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Operation Iron Swords - Day 220 - 13 May 2024

“At any point, Hamas could have ended this burgeoning tragedy to
surrender and release every hostage. …
Hamas instigated and owns this humanitarian catastrophe.”
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)


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“We do not believe what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. We have been firmly on record rejecting that proposition.” American National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan said. The US was "using the internationally accepted term for genocide, which includes a focus on intent" to reach this assessment, Sullivan added. He said the US wants to see Hamas defeated, that Palestinians caught in the middle of the war were in “hell,” and that a major military operation by Israel in Rafah would be a mistake.

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Sunday compared Israel’s war against Hamas to the U.S. decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan in World War II during an interview on NBC News’ Meet the Press. “When we were faced with destruction as a nation after Pearl Harbor, fighting the Germans and the Japanese, we decided to end the war by the bombing [of] Hiroshima [and] Nagasaki with nuclear weapons,” Graham said. “That was the right decision.” He added, “Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war. They can’t afford to lose.” Graham, a staunch supporter of Israel, used the analogy multiple times while condemning President Joe Biden for threatening to withhold certain weapons from Israel if it launches a military operation in Rafah.

Asked by moderator Kristen Welker why it was OK for President Ronald Reagan to withhold certain weapons from Israel during its war in Lebanon in the 1980s, but not OK for Biden to threaten to do so now, Graham once again brought up World War II. “Can I say this?” he asked. “Why is it OK for America to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end their existential threat war? Why was it OK for us to do that? I thought it was OK.”

He added, “So, Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive as a Jewish state. Whatever you have to do.” Welker pushed back, telling Graham that U.S. military officials say technology has vastly changed since World War II, a point she made earlier in the interview as well. “Yeah, these military officials that you’re talking about are full of crap,” Graham answered.

The Islamic Resistance Movement "Hamas" commented on the statements made by US Senator Lindsey Graham, in which he suggested that the fascist occupation strike Gaza with a nuclear bomb. The Hamas movement said that the shocking statements made by US Senator Lindsey Graham , in which he suggested that the fascist occupation strike Gaza with a nuclear bomb ; It demonstrates the depth of the moral decline he has reached, and the mentality of genocide and colonialism that inhabits him, along with sectors of the political elite in the United States.

Hamas added in a press statement, “These statements are consistent with a full-fledged crime of genocide, carried out by the immoral occupation army against defenseless civilians in the Gaza Strip.” It condemned these calls and positions, which come in the context of offering loyalty to the fascist occupation, and make their owners partners in the war of extermination. Hamas called on the free people of the world to condemn and denounce these positions, and to continue pressing to stop the aggression and the war of genocide and starvation against our Palestinian people.

Egyptian expert and professor of international relations, Dr. Hamed Fares, said: “Republican Senator Lindsey Graham’s statements conclusively indicate the racism enjoyed by decision-making circles in the United States of America, and indicate that the United States’ continued support for Israel and providing military aid to it, The latest of which was estimated at $26 billion, is nothing but to save Israel from admitting defeat in the Gaza Strip, especially since the Israeli army has not been able, up to this moment, to achieve its declared goals, whether by eliminating the leaders of “Hamas” or liberating detainees, with sharp divisions within the military and security establishment. And an increase in suicide cases among Israeli soldiers . Consequently, the Israeli army fell into the Gaza quagmire and would not be able to emerge from it except defeated, especially with the connection of these statements to previous statements by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who said that Israel could achieve a military victory, but it lost this war. Strategically, and other statements by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken do not deviate from this context.”

He added: “Therefore, these repeated statements coming out of the mouths of American officials are conclusive evidence of Israel’s failure to achieve any victory, and this indicates the seriousness of the situation within the Israeli occupation army, the development of the situation in the event that Israel launches an operation in the Palestinian Rafah may lead to its collapse, and this “This represents an existential threat to Israel’s security, and here lies the American fear.”

Commenting on Graham’s statements, Dr. Muhammad Saif al-Dawla, an expert on Israeli affairs, told RT, saying : “This is a criminal statement whose holder must be presented to the International Criminal Court and to all criminal courts in all countries of the world. This statement makes him a war criminal in accordance with all conventions.” International... It is a call to annihilate an entire people with one bomb... It is not a threat to Gaza alone, but in fact it is a dangerous threat to all of us as Arabs in Egypt and all Arab countries... A threat that the price of Israel’s security for the Americans is the annihilation of all the peoples of the region if necessary. I do not need to point out what confirms this. This violent terrorist statement - for the thousandth time - indicates that America is the main enemy and not just Israel, and that Israel is nothing more than an American strategic military base in our country since its founding in 1948, and that without American support, Why did Israel remain?

Saif al-Dawla continued: “The statement reminds us of the American airlift to Israel to support it in its confrontation with Egypt in 1973,” adding: “All of this and much more must push all Arab countries to reconsider their relationship with the Americans, and to re-establish their relationship and foreign policies with all countries.” Anti-American, and to place as its top strategic priority the end of the American presence and hegemony in the region.”

He continued: “Egypt in particular and the rest of the Arab countries must immediately withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and reconsider the US military aid it receives worth $1.3 billion annually, compared to about $4 billion for Israel. Its real goal is to maintain military superiority.” "Israel has control over Egypt and the Arab countries combined, and they must immediately demand that the American observation forces present in Sinai be replaced with United Nations forces similar to the UNIFIL forces in Lebanon." He continued: "All Arab countries and all independent countries of the world must recall their ambassadors to the United States, and many other measures must be taken, the goal of which must be to raise the greatest noise of objection and rejection of this nuclear terrorist threat issued by a heavyweight member of the American Congress."

Dr. Rania Fawzi, a specialist in Israeli affairs and Israeli media discourse, also commented on Graham’s statements, saying to RT : “Israel, 8 months after the war in Gaza, has not succeeded in releasing prisoners held by the resistance, and is using that as an excuse to extend its military operations in which it relies.” The US support is committed to ensuring Israel's security. Israeli circles considered US President Joe Biden's recent statements disappointing and an abandonment of their support in the face of what they called "Hamas" terrorism. There are apparently major differences represented by the United States not agreeing to storm Rafah and put pressure on it. It is necessary to determine only a limited process. American officials, led by Biden, are tired of the lack of clarity in the vision of the Israeli war cabinet regarding continuing the war without results on the one hand, and the lack of clarity in the vision of the arrangement for the day after the war after Hamas, especially regarding the administration of the government of Gaza, as Israel strongly rejects the administration of the Authority. For the Gaza Strip, while America is putting pressure on this, while the Authority refuses as long as the principle of a two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state is not achieved.”

War Termination

The US president believed any Rafah operation "has got to be connected to a strategic endgame that also answered the question, 'what comes next?'" Sullivan said. “We believe Israel can and must do more to ensure the protection and wellbeing of innocent civilians." This would avoid Israel "getting mired in a counterinsurgency campaign that never ends, and ultimately saps Israel's strength and vitality."

Sullivan lifted all responsibility off of Tel Aviv by once again arguing that, despite the continued Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip by Israeli war jets and the multiple attempted incursions into different areas across the Strip, he still insisted that Hamas is the side that must release Israeli captives for a ceasefire to occur. The world should be calling on Hamas to return to the negotiating table and accept a deal, Sullivan said, although it was "Israel" that sabotaged the latest deal that Hamas agreed to.

The representative of Hamas in Iran denounced the Israeli regime’s mentality as the reason for the failure of negotiations for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying the Zionist regime is reluctant to stop its onslaught as it has achieved none of its objectives. In an interview with Tasnim in Tehran, Khaled al-Qaddoumi said the mentality of the Israeli enemy is the main obstacle to the ceasefire talks. “The US and Israel are not serious (about the truce talks) and are hypocrites. The main reasons for the stalled (ceasefire) negotiations is the mentality of Israelis,” he said on the sidelines of the third meeting of the ‘Iranian-Arab Dialogues for Cooperation and Interaction’ on Sunday.

Qaddoumi noted that while Hamas had approved a ceasefire proposal put forward by Egypt and Qatar, subject to four conditions for a lasting end to the war, the withdrawal of enemy forces from Gaza, the opening of the Rafah border crossing and the return of the displaced Palestinians to their homes, the Israeli prime minister ordered a new massacre and launched a genocide in Rafah just two days later. “Today’s main problem is that the enemy does not want to stop the war. Why? Because it has not achieved its objectives,” he stated, adding that the Zionist regime has failed to cope with Gaza, which is why it has resorted to the massacre of Gazans with the green light from the world. Qaddoumi also asserted that the resistance forces in Gaza are fully prepared to ensure security in the enclave, either through negotiations or confrontation.

Operational Update

During an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed that the occupation was "on the trajectory, potentially, to inherit an insurgency with many armed Hamas left or, if it leaves, a vacuum filled by chaos, filled by anarchy and probably refilled by Hamas." He added that even after a Rafah invasion "there will still be thousands of armed Hamas left," adding that "we’ve seen, in areas that Israel has cleared in the north, even in Khan Younis, Hamas coming back."

Rather than focusing on an assault on Rafah, "Israel" should concentrate on providing a viable post-war strategy for Gaza, Blinken noted. He revealed that he spoke to Israeli security minister Yoav Gallant on Sunday reiterating the US opposition to an invasion of Rafah, and Gallant's office revealed that the two discussed "the precise operation in the Rafah area against remaining Hamas battalions."

Kurt Campbell, US Deputy Secretary of State, said that Israel's complete victory in Gaza is unachievable from Washington's point of view. According to Campbell, the United States does not believe that the complete victory that Israel seeks to achieve in the Gaza Strip and its attempt to eliminate Hamas is unachievable in Washington’s view. He added, "The United States and Israel have different views on the nature of the theory of Israeli victory in the Gaza Strip, despite their attempts to achieve it by various means."

Campbell added in an interview with CNN during the NATO Youth Summit on Monday: “Sometimes when we listen closely to Israeli leaders who often talk about the idea of ??achieving some kind of overwhelming victory on the battlefield and complete victory, I see clearly that these ideas are not It is achievable, and I do not think that Washington sees the possibility of achieving it either.” Campbell compared the situation in Gaza to the American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq after the events of September 11, where fighting continued "after the civilian population was transferred."

“Ultimately, I think there has to be more political solutions to this issue,” Campbell said.

Operational Update - Gaza

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said that nearly 360,000 people have been displaced from Rafah since the first evacuation order was issued a week ago. The agency added, in a statement issued on the “X” platform, today, Monday, that the bombing operations and other evacuation orders in northern Gaza led to further displacement and fear among thousands of families.

Jack Lew, the US ambassador to Israel, said on Sunday that the incursion into Rafah is still within an acceptable range for Washington. Lew referred to the announcement by US President Joe Biden, in an interview with CNN last week, of suspending a shipment of bombs to Israel in a warning against “entering Rafah.” Lew told Israeli Channel 12 TV, “The president was clear in the interview that what Israel has done so far has not exceeded the limit,” but he did not clarify what this limit is. "I hope we don't end up in a real dispute," he added.

The military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, said that as a result of the Israeli bombing of Gaza during the past ten days, their contact was cut off with a group of their fighters guarding 4 Israeli prisoners. Abu Ubaida: As a result of the Israeli bombing, we lost contact with a group of our fighters guarding 4 Israeli prisonersFrom a military cemetery.. The head of the Shin Bet feels loss and threatens everyone who contributed to that “terrible day.” Abu Ubaida added: “As a result of the barbaric Zionist bombing during the past ten days, our contact was cut off with a group of our mujahideen guarding four Zionist prisoners, including the prisoner Hersh Goldberg Pauline.”

The United Nations said that the Ministry of Health in the Strip issued an update regarding the details of deaths. This came after Israel wondered why there was a sudden change in the death toll. UN spokesman Farhan Haq said that the numbers announced by the ministry and which the international organization regularly cites in its reports on the seven-month-old fighting now reflect details of the 24,686 deaths “of people who have been fully identified.”

"There are more than 10,000 other bodies that have yet to be fully identified, so the details of these - which are children and which are women - will be verified once the identification process is complete," Haq told reporters in New York. Last week, Israel wondered why the death toll among women and children suddenly halved.

The New York Times reported , citing American officials, that the leader of Hamas in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, “is not hiding in Rafah, south of Gaza,” noting that this intelligence information could undermine the Israeli justification for major military operations in the city. American officials say Israeli intelligence agencies agree with the American assessment that Sinwar and other Hamas leaders are not hiding in Rafah, on the southern tip of Gaza.

The spy agencies in both countries believe that Sinwar “never left the network of tunnels under Khan Yunis, the next major city in the north,” according to American officials who spoke to the newspaper on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence assessments. The Times of Israel previously reported, citing officials familiar with the matter, that recent intelligence assessments indicate that Sinwar is present in underground tunnels in the Khan Yunis area, about five miles north of Rafah, while a third official confirmed that Sinwar is still in Gaza.

The newspaper pointed out that Sinwar and his deputy, the commander of the military wing, Muhammad al-Deif, are still out of reach, despite repeated allegations by Israeli officials that the Israeli army was tightening its grip on them. The two officials who spoke to the newspaper were unable to determine Sinwar's precise whereabouts currently, but they cited intelligence assessments indicating his presence under the tunnels in Khan Yunis.

Hamas' extensive network of tunnels remains deeper under Khan Yunis, reaching 15 stories in some places, and Sinwar "is also protected by a group of Israeli hostages whom he uses as human shields to discourage Israeli forces from raiding or bombing his position," US officials said. And Israelis. Israel made eliminating Sinwar an essential element in its goal of destroying Hamas. Officials believe Israeli intelligence agencies have as good or better information about Sinwar's location, but insisted that the United States shares everything it knows with Israel.

In February, the Israeli military released footage of what it said was Sinwar walking through a tunnel with several family members, the first time he had apparently been seen since going into hiding before the devastating October 7 attack he is accused of masterminding, sparking the ongoing war in Gaza.

American officials are trying to persuade Israel to curb its military operation in and around Rafah, for fear of civilian casualties that may result from a large-scale attack on the city, where Palestinian civilians and Hamas militants have taken refuge, according to the newspaper. Since the beginning of the conflict, the United States has been providing Israel with intelligence on Hamas officials, including Sinwar and Muhammad Deif, the leader of its military wing. American officials believe that if Israel is able to kill either of these top leaders, the Israeli government will be able to consider this a major victory and use it as a reason to curb military operations, the newspaper reported.

American and Israeli officials do not believe that Sinwar, who is seen as one of the architects of the attack on Israel on October 7, or other senior Hamas leaders were hiding in Rafah, some of them reported, and they said that the Biden administration had told the Israelis that the pursuit of Sinwar should not be used. As a justification for launching an attack on Rafah. Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi told the Israeli public broadcaster Kan on Saturday that Israel “will eliminate Sinwar because this is what should happen after what he did.”

IDF forces are operating in three sectors at the same time in the Gaza Strip: the Air Force attacked more than 120 terrorist targets in the last day. Division 99, 98 and 162 are fighting with high intensity in the north, center and south of the Gaza Strip. In addition to the fighting, the forces held memorial positions in the last day to commemorate and commemorate the martyrs of Israel's systems and the victims of the hostilities. In the 401st Brigade, every fighter in the territory of the Gaza Strip received a kit containing a memorial candle, matches, a picture and name of one of the victims and a remembrance sticker. The IDF forces embrace the bereaved families and continue to fight in the light and spirit of the fallen.

Two IDF soldiers from the Yalam unit were seriously injured in a battle in the southern Gaza Strip. An employee of a contracting company on behalf of the Ministry of Defense who was on assignment in the area was seriously injured and two other employees who were on assignments in the area were slightly injured in the southern Gaza Strip. Last night (Sunday) an IDF soldier in the Rotem Battalion, Givati Brigade, was seriously injured in a battle in the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, yesterday (Saturday) two fighters in the 51st Battalion, Golani Brigade, were seriously injured as a result of an operational accident in the Gaza border area, near Nir Am. The fighters and civilians were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, their families were informed.

Israeli tanks penetrated under the cover of heavy fire from the air and land into Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, on Monday, while tanks and forces crossed to a main highway on the outskirts of Rafah in the south. In Jabalia, tanks are trying to advance towards the center of the camp, which is the largest of the eight refugee camps in Gaza. Residents said that tank shells were falling in the center of the camp and that air strikes destroyed a number of homes.

Residents and medics said that several people were killed and wounded in a series of air strikes on the camp during the night. Medics said they were unable to send teams to some areas due to the intensity of Israeli bombing, but they had reports of deaths. In Rafah, near the border with Egypt, Israel intensified air and ground bombardment on the eastern areas of the city. There were deaths in an air strike on a house in the Brazil neighborhood. Residents said that Israeli tanks cut off Salah al-Din Road, which divides the eastern part of the city, and the eastern part of Rafah remains a "ghost town." Residents reported intensifying fighting and seeing Israeli forces and tanks in the southeast of the Rafah area.

Al-Hurra's correspondent quoted the director of the medical services ambulance in northern Gaza as saying: "We recovered more than 20 bodies and dozens of injured people in Jabalia camp." The reporter also reported, on Monday, that 8 deaths and dozens of injuries occurred during the past 24 hours in the city of Rafah. He said that 10 bodies were recovered from the east of the city of Rafah as a result of continued Israeli artillery shelling amid continuing waves of displacement from the city towards the western areas, Al-Mawasi and Khan Yunis. He added that there were violent clashes between Hamas militants, Palestinian factions, and Israeli army forces east of Jabalia, amid violent artillery and air bombardment.

Al-Alam’s correspondent in Deir al-Balah in the central Gaza Strip said that Jabalia camp , north of the Gaza Strip, is the hottest area in the Strip, as the Israeli occupation entity intensifies its artillery shelling and air strikes on the camp, as well as the Maakasar area, north of the Strip. He added that the Jabalia camp and the Maskar area turned into an arena of clashes and fierce confrontations between the Israeli forces and the Palestinian resistance, noting that the Israeli forces penetrated and approached the tents of the displaced and the schools in the Jabalia camp. Al-Alam's correspondent pointed out that the situation in the northern Gaza Strip is very difficult and becoming more dangerous in light of the continued bombing and targeting of civilians in various areas of the north, such as Beit Hanoun, Beit Lahia, and Jabalia camp.

The military wing of the Hamas movement said that some of its fighters engaged in gun battles with Israeli forces in a street east of the city of Rafah, as well as in east Jabalia. In Israel, the army sounded sirens several times in areas near Gaza, warning of the possibility of launching Palestinian rockets or mortar shells across the border. The Israeli army said late on Saturday that its forces in Jabalia were preventing Hamas from rebuilding its military capabilities in Gaza.

Mujahideen Brigades were locked in intense confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces, utilizing a variety of suitable weapons, as reported by the Brigades themselves. In this context, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent explained that “the Resistance is engaged in fierce confrontations with the occupation forces at close range in the Jabalia camp.”

Dozens of residents of Mount Hebron and Kish blocked for hours today (Monday) the supplies that are supposed to reach the Gaza Strip. The protesters damaged the humanitarian aid trucks and unloaded the supplies so that they would not reach their destination. Later, at least one of them was recorded on fire after being set on fire at the Tarkamiya crossing. Fire and rescue teams were on the scene, and the police also arrived at the scene.

Even before that, the police informed that there were about 20 protesters blocking trucks with humanitarian aid at the Tarkumiya crossing and a police force was sent there. Also, at the Gurevich crossing, near the slide, there are about 100 protesters blocking the trucks. Six aid trucks were opened by the protesters who threw the aid on the ground to prevent it from reaching the Strip. Two protesters were detained and evacuated from the scene by the police. The Order 9 Movement referred to the incident at the Tarkamiya crossing and said: "With the pain and anger that accumulated in the entire nation in front of the mighty oiled machine that was quietly set up here to smuggle trucks without the citizens of Israel knowing anything about it, acts were committed today that are not in line with the values of our movement."

The US also commented on the incident, and the Deputy Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "The US talked with its partners in Israel about the reports regarding interference with aid trucks and damage to the aid itself on its way to the Gaza Strip. Our opinion is clear, there should be no interference with aid." The German ambassador in Israel published a sharp condemnation on his account in X: "Raiding aid trucks and preventing food from reaching the needy is a shame, and it certainly won't help the release of the kidnapped and the security of the country against the terrorism of Hamas."

Also, a few days ago, dozens of activists of the Order 9 movement gathered in the Mitzpe Ramon area and demanded to stop the transfer of aid to the Gaza Strip. According to the movement, more than 20 of its operators were arrested in blocking the aid trucks and lawyers are accompanying the detainees. Members of the Order 9 movement claimed that "the State of Israel is doing everything to deliver aid to the murderers and that the people want the abductees at home and are not willing to pamper Sinwar."

Operational Update - Judea-Samaria

The occupation policy that besieges Palestinian construction has forced residents to build without a permit. Under these circumstances, the Palestinian house remains a symbol of renewed dispossession. The Israeli occupation did not limit itself to the policy of Palestinian homes, which have become a basic pillar of the collective punishment policy, but also raided, arrested, and vandalized them as part of its policy to punish and isolate the Palestinians.

Operational Update - Lebanon

Fighter jets attacked two Hezbollah launchers in the Eyta al-Sha'ab region in southern Lebanon. As a result of the attack, launches and sub-explosions were detected from the launcher which testified to the presence of an IML in the launcher which was ready for launch. Earlier today, several launches were detected that crossed from Lebanon towards several areas in the north of the country, there were no casualties.

Following the alerts that were activated in the north of the country, two anti-tank missiles crossed the territory of Lebanon and fell in the Yiftah area. As a result of the anti-tank missiles hitting, three IDF soldiers were slightly injured and another soldier was moderately injured. The soldiers were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, their families were informed. In addition, an unmanned aerial vehicle that crossed from Lebanon fell in the area of Zerait. There are no casualties. Two drones penetrated from Lebanese territory into Israeli territory, and exploded in the area of Beit Hillel. As a result of the explosion, a fire broke out, which was extinguished shortly after. There were no casualties, the incident is being investigated.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon published scenes of an operation targeting new spy equipment at the Ramim barracks ( occupied Honin ) of the occupation army on the southern Lebanese border. The Lebanese Hezbollah published a summary of the operations it carried out against the Israeli army on Monday, “in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance.” Hezbollah's military media said, "The Islamic Resistance carried out a number of operations against the positions and deployment of the Israeli enemy army on the Lebanese-Palestinian border on Monday, May 13, 2024, according to the following": «

    Eastern sector (southern Lebanon):
  1. - 06:20: Targeting the settlement and sleeping tents of Israeli enemy officers and soldiers at the newly created site of the 403rd Reserve Artillery Battalion of the 91st Division, south of Beit Hilal, through an air attack with a squadron of assault marches, leaving enemy officers and soldiers dead and wounded.
  2. - At 10:35: After careful monitoring of the movements of the Israeli enemy in the Yiftah barracks, and when a Merkava tank emerged from its hiding place and moved, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance attacked it with a guided missile and hit it directly . It was destroyed, and its crew was killed and wounded.
  3. - At 17:05: The Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese hills of Kafr Shuba was targeted with missile weapons, and it was directly hit.
  4. - At 22:50: Two buildings used by Israeli enemy soldiers in the Metulla settlement were targeted with appropriate weapons and directly hit, as a response to the enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, the last of which was in the town of Al-Adissa.

    Western sector (southern Lebanon):

  5. - 12:00: After careful monitoring of the movements of the Israeli enemy inside the Birkat Risha site, and when a number of soldiers moved, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted them with artillery shells, injuring them directly.
  6. - At 1:00 p.m.: The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance set up a fiery ambush for a force of Israeli enemy soldiers. Upon its arrival at the ambush point west of the Pranit barracks, the Mujahideen targeted it with rocket weapons and artillery shells, and inflicted confirmed casualties.
  7. - 1:20 p.m. “When a number of Israeli enemy soldiers from the military assembly crew entered a room equipped with espionage equipment next to the Al-Jardah site, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted it with guided weapons and destroyed it, leaving those in it dead and wounded.”

Since the Hamas movement launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” on October 7 and the subsequent devastating war on the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah continues to carry out its operations “in support of Gaza” and to create a “support front” against the Israeli army, as the “party” confirms that Its operations stopped "subject to the cessation of the aggression against the Gaza Strip."

Operational Update - Syria / Iraq

Fighter jets successfully intercepted an unmanned aerial vehicle that made its way to Israeli territory from the east. The vessel was under surveillance, did not cross towards the territory of the country and no alerts were activated in accordance with the policy. There were no casualties and no damage was caused.

Operational Update - Yemen

Yemeni media reported that Hodeidah International Airport was targeted by a missile in a US missile attack. The Yemeni Armed Forces confirmed that they are “following the developments of the situation in the Gaza Strip, and will not hesitate to escalate their military operations in victory for the oppression of the Palestinian people ,” stressing that they “will continue to prevent Israeli navigation or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine in the area of ??declared operations, until the blockade is lifted.” And stop the aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

The British newspaper The Guardian said, on Sunday, that a survey conducted by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) in February confirms that more than half (53%) of manufacturers and retailers in Britain have been affected by attacks by the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea. She pointed out that “container rental prices have increased by 300%, and four weeks have been added to delivery times.”

“ The Guardian ” said, “The continuation of what it described as the Red Sea crisis is increasing pressure on consumers within the United Kingdom,” and revealed that shipping prices from Asia have risen three-fold over the past week alone. The British newspaper published a report titled “As the Red Sea crisis continues, pressures on consumer prices come,” referring to increases in commodity prices resulting from higher transportation costs. As a result of the British ships being forced to divert their course and circle around Africa; To avoid being targeted by the Yemeni armed forces. The report stated that manufacturers and retailers will not be able to continue without adding new costs resulting from diverting ships around South Africa.

According to the report, “Many shipping companies are now diverting ships to a safer, but longer and more expensive, route around the tip of southern Africa, passing through the Cape of Good Hope. This could add 10 days to the journey and increase fuel costs by 40%.”

The report shed light on what was announced by Maersk Shipping Company last week, where the company said: “The attacks have intensified, and the danger zone has now become larger,” and added that it will continue to send its ships around Africa in the foreseeable future, but this will lead to a decrease in its capacity by 20% in the future. The second quarter of the year, in addition to additional costs,” according to the report.

The British newspaper revealed that “during the past week, additional fees on containers coming from Asia tripled from $250 to $750” (per container). The report said: “For large companies such as Maersk and small companies in the United Kingdom and elsewhere that depend on goods coming from Asia and the Middle East, the impact of the crisis continues.” The British newspaper report stated that the United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce had published a report last February in which it stated that “more than 53% of manufacturers and retailers in Britain were affected by the situation in the Red Sea, while some of them reported an increase in container rental prices by 300%, adding four Weeks to delivery dates.

The Guardian reported that “manufactured goods from Asia, including cars, furniture and textiles, are the most affected, and oil from the Middle East is also affected.” The report said, “About 70% of all car spare parts are shipped across the Red Sea from Asia, and this is because many car manufacturers, including Volvo and Tesla, have stopped some production lines. Due to a shortage of parts, Stellantis, the owner of Vauxhall, said it was turning to air shipping some parts to bypass the Red Sea. “Some companies have turned to rail freight, with the number of trains leaving China for Europe increasing significantly in recent months,” the newspaper reported. According to the report, many British companies have reorganized their supply chains, as “Asos and Boohoo (two British fashion companies) intensified the convergence process, obtaining more products from Turkey and Morocco instead of Asia.”


All maps are lies. “Not only is it easy to lie with maps, it is essential,” wrote cartographer Mark Monmoneir in his book How to Lie with Maps. He showed that condensing complex, three-dimensional spaces onto a two-dimensional sheet of paper [in old days] is bound to be reductive.

But it is impossible to comprehend the war in Gaza without reference to maps, otherwise the entire conflict is reduced to an endless series of meaningless acts of random violence and the suffering of civilians. The first characteristic of guerrilla warfare is the loss of a front line.

Evidently, different mappers have different ideas of how to depict the war in Gaza, notably those that seek to depict Israeli progress in the ground campaign. Part of the problem is latency. The news that forms the basis of the maps takes time to filter out to mappers, and the cartographers take time in crafting their maps, and it takes time to curate them. These processes are uneven among mappers, so their maps may differ in detail. Probably there is some ideological bias, or at least thematic apperception, which is understandable in wartime. It may come as no surprise that al-Jazeera maps depict rather less Israeli territorial progress than other sources.

Finally, there remains the epistemological question of just exactly what are the colored in areas depicting. Naively, this might be understood as areas of Israeli control, that are no longer contested by the HAMAS. Or possibly these are areas of Israeli presence, in many of which the possibility of an RPG-wielding HAMAS militant popping out of a tunnel unexpectedly remains a live possibility. With the "zero-range" combat characterized by small unit tactics on both sides, maps may be prey to a fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords


The head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) rejected Israel's claim of establishing safe zones in Gaza, branding them as "false and misleading." UNRWA's Commissioner General, Philippe Lazzarini, dismissed Israel's claims in a social media post on Sunday, highlighting the perilous situation faced by civilians amid relentless attacks.

Since the commencement of Israel's protracted war on Gaza over seven months ago, its military has launched relentless assaults from air, sea, and land, resulting in significant civilian casualties in the besieged territory. Despite Israeli claim of designated safe zones for civilians, UN officials have rejected them, citing the absence of secure havens amidst indiscriminate strikes and artillery fire. Philippe Lazzarini emphasized, "The claim of 'safe zones' is false and misleading. No place is safe in Gaza. Period."

In a recent development, the Israeli military issued evacuation orders for additional areas in Rafah, signaling an escalation of military operations despite international condemnation. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were compelled to relocate to an expanded humanitarian area in al-Mawasi, characterized by dire living conditions, according to aid workers. Lazzarini condemned the forced displacement, stating, "The Israeli authorities continue to issue forced displacement orders also known as 'evacuation orders,' forcing people in Rafah to flee anywhere and everywhere."

Highlighting the plight of Gaza's displaced population, Lazzarini underscored the challenges faced by civilians seeking refuge amidst the ongoing genocidal war. He noted the recurrent movement of Gazans in search of safety, with many compelled to seek shelter in UNRWA's facilities, which have also been targeted by Israeli airstrikes.

The United Nations' High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, voiced grave concerns over the "catastrophic" impact of a full-scale Israeli offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. Turk expressed his apprehensions in a statement released on Sunday, cautioning against a full-scale invasion of Rafah due to its potential harm to civilians. "I have repeatedly expressed my alarm about the catastrophic impact of a possible full-scale offensive on Rafah, including the possibility of further atrocity crimes," Turk stated.

He said he could not see how the latest evacuation orders or a “full assault” in an area with an extremely dense civilian presence, can be reconciled with the binding requirements of international humanitarian law and with the two sets of binding provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Turk highlighted the desperate situation exacerbated by impediments to humanitarian aid entry through Gaza's crossings, including a severe fuel shortage hindering essential operations.

Axis of Resistance

To establish complete peace, stability, and full security in West Asia, it is necessary to end the Zionist regime’s occupation of Palestine and disarm its nuclear arsenal, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said. The third meeting of the ‘Iranian-Arab Dialogues for Cooperation and Interaction’ was held in Tehran on Sunday under the auspices of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations.

Amirabdollahian said he has emphasized that “we have moved beyond Iran-Arab talks to regional dialogues and, furthermore, to regional cooperation.” “I highlighted the effectiveness of elite gatherings and scholarly discussions in the region in dispelling incorrect and baseless perceptions about each other,” Amirabdollahian said. “I affirmed Iran's commitment to enhancing and deepening the understanding and empathy among the countries of the region, noting that the government's definitive approach towards magnifying the good neighborliness policy underscores this essential point,” he added.

“I referenced the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran centered on sustainable development and security, convergence, and regional cooperation. I stated the necessity of ending the occupation and disarming the nuclear arsenal of the Zionist regime to fully achieve comprehensive peace, stability, and security in West Asia,” the foreign minister noted. Pointing to his exclusive interview about the relations between Iran and Egypt, Amirabdollahian said, “In line with the agreement between the presidents of Iran and Egypt, we are engaging in forward-looking negotiations with Sameh Shoukry to enhance relations between Cairo and Tehran. We have made joint strides and will continue on this right path together. A strategic perspective on regional dialogue and cooperation spans a broad spectrum in the Islamic and Arab worlds, including Egypt."

Recent revelations by The New York Times have shed light on the existence of a secret police force in Gaza, operated by Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, aimed at suppressing dissent and opposition to the militant group's rule. The force, known as the General Security Service, reportedly operated similarly to the East German Stasi, monitoring and compiling files on thousands of civilians perceived as threats to Hamas' authority.

According to documents seized in the Gaza Strip, the General Security Service targeted various segments of society, including journalists, young activists, and individuals critical of Hamas' governance. Participation in demonstrations against Hamas officials or any aspect of the group's rule, as well as public criticism of the organization, led to investigations and surveillance by the secret police.

The primary objective of this clandestine operation was to quash all forms of dissent within Gaza, with journalists subjected to surveillance and intimidation, online criticism of Hamas erased from social media platforms, and protests against the group swiftly suppressed. The scale of the operation is staggering, with files on at least 10,000 Gazans reportedly created between 2016 and 2023.

The General Security Service, comprised of 856 agents, operated with a significant monthly budget of $120,000, as detailed by The New York Times. The existence of such a force underscores the lengths to which Hamas has gone to maintain its grip on power in Gaza and silence opposition voices.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah said, addressing the settlers in the northern occupied Palestinian territories, “If you want to return to the northern settlements, go to the Netanyahu government and tell it...stop the war on Gaza,” adding that “the Israeli has two options...either agree to the proposal.” Which Hamas agreed to, but if it is completed, it will continue in a war of attrition that will consume it.”

In his speech on the eighth anniversary of the martyrdom of the jihadi leader, Mr. Mustafa Badr al-Din, “Sayyid Zulfiqar,” Mr. Nasrallah said: The blood of Mr. Commander Badr al-Din and all the martyrs has yielded fruit and given the desired result, because one of the reasons for our entry into Syria is to remain in the axis of resistance , saying: In everything that our squares witness, we see the face of Mr. Zulfiqar present and his voice, as is the case with all martyrs, especially leaders, we see what their pure blood yielded.

Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed: In every battle, we are attended by the martyr Commander Hajj Qasem Soleimani, the martyr Zahedi, and the martyr Hejazi, who supported us and spent their lives supporting us. He added that there is a consensus within Israel regarding the failure in Gaza, and stressed, “There is no solution for the enemy (Israel) to stop the Lebanon front except by stopping the war on Gaza.” Al-Sayyid stressed, “Netanyahu has no idea about the “day after the war” in Gaza, and he is searching for a picture. Victory through the Rafah operation.

Sayyed Nasrallah explained that “there are many strategic losses that Israel suffered 8 months after its war in Gaza,” stressing that “among the goals of the resistance in Gaza on October 7 was to revive the Palestinian cause.” He added that "due to the steadfastness of the resistance and the people in Gaza, Palestine has become the number one issue in the world," noting that the fronts of Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, the West Bank, and Iran are all complementary to the Gaza front.

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “Palestine today is the number one issue in the world, and the name of Palestine, the Palestinians, and the name of Gaza is on every lip and tongue in the world, and the world speaks of the oppression of the Palestinian people.” He stated that “among the goals of the resistance in Gaza is to revive the Palestinian issue and remind of the rights of the Palestinian people.” He continued, "In the United Nations, despite the Israeli lies, there are more than 140 countries demanding that the aggression be stopped and that Palestine be given full membership," and he pointed out that "the student demonstrations and protests in a large number of European countries carry the flag of Palestine and the name of Palestine, and this scene was created by October 7, and these demonstrations angered Netanyahu and the American administration. He pointed out that “some Arab regimes and satellite channels are now promoting the enemy entity as the only democratic state in our region.”

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “the image of Israel today is one that kills children and women and is arrogant in international laws and human and moral values,” and explained that “the Zionists reject the Palestinian state and consider it a threat to their entity, but the Al-Aqsa flood forced all countries of the world and America to talk about the only solution being the establishment of a Palestinian state.” He saw that “the most important political media scene expresses the victory of the Palestinian resistance when the Israeli representative, with a look of despair on his face, raised the picture of the Mujahid leader Yahya Sinwar at the United Nations,” and added that “the vote in the United Nations regarding Palestine’s membership angered the enemy’s representative, who directed insults at the United Nations countries.” While she is free to settle it.”

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “in the eighth month of the war on Gaza, there is a consensus in Israel regarding the failure to achieve the goals of the war,” and he added, “If we want to evaluate the results of the current battle, we must listen to what the enemy’s media is saying about the failure of Netanyahu and his army,” and he pointed out that “The events in Gaza and the continued steadfastness in Gaza have put the world before the fact that there are events in the region that could drag things into a regional war, and the world is responsible for finding a solution.”

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that “Israel has been helpless and failing for 8 months in Gaza. It is incapable of protecting its settlements and its cemetery in the Red Sea and in the next stage in the Mediterranean. It is incapable of protecting its entity from missiles and marches coming tens of kilometers away, and it needed American and international alert to protect it.” And all of this confirms the failure and impotence of this entity.” He continued, “Every time Israel tries to restore the image of deterrence, where is the eroded image of Israeli deterrence today after 8 months? Listen to what the Zionists themselves are saying. It has failed to restore the image of deterrence. Rather, this image has eroded even more.” He asked, “A state without deterrence and without a successful army. What is the independence of this state?” He added, “The Zionists say that Netanyahu’s insistence on continuing the war is dragging us into the abyss. They are stuck in Gaza. They cannot stay and cannot withdraw.”

Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “senior generals say that Netanyahu, through his insistence on war, is dragging us into the abyss,” and pointed out that “Israel’s image of deterrence is declining, especially after Operation True Promise and its generals are talking about an impasse.” He continued, “Israel is without deterrence today and has not It succeeds in deterring resistance from all the Axis countries, and its image has become eroded.” He added, “The strategic influence appears among the entity’s settlers who were promised security and safety, but what they see in opinion polls is the absence of an image of victory, and they demand the departure of Netanyahu and those with him.” He considered that “one of the most important results is that this entity He admits that he did not achieve victory, and 70% of the Israelis are demanding the resignation of the Chief of Staff. He explained that “Israel presents itself as the strongest country and the strongest army, and is assisted by the strongest country in the world, that is, the United States, and gives it capabilities and intervenes to defend it against the Gaza Strip, which has been under siege for 20 years and the resistance that It has limited capabilities,” and stressed that “there are many strategic losses that Israel suffered 8 months after its war in Gaza.”

Sayyed Nasrallah said, “Even if the Zionist enemy enters Rafah, this does not mean that the resistance has ended and that the Palestinian people have abandoned the resistance.” He continued, “Imagine that the leadership of a country has no idea about the next day.” He added, “The Israeli is afraid of leaving Gaza because that This means defeating him, and this is a disaster for him.” He pointed out that “the Israelis today are talking about daily exhaustion in Gaza, on the support fronts, and in the economy.” He explained that “Netanyahu was surprised by Hamas’ approval of the latest proposal for a ceasefire, so he announced his rejection because this amounts to a defeat for Israel.” He continued. “The plays that we are watching these days should not deceive anyone, as America stands with Israel,” he pointed out, “What happened at the United Nations and the International Court confirms American support for Israel and its lack of change in its position, and the Al-Aqsa flood exposes the West’s lies and deception.” He believed that “the enemy has two options.” Either agree to the proposal approved by Hamas, and if it is completed, it will continue in a war of attrition that will consume it.”

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that “the Lebanese Front imposes equations on the field and we are the front to support Gaza,” and stressed that “the Resistance Front in Lebanon continues to support the Gaza Strip and is escalating according to the data on the field.” He added, “No matter what the sacrifices are today, this battle is historic and creates a historic achievement.” The truth is that the Lebanese Support Front continues in quantity and quality and imposes equations, and the connection with the Gaza Front is conclusive.” He stressed that “the Lebanese Front continues to support Gaza and this is a decisive and final matter, and the Americans and the French have acknowledged this fact.” He continued, “We say to the settlers of the north, go to your government and tell them to stop” the war on Gaza.

Regarding the Syrian displacement file, Sayyed Nasrallah said, “There is a consensus on addressing the file of displaced Syrians in Lebanon, and the House of Representatives meeting next Wednesday is an opportunity to present practical proposals for the file of displaced Syrians.” He pointed out that “the House of Representatives can form a committee that will go to countries that oppose the return of Syrian refugees.” He stressed that “America, Europe and the international community bear responsibility for the return of the displaced, as they are the ones providing money so that the displaced do not return to Syria.” He considered that “whoever wants to return the displaced must demand that the United States of America repeal the Caesar Act and demand that Europe rescind the sanctions,” and he continued. "Syria must be helped to prepare the situation for the return of the displaced, the first of which is to remove the sanctions imposed on it, and the Lebanese government must communicate with the Syrian government officially to open the doors for the return of the displaced."

Sayyed Nasrallah said, “We must obtain a Lebanese consensus that says, ‘Let us open the sea to the displaced Syrians of their own free will, instead of exposing them to danger by leaving via illegal routes, and this requires national cover.’” He continued, “The decision to open the sea to the displaced requires courage, and if we take it, the Americans and Europeans will come to the government.” To find an actual solution.” He added, “The solution, in our opinion, is to put pressure on the Americans, who are preventing the return of the displaced, and to talk seriously with the Syrian government. Otherwise, we will tire itself out with partial solutions that will not reach the desired result.” He stressed, “When we have the elements of power, we can impose our conditions because we live in a world that does not He only understands the logic of force.”

Regarding the anniversary of the martyrdom of Sayyed Badr al-Din, Sayyed Nasrallah said, “Once again, we are united by the anniversary of the great jihad leader and our dear brother, Sayyed Mustafa Badr al-Din, and we address his honorable family, one by one, with our condolences for the beloved deceased and congratulations on Al-Uzayr’s obtaining the Medal of Martyrdom.” He continued, “I would like to address To all the families of the martyrs, especially during the ongoing battle, condolences and blessings for their martyrs, the honorable, patient, and accountable families of the martyrs.” He added, “I also address the wounded with a speedy recovery, and may God grant the displaced and the living environments stability and reward.” He said, “We extend our salutations to the patient and courageous mujahideen in every situation.” The fronts, which have been conquering for 8 months, all the scenes of heroism, enthusiasm, certainty of victory, and trust in God Almighty.”

Sayyed Nasrallah stressed, "This resistance that is fighting today on the front is a cumulative result of the sacrifices of the past, present, and those coming in the future, from Imam Sayyed Musa al-Sadr to Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi and Sheikh Ragheb Harb and all those who sacrificed and are waiting to sacrifice what God has promised."

Allied for Democracy

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu affirmed Israel's determination to win the war in the Gaza Strip, stressing that it is an "existential war." Netanyahu: We are fighting an existential war. Either we are or monstersFrom a military cemetery.. The head of the Shin Bet feels loss and threatens everyone who contributed to that “terrible day.” Netanyahu said, during a speech he delivered on Monday, in memory of those killed in the Israeli army, that “this war revolves around the following: either we are Israel or they are the monsters of Hamas. Either our existence, freedom, security and prosperity, or extermination, massacre, rape and enslavement.”

He added: "We are determined to win this conflict. We have inflicted and will inflict a heavy price on the enemy for his terrible actions." He continued: "We will achieve the goals of victory, centered on the return of all our abductees. A victory that will guarantee our existence and our future, but the price we pay, and the price paid by previous generations, is very high."

Israeli television channels cover the war in Gaza on a daily basis, and the Israeli citizen sees all the latest developments in the events except for one thing that often remains “absent” from media coverage, which is the casualties among the residents of the Gaza Strip, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. Every evening, Israelis watch television newscasts for the latest developments in the Gaza war, including ceasefire talks and hostage-taking, Israeli military losses, battlefield analysis, and coverage of the October 7 attacks by the Hamas movement, designated a terrorist group in the United States and other countries, on Israel.

One thing that is often missing in the newscast is “the people of Gaza.” Within Israel one can see “a certain war” while most of the rest of the world sees a different war, with footage of the devastation caused by Israeli air strikes in the densely populated Strip, and sometimes horrific images of Palestinians They were killed in combat. This split screen helps explain the widening gap between Israel and the rest of the world, whose attention has shifted from the horrors of October 7 to the damage done by the Israeli campaign to destroy Hamas. This gap in perspective may widen in the coming weeks if the Israeli military establishment expands its efforts to destroy the remaining Hamas brigades in the crowded city of Rafah in southern Gaza, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Is the military operation still “limited” or has it become “comprehensive”? Questions accompany the “new evacuation” demands directed by the Israeli army to residents of several neighborhoods in different areas of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. Why is the scope of these operations expanding? What are the causes and repercussions of this? On Israeli television, there is no footage of dead Palestinians, only some scenes of destruction, according to media managers, journalists, media analysts and ordinary Israelis.

Many Israeli Jews, who usually follow the news in Hebrew, say they rarely encounter candid footage of Gaza on their smartphones, even though they are aware there is widespread devastation and a high death toll. Nearly two-thirds of Israeli Jews indicated they had seen little or no images of the damage, according to an April survey by the Israel Democracy Institute. “You see everything about the war on Israeli television except for the people of Gaza,” said Shoki Taussig, editor-in-chief of Seventh Eye, an Israeli publication that focuses on the country's media.

He added: "Right now, the Israeli media cannot deal with a complex reality... They know that their viewers don't really want to see pictures of their enemies dying... so they don't show them." Spokesmen for Israel's leading television channels - Kan 11 as well as Channels 12, 13 and 14 - declined to comment or did not respond to the request. Channel 12 provided the Wall Street Journal with several examples of recent newscasts that included scenes of destroyed buildings and ruins in Gaza and civilians talking about their plight, including food shortages. There were no pictures of dead civilians.

“We were celebrating, dancing, and the streets were filled with joy, joy, and joy. We were congratulating each other on the end of this nightmare, before the situation turned 180 degrees, overnight,” is how a number of residents of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip describe their situation before the announcement of Hamas’ acceptance of the truce. Before the Israeli army began a “limited military operation” east of the city.

Ayala Banevsky, an Israeli academic who lives in London, said there is a huge divide between what she sees on TV in London and what friends and family see in Israel. "I've never seen such a big difference in perspective before," she added. For his part, Daniel Levy, a professor of economics at Bar-Ilan University, said that he and his wife believe they are not getting the full story from the Israeli media, and sometimes watch other channels in English to see the other side.

Tamar Herman, a senior research fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, said that while the hostages are still being held, many Israelis may not want to see footage of civilian casualties, or care much. “Military operation” despite “political negotiations”, a state of controversy that accompanied the Israeli army’s control of the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, despite “indirect negotiations” between Israel and Hamas for a “ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip in conjunction with the ground invasion of the city. On the borders of Egypt, will the solution be “military or diplomatic”?

A March poll found that 80 percent of Israeli Jews said that “the country should not take into account the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza when deciding whether to continue fighting.” Herman believes this is likely to change if the hostages are released. “Sustainable truce and lasting calm.” Will the “stages” proposal succeed in stopping the war in Gaza?

After 7 months of war in the Gaza Strip, “cautious optimism” prevails among Palestinian, Israeli and Egyptian circles about reaching an agreement in stages to “establish permanent calm” in the devastated Strip. Is a ceasefire possible? And can the residents of the north return to their areas again?

A poll conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute in early May showed that more than half of Israelis said that “the release of the hostages was more important than the invasion of Rafah to eliminate Hamas.” Some feel that the media is too afraid to address public opinion by showing some innocent victims or pressuring the Israeli government over allegations that Israel has obstructed humanitarian aid.

Unlike the United States and Europe, where most people now get their information primarily from social media, television still plays a large role in Israel, with three-quarters of Israelis saying it is a major source of information, said Taussig, editor of Seventh Eye magazine. Israeli media reflect Israel's broader shift to the right over the past two decades in the wake of a wave of suicide bombings during the major Palestinian uprising from 2000 to 2005 known as the Second Intifada, and the growing perception that prospects for peace with the Palestinians were becoming bleak.

About 60 percent of the Israeli Jewish population now identifies itself as right-wing, and support for the two-state solution has declined over time to about a quarter of Israeli Jews. The vote in favor of Palestine’s membership in the United Nations raised questions about the results of that step, and the extent to which this is related to “establishing the two-state solution,” and can the Palestinians obtain “full membership” in the United Nations? The Israeli media has shifted to the right, especially amid long-standing efforts by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to portray the media as left-wing and unpatriotic, according to Panevsky, a fellow at City University in London who specializes in populism and the media.

Israeli television rarely shows Arabs on its screens, not even Israelis, who constitute about 20 percent of the population. The Wall Street Journal refers to Muhammad Majdali, an Arab-Israeli journalist, who is one of the few Arab journalists who reports on major news channels in Hebrew. He says that since October 7, he has faced public backlash to his media appearances on Israeli television, including death threats and calls for his dismissal. A Likud Party member said, "Majdali is not loyal and should be fired after he spoke on air about the lack of humanitarian aid in Gaza."

After he said on air that he spoke with a family member in Gaza to discuss food prices, hundreds of social media posts called for his dismissal over his ties to the enemy. For his part, Al-Majadla says he is just trying to do his job, adding, "The main things we have to do are to communicate what is happening to our people, and the Israeli people do not really know what is happening in Gaza."

The Israeli army continues to ask residents and displaced people to evacuate specific areas of the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip and move towards the “humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi,” amid Palestinian accusations of pushing residents toward “death” and warnings of a “new humanitarian disaster.” The war broke out following the unprecedented Hamas attack on areas and sites adjacent to the Gaza Strip on October 7, which resulted in the killing of 1,200 people, most of them civilians, including women and children, according to the Israeli authorities.

In response to the attack, Israel pledged to “eliminate the movement,” and has since carried out a bombing campaign followed by ground operations since October 27, resulting in the killing of about 35,000 Palestinians, most of them women and children, and the wounding of more than 78,000, according to what the Ministry of Health announced. In the sector.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stressed the need for Israel to defend itself and not demand that from the Americans or others. Netanyahu said in a statement: “We are determined to achieve absolute victory, and we will strike with all our might, and we will spare no effort to return the kidnapped,” noting, “We are facing challenges that no modern army has faced, and we must defend ourselves and not demand that from the Americans or others.” He stressed that "Hamas must be eliminated first before talking about the next day of the war," pointing out that "the people of Gaza cannot be allowed to run the Strip while Hamas is still present there." He declared that "the end of the war depends on Hamas surrendering, laying down its weapons, and returning the hostages."

There are deep differences between the two leaders, Biden and Netanyahu, and conflicting internal political interests that distort the political atmosphere between their countries, wrote E.J.Dionne Jr. of The Washington Post. Both Biden and Netanyahu have very conflicting views on long-term peace in the Middle East. Their political interests are still in sharp conflict, so confrontation between them was inevitable. Biden's public announcement that the United States would not provide military support for a full incursion into the city of Rafah in southern Gaza because it would lead to a high number of civilian casualties was shocking.

The announcement had implications beyond the politics of the 2024 presidential campaign due to the widespread mobilization behind Israel across party lines following the October 7 Hamas attack. Now the Israeli-Palestinian issue has become partisan again. Netanyahu has played this game before when he alienated Democrats in 2015 by accepting an invitation from Republicans to address Congress in opposition to President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, while continuing his settlement policies in the West Bank. This time, Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition partners are alienating President Biden, who was one of Israel's best friends.

For Biden, the confrontation is tragic because he is known for his strong sympathy for Israel and his deep hostility to anti-Semitism. The president showed all his emotions when he visited the Jewish state after October 7. Ordinary Israelis recognized his compassion, and rewarded him with approval ratings that far exceeded Netanyahu's. His strong sympathy for Israel, despite the Israeli attacks on Gaza and the high number of civilian deaths, also sparked panic among his party.

But Biden was satisfied with absolute support, despite his support for Israel in its goal of defeating Hamas. He insisted that the United States would continue to provide all the assistance Israel needed to defend itself, but he opposed a large-scale military operation in Rafah, saying on CNN on Wednesday evening: “This is a mistake.” We will not supply weapons and artillery shells. Republicans united in a chorus of condemnation. House Speaker Mike Johnson (Los Angeles) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), who rarely make joint statements, were quick to issue a

letter condemning Biden, writing that “the pause in critical arms shipments calls into question your commitment to Israel.” "Israel's security will remain strict." Donald Trump described Biden's decision as "disgraceful." This move sparked serious concern in Israeli politics as well, as the country's far-right National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, tweeted "Hamas ? Biden" in response to Biden's decision.

But the tweet angered centrist opposition leader Yair Lapid Netanyahu, who demanded that Netanyahu dismiss Ben Gvir. He accused Netanyahu of "failed management" of the US-Israel partnership, and said that failure to force Ben Gvir to step down "puts every soldier in the IDF and every citizen of the State of Israel at risk." Israeli President Isaac Herzog also explicitly criticized Ben Gvir, describing his tweets as "irresponsible and insulting."

The roots of the current clash between Biden and Netanyahu lie around the need for a Palestinian state and conflicting domestic political priorities. Biden needs the fighting in Gaza to subside, not only for the sake of his re-election campaign, but also because his overall Middle East strategy requires it. He wants to begin negotiations with Saudi Arabia and other Arab partners, which will lead to recognition of Israel and movement toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

But for Netanyahu, ending the fighting would anger Israelis over his government's failure to prevent the October 7 attack, and perhaps hold new elections. The right-wing members of his coalition have threatened to topple his government if he fails to move towards Rafah and fulfill his promise to destroy Hamas, while the US government sees this move as unrealistic, especially in the absence of a reasonable plan for the next day.

If Netanyahu is removed from power, his trial on corruption charges will resume. Netanyahu's willingness to antagonize a Democratic president, who paid a heavy political price for his loyalty to Israel, is part of his previous moves that destroyed partisan support for Israel.

Now, Israel has become a wedge issue among Democrats who have relied on both Jewish and Muslim voters. Large parts of the party have embraced Biden's revised position, but it is also generating opposition on both sides of his coalition. When it comes to Middle East politics, compromise is a treacherous crossroads. The Democrats were divided; Some of them criticized Biden's decision and expressed their disappointment, such as Senator John, while progressives praised this step. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Biden's move "makes the world safer and our values clear."

Netanyahu clearly needs to be challenged, and his nation needs to understand the diplomatic, political and humanitarian costs of re-escalating the war. For Biden, this meant moving from uncritical love that didn't work to tough love that required telling the truth to a friend.

The office of Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Monday that he briefed US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on the Israeli military operation in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza and control of the border crossing with Egypt. The office said in a statement that Gallant and Blinken discussed in a phone call overnight “the developments in Gaza... and the specific operation in the Rafah area against the remaining Hamas brigades, while at the same time securing the crossing.”

Earlier, on Sunday, the US Secretary of State defended the decision to stop delivering 3,500 bombs to Israel due to fears that they could be used in the city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, saying that Israel does not have a “credible plan” to protect about 1.4 million civilians sheltering there. Blinken added in an interview with ABC News that US President Joe Biden is still determined to help Israel defend itself, and that the shipment of bombs, including some weighing 500 pounds (about 227 kilograms) and others weighing 2,000, pounds (907 kilograms), is the only US weapons package that has been withheld. He explained that if Israel launches a large-scale attack on Rafah, which Israel says it intends to invade to eliminate Hamas militants, the American position regarding assistance to Israel may change.

Blinken said that Biden made clear to Israel that if it “launched this major military operation in Rafah, there are certain (weapons) systems that we will not support or provide for this operation.” "We have real concerns about the way it is being used," he added. He added that Israel "must have a clear and credible plan to protect civilians, which we have not seen."

Former occupation chief of staff, Dan Halutz, called for the overthrow of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stressing that obtaining an image of victory in Gaza would not happen even if the entire sector was destroyed. Halutz said, in a demonstration last night: “Soldiers are falling in vain in the war on Gaza and the north, because there is no goal in this operation. Even if we completely destroy Gaza, we will not get the image of victory ... even if the Sinwar was grilled from all sides in arenas, this is not an image of victory,” considering that “the only image that will be engraved in our history is the loss on October 7th.”

He pointed out that the occupation must work to release the prisoners, “no matter how high the price is, as Hamas demands from us, because there is no escape from that. He stressed, "We do this because we have children and grandchildren whose fate we must worry about, and if we do not have a state, they will not have a state." Halutz explained: “The truth that was recently revealed to us is very disturbing, and it is impossible to carry out a military campaign without clear political definitions,” accusing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of setting policies according to his personal interests.

He accused Netanyahu of "serving Israel for his personal interests and the interests of his family members. He is not qualified to continue leadership in the country. He is a prisoner of his delusions and is being held captive by fascist and racist extremists on the one hand, and by the elusive ultra-Orthodox and plunderers of the public treasury." He called for renewed demonstrations to overthrow the government, resorting to widespread civil disobedience, and besieging the Knesset. He said that what is required is not the departure of Netanyahu alone, but rather his entire government, and quickly.

Operation Iron Swords - By the Numbers

  • 1,900,000 IDPs in Gaza
  • 78,755 Gazans injured, 28% adult male
  • 70,000 tons of explosives dropped on Gaza
  • 70,000 Gaza housing units completely destroyed
  • 70,000 Israeli IDPs from Lebanon border
  • 45,000 bombs dropped in Gaza
  • 45,000 Gazans killed, including buried under rubble
  • 35,034 Gazans martyred
  • 33,000 Gaza targets attacked
  • 20,528 Palestinians in Israeli prisons [Haaretz, 20 Mar 2024]
  • 15,140 Israelis injured [i24 TV]
  • 15,000 terror operatives killed in Gaza [Israeli officials]
  • 15,000 rockets launched from Gaza
  • 14,520 Gazan children martyred
  • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [N12]
  • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [IDF]
  • 11,000 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank in 2023
  • 10,000 Gazans missing under the rubble
  • 9,920 Gazan women martyred
  • 9,400 Palestinians in Israeli prisons
  • 9,000 IDF needing psychological assistance
  • 8,665 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank since Oct.7th
  • 7,209 IDF injured admitted to rehabilitation [IDF]
  • 6,800 IDF officers and soldiers injured [Channel 12]
  • 6,000 HAMAS combatants killed [HAMAS]
  • 5,500 IDF wounded [reports]
  • 4,800 West Bank Palestinians wounded
  • 4,700 sites targetted in Lebanon
  • 3,850 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria
  • 3,600 administrative detainees
  • 3,188 IDF wounded [IDF]
  • 2,100 Gazan women are missing
  • 1,609 terrorists killed on the first day
  • 1,650 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria affiliated with Hamas
  • 1,160 Israelis killed on the first day
  • 615 Israeli officers and soldiers killed since the start of the war
  • 468 West Bank Palestinians martyred
  • 364 people [including fighters] killed in Lebanon
  • 267 Israeli officers and soldiers killed in Gaza
  • 240 Hezbollah fighters killed in Lebanon
  • 126 people recovered, including 91 Israelis, 11 bodies, and 24 foreign workers
  • 116 living hostages in Palestinian custody
  • 70 civilians killed in Lebanon
  • 29 IDF deaths were caused by "friendly fire"
  • 15 Israelis killed in the West Bank and Israel

Not every number is reported every day, so sudden jumps generally reflect reporting artifacts rather than actual upticks. Many of these numbers fluctate, up and down, with no apparent explanation. This list records the highest number reliably reported for each matter, under the theory that reality with catch up with reports, as is relentlessly the case.

Some reports claimed that the UN cut in half its earlier estimates of women and children killed in Gaza. Initially, they reported 9,500 women and 14,500 children killed, but later revised it to 4,959 women and 7,797 children on 08 May 2024. The UN acknowledged its inability to independently verify casualty figures. The seeming discrepancy is that HAMAS had about 10K KIA bodies on hand for which they do not have positive ID. It is possible to report the gender and approximate age [ie, juvenile] without knowing the name of the deceased.

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