, as did the United States in 1986.

The ICJ may only exercise jurisdiction over claims brought by states if the defendant state agrees to submit to its jurisdiction. Israel was one of the first states to ratify the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which provides for compulsory jurisdiction in case of genocide.

The International Court of Justice said that Israel must immediately stop its attack on the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, in a decision issued today, Friday, at the request of South Africa, as part of a comprehensive lawsuit accusing Tel Aviv of committing genocide crimes in the Strip. The text of the decision - which was read by the president of the court, Lebanese Judge Nawaf Salam - stated that “according to the Genocide Convention, any additional action in Rafah may lead to partial or total destruction.”

The court considered that the ground attack on Rafah - which began on May 7 - is a “dangerous development that increases the suffering of the population,” noting that Israel “did not do enough to ensure the safety and security of the displaced.” Judge Salam explained that the circumstances require changing the decision issued by the court on March 28, which is the second decision in the lawsuit requiring Israel to take emergency measures to ensure the arrival of humanitarian aid to Gaza. It came after the first decision last January, which ordered Israel to comply with the Genocide Convention.

The court also ordered Israel to keep the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza open, which has been closed since the launch of its ground operation in the governorate in early May. The court, which is based in The Hague, Netherlands, also called for the “immediate and unconditional release” of hostages held in Gaza. UN Secretary-General António Guterres took note of the new provisional measures, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists at UN Headquarters. Recalling that, pursuant to the UN Charter and to the Statute of the Court, the decisions of the ICJ “are binding”, the UN chief “trusts that the parties will duly comply with the order from the court”.

The European Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarcic, stressed that the Court of Justice’s decision is “binding on the parties” and everyone must comply with it.

South Africa, which was asking the International Court of Justice for the fourth time to take emergency measures in this case, said during the hearings last week that the “genocide” committed by Israel has reached a “horrific level,” noting the discovery of mass graves, the recording of acts of torture, and the obstruction of aid. Vaughan Lowe, a lawyer representing South Africa, said the Israeli operation in Rafah is "the final step in the destruction of Gaza and its Palestinian people." The next day, Israel responded to the judges that its accusation of “genocide...is completely disconnected” from reality. The chief lawyer representing Israel, Gilad Noam, said that there was no “large-scale” attack in Rafah, but rather “specific operations that were preceded by evacuation efforts and support for humanitarian activities.”

The court said that “the conditions are met to take new emergency measures in the case of accusing Israel of genocide,” and ruled that Israel should stop its military operations and any other actions in Rafah. The decision obligates Israel to ensure the access of any committee to investigate or find facts regarding the charge of genocide, and also obligates it to submit to the court within a month a report on the steps it will take.

Reading the new provisional measures in an open session at the court in The Hague, ICJ Justice Nawaf Salam announced that Israel must abide by its obligations under the Genocide Convention to “immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governate which may inflict upon the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in whole and in part”.

“The court is not convinced that evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel has affirmed to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and in particular those recently displaced from the Rafah governate, are sufficient to alleviate immense risks to which the Palestinian population is exposed as a result of the military offensive in Rafah,” Mr. Salam said.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) are two distinct entities within the international legal system, each with specific functions and jurisdictions. The ICC prosecutes individuals for serious international crimes, while the ICJ resolves disputes between states and provides advisory opinions on international law. The ICC is an independent entity established by the Rome Statute, whereas the ICJ is a UN organ created by the UN Charter. Both are based in The Hague, Netherlands, but operate from different premises.

The ICJ's jurisdiction can be compulsory, special agreement, or treaty-based. As of November 2021, 73 states have accepted the ICJ's compulsory jurisdiction, which means that any international legal dispute involving those states can be submitted to the ICJ. The ICJ can only deal with a dispute if the states involved have recognized its jurisdiction. The ICJ's judgments are final and binding on the parties involved, and cannot be appealed.

Over the past three decades, the Court has become increasingly active. More and more States are having recourse to the Court, since it offers convenient and effective means for the peaceful resolution of their differences. Its unique mandate, which comprises all cases which the Parties refer to it and all matters specially provided for in the Charter of the United Nations or in treaties and conventions in force, coupled with its universal character, as well as the authoritative value of its decisions and consent-based nature of its jurisdiction, make the Court the preferred mechanism for the adjudication of legal disputes between States.

In the 1950s, Israel informed the United Nations (UN) that it accepted the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) compulsory jurisdiction, but with some conditions. On October 17, 1956, Israel's declaration stated that it recognized the ICJ's jurisdiction as compulsory, without a special agreement, in relation to all other UN members and non-member states that became parties to the ICJ Statute. However, in 1985, Israel notified the UN Secretary-General that it no longer accepted the ICJ's compulsory jurisdiction. As of February 2024, Israel is one of several countries that have not signed a declaration recognizing the ICJ's jurisdiction, including China, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, and Yemen. The U.S., for instance, withdrew from compulsory jurisdiction in 1986.

For more than 7 months, the Israeli army has been waging what some international experts describe as a war of extermination against the Palestinians in Gaza, where tens of thousands were martyred and injured - most of them children and women - and nearly 70% of the civilian infrastructure, including homes, schools and hospitals, was destroyed.

Political analysts believe that Tel Aviv will not implement the orders of the International Court of Justice calling for an immediate halt to the war on Rafah, and they expect that Israel will not deal with these decisions, according to Tel Aviv’s many precedents with international law. According to Cristino Marinello, professor of international law at the University of Liverpool, Tel Aviv will not implement the orders of the International Court of Justice to stop the war on Rafah, and he believes that member states have no choice but to explore all legal means to stop the invasion of Rafah and facilitate the entry of humanitarian goods into the Gaza Strip.

The writer specializing in Israeli affairs, Ihab Jabareen, supported Marinello’s point of view that Israel will not deal with the court’s decisions and will not give it legitimacy by dictating decisions, because Tel Aviv has multiple precedents in this regard. Dr. Liqa Makki, senior researcher at Al Jazeera Center for Studies, also agreed with the two guests that Tel Aviv will not implement this decision and will accuse the court of anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism.

According to Dr. Makki, the importance of the International Court of Justice lies in that it is an international human rights organization affiliated with the United Nations, and its decisions are binding according to international law. Makki explained that Israel's political losses during this war had not occurred since the Nakba of 1948 , citing Netanyahu's words, "The Battle of Rafah is the battle that saves Israel, which will end the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ), resolve the battle, and save the hostages." He said that Netanyahu has not succeeded so far. Rather, Battles renewed in other areas. Makki also believes that the decision has increased strong pressure on Israel, and that its moral impact must bear fruit. He expects that the decision will force Israel to make concessions at the negotiating table that were not on the table since the beginning of the war.

Marnello considered - within the political analysis segment on Al Jazeera - the court's decision as one of the most important decisions taken by the court's judges, as it represents a strong position because it clearly imposes a ceasefire. A member of the legal team for war victims in Gaza before the International Criminal Court expected that the court's member states would impose immediate sanctions on Israel, similar to what it did with Russia, and that the UN Security Council would hold an emergency meeting to discuss ways to implement the court's decision. Marinello explained that the ball is now in the court of the UN Security Council and the UN General Assembly , in addition to the responsibility of individual countries to impose a complete ban on the transfer of weapons to Israel.

But Jabareen pointed out that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's call for an urgent meeting indicates that Israel takes these decisions seriously. Jabareen did not rule out that Israeli diplomacy would seek to circumvent the decision in several ways, including going to the negotiating table in accordance with what War Council member Minister Benny Gantz intended in one way or another. The writer specializing in Israeli affairs pointed out that the court’s decisions could increase pressure on the Tel Aviv government if two of the three difficulties that Netanyahu has succeeded in confronting using the “divide and rule” plan - so far - unite, which are the protests, the opposition, and the security services.

Israeli officials were quick to attack the court and denounce its decision, as National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said , “Our future does not depend on what the Gentiles say, but rather on what we Jews do.” He added that the response to the court's "anti-Semitic" decision - as he described it - was to "occupy Rafah and increase military pressure on Hamas ," according to what was reported by Israeli Channel 12. In the same context, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said that Israel "is at war over its existence, and whoever asks it to stop the war is asking for it to not exist." The Israeli Broadcasting Authority said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would hold a meeting to discuss the response to the International Court of Justice’s decision.

Israel rejected South Africa's accusations that it had committed genocide, while stressing that its military operations in the city of Rafah "do not threaten to destroy the Palestinian civilian population." Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office rejected South Africa's accusations that Israel had committed genocide, describing them as "false and disgraceful." He added that the Israeli military campaign in the city of Rafah did not and will not "lead to the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population." Netanyahu's office explained in a joint statement with the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs that he will continue to allow aid into the Gaza Strip "in accordance with the law." In turn, National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi and the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said in a joint statement that “Israel does not intend and will not carry out military operations in the Rafah area that lead to living conditions that could cause the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population, whether in full or in part.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir accused the international court of "anti-Semitism" and called for the occupation of Rafah. Ben Gvir considered that "the irrelevant order issued by the anti-Semitic court in The Hague must have only one answer: the occupation of Rafah, increased military pressure and the complete defeat of Hamas - until complete victory in the war is achieved."

Member of the political-security cabinet and finance minister Bezalel Smotrich wrote: "The State of Israel is at war for its existence. During sad periods in history we could not stand on our own. Today the Jewish people have independence and the ability to protect their lives. Whoever demands that the State of Israel stop the war, demands We will not agree to this. If we lay down our weapons, the enemy will come to the beds of our children and women. We will continue to fight for us and for the whole free world.

Minister Benny Gantz said that "the State of Israel embarked on a just and committed campaign, after a brutal terrorist organization massacred our citizens, raped our women, kidnapped our children and fired missiles at the centers of our cities. The State of Israel is obligated to continue fighting to return its abductees and ensure the safety of its citizens, At any time and in any place - including in Rafah. We will continue to act according to international law in Rafah and in any place where we operate, and make an effort to avoid harming the civilian population, not because of the court in The Hague - but first of all because of who we are."

The Minister of the Negev and the Galilee Yitzhak Wasserlauf attacked the Hague Tribunal and wrote that he is "Hamas's scapegoat". Later he added: "We are deeply shocked by the biased and dangerous decision of the International Tribunal in The Hague. This decision is not only shocking, but also a chilling reminder that anti-Semitism still exists and is being legitimized."

"We must remember: the war against Nazism is not over," he continued. "Anti-Semitism still rears its ugly head, both within our borders and around the world. We will not rest until we ensure that the oppressive Nazis and their satanic ideology are finally defeated."

The chairman of the Israel Beitenu party ["Israel Our Home" party0, MK Avigdor Lieberman, also tweeted on his Twitter account: "As I warned, the decision of the Israeli government to appear before the International Court of Justice in The Hague was a serious mistake and falling into a trap with a predetermined end. The court's decision from today , proves that the various UN institutions, as well as the Criminal Court in The Hague, have become aides to terrorists all over the world and their entire role is to deter democratic countries in their fight against terrorist organizations."

The prominent figure in the Likud Party, MP Danny Danon, commented, saying, “Members of the Hague tribunal deliberated in air-conditioned rooms and returned to their families after the session, while 125 kidnapped persons were languishing in the tunnels.” He stressed that his country is continuing the war in Gaza and that it will not stop until Hamas is defeated and the kidnapped people are returned.

On the eve of the expected decision, Israeli media said that the country is “preparing for the worst,” as officials believedthat the court’s judges “will at least partially accept the request,” according to a report published by The Times of Israel . Israeli media suggest that the decision includes either "a halt to the operation in Rafah or a complete cessation of the war."

This decision comes at a time when the Israeli legal team defends the military operations in Rafah as a “necessity” to eliminate Hamas and find hostages, and describes its operations as “limited and local,” according to a report by the Washington Post. This decision is also considered part of a broader case in which South Africa accuses Israel of violating the Genocide Convention.

The decision in favor of South Africa would be a new blow to Israel after the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan , requested the issuance of arrest warrants against the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, his Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, and three Hamas leaders, Ismail Haniyeh and Yahya. Al-Sanwar and Muhammad Al-Deif, accused of committing crimes in the Gaza Strip and Israel, according to an Agence France-Presse report.

Before its incursion into Rafah, the Israeli army ordered large-scale evacuations in the east of the governorate, where it says it wants to destroy the last Hamas brigades, its tunnel network, and rescue hostages. By demanding the issuance of an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the name of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, made headlines in the international media, with some celebrating his decision as standing up to the “crimes against humanity” committed by the Israeli government in Gaza, while Others criticized him, specifically in Israel and the United States.

According to the United Nations, these operations have displaced 800,000 people, while one million Palestinians in Gaza face “catastrophic levels of hunger.” Reuters points out that the ruling against Israel could harm its international reputation and set a legal precedent. An Israeli government spokesman said before the decision was issued: “There is no force on the ground that can prevent Israel from protecting its citizens and pursuing Hamas in Gaza.”

The Times of Israel newspaper indicated that a report published by the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper website quoted an unnamed official who believes that “there is a small chance that the International Court of Justice will reject South Africa’s request to stop hostilities,” and there is a “medium” chance that the “court will accept” the demand to stop the war in Gaza,” and the “medium to high” possibility that the decision will focus on “a ceasefire in Rafah.”

An Israeli government spokesman said on Thursday that Israel will not be deterred from continuing its war against Hamas, a day before the International Court of Justice issued its ruling on South Africa’s request to issue an order to stop military operations in the Gaza Strip. Some scenarios also suggest "a high probability that the court will issue additional orders to increase humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza." For its part, Channel 12 quoted unnamed officials that Israel "does not intend to support such decisions."

Professor of public international law, expert in international conflicts, Muhammad Mahmoud Mahran, described the decision of the International Court of Justice, which obliges Israel to stop its military operation in Rafah, as a victory for the Palestinian people. Mahran confirmed in exclusive statements to RT that this decision comes in response to the urgent request submitted by South Africa to the court, after Israel’s invasion of the city of Rafah, where it demanded binding temporary measures to protect Palestinian civilians, based on Israel’s violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 1948.

He also clarified that the court, under Article 41 of its statute, has the authority to take temporary measures to protect the rights of the parties to the conflict and prevent the situation from worsening, if it deems that the circumstances require it, indicating that this is what actually happened in its decision issued today, Friday, which obligated Israel to stop its work. Hostilities in Rafah immediately, and ensure the access of humanitarian aid and freedom of movement of civilians.”

The international expert pointed out that the court’s decision is also based on the provisions of international humanitarian law, in particular the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which prohibits indiscriminate attacks and collective punishment against civilian populations under occupation, and obliges the occupying authority to respect their basic rights and human dignity.

Mahran stressed that the orders of the International Court of Justice, as the main judicial body of the United Nations, are legally binding on all parties to the conflict in accordance with Article 94 of the United Nations Charter, and that Israel must immediately comply with the decision to stop the invasion of Rafah, otherwise it will be exposed to further international condemnation and sanctions.

He added that this decision strengthens the legitimacy of the Palestinian resistance in the face of the occupation, and affirms the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and establish their independent state, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy and the principles of international law. It also exposes Israel's claims regarding its right to self-defense, while it is the aggressor against the Palestinian land and people.

The international law professor expected that the court’s decision would put increasing international pressure on Israel to stop its aggressive and settlement policies in all the occupied Palestinian territories, and would open the door to holding it accountable for its crimes before international courts, in light of growing international support for the Palestinian cause and increasing recognition of the State of Palestine, as happened recently by European countries such as Spain, Norway and Ireland.

He also called on the international community to intensify pressure on Israel to comply with the provisions of international law and international legitimacy, end its occupation of Palestinian territories, and enable the Palestinian people to exercise their inalienable rights, leading to achieving just and comprehensive peace in the region on the basis of the two-state solution.

Nabil Abu Rudeina, spokesman for the Palestinian presidency, told Reuters that the Palestinian Authority welcomes the International Court of Justice’s decision, saying that it represents “an international consensus on the demand to stop the comprehensive war on Gaza.” The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations welcomed the court’s decision, and Riyad Mansour told reporters, “We welcome these temporary measures, especially regarding stopping the military operation in Rafah (...) and the call to reopen the Rafah crossing” to bring in humanitarian aid, stressing that they “must” be “respected.” Israel makes these binding decisions “without hesitation.”

Mansour said in a press conference from the UN headquarters in New York: “Israel has no choice but to commit to implementing all the decisions of the International Court of Justice,” noting that “there are precautionary decisions of the court that demanded the cessation of military operations in the entire Gaza Strip, and demanded the opening of the Rafah crossing, the entry of aid in the required size, and the confrontation for forced displacement.”

Hamas also welcomed the International Court's decision, noting that it was waiting for it to include the entire Gaza Strip. The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) expressed its welcome of the court’s decision, which “demands the criminal Zionist entity to immediately stop its aggression against the city of Rafah.”

Hamas called on “the international community and the United Nations to put pressure on the occupation to immediately oblige it to this resolution,” holding “the international community and all relevant United Nations institutions, led by the UN Security Council... a historic responsibility in order to achieve the principle of international justice.” She added: “We expected the International Court of Justice to issue a decision to stop the aggression and genocide against our people in the entire Gaza Strip, and not just in Rafah Governorate. What is happening in Jabalia and other governorates of the Gaza Strip is no less criminal and dangerous than what is happening in Rafah.”

Osama Hamdan, one of the leaders of this movement, emphasized that we welcome this ruling and demand pressure on the Zionist regime to implement it immediately. Hamdan clarified that without the true international will, the decisions and rulings of the International Court of Justice will be ineffective. He emphasized that if the Zionist regime opposes the verdict of the Hague Court, this regime cannot be trusted in any negotiations. Hamdan considered the American government complicit in the war and genocide against the Palestinian nation.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt announced in a statement that it welcomes the order of the Hague Court to stop the attack on Rafah. Cairo welcomed the Court of Justice’s decision, and a statement by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Egypt calls on Israel “to comply with its legal obligations within the framework of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and international humanitarian law, and to implement all provisional measures issued by the International Court of Justice.” She added that the court’s decisions “are considered legally binding and enforceable, as they are issued by the highest international judicial body.” It stressed that Israel “bears full legal responsibility for the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip as the occupying power,” and called on Israel to “stop its systematic policies against the Palestinian people of targeting, starvation, and siege.”

The Jordanian foreign minister also emphasized that the International Court of Justice once again revealed the war crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza. Ayman Safadi stated that the Security Council must fulfill its responsibilities and stop the Zionist regime from escaping from punishment and put an end to double standards in the implementation of international laws. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi said that the Court of Justice’s decision revealed Israeli “war crimes.” He added on the “X” website: “Once again, the International Court of Justice exposes Israeli war crimes in Gaza. “Once again, the Israeli government is acting in contempt of international law and refusing to comply with the court’s orders.” Al-Safadi called on the Security Council “to assume its responsibilities and put an end to Israel’s impunity and double standards in applying international law.”

The President of Colombia also emphasized that the decision of the Hague Court to stop the genocide of the Netanyahu government showed the nature of the barbaric attacks against the Palestinian nation. Rami Abdeh, head of the European Mediterranean Human Rights Watch, also said that the decisions of the Hague Court are binding and there is no need to approve them in the Security Council, and only this court has the authority to cancel them. The group of Arab countries in the Security Council also welcomed this decision and said that the Zionist regime should implement the temporary measures of the Hague Court without any delay.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia welcomed this ruling and asked the international community to oblige the Zionist regime to adhere to all its clauses. Saudi Arabia also welcomed the order of the International Court of Justice to immediately stop the military operations of the Zionist regime in Rafah.

In a statement , the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey welcomed the Hague Court's order to stop the attack on Rafah and reopen the crossings for aid to the Gaza Strip. Amnesty International also stated that the Zionist regime must adhere to the order of the Hague Court, which calls for the cessation of military operations against Rafah. The Deputy Prime Minister of Canada also expressed hope that all parties will adhere to this order and international laws.

Saudi Arabia welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice. A statement by the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the court’s decision as “a positive step towards the moral and legal right of the Palestinian people.” Saudi Arabia stressed the importance of “international resolutions covering all of the Palestinian territories in accordance with the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy,” and renewed its call on the international community “to assume its responsibilities to stop all forms of aggression against the Palestinian people.”

The Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Jassem Al-Budaiwi, welcomed the decision of the International Court of Justice, and said in a statement: “This decision issued by the highest judicial body in the United Nations reflects the international community’s commitment to international law and justice, and enhances the protection of the rights of the Palestinian people.” Al-Budaiwi called on the international community, with all its organizations and institutions, to put pressure on Israel “to take the necessary measures to ensure its compliance with these decisions.” Al-Budaiwi also affirmed the full support of the GCC countries for the Palestinian people in their “legitimate struggle to obtain their legitimate rights and establish their state.”

The South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs also welcomed the court ruling, which it described as unprecedented, stressing that it is a binding decision, and Israel must comply with it. Last December, South Africa filed this lawsuit accusing Israel of committing genocide before the International Court of Justice, and the court rejected Israel’s request to cancel the entire case. As part of the lawsuit, the court ordered Israel to comply with the Genocide Convention and allow aid to flow into the Gaza Strip without obstacles, but it did not go so far as to demand an end to the war.

The court's decision came with the approval of 13 of its members, while two members rejected it. Only two judges from Uganda and Israel itself opposed the order, respectively the Ugandan judge, Julia Sibutende, and the former chief justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, Aharon Barak. In 2012, Sibutinde became the first African woman to be appointed to the International Court of Justice, while Barak was appointed after South Africa’s lawsuit under the Court’s statute, which stipulates that a country that does not have a judge of its nationality on the bench can choose a judge to sit on its case.

Judge Julia Sebutinde held that, in the absence of any evidence of genocide, the ICJ had no jurisdiction to adjudicate and, therefore, no jurisdiction to make interim orders. Sibutinde wrote, justifying her dissenting opinion from her colleagues, that the measures announced by the International Court of Justice “are not justified because the court’s jurisdiction is limited to the Genocide Convention and does not extend to alleged violations of international humanitarian law,” according to what was reported by the “CNN News Network.” Since her 2012 appointment and reappointment in 2021, Sibutinde has served on the court during three more genocide cases. In both cases where interim measures were requested, Sibutende voted in favour. This includes the 2022 case between Ukraine and Russia, in which it voted in favor of all three temporary measures passed, which included demands that Russia immediately cease its military operations in Ukraine.

Barak was born in 1936 in Lithuania, and when he was a boy he was smuggled into a bag from the ghetto in his hometown of Kovno, after it was occupied by the Nazis, which is currently called Kaunas in the south of the country. The New York Times indicated in a previous report that Barak immigrated with his parents to the Palestinian territories in 1947, one year before the founding of Israel. He is an internationally respected judicial figure who is also seen in Israel, but his selection to join the International Court was met with strong criticism from prominent ministers and politicians on the hard right because of his opposition to the judicial reform plan of the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

In January 2024, the ICJ issued an interim ruling, ordering Israel to take measures to prevent genocide in Gaza following South Africa's case against Israel. South Africa filed the genocide case in December 2023, accusing Israel of genocidal actions in Gaza. Israel launched the war on Gaza on October 7 in response to the Palestinian resistance movement's Operation Al-Aqsa Storm.

War Termination

Without weakening the Gazan terrorist organization, no alternative has a chance to establish itself - Hamas will eliminate it as it did to the Palestinian Authority in 2007, according to Maj. Gen. (Retd.) Tamir Himan is the head of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) and former head of the AMN. The transfer of civil powers to the residents of Gaza is the nightmare of the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Yahya Sinwar, and is a political defeat for the terrorist organization and for Qatar. A civil alternative organization will release Israel from the responsibility of taking care of the basic needs of the 2 million residents of the Gaza Strip. This will not relieve the legal responsibility, but will make it much easier from an operational point of view. Without a civilian organization in charge of distributing humanitarian aid, Hamas remains the body that does so. In doing so, the terrorist organization strengthens its authority vis-a-vis the Palestinian public and creates a narrative of "total victory" over Israel.

As long as there is motivation among young Palestinians to oppose Israel, against every terrorist killed there will be several volunteers to complete the ranks: the population of Gaza consists of an overwhelming majority of young people. Assume, if only for the sake of discussion, that only half of them are Hamas supporters, then the organization will have no difficulty recruiting about 15,000 new terrorists in six months - the attrition rate that the IDF has managed to create so far. The idea of resistance is the only idea in Gaza today, as is evident from recent public opinion polls conducted by the Shakaki Institute, which indicate broad support for Hamas and a violent struggle against Israel. This support is the source of the organization's strength, as it enables its survival.

Himan wrote "In the second intifada I commanded a regional brigade (Hatmar) in Judea and Samaria. The number of terrorists we eliminated and arrested was enormous. But as long as Yasser Arafat was in power and pushed for the idea of resistance, the "fountain" of terrorists continued to flow and fill the barrel at a rate that exceeded the rate at which we "pumped". At times it seemed that this was a Sisyphean operation and that "there is no bottom to the barrel of terror".

"The turn occurred after the death of Arafat and the rise to power of Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), who proposed an alternative idea to armed resistance - "non-violent resistance" - and later the idea of "building the nation and consolidating its institutions". These ideas allowed many young people to realize their national pride and their struggle for Israel in other ways, and were a competition to the idea of armed resistance. Many young people enlisted in the Palestinian security forces, others in investing resources in building a Palestinian city, and some are still involved today in attempts to take over Area C and more.

"Thus, in a process that lasted about two years, the trend was reversed and the "barrel of terror" began to be emptied. The rate of attrition of terrorism by the IDF, which continued to act with full force against terrorism, was higher than the ability of the armed resistance organizations to recruit terrorists. This is exactly what is lacking in Gaza today.... We continue to erode the military layer of Hamas and allow it to renew itself time after time from the civilian layer. "

Politico newspaper , citing four American officials, reported on Thursday that the administration of US President Joe Biden is planning to appoint an American official to serve as chief civilian advisor to a mostly Palestinian force when the war between Israel and Hamas ends. The newspaper suggested that this is an indication of US plans. To become significantly involved in securing post-war Gaza.

The sources, who spoke to the newspaper on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the negotiations, indicated that the civilian advisor will be based in the region and work closely with the force commander, who may be either Palestinian or from one of the Arab countries. Politico noted that Washington is still discussing the amount of official authority that this advisor will have, but all officials confirmed that this is part of a plan for the United States to play a “prominent” role in extracting Gaza from “desperate chaos.”

The newspaper reported that private discussions between the White House, the Pentagon, and the State Department regarding the advisor’s role, which were not previously reported, showed that the Biden administration expects to be at the heart of what happens to Gaza long after the conflict has calmed down. Thus, the United States will be partly responsible for what comes next, including improving the lives of 2.2 million Palestinians suffering in the devastated lands.

The officials said the advisor would never enter Gaza itself, an indication of a desire to avoid any suggestion that the United States would dictate the future of the Strip. Two officials told Politico that the advisor may be stationed in Sinai, and another said that he may be in Jordan. The newspaper reported that the proposal for the advisor and a peacekeeping force had been secretly circulated within the administration for months.

Through an intense planning phase, the Biden administration is working to bring together multiple partners inside and outside the United States to come up with ideas for achieving stability in Gaza after the war, “that is, maintaining security and avoiding an insurgency that could plunge the Strip into further turmoil,” according to the newspaper’s words. The four officials told POLITICO that the advisor's plan is one of several "day after" scenarios put forward for the war, which include others focused on developing Gaza's economy and rebuilding destroyed cities. While many plans include some kind of peacekeeping force, discussions remain heated about its composition and the powers it would be given.

Operational Update

Further to the warning that was activated about the infiltration of aircraft in the north of the country, this is a false identification. Following on from the alerts that were activated about the firing of rockets and missiles in the north of the country, this is a false alert.

The bodies of the abductees Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nissenbaum and Orion Hernandez were recovered tonight in a joint operation by the IDF and Shin Bet. According to reliable intelligence information in IDF possession, it appears that the abductees were murdered during the brutal terrorist attack on October 7 and were abducted by Hamas terrorists from the level crossing to Gaza. The bodies of the abductees were recovered tonight during a night operation by the IDF and Shin Bet under Division 98 in cooperation with the Yalam unit, Unit 504 and fighters of a special unit of the Amman and the Shin Bet in the Jabaliya neighborhood, relying on accurate intelligence information that was received and analyzed during the days The latter were at the headquarters of the POWs and Missing Persons in the Intelligence Division, in the Southern Command in cooperation with the Shin Bet. At the beginning of the operation, there was intense fighting in the area. After an identification procedure carried out by medical officials at the National Institute of Forensic Medicine and the Israel Police, IDF representatives notified their families during the day. The IDF and the Shin Bet share in the grief of the families at this difficult time. The IDF spokesman calls on the public to refrain from spreading unfounded rumors and information, and to listen to the official announcements. The IDF and the Shin Bet continue, even at this time, with the activation of all operational and intelligence efforts, in order to realize the supreme national mission of returning all the abductees.

Operational Update - Gaza

To ensure the security of the floating pier, the U.S. Navy has installed a counter-rocket, artillery, and mortar (C-RAM) system, along with an M-LIDS anti-drone system. Two U.S. soldiers sustained light injuries on Thursday during a work accident near the temporary floating pier in Gaza. The soldiers were promptly evacuated through Ashdod Port to an Israeli hospital for treatment. The pier has been targeted several times by Hamas terrorists using mortar fire and explosive suicide drones.

The US Agency for International Development said, "About 900,000 people were forcibly displaced from the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, as a result of the ongoing Israeli military operation." She explained, in a brief statement issued today, Friday, that the displaced people headed to areas hosting large numbers and suffering from a lack of services.

The White House said, Friday, that US President Joe Biden consulted with his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, regarding a new initiative to release detainees and establish a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza. The White House added that Biden welcomed Sisi's decision to temporarily allow the flow of humanitarian aid through the Kerem Shalom crossing. The US President also expressed his commitment to supporting efforts to reopen the Rafah crossing through arrangements acceptable to Egypt and Israel.

The White House announced that Washington will send a high-level team to Cairo next week to continue the discussion. The Egyptian presidency published a statement on Facebook on Friday, in which it said that Sisi received a phone call from Biden, during which developments in the situation in the Gaza Strip were discussed. The statement stated that Biden expressed his deep appreciation for the intense, diligent and ongoing Egyptian efforts and mediation to reach a ceasefire and a truce agreement in the Gaza Strip.

Today the Israeli army carried out an air and artillery bombardment on Rafah, which was described as unprecedented. Israel escalated its deadly strikes on the besieged Gaza Strip as the UN's top court prepares to rule on a plea to halt the Israeli war in the enclave. Palestinian sources reported on Friday that Israel had increased aerial and artillery attacks on Rafah while advancing deeper into the southern city. Confirming the operations, the Israeli military stated that its troops were continuing to attack Rafah.

Fierce clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters erupted in the southern part of the city. According to Reuters, Israeli tanks advanced southeast in Rafah and moved towards the western district of Yibna while operating in three eastern suburbs. Residents expressed concern, with one individual, who chose to remain anonymous, stating via a chat app to Reuters, "The occupation (Israeli forces) is trying to move further to the west, they are on the edge of Yibna, which is densely populated. They didn't invade it yet."

Reports of overnight air and naval strikes in Gaza City resulted in several casualties. Fighting also reignited in northern Gaza, where Israel previously claimed to have dismantled the command structure of Palestinian resistance. "We hear nothing but the sound of explosions and gunfire," Mahmud al-Sharif, 31, in the Jabalia refugee camp told AFP. A local source reported helicopters firing at the camp and renewed artillery shelling in the area.

Led by the 99th Division, Amman and Shin Bet, Air Force fighter jets attacked yesterday (Thursday) in the center of the Gaza Strip and killed the terrorist Cia' Al-Din Alsharafa, the deputy commander of national security in the Gaza Strip. As part of his position, he was entrusted with the management of the mechanism that secures the borders of the Gaza Strip. During the war, this mechanism prevented the population from evacuating from combat zones. In addition, during the week, the terrorist Yosef Alshubaki, who served as an operative in the industrial equipment department at the Hamas production headquarters, was attacked and killed in Gaza City. As part of his position, he was responsible for the day-to-day functioning and promotion of the Hamas weapons production headquarters.

The forces of the 98th Division continue to operate in the heart of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip. As part of targeted raids on terrorist infrastructures in the area, the fighters of the 7th, 460th Brigades' combat teams and the paratroopers eliminated dozens of terrorists, destroyed launching positions alongside underground shafts. At the same time, the forces located many weapons, including explosives, mortar bombs, Kalashnikovs, sniper rifles and more. Division 162 continues to operate in the Rafah area. Throughout the last day, the combat teams of the 401st, Givati and Nahal brigades searched for weapons and infrastructure of the terrorist organization Hamas in the area. As part of the searches, the forces located and destroyed ammunition depots along with shafts and other terrorist infrastructure in the area.

The 99th Division forces continue their activities in the center of the Gaza Strip. During the last day, the forces of the division, in cooperation with the Air Force, eliminated a terrorist squad which carried out launches against IDF fighters in the Gaza Strip. The fighters of the 679th Brigade's combat team identified a number of enemy observers near the forces and with the cooperation of Air Force aircraft and tank fire, they eliminated them. In another activity, the forces closed a circle An identified terrorist is firing mortars at the fighters in the area. Last night, two missiles were identified that crossed from the Gaza City area to the southern part of the country and fell in an open area. During the night, an Air Force aircraft attacked the launch site from which the shooting was carried out and destroyed it.

Israeli media reports said that the Israeli army apparently failed in an attempt carried out today, Friday, to assassinate Muhammad Shabana, commander of the Rafah Brigade of the Al-Qassam Brigades , the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ). Israeli Channel 14 reported that estimates in Israel indicate that the attempt did not succeed. "Israel Today" newspaper said that the army today launched intense attacks on the Shaboura camp in the city of Rafah , south of the Gaza Strip , in order to assassinate Shabana, but his fate is not clear, according to the newspaper. She pointed out that Shabana had two sons who were elite members of Al-Qassam, and they were killed at the beginning of the war, according to the newspaper. The army has suffered losses in soldiers and equipment since the start of its attack on Rafah on May 6, and its forces entered the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip, where the Palestinian resistance confronted its forces and carried out a series of operations that brought back memories of the first weeks of the war. Al-Qassam Brigades targeted an Israeli foot force after luring it into a precise ambush with a thunder bomb and targeting the rescue forces during their attempt to rescue their members and causing their members to be killed or wounded in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. The brigades also targeted three Israeli Merkava 4 tanks with “Al-Yassin 105” shells in the vicinity of the Habboub building and the girls’ school street in the Jabalia camp in the northern Gaza Strip. In the south, the Qassams were on the lookout for Israeli soldiers and vehicles around the Salah al-Din Gate in the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.

The Quds Brigades, in turn, targeted military concentrations and vehicles penetrating the same city with a barrage of regular sixty-caliber mortar shells. Amidst the heavy losses incurred by the resistance to the occupation soldiers, Al-Qassam launched a huge surprise and announced via a video clip that the commander of the Southern Brigade in the Gaza Division of the Israeli occupation army, Assaf Hamami, who was captured on October 7, is still alive after the occupation held a symbolic funeral for him.

With the phrase 'a leadership leaves its army leaders captive', Al-Qassam sent a veiled message to the Israelis that the occupation leaders do not care about the fate of the prisoners, even if they are army commanders. On the Israeli side, the Hebrew media revealed that military leaders are searching for people through social media platforms to recruit fighters into the “Israeli Army,” after the army was exhausted in the Gaza battles. The Israeli newspaper Calcalist reported on “severe dissatisfaction” prevailing among reserve soldiers in the Israeli army due to the long period of service in the Gaza battles. Meanwhile, the American Associated Press said that there is a growing feeling among many Israelis that their army faces nothing but “bad choices” in the Gaza Strip.

Operational Update - Judea-Samaria

Armed clashes broke out at dawn on Friday after Israeli forces stormed Balata camp in Nablus in the northern West Bank , while Tel Aviv extended the state of emergency in Jenin and its camp. Palestinian sources said that Israeli forces, reinforced with vehicles and bulldozers, stormed the eastern region and Balata camp in Nablus at dawn. The sources added that clashes broke out between Palestinian resistance fighters and the Israeli forces, and the resistance fighters targeted the Israeli forces in the camp with a homemade explosive device.

The Israeli army carried out new incursions into the West Bank at dawn, as part of a continuing escalation since the Palestinian resistance launched the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle last October. Palestinian sources said that the Israeli forces stormed the city of Tulkarm in the northern West Bank, and the Palestinian Red Crescent in the city reported that a Palestinian woman was injured by bullet fragments fired by Israeli soldiers in the village of Qaffin. The Israeli army stormed the village and conducted its patrols through its streets, which led to confrontations erupting between young men and the invading forces, which resulted in the injury of a woman, before it withdrew from the village.

The Israeli forces also stormed the town of Beitunia, west of the city of Ramallah in the central West Bank, and conducted patrols in several neighborhoods. Local sources said that the Israeli soldiers surrounded a house and arrested two young men. The storming of Beitunia comes within the framework of the search for those whom the Israeli authorities describe as their wanted persons.

Meanwhile, Israeli Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy announced the extension of the state of emergency in the city of Jenin and its camp in the West Bank. Halevy's announcement came during a visit to the headquarters of the Israeli forces operating in the vicinity of the city of Jenin. Yesterday morning, the Israeli forces withdrew from the city of Jenin and its camp following a new aggression that lasted two days and resulted in the death of 12 Palestinians, including 4 school students and a doctor.

The Israeli army said that the aim of the large-scale military operation in Jenin was to thwart and prevent the formation of armed Palestinian cells. Since Operation Al-Aqsa Flood , the occupied West Bank has witnessed an escalation in Israeli attacks, which resulted in the death of 514 Palestinians, the injury of 5,000, and the arrest of more than 8,000 others.

Operational Update - Lebanon

The forces of Unit 869 identified terrorists entering a military building in the Maron al-Ras region earlier today. Shortly after the identification, fighter jets of the Air Force attacked the building where the terrorists were staying, next to another military building of the organization in the area of Mis al-Jabal in southern Lebanon. Artillery fire was carried out last night to remove a threat in the Marvin area. Earlier today, the air defense fighters of the Air Force successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target that made its way to Israel from Lebanese territory.

The Lebanese "Hezbollah" announced today, Friday, that it had targeted the Israeli Al-Malikiyah site with two "Burkan" (heavy) missiles and hit it directly, coinciding with a speech by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah said in a statement: “In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted, at 17:20 pm on Friday, May 24, 2024, the Al-Malikiyah site with two Burkan missiles.” "They hit him directly."

This targeting coincided with a speech by Nasrallah at the memorial ceremony for the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his companions, who were killed when their helicopter fell during their return from the Khuda Afrin region in Azerbaijan to the city of Tabriz. Hezbollah issued other statements about its operations against Israel today, stating that “in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance”:

Today, Friday, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance attacked a “Merkava” tank in the Shtoula Forest, as a replacement for the tank that was destroyed yesterday, and they targeted it with guided missiles while it was moving, which led to it being hit and destroyed, and its crew members being killed or wounded, and when enemy soldiers were detected moving around the tank. The destroyer was targeted by the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance with artillery shells, and they were hit directly.”

“In response to the Israeli attacks on the steadfast southern villages and safe civilian homes, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance today, Friday, targeted a building used by enemy soldiers in the Margaliot colony with missile weapons.” “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance, at 15:35 pm this Friday afternoon, targeted the spy equipment at the Bayad Blida site with appropriate weapons and directly hit it, leading to its destruction.” “At 23:35 on Thursday night, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers at the Sarawat Triangle, opposite the town of Yaron, with missile weapons.”

Hezbollah continues to carry out its operations against Israel, since the Hamas movement launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” on October 7 and the devastating war on the Gaza Strip that followed. The "party" confirms that it is carrying out these military operations "in support of Gaza" and to create a "support front" against the Israeli army, stressing that stopping its operations "is contingent on the cessation of the aggression against the Gaza Strip."

The government promised the residents of the north a plan to restore the north, but seven months after the outbreak of the war, the vote on the plan was postponed again on 22 May 2024. Only at the beginning of the week Prime Minister Netanyahu promised the heads of authorities in the north: "We have a deadline of 48 hours for a decision and we will finish it immediately". At the cabinet meeting that took place Wednesday, a large plan for the rehabilitation of the north was supposed to come up for approval. However, the government postponed the vote and plan to vote on it only next week - seven months after the outbreak of the war.

The government made quite a few promises to the residents of the north along the way in this matter. For example, Prime Minister Netanyahu told the heads of authorities in the north in January: "In the coming days we will bring the government's decision for the development of the north which is taking shape these days, for a total of NIS 3.5 billion." This week the Prime Minister met again with the heads of the authorities and said: "We have a deadline of 48 hours for a decision and we will finish it immediately."

It should be noted that the plan for the rehabilitation of the north has been significantly increased compared to what was originally planned, but at the same time the government has already promised many programs to the residents of the north and has done nothing about it. During the meeting with the heads of the authorities in the north, which took place on Sunday, Prime Minister Netanyahu was asked "How do you return the evacuated residents?". Netanyahu replied: "I have an orderly plan to return the residents with full security." However, he refused to lay out his plan for the heads of the authorities but promised: "The North will prosper."

In an official statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office after the meeting, Netanyahu refused to specify the date of the residents' return to their homes: "I am not going to tell Hezbollah what we are going to do. I do not share with our sworn enemy the dates and exactly how we will do it. With tricks you will make peace and security, but also war.' He added: "We are committed to restoring security, and we will do it. Right now we will solve the things you raised. If we stand by all these things, the north will flourish, this is going to happen in the south and it will happen in the north as well.'

The Israeli government appeared to be in a race against time to return the residents of the northern settlements to them before next September 1, the opening date of the school season, a date imposed by political bidding between the camps of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his opponents, which turned it into a pressure factor on the government and the settlers alike. With the absence of solutions, or attempts to impose them on Lebanon in a way that guarantees the security of the northern region and separates the southern front from the Gaza front, Netanyahu entered the realm of threats, even though the events of the past seven months forced his government to submit to a war of attrition according to specific rules. The Israeli military and political establishment would not adhere to it. If military options were available to it, in his visit to the headquarters of the Northern Command of the occupation army yesterday, Netanyahu, in the presence of the Commander of the Northern Command and the commanders of the 91st, 36th and 146th Divisions, threatened that Israel has “detailed, important, and even surprising plans” to deal with Hezbollah, indicating that These plans have two goals: restoring security in the north and allowing civilians to return to their homes, stressing the “determination to achieve both goals together.” In the context of the bidding with Netanyahu, Israeli War Council member Benny Gantz was more “precise” when he set a deadline to suppress the northern front “by force or by settlement.” He said during his meeting with the intelligence services in the north to review the operational developments in the northern arena, “The prime minister must present The plan to strengthen the north is to be approved today, not postponed for an additional day. At the same time, we are preparing from today to return the residents to their homes safely until September 1, by force or by settlement. “We must not allow another lost year in the North.” The two statements reflect the Israeli confusion regarding the available options necessary to deal with the reality imposed by Hezbollah in the north. With the escalation of qualitative operations and the emergence of the power and effectiveness of drone weapons on the one hand, and the handing over of the parties working on the Beirut intimidation line to separate the southern Lebanon front from the Gaza front as impossible, and the Americans and the French being convinced that the prelude to calm in the north is calm in Gaza, the pressure is increasing on Netanyahu as September 1 approaches.

Operational Update - Syria / Iraq

Tonight (Thursday), fighter jets intercepted two unmanned aerial vehicles that made their way to the territory of Israel from the east, and two unmanned aerial vehicles that made their way to the northern area of the country. In addition to this, the air defense fighters successfully intercepted a suspicious aerial target moving towards Israel from Lebanese territory in the early hours of the morning. Fighter planes, along with the air defense systems and the control system, continue to operate within Israel's borders 24/7. The Air Force will continue to act to thwart any terrorist plot as part of the mission of protecting the country's skies.

Operational Update - Yemen

Yemen's Ansarullah leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, has lauded President Ebrahim Raisi as a symbol of honor for the Islamic Ummah (community) and a courageous defender of Iran and Islamic nations. In a televised address on Thursday, Houthi expressed solidarity, stating, "We share the grief of the martyrdom of the President of Iran, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and their comrades." Distinguishing Raisi's leadership, Houthi remarked, "Many leaders speak in a tone that always takes into account what might anger the Americans, but Ayatollah Raisi was different from the rest of the leaders and spoke with a clear and bold voice regardless of American pressure and stood out from the others."

The Yemeni Armed Forces announced the implementation of 3 qualitative operations on 3 ships in the Red and Arabian Seas, and for the first time, striking a ship in the Mediterranean Sea. In a statement read by the Armed Forces spokesman during the million-man march that took place in Al-Sabeen Square in support of Palestine, this afternoon, under the slogan (With Gaza... stability of the position and continuity of jihad), Brigadier General Yahya Saree explained: The Yemeni Armed Forces : targeting the Israeli ship (MSC ALEXANDRA) at sea. Al-Arabi with a number of ballistic missiles.

He stated that the Yemeni armed forces targeted the YANNIS ship belonging to a Greek company as it was passing through the Red Sea as part of the fourth stage of escalation. The Armed Forces indicated that the targeting of the ship belonging to the Greek company came after the arrival of 3 ships belonging to the company to the ports of occupied Palestine on (4-5) of May. For the first time, the Armed Forces announced that the Israeli ship ESSEX was targeted with a number of missiles in the Mediterranean Sea, explaining that the ship was targeted while it was violating the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine.

The Yemeni Armed Forces warned all companies that deal with the Israeli entity that their ships, regardless of their destination, would be targeted. It stressed that it will continue with full determination to implement the fourth phase of escalation as a victory for the oppression of the Palestinian people until the aggression stops and the siege on Gaza is lifted.


All maps are lies. “Not only is it easy to lie with maps, it is essential,” wrote cartographer Mark Monmoneir in his book How to Lie with Maps. He showed that condensing complex, three-dimensional spaces onto a two-dimensional sheet of paper [in old days] is bound to be reductive.

But it is impossible to comprehend the war in Gaza without reference to maps, otherwise the entire conflict is reduced to an endless series of meaningless acts of random violence and the suffering of civilians. The first characteristic of guerrilla warfare is the loss of a front line.

Evidently, different mappers have different ideas of how to depict the war in Gaza, notably those that seek to depict Israeli progress in the ground campaign. Part of the problem is latency. The news that forms the basis of the maps takes time to filter out to mappers, and the cartographers take time in crafting their maps, and it takes time to curate them. These processes are uneven among mappers, so their maps may differ in detail. Probably there is some ideological bias, or at least thematic apperception, which is understandable in wartime. It may come as no surprise that al-Jazeera maps depict rather less Israeli territorial progress than other sources.

Finally, there remains the epistemological question of just exactly what are the colored in areas depicting. Naively, this might be understood as areas of Israeli control, that are no longer contested by the HAMAS. Or possibly these are areas of Israeli presence, in many of which the possibility of an RPG-wielding HAMAS militant popping out of a tunnel unexpectedly remains a live possibility. With the "zero-range" combat characterized by small unit tactics on both sides, maps may be prey to a fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords


The European Union's foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, has said that the bloc faces a "difficult" choice between its support for the rule of law and its support for Israel, just minutes after the ICJ ruled Israeli forces should halt their offensive in Rafah. Speaking during a European University Institute (EUI) event in Florence, Borrell said: "Let's see which is going to be the action of the European Union to the ruling of the International Court of Justice that has been issued today, which is going to be our position?" "We will have to choose between our support to the international institutions and the rule of law, or our support to Israel, and both things is (sic) going to be quite difficult to make compatible," he added.

Axis of Resistance

Despite the severe damage, Hamas is expected to recruit terrorists to replenish its ranks.

Allied for Democracy

The Hebrew newspaper "Haaretz" quoted experts in international law that the laxity of the law enforcement apparatus in Israel contributed to the crisis before the international courts, and that the statements of Israeli figures were the basis for the decisions of the international courts. The newspaper adds that the law enforcement system in Israel failed due to the failure to open investigations with officials who incited the targeting of civilians, while one of them says, “In Israel they do not investigate or prosecute, but rather legitimize military methods to destroy civilian areas and starve the population to achieve the goals of the war.”

For its part, the Hebrew newspaper "The Times of Israel" said that Israel needs to make difficult decisions regarding the management of the Gaza Strip after the war, pointing out that it has few good options. The newspaper saw that the Hamas movement is regrouping its ranks after months of bloody fighting and regaining its ability to attack Israel, and that "the gains achieved at the beginning of the military operation thanks to the aerial bombardment have turned into a grinding conflict against an adaptable insurgency."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds himself “increasingly isolated” on the global stage, amid various legal challenges and tension in global public opinion, according to an analysis by the American newspaper “ The Washington Post .” The International Court of Justice, the highest judicial body of the United Nations, announced on Friday its decision regarding South Africa’s request to order Israel to cease fire in Gaza, including the military operation in Rafah, located in the far south of the Strip.

According to the newspaper, Israeli officials are challenging the possible decision, pledging to continue the war, but “legal pressure is mounting,” as the International Court of Justice is also studying a lawsuit filed by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide, while the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is seeking to issue arrest warrants against officials. Earlier this week, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, announced that he was seeking arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant on charges of crimes including “starvation,” “premeditated murder,” and “premeditated murder.” Extermination and/or killing.” The prosecutor also requested the issuance of arrest warrants against 3 leaders of the Hamas movement, which is classified as a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries.

The International Court of Justice, the highest judicial body of the United Nations, announced on Friday its decision on South Africa’s request to order Israel to cease fire in Gaza. Netanyahu and a number of Israeli officials described these developments as a “scandal,” according to the Washington Post. US President Joe Biden and a group of American lawmakers also expressed their rejection of “equality” between Israel and Hamas, in the request of the International Criminal Prosecutor.

But according to the newspaper, the fastest development this week was the announcement by Spain, Ireland, and Norway of officially recognizing the Palestinian state, “regardless of whether establishing a state is something that can be implemented on the ground.” The newspaper quoted the Spanish Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Albarez, as saying, “The main reason that other countries in the West realize the need to support the two-state principle in any way possible is that the right-wing government of Israel, led by Netanyahu, fundamentally opposes talk about establishing a Palestinian state.”

According to the Washington Post, all of these developments “may strengthen Netanyahu’s position,” as the prime minister has long mocked anti-Israel tendencies in United Nations agencies and says his country is a “victim of global anti-Semitism.” This is also confirmed by the newspaper, Yonatan Freeman, a specialist in international relations at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, who says: “This really reinforces the narrative that we have heard since the first day of this war, which says that in the end we can only rely on ourselves.” He added: "I think this can help the Israeli government explain and describe what it is doing in this war."

After Ireland, Spain and Norway announced on Wednesday that they would recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, Israel summoned the ambassadors of the three countries, while media outlets wondered about the move and its repercussions on other European countries. On the other hand, Amos Harel, an Israeli journalist in the Haaretz newspaper, said that the matter is not only about “dissipating the international appreciation that was given to Israel after it was subjected to a brutal attack on October 7, as the development of events demonstrates the global standing and diplomatic skills of Netanyahu himself.” He continued: "The man who claims to be a statesman is unable to achieve the strategic goals he set for this war, which implicates Israel in troubles that will haunt the state and its citizens for many years, beyond the direct natural consequences of the massacre committed by Hamas."

The Washington Post also quoted former US defense official Andrew Exum as saying, “In the seven months following the horrific October 7 attacks, the gap between how Israel defines its security needs and how the world defines those same needs has widened as never before.” ". “Therefore, the Biden administration is looking forward to Israel taking the complex path it is trying to build, through a tripartite agreement between Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States,” which would see the normalization of relations, within a package that includes major defense and security incentives from Washington to Riyadh, and Israel’s commitment By reviving a process leading to a two-state solution, something Netanyahu seems unwilling to do at all.

Operation Iron Swords - By the Numbers

  • 1,900,000 IDPs in Gaza
  • 80,200 Gazans injured, 28% adult male
  • 70,000 tons of explosives dropped on Gaza
  • 70,000 Gaza housing units completely destroyed
  • 70,000 Israeli IDPs from Lebanon border
  • 45,000 bombs dropped in Gaza
  • 45,000 Gazans killed, including buried under rubble
  • 35,857 Gazans martyred
  • 33,000 Gaza targets attacked
  • 20,528 Palestinians in Israeli prisons [Haaretz, 20 Mar 2024]
  • 15,140 Israelis injured [i24 TV]
  • 15,000 terror operatives killed in Gaza [Israeli officials]
  • 15,000 rockets launched from Gaza
  • 14,520 Gazan children martyred
  • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [N12]
  • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [IDF]
  • 11,000 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank in 2023
  • 10,000 Gazans missing under the rubble
  • 9,920 Gazan women martyred
  • 9,400 Palestinians in Israeli prisons
  • 9,000 IDF needing psychological assistance
  • 8,665 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank since Oct.7th
  • 7,209 IDF injured admitted to rehabilitation [IDF]
  • 6,800 IDF officers and soldiers injured [Channel 12]
  • 6,000 HAMAS combatants killed [HAMAS]
  • 5,500 IDF wounded [reports]
  • 4,800 West Bank Palestinians wounded
  • 4,700 sites targetted in Lebanon
  • 3,850 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria
  • 3,600 administrative detainees
  • 3,188 IDF wounded [IDF]
  • 2,100 Gazan women are missing
  • 1,609 terrorists killed on the first day
  • 1,650 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria affiliated with Hamas
  • 1,160 Israelis killed on the first day
  • 620 Israeli officers and soldiers killed since the start of the war
  • 514 West Bank Palestinians martyred
  • 364 people [including fighters] killed in Lebanon
  • 274 Israeli officers and soldiers killed in Gaza
  • 240 Hezbollah fighters killed in Lebanon
  • 126 people recovered, including 91 Israelis, 11 bodies, and 24 foreign workers
  • 116 living hostages in Palestinian custody
  • 70 civilians killed in Lebanon
  • 29 IDF deaths were caused by "friendly fire"
  • 15 Israelis killed in the West Bank and Israel

Not every number is reported every day, so sudden jumps generally reflect reporting artifacts rather than actual upticks. Many of these numbers fluctate, up and down, with no apparent explanation. This list records the highest number reliably reported for each matter, under the theory that reality with catch up with reports, as is relentlessly the case.

Some reports claimed that the UN cut in half its earlier estimates of women and children killed in Gaza. Initially, they reported 9,500 women and 14,500 children killed, but later revised it to 4,959 women and 7,797 children on 08 May 2024. The UN acknowledged its inability to independently verify casualty figures. The seeming discrepancy is that HAMAS had about 10K KIA bodies on hand for which they do not have positive ID. It is possible to report the gender and approximate age [ie, juvenile] without knowing the name of the deceased.

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