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U.S. Central Command announced “U.S. military forces conducted airstrikes against multiple facilities used by Kata’ib Hezbollah and affiliated groups in Iraq at 8:45 p.m. (EST) on Dec. 25. Earlier in the day, Iranian sponsored Kata’ib Hezbollah terrorists and affiliated groups attacked coalition forces at Erbil, Iraq resulting in several injuries,” according to a statement by CENTCOM.

An initial probe found that the strikes destroyed several facilities and likely killed a number of Kata’ib Hezbollah terrorists. There were no indications that any civilian lives were affected. “These strikes are intended to hold accountable those elements directly responsible for attacks on coalition forces in Iraq and Syria and degrade their ability to continue attacks. We will always protect our forces,” said CENTCOM Commander Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla.

Political writer George Alam pointed out 30 January 2024 that the escalation in targeting of American interests and forces in the region has become a gesture to liberate the region from the American presence, stressing that Netanyahu is trying to involve the Americans in a comprehensive war in the region to serve his interests. In an interview with Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Al-Alam News Channel for the “With the Event” program, George Alam pointed out that American interests in the region are being exposed to danger today, pointing out that there is an initiative to liberate the region from the American presence.

He added that the targeting of American soldiers or barracks in the region has become increasingly frequent. He pointed out that: The American strategy was based on three items: Israel’s security, oil wells, and waterways, and today the waterways through the Red Sea have begun to have repercussions at the global level and not just at the United States level. While he pointed out that the war of extermination is still continuing in Gaza, he stressed that: Netanyahu is trying to involve the Americans in a comprehensive war in the region to serve his interests... He is trying and exploiting the issue of elections and the active Jewish lobby in the United States and harnessing it in this direction.

Regarding the recent targeting of American facilities, which resulted in deaths, George Alam said: I do not see there being American involvement in a major war, and the response will be a very measured and limited response...but on the other hand, developments are accelerating, as the Americans have begun negotiations in Iraq for withdrawal, and this is a fundamental point. He stressed that the project to expel the Americans from the region had begun, albeit with timid steps, stressing that until now there is no clarity in the American strategy after the Al-Aqsa flood.

He stressed that America was not involved in a war with Iran, and that what is happening is electoral propaganda, by turning the Middle East into an electoral card within the United States of America.

George Alam stated: If the United States of America does not address the Palestinian issue , we will go to the process of changing maps in the Middle East, and this is a new strategic distortion for the United States... for two fundamental reasons. The first is that China is still in its momentum and strength to enter the region, and its interests are still secure. The second thing is that the existing alliance between Iran, Russia, and to some extent Turkey and China forces the Americans to change this strategy to preserve their interests... Otherwise, peace be upon you.

The United States had around 2,500 troops in Iraq and some 900 in Syria as part of efforts to prevent a resurgence of ISIS. The US dispatched a naval armada led by the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford to the eastern Mediterranean after the Hamas-Israel hostilities erupted on October 7. Washington delivered additional ammunition and other equipment to longtime ally Israel in its fight with Palestinian militants. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin directed the deployment of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit in the region to “signal the US’s commitment to ensuring Israel’s security and deter any state or non-state actor from seeking to escalate the war,” according to the Pentagon.

A senior member of Hamas said 27 October 2023 the Palestinian militant group was surprised by America’s reaction to recent violence in Gaza, suggesting the US could enter the fight after it sent thousands of troops and a pair of aircraft carriers to the region. In an interview with the Financial Times published on Friday, Ali Barakeh, a member of Hamas’ political leadership based in Lebanon, said the group “didn’t expect this much of a response” from the US. “An Israeli response? Yes, we expected that,” he said. “But what we’re seeing now is the entrance of the US into the battle, and this we didn’t count on.”

By late October 2023 about 900 troops had either deployed or were in process of deploying from the United States to the Middle East to increase force protection. These units include a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, battery from Fort Bliss, Patriot batteries from Fort Sill, and Patriot and Avenger batteries from Fort Liberty.

Washington did not clarify the whereabouts of its recently sent soldiers, while a report by The Intercept newspaper said that one of the bases that received American soldiers was the Muwaffaq Salti Air Base in Jordan, also known as the “Azraq Air Base.” According to the report, that base received several F-15 attack aircraft last month, the same aircraft that were used to bomb facilities used by Iranian-backed militias in Syria at least twice since October, following attacks on American forces by groups supported by Iran. A report issued in 2021 by the Foreign Policy Research Institute said, “The main center for American air operations in Syria is now the Muwafaq Salti Air Base in Jordan, but the American presence is not recognized due to sensitivities related to the host country.” It is noteworthy that the base was given this name in memory of Jordanian Lieutenant, Muwafaq Salti, a pilot who died while fighting the Israeli Air Force during a conflict that included the West Bank in 1966. Therefore, it is not difficult to see why the US government does not want to reveal its presence on this air base in Jordan, a country that houses more than two million Palestinian refugees, and is rocked by protests against the Israeli military operations. It is noteworthy that even before the Israeli war on Gaza, the American presence at the Muwaffaq Salti base was expanding. In December 2021, the Pentagon launched a major modernization of the air base to, as Jane's Defense Weekly put it, "transform it into a more permanent base." A 2022 Gallup poll showed that although there had been an uptick in American sympathy for the Palestinians in the past decade (26 percent view Palestinians favorably), most Americans support Israel more (55 percent). A 2022 Pew Research Center survey showed similar trends, but reported the most positive views of Israel being among white evangelicals and Republican-affiliated voters, representing those in the US on the far right. Only five percent of those surveyed supported the BDS movement, an organised effort of those who see Israel as an apartheid state with a deliberate policy of settler colonialism and genocide and who believe the US must help put an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. In October 2023, an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist University poll showed a majority of Americans supported Israel’s efforts in bombing and shelling Gaza, but with some doubts about the disproportionality of the Israeli response and America’s role in it.

The Wall Street Journal reported 16 October 2023 that American defense officials said the Pentagon had allocated 2,000 troops for possible deployment to Israel to support any Israeli ground incursion into Gaza. The White House took immediate military steps to support Israel, ordering the deployment of an aircraft carrier and a number of other naval military vessels off the coast of Israel, in addition to strengthening air force squadrons in the Middle East, and delivering emergency shipments of weapons and ammunition. The Biden administration was working to encourage Israel to recognize the need to follow the rules of war, and reduce the violation of the rights of innocent Palestinians who are far from being Hamas terrorists.

The Hamas attack on Israel out of Gaza was at a different level than in the past. Hundreds of Israelis were killed in the attacks that also killed 11 Americans, President Joe Biden said in a written release. Hamas terrorists also kidnapped people in Israel and taken them to Gaza. "While we are still working to confirm, we believe it is likely that American citizens may be among those being held by Hamas," Biden said. "I have directed my team to work with their Israeli counterparts on every aspect of the hostage crisis, including sharing intelligence and deploying experts from across the United States government to consult with and advise Israeli counterparts on hostage recovery efforts."

Since the first hours of the aggression on the Gaza Strip and following the start of Operation “ Al-Aqsa Flood ,” the administration of US President Joe Biden took a sharp and strict stance in its support of the Israeli occupation militarily, politically, and diplomatically, while it has refrained from demanding a ceasefire between the two sides. Biden had no choice but to declare absolute support for Israel in public, but while urging it to respect civilians, especially with the approaching date of the presidential elections in the United States, and the expected attack from Republicans if the Biden administration does the opposite.

Around 2:30 in the morning of 07 October 2023 the US was alerted to the rocket attacks in Israel and staff engaged throughout the evening with Israeli counterparts and regional counterparts to try to determine precisely what was unfolding. In the morning at 7:00 a.m., Jake Sullivan spoke with his Israeli counterpart. And then shortly thereafter, around 7:30, Jake convened a call with his national security team, including Secretary Blinken and others.

Shortly after that, around 8:15 or so, there was a call — the President convened a call with his national security team — with Jake Sullivan, Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Bill Burns, and others. Throughout that call, the President received a full briefing on the situation and developments, directed full engagement with Israeli counterparts and with regional counterparts.

Immediately after that call — right at when that call ended, the President called Prime Minister Netanyahu. The Prime Minister, on that call, made very clear this was an unprecedented day for Israel. As he said publicly, Israel is at war. The President offered his full support for Israel and emphasized the close coordination ongoing between our military and intelligence teams, noted that Secretary Austin would soon be speaking with his counterpart. And the President and the Prime Minister agreed to remain in regular contact, both between the two of them as leaders and also, obviously, through our teams. Shortly thereafter, Secretary Austin discussed the situation with his counterpart, the Minister of Defense, Gallant, in Israel — again, full support for Israel’s military right to defend itself.

As the President said, the United States stands with Israel. The United States unequivocally condemned the appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists from Gaza. The US made it absolutely clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu, but to Israeli officials up and down, across the political spectrum and their national security spectrum, that the US stood ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the government and people of Israel. And Israel had a right to defend itself and its people.

Biden repeated Netanyahu’s claims and allegations regarding the Palestinian resistance in Gaza killing Israeli children and infants and raping women, which is untrue and for which there is absolutely no evidence. The White House later retracted statements made by Biden, in which he said that he did not think that he would “see pictures of terrorists beheading children,” in reference to the attack by Al-Qassam fighters. The Washington Post quoted a White House spokesman as saying, “Neither President Biden nor any US official has seen any images or independently confirmed reports about this.”

Since the attack, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III worked to make clear that the U.S. unequivocally supports Israel's right to defend itself. Austin and the rest of the National Security Council have been calling allies and partners throughout the Middle East and Europe with this message. "We're also making very clear to adversaries or those that might be entertaining entering this conflict to escalate it that they should think twice and not take advantage of the instability," the official said. Austin spoke to Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Austin is getting operational updates and learning what equipment and capabilities Israel needs to defend itself, the official said.

The United States is "surging" support to Israel, including air defense capabilities and munitions. "We remain in constant, ongoing contact with our counterparts in Israel to determine, and then support, their most urgent requirements," the official said. "The bottom line is we are working as fast as possible to provide critically needed munitions of various types and other equipment."

Defense Department officials are also working with U.S. industry to expedite the shipment of military equipment that the Israelis had already ordered. "We're also working across the DOD enterprise, including with U.S. Central Command, to assess what munitions and other equipment are in U.S. inventories that we can be made, that can be made quickly available to Israel," the official said.

The United States is also bolstering U.S. presence in the region. Austin ordered the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The aircraft carrier has an embarked airwing and accompanying cruisers and destroyers. The force will conduct maritime and air operations in order to assure allies and partners throughout the region and ensure regional stability. The strike group is prepared for the full range of missions.

Austin also ordered more Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16 and A-10 fighter aircraft to squadrons in the region. "These posture increases were intended to serve as an unequivocal demonstration in deeds, and not only in words, of U.S. support for Israel's defense and serve as a deterrent signal to Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, and any other proxy across the region who might be considering exploiting the current situation to escalate conflict," the senior defense official said. "Those adversaries should think twice."

Iran is in the picture, but there is no proof of active involvement by that country. "Iran has provided support for years to Hamas and Hezbollah," the official said. "We've long discussed Iran's role in a equipping, training and providing guidance to militant groups. I'm not talking about any specific intelligence in here. But we've been very clear for years about Iran's role in fomenting instability and inciting violence across the region."

In an episode broadcast 15 October 2023, of the 60 Minutes program on CBS, US President Joe Biden answered questions related to Israel’s occupation of Gaza again, the possibility of American intervention, the Iranian role in the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, and the elimination of the Hamas movement. Biden's speech comes amid intensification of air strikes on the Gaza Strip, which led to the death of about 2,700 Palestinians, the displacement of most of the population and the destruction of entire neighborhoods. The US President said that any move by Israel to occupy the Gaza Strip again would constitute a “grave mistake,” at a time when Israeli forces are preparing to carry out a ground military operation.

Biden said that he supported the complete elimination of Hamas, and described it as a group of cowards, as he described it. He believed that Hamas "does not represent all of the Palestinian people," and said that the invasion and "elimination of extremists" is a "necessary requirement."

He added, "But there must be a Palestinian authority. There must be a path to a Palestinian state," repeating the American call for a two-state solution. The program's presenter, Scott Pelley, asked the US President if he expected American forces to join the war, and he replied: "I do not think this is necessary." He continued, "Israel has one of the best fighting forces, and I guarantee that we will provide them with everything they need.""

Biden expressed his belief that Israel will adhere to the rules of war in Gaza, and said that the residents of the Strip will receive food, water and medicine. In a related context, Biden stated that there is no clear evidence that Iran is behind the attacks on Israel. He added, "Iran constantly supports Hamas and Hezbollah . I don't mean that. But in terms of did they have prior knowledge? Did they help plan the attack? There is no evidence of that at this point."

As US President Joe Biden flew back from Israel on 18 October 2023, his social media team shared a photo of him shaking hands with American special forces operators deployed there, without redacting their faces or other identifying features. The original photo showed the faces of four men, all wearing American flag patches and quickly identified as members of the elite Combat Applications Group (CAG), also known as the Delta Force and Task Force Green. The post was deleted after an hour, but had already been viewed by “hundreds of thousands” of people, according to intelligence analyst Sam Shoemate.

There were rumors that CAG had been deployed to Cyprus or another country in the region because several Americans are among the 200 or so hostages Hamas took in the October 7 incursion that triggered the latest violent conflict. A CAG operator was then spotted in Tel Aviv ahead of Biden’s visit, in which the US president declared his unequivocal support for Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s war on Hamas.

The American destroyer USS Carney has shot down three missiles and several drones launched from the territory of Yemen controlled by Houthi rebels, the Pentagon said 19 October 2023. Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder told reporters that the interception took place over the Red Sea. He added that the missiles were heading north, “potentially toward targets in Israel,” and that the US ship was not threatened. “There were no casualties to US forces and none that we know of to any civilians on the ground,” Ryder said.

The incident came after drones targeted military sites housing US personnel in Iraq and Syria. On 17 October 2023, the UAVs attacked the Al-Asad and Al-Harir (Bashur) air bases, causing minor injuries to the Western coalition forces, according to the Pentagon. Two drones attacked the Al-Tanf base in Syria the next day. One UAV was shot down, while another struck the base, also inflicting minor injuries to Western troops.

A US official told the CNN that a US warship shot down more than a dozen drones and four cruise missiles fired by Yemen's Houthi rebel militia between 19 and 20 October.

As many as 56% of US citizens are critical of the way President Joe Biden is handling the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian group Hamas, while 44% are of the opposite view, according to a poll released 20 October 2023. The survey split heavily along party lines, with 66% of Democrats happy about the president's policy in the conflict, whereas 72% of Republicans disapprove of it. Opinions also divided on whether the United States should provide military aid to Israel, with 57% of Republicans supporting this idea and 53% of Democrats against. Meanwhile, 70% of Democrats threw support behind sending humanitarian aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip versus just 41% of Republicans. The survey was conducted among 1,878 US adults residents from October 16-19. The margin of error does not exceed 2.9 percentage points.

Biden and his top aides have been urging Israeli leaders against carrying out any major strike against Hezbollah that could draw it into the current conflict, The New York Times reported on 29 October 2023. The report said that US officials believe Israel would struggle in a two-front war in both its south and north, and that such a conflict could draw in both the US and Iran.

The US has significantly ramped up its military footprint in the Middle East amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, sending additional air defense systems to the region, the Pentagon announced. In a statement on 21 October 2023, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he had “activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions” in several undisclosed locations in the Middle East to increase the protection of US forces. THAAD systems have an operational range of about 200km and are designed to intercept various types of missiles. Patriots, which have recently seen action in Ukraine, have a range of up to 160km and can shoot down missiles, drones, and warplanes.

According to Austin, the decision was made after “detailed discussions” with US President Joe Biden “on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East,” with the overall effort meant to support Israel. The minister added that he had also ordered an unspecified amount of US forces to be ready to deploy “as part of prudent contingency planning.”

Washington withdrew 8 Patriot batteries from the region over the past years, but it is not yet known which places and countries these batteries will be sent to. One "Patriot" battery contains 16 missiles, and has the ability to track 100 targets from a distance of 100 km, and can deal with 9 targets at the same time for a range of 70 km, while the range of the "THAAD" system is 200 km, and has wider handling potential than Patriot.

US officials said Iran is involved in drone attacks and other assaults on US military bases in Syria and Iraq. Iran's state-run news agency reported that forces supported by Iran attacked US bases in Syria on Monday and disclosed footage of drones taking off. Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder confirmed to reporters on 23 October 2023 Monday that "there was an attempted drone attack" in Syria. He said the drones were taken down with no injuries to US forces, and that the attack was carried out by forces backed by Iran.

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby also told reporters that there has been "an uptick in rocket and drone attacks by Iranian-backed proxy groups against military bases housing US personnel in Iraq and Syria." Kirby said in some cases Iran is "actively facilitating" the attacks, and "spurring on others who may want to exploit the conflict for their own good or for that of Iran." He said the US will not allow any threat to its interests in the region to go unchallenged. He added that the US message to any hostile actor seeking to escalate or widen the impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict is to not do it.

Drone attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria increased concerns that the war in Israel is spreading. At least 24 U.S. troops were injured amid a wave of attacks on their bases in Iraq and Syria over the past week, including one incident that caused injuries to 20 personnel, officials said 24 October 2023. The Biden administration had withheld those details while acknowledging that service members in the Middle East are under heightened risk. The most significant of these most recent attacks occurred October 18 at the al-Tanf Garrison in southeastern Syria, where 20 troops suffered what US military officials characterized as “minor injuries” when multiple one-way drones targeted the base.

The U.S. military is taking new steps to protect its troops in the Middle East, and is leaving open the possibility of evacuations of military families if needed, officials said. The measures include increasing U.S. military patrols, restricting access to base facilities, and increasing intelligence collection, including through drone and other surveillance operations, officials said. The U.S. military is also bolstering monitoring from guard towers on U.S. military facilities, surging security at base access points, and increasing operations to counter potential incoming drones, rockets, and missiles, the officials said.

The New Jersey Air National Guard’s 119 Expeditionary Fighter Squadron has arrived in the Middle East, Pentagon Press Secretary Brigadier General Pat Ryder told reporters 25 October 2023. The squadron has F-16 fighter jets, and officials would not say where exactly it went. Ryder also said the US is preparing for an increase in violence, noting that there have already been at least 13 attacks against troops and installations in Iraq and Syria. "What we are seeing is the prospect for more significant escalation against US forces and personnel across the region in the very near term coming from Iranian proxy forces and ultimately from Iran," he said during a Pentagon briefing. He added that the US won't hesitate to take action if needed to protect its forces and interests in the region.

US forces in Iraq and Syria have been attacked with drones or rockets at least 17 times in recent days, including on 26 October 2023, according to US officials. "I can tell you that we are aware of an attack today against U.S. forces," Pentagon press secretary Brigadier General Pat Ryder told reporters, referring to the air base in Irbil, Iraq. "It was unsuccessful. No casualties. Some minor damage to infrastructure. But again, we will make sure that we're able to update that information. I'm not tracking a second one at this point in time, but again, as that information comes in." "We know that these are Iranian-backed militia groups that are supported by Iran and, of course, we hold Iran responsible for these groups," Ryder said. Ryder told reporters the military would "do something at a time and place of our choosing, should we choose to do so."

The attacks have resulted in 17 minor injuries to Americans in Syria and four minor injuries to American personnel in Iraq, with U.S. officials continuing to monitor any potential traumatic brain injuries, Ryder said. One US contractor at al-Asad Air Base in Iraq suffered a cardiac episode while sheltering in place during a false alarm for an air attack and died.

US forces struck two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated groups during the early morning hours of Friday 27 October 2023. “These precision self-defense strikes are a response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement. Two F-16s used precision munitions against a weapons storage facility and an ammunition storage facility near Abu Kamal. Officials could not say at this time whether there were any casualties during the attacks.

The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier and its strike group moved through the Strait of Gibraltar 29 October 2023, putting two American carriers in the Mediterranean Sea, a rare sight in recent years. The USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group is already in the eastern Mediterranean, part of a buildup of forces as the US supports Israel in its war against Gaza. The Eisenhower sailed into the Mediterranean on Saturday and is slated to move through the Suez Canal to the US Central Command region as the American forces expand their presence in the Middle East.

On 01 November 2023 it was reported that dozens of US commandos are currently present in "Israel" aiding the IOF amid the Israeli war on Gaza in a number of roles, according to US Assistant Secretary of Defense Christopher P. Maier. According to the Pentagon official, the US commandos are currently "helping the Israelis to do a number of things," although the main task, according to Maier, was to help the occupation identify the Israeli captives held by the Palestinian Resistance and their location.

The US Central Command said 04 November 2023 the Dwight D Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group arrived in the Middle East as part of the increase in regional posture. The Eisenhower sailed into the Mediterranean as American forces expand their presence in the Middle East as fears of the Israel-Hamas war spreading rise. The USS Dwight D Eisenhower aircraft carrier and its strike group moved through the Strait of Gibraltar earlier this week, putting two American carriers in the Mediterranean Sea, a rare sight in recent years. The USS Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike Group was already in the eastern Mediterranean.

The US Navy dispatched a guided-missile submarine to the Middle East. The posting was revealed by the military in an announcement late on 05 November 2023. The unusual revelation regarding the location of the ship, which can launch nuclear missiles, suggests a show of force intended to try to contain regional tensions amid the Israel-Hamas war. “On November 5, 2023, an Ohio-class submarine arrived in the US Central Command area of responsibility”, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on the social media platform X, formerly Twitter. The Central Command area includes the Middle East. The post by the Department of Defence unit appeared to show an image of the submarine moving through the Suez Canal.

In a November 6 press release, DoD (Department of Defense) Press Secretary USAF Brigadier General Patrick S. Ryder stated the official goals of the US strategy in the Middle East. According to Ryder, the US has four priorities in the region: 1. Protection of US forces and citizens in the region. 2. Flow of critical security assistance to Israel as it defends against further Hamas terrorist attacks. 3. Coordination with the Israelis to help secure the release of hostages held by Hamas, to include American citizens. 4. Strengthening of force posture across the region to deter any state or nonstate actors from escalating the crisis beyond Gaza.

US President Joe Biden said in a message to Congress that they carried out a strike targeting an Iranian Revolutionary Guard facility and groups affiliated with it on 08 November 2023. At the end of last October, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that the United States had launched strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and groups linked to it, in response to a series of attacks on US forces in both Iraq and Syria.

US military forces arrived in occupied Palestine with the express purpose of managing Israeli nuclear facilities in Dimona and the Tebna desert region, according to Rai al-Youm, an independent Arabic-language online newspaper, 14 November 2023. Citing its sources, the outlet stated that Americans communicated to a Lebanese intermediary that their military personnel in occupied Palestine would not actively participate in the war alongside the Zionist regime's army and their mission is uniquely assigned to them. According to Rai al-Youm, Pentagon-affiliated sources mentioned 2,000 American forces in occupied Palestine, with most identified as military advisers. However, the purpose of deploying these forces is reported to be managing the two nuclear facilities in the occupied territories, namely Dimona and the Tebna desert region.

The number of American forces, which was initially reported to be 5,000, was confirmed to be 2,000 by Rai al-Youm. Concealing the direct operational military force, such as commandos, may be related to the hiding of the remaining 3,000 forces. Rai al-Youm’s sources implicitly confirm the collapse of the overall Israeli management system, leading Israel to rely on US forces to protect and manage its nuclear facilities.

The Pentagon reported on 16 November 2023 that US occupation forces in Syria and Iraq had been subjected to 56 attacks since October 17. Sabrina Singh, the Deputy Press Secretary of the Pentagon, informed journalists that out of the 59 US personnel who sustained injuries, 32 were categorized with non-serious injuries, while the remaining 27 individuals suffered from traumatic brain injury (TBI).

The USS Gerald Ford strike group will have its deployment extended in the Eastern Mediterranean as the Israel-Gaza war rages on, a US defense official said 20 November 2023. The defense official told Al Arabiya English that the Ford’s deployment would be extended by roughly 30 days.

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