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Operation Iron Swords - Day 199 - 22 April 2024

“At any point, Hamas could have ended this burgeoning tragedy to
surrender and release every hostage. …
Hamas instigated and owns this humanitarian catastrophe.”
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)


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The police detained for questioning today (Monday) 13 suspects who apparently intended to sacrifice a goat on the Temple Mount as a "Passover sacrifice". Capricorns were caught in the possession of the suspects, one of which was hidden inside a baby carriage. The suspects were transferred to the police for questioning and the animals were transferred to veterinary treatment. The police informed us that "in recent days publications have been distributed with the aim of encouraging extremist elements to come to the Temple Mount and operate illegally. Earlier today, the detectives of the central unit in the Jerusalem district detained for questioning 13 suspects aged 13-21, on suspicion of intending to break the order."

The pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University in New York have created a domino effect. More pro-Palestinians camps have been set up at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Emerson College in the state of Massachusetts. MIT students have been calling for the institution to want the school to cut its ties with the Israeli occupation forces while Emerson students are calling for their institution to support "Palestinian liberation."

Emerson student Owen Buxton told WBZ-TV: "We're trying to take our education into our own hands. We're sick of what our school's been doing," adding: "We're gathered here and we're not going to leave until our demands are met or we're dragged away by police." According to Buxton, the protesters have been "in communication" with the school's administration.

Meanwhile, the institution of Harvard has limited access to Harvard Yard until Friday afternoon, according to the Harvard Crimson, in an attempt to block students from protesting. A poster on the Yard gates said: "Structures, including tents and tables, are not permitted in the Yard without prior permission", warning that students who violate that rule are "subject to disciplinary action."

On Thursday, The New York Times reported that the New York Police Department tried to disperse a pro-Palestine demonstration at Columbia University, detaining dozens of activists who had set up an encampment of around 50 tents on campus. The arrests, which brought a fresh gathering of students to support the protesters, occurred the day after university authorities promised Congress they would crack down on student rallies related to the Israeli war on Gaza. Officers dressed in riot gear and armed with zip ties began arresting protesters shortly before 1:30 pm Over a megaphone, a man stated that since they "refused to disperse," they would now be under arrest for trespassing. "If you resist arrest, you may face additional charges." A college student body at Columbia endorsed a boycott of companies that back the Israeli occupation's practices deemed as apartheid and genocidal last week as well. As per the statement, the consequences of the boycott equate to "$1 million in student fees."

It's worth noting that Columbia has become a focal point for anti-war demonstrations, with numerous protesters frequently gathering outside the University's main gates to protest the ongoing Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The New York Civil Liberties Union, in conjunction with a Palestinian advocacy group, initiated legal action against Columbia University for its decision to suspend two pro-Palestinian organizations advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza. The legal action represents the latest development in how unrest on college campuses is unfolding across the United States.

The Axios website said, citing minister in the Israeli war government, Benny Gantz’s office, that the war cabinet member asked Blinken to reconsider the decision to impose sanctions on the “Netzah Yehuda” unit of the Israeli army. The administration of US President Joe Biden is expected to impose sanctions on the “Netzeah Yehuda” battalion due to human rights violations in the occupied West Bank. “The Israeli army must not be punished,” with these words, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on reports indicating that Washington could impose sanctions on the Netzah Yehuda Brigade for violating human rights in the West Bank, before the start of the war in Gaza.

Axios quoted American sources as saying that it is expected that the US State Department will impose sanctions on the battalion, “and it will be prohibited from receiving any type of American aid or military training.” Commenting on this, Gantz, a former commander of the centrist armed forces, said in a statement on Sunday that he spoke with the US Secretary of State and asked him to reconsider the matter. Gantz said that any such sanctions would be a mistake because they would harm Israel's legitimacy in wartime and that they are unjustified because Israel has an independent judiciary and an army that upholds international law.

The US State Department said in its annual report, today (Monday), that the war between Israel and Hamas, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza and resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, had a “significant negative impact” on the human rights situation, according to What was reported by Reuters. Important human rights issues include credible reports of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture, unjustified arrests of journalists and a number of other matters, as stated in the 2023 country reports on human rights practices.

Passover will begin in the evening of Monday, April 22, and will last through April 30 just after sundown. Jews in the land of Israel and some Reform Jews in diaspora will end Passover on the evening of Monday, April 29th. Passover, also known as Pesach in Hebrew, is a significant Jewish holiday commemorating the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt, as narrated in the biblical book of Exodus. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays and is celebrated for seven or eight days, depending on tradition. The central ritual of Passover is the Seder, a ceremonial meal held on the first two nights (and sometimes the last two nights) of the holiday. During the Seder, the Haggadah, a text that recounts the story of the Exodus, is read aloud, and symbolic foods are eaten. These include matzo (unleavened bread), bitter herbs (to symbolize the bitterness of slavery), charoset (a mixture of fruits and nuts representing the mortar used by the Israelites in their forced labor), and others.

The prohibition of chametz (leavened food) is a significant aspect of Passover observance. This stems from the biblical command to eat only unleavened bread during the holiday. Many Jews thoroughly clean their homes before Passover to remove all traces of chametz, and some even perform a ritual search, called Bedikat Chametz, to ensure no chametz remains. Passover is also a time for Jews to reflect on themes of freedom, redemption, and renewal. It is a time for family gatherings, storytelling, and prayer, as well as for contemplating the relevance of the Exodus story to contemporary issues of justice and liberation.

War Termination

The US Department of State says that Hamas negotiators have moved the “goalpost” in hostage negotiations and changed their demands, adding it will continue to push for a final agreement. Hamas has repeatedly said it would not compromise on its demands, which include a permanent ceasefire and the unhindered return of displaced Palestinians to their homes in Gaza.

On Sunday, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken discussed with the minister in the Israeli war government, Benny Gantz, the need for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that would guarantee the release of the hostages. A US State Department statement said that Blinken also discussed with Gantz the need to take additional steps to reduce the harm to civilians in the Strip. According to the statement, the two officials also discussed measures aimed at increasing life-saving humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Blinken stressed the United States' commitment to Israel's security. The two parties talked about the efforts made to ensure that the conflict does not expand in the region, the statement concludes.

The media advisor to the head of the Hamas Political Bureau, Taher Al-Nono, confirmed that there is no relationship between the Qatari and Egyptian mediation and the visit of the head of the movement’s Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, to Turkey. Al-Nono said, "Haniyeh's visit to Turkey comes at a very important circumstance, and the file of holding the occupation accountable for its crimes was among the files that were discussed with the Turkish leadership."

He stressed that the movement does not seek to "replace the esteemed Qatari and Egyptian mediation with a Turkish one, and the visit has nothing to do with this matter." He added: "The occupation still rejects the issue of a complete ceasefire and the issue of the return of the displaced, and this does not lead to an agreement," noting that "the influential people in the occupation government are not serious about reaching an agreement to end the war on Gaza." On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan received Ismail Haniyeh and his accompanying delegation in Istanbul, where they discussed a number of files, most notably the permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the release of prisoners, the introduction of humanitarian aid, the catastrophic conditions in the Strip, and the latest developments in the region.

American officials told the New York Times that the hostage exchange deal with Hamas represents the only way to avoid an Israeli military operation in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. At the same time, the newspaper quoted Israeli officials as saying that the imminent operation in Rafah is the only factor forcing Hamas to remain in the negotiations. It should be noted that the negotiations on a deal to exchange detainees between Israel and the Hamas movement, which are ongoing in Cairo, mediated by Egypt, Qatar and the United States, have faltered recently and have not yet resulted in an agreement on the deal. Israel is preparing to carry out a ground military operation in Rafah, which Israel says is the last stronghold of the Hamas movement in Gaza, where 4 battalions of Hamas fighters remain, according to Israeli estimates. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had previously announced that Israel had set the date of the operation, but he did not reveal it.

Operational Update

The IDF completed its preparations for Passover during the war. "As part of the preparations for the holiday, the ATL, the Haras and the Hatal carried out a number of efforts to bring about a situation where IDF soldiers and women will celebrate the holiday in an optimal way," said the head of the supply department, Lt. Col. Avi Shaul, "the first effort is an effort A purchase that started already in July last year, and takes effect during the month of November in light of the war. The second effort is the catering effort. Within this effort, we have aligned plans and held plans with all the suppliers to bring us the adapted, varied food in the right amount for our soldiers."

"The third effort is the diverse populations, the adaptation of the response for the celiac, vegan, and vegetarian populations that we carried out during the holiday," he continued. All the efforts were wrapped up in coordinating plans with the commands and the couples for the benefit of the holiday itself and the holiday."

The Technology and Logistics Division, under the leadership of the Logistics Corps and the Joint Chiefs of Staff's Supply Center (HMS), is preparing to provide various food items for the holiday meals at IDF bases throughout the country and to fighters in the Gaza Strip. The kitchen managers in all the units work on preparing rich menus adapted to the needs of the soldiers, taking into account the different populations.

During the maneuver, the Technology and Logistics Department provided food packages to the fighters in the field. In honor of the holiday, food packages called "Mitzvah rations" will be provided, which contain all the signs of the holiday and allow the soldiers in the field to maintain order as usual. For the first time in the IDF, a response will be provided in "food tracks", where kosher food for Passover and kosher hamburger meals for Passover will be served to soldiers in operational activities in all sectors. Also, a response will be provided to the variety of populations, including soldiers with celiac disease, vegans and vegetarians, and in the dining rooms, dishes adapted to each population will be served.

The Military Rabbinate Corps provided the IDF bases with 120,000 Passover Haggadots for the holiday meals. On the occasion of Passover, the IDF, under the leadership of the Personnel Division, organized to assist and support all of its servants, and in particular the targeted populations - the lone soldiers and those entitled to financial assistance.

The maneuver fighters will receive "mitzvah dishes", which contain all the signs of the holiday - kharosot, horseradish, pickles, matzoh, wine and, of course, the Passover Haggadah. On the eve of the holiday, the soldiers will receive five packets of hot food for the Seder night meal. This is in addition to designated battle rations containing kosher products for Pesach, and a box of "knights' bread" in its training version, which will be provided to them throughout the holiday.

Operational Update - Gaza

Even during Passover, the IDF continues operational activity and full alertness in all sectors. In the Southern Command, Division 162 led by the Nahal Brigade's combat team launched an operation to counter terrorism in the area of the central Gaza corridor, the fighters continue to eliminate terrorists, locate and destroy terrorist infrastructure.

The Martyr Izz al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced on Monday that it had targeted a gathering of Zionist forces in the northern Gaza Strip. The Brigades’s statement on Telegram said: “ The Al-Qassam Brigades destroyed a gathering of occupation forces penetrating Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip with mortar shells. The Al-Qassam Brigades targeted a Zionist D9 military bulldozer with an Al-Yassin 105 shell in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.”

The al-Qassam Brigades announced that its fighters were able to snipe an Israeli soldier in Beit Hanoun, north of Gaza. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades also bombed groupings of Israeli occupation forces and military vehicles using mortar shells, east of Beit Hanoun. They also bombarded concentrations of IOF vehicles using mortar shells east of Bureij camp, in the center of the Gaza strip.

The New York Times, citing US officials, reported on Monday that the tunnels would allow Hamas to survive and reconstitute itself once the war in the Gaza Strip stops. The officials added that despite the heavy losses suffered by Hamas, a large portion of its senior leadership in Gaza is still in place, hidden in a vast network of tunnels and underground operations centers, stressing that they are the decision makers in the hostage deal negotiations.

The tunnel system extends for hundreds of miles at points up to 15 stories underground, according to Israeli and American officials. Israel was unable to destroy the tunnels that Hamas spent years building, but Israeli officials say they have taken control of most of the key points - the strategic underground complexes that Hamas used to command its forces. An Israeli military intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity in compliance with army protocols, said that about 70% of the compounds had been destroyed.

The American newspaper explains that although the Israeli military operations in Gaza led to the weakening of Hamas, the killing of thousands of its members, and the liquidation of at least one senior military commander, Tel Aviv did not achieve its primary goals of the war, “liberating the hostages and completely destroying Hamas.”

The New York Times says that the war has cost Israel dearly, as its army killed large numbers of Palestinian civilians in addition to widespread hunger in Gaza, and the killing of aid workers sparked widespread anger and condemnation around the world. In addition, the New York Times reported that according to the annual intelligence assessment issued in March, US intelligence agencies doubted Israel's ability to actually destroy Hamas.

The report said: "Israel will likely face continued armed resistance from Hamas for years to come... and the army will struggle to neutralize Hamas's underground infrastructure, which allows the movement's elements to hide, regain their strength, and surprise Israeli forces." In addition, the American newspaper indicated that Tel Aviv and Hamas are preparing for a larger operation in the southern city of Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold that was not reached by Israeli forces, stressing in the context that there is a state of uncertainty about what may come after Rafah, with questions about who will rule Gaza and be responsible for providing security. Security in the Strip after the war.

The Israeli army believes that four battalions of Hamas fighters are stationed in the city and that thousands of other fighters have taken refuge there, along with more than a million civilians. Tel Aviv says those battalions must be dismantled, with Israeli officials stating that the only way to destroy them is through a major ground forces incursion into Rafah. In this context, Israeli security experts confirm that destroying the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, which, according to their claim, supplies Hamas with weapons, will also be a decisive goal.

But the planned military operation has become a point of contention between the United States and Israel, with American officials stating that Israel has not developed a plan to evacuate civilians from Rafah and without it, the death toll in Gaza will rise further. American military officials say that Israel should model its plan on the siege of Mosul, Iraq, in 2017 by Iraqi forces and the US Air Force, where one million residents were evacuated from the city before the attack, noting that at least 3,000 civilians were killed as a result of the military operation.

According to the newspaper, American military planners want Israel to carry out focused raids on Hamas' strongpoints, but only after transferring civilians. Israeli officials said they expected civilians to move to safer areas, but American officials said that since most of the Strip is almost uninhabitable, Israel needs a better plan.

American officials stress in their statements that the only way to get Israel to stop the Rafah operation is to conclude a deal to release the hostages. However, in contrast, the Israelis confirm that the imminent operation in Rafah is the only thing that kept Hamas in the negotiations, with anger growing among the families of the hostages due to Tel Aviv’s failure. In their liberation.

While detailing and delving into many points regarding the war that has been going on for 6 months, the newspaper asked a fundamental question, saying, “After six months of conflict, what has Israel achieved, and when and how can the fighting end?”, noting that the answer to the question creates increasingly intense global tensions. About a war that cost Israel support even from its closest allies.

Operational Update - Judea-Samaria

In a joint operation by the Shin Bet, the Israel Police and the IDF, Ahmed Doavsha, 21 years old, a resident of the village of Duma in the Binyamin Brigade, was arrested by the IDF and Shin Bet fighters. From the beginning of the attack, the Shin Bet and the IDF concentrated an intelligence and operational effort in an attempt to trace the identity of the terrorist. In the last day there was a significant development in the investigation and during the night the forces raided the village of Duma and led to the arrest of the suspect.

In his initial investigation, he linked himself to carrying out the attack in which ten days ago, on April 12, the late Binyamin Achimair, 14 years old, a resident of Jerusalem, was murdered, near the Malachi HaShalom farm. The terrorist was handed over to the Shin Bet for further investigation. The security forces will continue to act with determination and professionalism in the face of any factor that endangers the security of the citizens of Israel.

Operational Update - Lebanon

Fighter jets of the Air Force attacked a terrorist infrastructure of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in southern Lebanon. Also, earlier today, two military buildings were attacked in the Arzon and Al Adeisa areas, where the organization's terrorists were operating. Further to the warnings in the north of the country, about 35 launches were detected that crossed the territory of Lebanon to the area of Ein Zeitim, there were no casualties. IDF forces attacked the source of the shooting.

A surface-to-air missile was launched at a remote manned aircraft of the Air Force that was operating in the skies of Lebanon, as a result the aircraft was hit and fell in Lebanese territory. The incident is being investigated. Fighter jets attacked the launch site from which the missile was launched. The Air Force will continue to operate in the skies of Lebanon to carry out IDF missions.

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon responded to the Israeli entity’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages by targeting the headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at the Ein Zeitim base in occupied Safed with dozens of Katyusha rockets. The Islamic Resistance explained in a statement that the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed, on the afternoon of Monday, April 22, 2024, the command headquarters of the Third Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at the “Ain Zeitim” base with dozens of Katyusha rockets, in response to the Israeli enemy’s attacks on The steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, the last of which are in Srifa, Al-Adaysa and Rab Thilaine.

On the eve of the Jewish “Passover” holiday, Israeli media confirmed that several missiles had fallen in the Safed area following the sound of sirens. The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth announced the launching of 30 missiles from Lebanon towards Safed. The Israeli army spokesman also confirmed that 35 missiles had been launched from Lebanon towards the Ein Zeitim area.

This is the text of the statement issued by the Islamic Resistance: In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful “Permission is given to those who fight because they have been wronged, and indeed, God is Powerful to grant them victory.” God the Most High, the Great, has spoken the truth.

In support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their brave and honorable resistance, and in response to the Israeli enemy’s attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, the most recent of which were in Srifa, Al-Adisa and Rab Thilaine, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed on the afternoon of Monday 4/22- 2024 The headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at Ain Zeitim base with dozens of Katyusha rockets.

“And victory is only from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise”

The Lebanese Hezbollah military media published a summary of its operations carried out against the Israeli army on the southern Lebanese border on Monday, April 22, 2024, at dawn on Tuesday. According to the party's statements, it carried out 5 operations against the Israeli army in support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant resistance. The following are the operations carried out by the Lebanese resistance against the Israeli army on the southern Lebanese border:

- Eastern sector:

  • - 11:20: Targeting spy equipment opposite the village of Al-Wazzani with appropriate weapons, causing direct hits.
  • - At 16:45: A gathering of Israeli soldiers behind the Al-Samaqa site in the occupied Lebanese Kfar Shuba hills was targeted with artillery shells.

    - Western sector:

  • - 07:00: A gathering of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Al-Dhahira site was targeted with missile weapons.
  • - At 10:25: A position of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Hanita site was targeted with artillery shells.
  • - 18:55: The command headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 91st Division at Ain Zeitim base was targeted with dozens of “Katyusha” missiles, in response to Israeli attacks on the steadfast southern villages and civilian homes, the most recent of which were in Srifa, Al-Adisa and Rab Thilaine.

    Al-Alam's correspondent reported that the Islamic resistance in Lebanon launched an operation against a gathering of occupation soldiers in the vicinity of the Al-Dhahira site in the western sector. The correspondent explained that a short while ago, Israeli warplanes raided the area between Wadi Barghaz and Mahmoudiyah Hill, which is the place where the Islamic Resistance shot down the 450 Hermes drone last night, which had a shocking impact on the occupation forces.

    He pointed out that last night witnessed more escalation and developments on the ground, especially since the resistance operation to date has exceeded 11 specific operations during which it targeted residential gatherings and buildings in which the Israeli occupation army was holed up in response to the attacks that affected many villages, including the raid tonight that targeted the town of Kafr Kila and led to a rise in A martyr in the resistance. He added that in response to this attack, two residential buildings in which Israeli occupation soldiers were holed up in the Al-Matli settlement were targeted .

    The British newspaper "Financial Times" confirmed that Hezbollah "has not yet used the most advanced weapons in its arsenal," despite "testing new capabilities last week." The newspaper quoted analysts as saying: The Islamic resistance in Lebanon “used a new set of tactics against Israel in several operations during the past week.” It referred to the complex attack carried out by Hezbollah, with attack drones and guided missiles, against the headquarters of the newly created military reconnaissance company in Arab Al-Aramsha, last Wednesday... pointing out that it penetrated the Zionist Iron Dome air defense system.

    This operation led to the death of a deputy company commander in the “8103” Battalion, affiliated with the “Etzioni 6” Brigade, as a result of his wounds, according to what the IDF confirmed yesterday, Sunday. The Financial Times quoted the IDF as confirming that this attack was "more powerful, compared to previous operations." Although Israel has been trying to weaken Hezbollah's capabilities, especially since last October, it still maintains its strength, according to what the newspaper quoted officials and diplomats in the Middle East.

    In the same context, the British newspaper confirmed that Hezbollah “has long posed a much greater threat to Israel than Hamas.” It is noteworthy that the British website "Middle East Eye" previously spoke of a "revolution in Hezbollah's arsenal," whereby "the party's military capabilities have doubled, on land, at sea, and in the air." The website estimated Hezbollah's manpower at up to 100,000 fighters and reserve soldiers. According to it, the party has more than 13 types of air defense systems, including guided and shoulder-fired missile systems, and short-range anti-aircraft artillery.

    The Lebanese military and strategic expert, Brigadier General Naji Malaeb, said that Israel tried to send very loud diplomatic messages to Beirut, since the threat from the north is the strongest threat. Brigadier General Naji Malaeb added in an interview via “Spotshot” within the “Viewpoint” program: “However, before the Israeli army relaxes in Gaza, it will not be able to begin work on the northern front.”

    Malaeb continued, saying: “What really frightens us is the recent American arming of Israel, as it means that resolution is coming and Israel will no longer remain under threat in the north,” noting that Biden confirmed during his visit to Tel Aviv that Washington will not leave Israel under threat. He added, "Things failed diplomatically, but the resolution is not now and there are obstacles facing Tel Aviv, the first of which are logistical obstacles."

    He stated that Tel Aviv allocated about $5 billion for Iron Dome missiles, or about 10,000 missiles, to reinforce and anticipate any response to Hezbollah.

    He pointed out that Israel fears that the October 7 scenario will be repeated by the “Radwan Force,” and therefore it wants to clear the land and prepare for a decision and entry into Lebanese territory. He pointed out that Israel is trying to reconnoiter the land and is seeking a ground operation in conjunction with a second operation in the Golan.

    He explained that "what is being prepared in Paris before the visit of Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Army Commander Joseph Aoun was not talked about by the media," referring in the context to a meeting between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and French Foreign Minister Stephane Ségournet, "in which it was agreed on a new offer to be presented to... Lebanon includes what was previously rejected.”

    He stressed that "it has been agreed to equip the Lebanese army in a way that allows it to enter the southern regions. Hezbollah forces will withdraw and the 13 points will be discussed. It is said that the American envoy Amos Hochstein will visit Beirut this week, and President Nabih Berri will visit France." He stressed, "This movement means that either things will cool down with the Lebanese government agreeing to strengthen the Lebanese army and Hezbollah members will withdraw, or you will get a protector." He praised Hezbollah's ability to jam Israeli radars so that they would not be able to monitor its marches. Sirens were also jammed, and this, if anything, indicates the new technologies that Hezbollah possesses.

    Brigadier General Malaeb concluded by saying, "Israel may dispense with entering Rafah if it enters Philadelphia and cuts tunnels with Egypt. The question is, what will Egypt do if Israel enters Philadelphia militarily?"

    According to the Mehr news agency , quoted by Ahed Lebanon news site, Seyyed Hashem Safiuddin, the head of the executive council of Hezbollah in Lebanon, at the commemoration ceremony of the 40th anniversary of two martyrs of the Quds path in the Bekaa region of Lebanon, in a speech referring to the greatness of the historical operation and the fortitude of "Adeh Sadiq" Iran against Israel described the failed military aggression of the Zionist regime on Iranian soil as humiliating.

    On the occasion of commemorating the 40th anniversary of "Ahmad Al-Afi" and "Hassan Younis" who are proud martyrs of the Quds Road in South Lebanon, referring to the American pressure on the leaders of "Israel" during the unsuccessful military effort in Iran (Isfan), he emphasized that Washington previously The pressure on this regime had warned against Iran's fierce and unpredictable response and its harmful regional results against the interests of America and "Israel" in the region.

    The senior member of Hezbollah continued that if "Israel" and the United States were sure of the lack of Iran's formidable military response after the unsuccessful sabotage in Iran (Isfahan), they would have carried out a heavy military attack with the support of their European allies, because they have The evil they are doing did not stop trying to trap the Islamic Republic as well as other resistance groups in Palestine and in the region.

    Referring to Iran's strategic patience in dealing with the evils and conspiracies of the Zionist regime for the past 5 years, along with its allies against the Islamic Republic of Iran inside and outside Iran, Iran's punitive operation in the combined missile and drone attack against this regime Destroyer of all the intrigues and equations interwoven with it during the past years described by the occupiers.

    In another part of his speech, he pointed to the inability of the Zionist enemy in front of the Hezbollah fighters to convince the occupied residents to return to the occupied settlements in the north of occupied Palestine due to the threat of Hezbollah missiles, and emphasized that the Zionists now admit their inability to return Settlers are considered practically impossible. This senior member of the Lebanese Hezbollah warned the Zionists that the Hezbollah leadership council did not decide to open a broad front against the invaders and warned that the Lebanese Hezbollah entered this battle with the aim of supporting and supporting the powerful residents of Gaza and the Palestinian resistance in Bariqah. And if it is decided to enter a conflict on a large scale, it is in full readiness.

    Emphasizing the combat readiness of Hezbollah's military formations and the seven-month battle in support of Gaza in a front along 100 kilometers along the borders of southern Lebanon against the occupiers, he called the confrontation with the occupiers unprecedented. Referring to Hezbollah's military capability and the use of a small part of its military arsenal against the occupiers, Deputy Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah praised the combative and military spirit of Lebanon's Hezbollah fighters and noted that the limited military entry of the Lebanese resistance into the scene of confrontation with "Israel" is merely imposing conditions. And it is a warning to the Zionists that if they expand the front of the conflict, then Hezbollah's response will be wider, more painful, and in the depth of this usurping regime.

    In the end, Sheikh Safi al-Din stated that after the Al-Aqsa storm operation of the Palestinian resistance forces and Iran's clear and punitive response against Israel, the future of the region will undergo wider changes and the Lebanese resistance has prepared itself for those moments and with the help of God, these very critical days It will be close.

    Operational Update - Syria / Iraq

    Yesterday, a coalition fighter destroyed a launcher in self-defense after reports of a failed rocket attack near the coalition base at Rumalyn in Syria. No U.S. personnel were injured. In this particular case, there was a truck with rockets on it that was shooting rockets all over the place, some type of malfunction, failed rocket attack. And a coalition and aircraft took it out. Initially there was a report that K.H. issued a statement announcing the resumption of attacks on U.S. forces. Later that day they denied issuing any statement.

    Operational Update - Yemen


    All maps are lies. “Not only is it easy to lie with maps, it is essential,” wrote cartographer Mark Monmoneir in his book How to Lie with Maps. He showed that condensing complex, three-dimensional spaces onto a two-dimensional sheet of paper [in old days] is bound to be reductive.

    But it is impossible to comprehend the war in Gaza without reference to maps, otherwise the entire conflict is reduced to an endless series of meaningless acts of random violence and the suffering of civilians. The first characteristic of guerrilla warfare is the loss of a front line.

    Evidently, different mappers have different ideas of how to depict the war in Gaza, notably those that seek to depict Israeli progress in the ground campaign. Part of the problem is latency. The news that forms the basis of the maps takes time to filter out to mappers, and the cartographers take time in crafting their maps, and it takes time to curate them. These processes are uneven among mappers, so their maps may differ in detail. Probably there is some ideological bias, or at least thematic apperception, which is understandable in wartime. It may come as no surprise that al-Jazeera maps depict rather less Israeli territorial progress than other sources.

    Finally, there remains the epistemological question of just exactly what are the colored in areas depicting. Naively, this might be understood as areas of Israeli control, that are no longer contested by the HAMAS. Or possibly these are areas of Israeli presence, in many of which the possibility of an RPG-wielding HAMAS militant popping out of a tunnel unexpectedly remains a live possibility. With the "zero-range" combat characterized by small unit tactics on both sides, maps may be prey to a fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

    Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords


    Despite media talk about disagreements between the American administration and the occupation government, both parties agreed to invade the city of Rafah. Reports reveal that Joe Biden's administration approved Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to invade the city under the pretext of fighting the resistance.

    On the other hand, there was great popular anger in the Arab and Islamic streets at the Israeli persistence, with the complicity of governments. Activists on social media called on the resistance to confront the occupation army, inflict great losses on it, and stop its aggression.

    An uprising in American universities in rejection of their administration’s policies that intersect with the interests of the Israeli occupation entity. From Columbia University , which was the spark of student anger, to the prestigious Yale University and other universities in the United States. The students launched protest activities and escalated their movements, especially after the expulsion of a number of students in solidarity with Gaza. This situation reveals a major change in the attitudes of young people in the United States, especially after October 7th. Widespread interaction on social media with what American universities are witnessing.

    The US Congress voted in favor of a resolution forcing the company operating the TikTok application to sell it or ban it permanently. The decision came under the pretext that the Chinese application is spying on Americans, while activists confirm that the reasons are completely different. Activists say that Washington wanted to ban the application for competitive economic reasons and also to prevent the publication of everything that reveals the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Gaza. In the face of Israeli arrogance and racism, some Arab politicians find themselves forced to silence the other party. The Palestinian politician, Mustafa Barghouti , addressed an Israeli politician, saying to her: Shut up so I can continue my words. We will follow the details of what happened in this video.

    According to an independent review conducted by former French foreign minister Catherine Colonna, "Israel" has still not provided substantial evidence to prove that UNRWA staffers are affiliated with resistance groups. "Israel made public claims that a significant number of UNRWA employees are members of terrorist organizations," the Colonna report reads. "However, Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this."

    The report was commissioned by the UN immediately after "Israel" leveled accusations against UNRWA's employees. It states that the agency routinely provided Israel with rosters of its personnel for screening and that "the Israeli government has not informed UNRWA of any concerns relating to any UNRWA staff based on these staff lists since 2011." Israel's allegations caused several donors to suspend funding for the agency, widely regarded as an important lifeline for Palestinians in Gaza. While most donors started resuming funding, a few cases remain, including the UK and the US, the latter of which voted to permanently ban funding after the allegations were raised.

    "Israeli authorities have to date not provided any supporting evidence nor responded to letters from UNRWA in March, and again in April, requesting the names and supporting evidence that would enable UNRWA to open an investigation," the report says. UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced his acceptance of the recommendations outlined in the Colonna report regarding methods to enhance UNRWA's ability to monitor and tackle neutrality concerns. "Moving forward, the Secretary-General appeals to all stakeholders to actively support Unrwa, as it is a lifeline for Palestine refugees in the region," the UN chief spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, said in a statement.

    The Colonna review further highlights the indispensable role of UNRWA in supporting Palestinians across the region. "In the absence of a political solution between Israel and the Palestinians, UNRWA remains pivotal in providing life-saving humanitarian aid and essential social services, particularly in health and education, to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank," the review says. "As such, UNRWA is irreplaceable and indispensable to Palestinians’ human and economic development. In addition, many view UNRWA as a humanitarian lifeline."

    The Colonna review offers suggestions for enhancing neutrality safeguards for UNRWA's staff, including expanding the internal oversight service, providing more training, and increasing support from donor countries. It notes the observation that UNRWA's current measures are already more rigorous than those of similar institutions. The review further notes that UNRWA has established numerous mechanisms to ensure compliance with humanitarian principles, particularly neutrality, surpassing other comparable UN or NGO entities in this regard. Regarding Israeli criticisms of UNRWA's schools allegedly using Palestinian Authority textbooks with antisemitic content, the report from the Nordic institutions found limited evidence supporting these allegations. Three international assessments of PA textbooks in recent years provided an impartial view, with two identifying bias and antagonistic content but not antisemitism. The third assessment, by the Georg Eckert Institute, found two examples of antisemitic motifs, one of which had already been removed, and the other altered.

    Axis of Resistance

    On the first day of 1403, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution attended Imam Khomeini's (RA) Hosseinieh and gave a speech to the people of Tehran and reminded them about the recent developments in the region. The supreme leader of the revolution pointed to the all-round support of the West, centered on the United States, to the Zionist regime: "The Europeans and the United States sent weapons, facilities, and all kinds of aid. The darkness of today's world is this; We are facing this world today. This is a look; This look from an angle that showed the state of the world today.

    Although the peak of America's support for the Zionist regime took place during more than 6 months of encroachment on the Gaza Strip, but looking at the past and the post-World War II atmosphere, the unconditional support of the United States to this fake regime is always visible. Since World War II, America has contributed more to the fake Zionist regime that was founded in 1948 than any other country.

    According to a report recently published by the American "Council on Foreign Relations" think tank, it has been revealed that the Zionist regime has become the main ally for the United States outside of NATO and that this regime "has privileged access to the most advanced technologies and military equipment of the United States." Emphasizing that "Israel has been the largest progressive recipient of American foreign aid since its establishment", this American think tank wrote that the Zionist regime received about $216 billion in military aid and $81 billion in economic aid from the United States from 1946 to 2023. And the total of these aids reaches 297 billion dollars.

    The continuation of strategic support for the Zionist regime while trying to manage its approaches has existed in almost all American governments. In 1967, the United States initially refused any military alliance with the Zionist regime, but only one year later, with the role of Congress, new Phantom planes were delivered to the Zionist regime in order to enable this regime's military superiority over the Arabs.

    Tel Aviv also did not make a pre-emptive attack against Egypt and Syria in the 70s because it was worried about the subsequent decisions of the United States, an issue that led to the start of the "Yom Kippur" war. Also, in the next American government and during the presidency of Carter, the apparent support for the political rights of the Palestinians with the introduction of the "Camp David" initiative, caused tension in the relations between the two sides.

    During the Reagan era, America's support for security cooperation and counter-terrorism was carried out simultaneously with the talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization. Bush Sr. also announced in March 1990 that East Jerusalem is part of the occupied territories and is not considered as part of the sovereignty of the Zionist regime, but in the same period, the United States again announced its commitment to the security of this regime, especially after the crisis of Iraq's attack on Kuwait. During Clinton's term, on December 13, 1993, he prepared the ground for the "Oslo" agreement between the Zionist regime and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

    The continuation of strategic support for the Zionist regime while trying to manage its approaches has existed in almost all American governments. In 1967, the United States initially refused any military alliance with the Zionist regime, but only one year later, with the role of Congress, new Phantom planes were delivered to the Zionist regime in order to enable this regime's military superiority over the Arabs.

    Tel Aviv also did not make a pre-emptive attack against Egypt and Syria in the 70s because it was worried about the subsequent decisions of the United States, an issue that led to the start of the "Yom Kippur" war. Also, in the next American government and during the presidency of Carter, the apparent support for the political rights of the Palestinians with the introduction of the "Camp David" initiative, caused tension in the relations between the two sides.

    During the Reagan era, America's support for security cooperation and counter-terrorism was carried out simultaneously with the talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization. Bush Sr. also announced in March 1990 that East Jerusalem is part of the occupied territories and is not considered as part of the sovereignty of the Zionist regime, but in the same period, the United States again announced its commitment to the security of this regime, especially after the crisis of Iraq's attack on Kuwait. During Clinton's term, on December 13, 1993, he prepared the ground for the "Oslo" agreement between the Zionist regime and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

    The relationship between America and the Zionist regime is one of those relationships that have fluctuated less due to internal political developments within the regime's cabinet and also in the White House; However, different American governments, while forming a strategic alliance with the Zionist regime, have imposed restrictions in case their policies conflict with Tel Aviv. In fact, it can be said that the differences between the two sides are more tactical than strategic. These strategic relations have been continued from former US President Harry Truman, who was the first world leader to recognize the Zionist regime, to today in the Biden administration.

    Referring to the interview of Jimmy Carter, the former President of the United States, every government in this country must support the occupying regime. 99-year-old Carter says: "As a Christian in American politics, I, along with many others, are committed to the same law. That law says that whatever the Zionist regime has done at any time must be supported, and at the same time, the public must be convinced to accept it through the media... We are tasked with supporting Israel's policies; Whatever…”

    From the observers' point of view, the influence and active presence of Jews such as the powerful "AIPAC" lobby in the legislative structure and decision-making in America has caused Washington's constant and unquestioning support for the Zionist regime. On the other hand, from the point of view of American statesmen, this regime has a vital role to secure American interests and acts as a reliable ally in American foreign policy.

    Whatever the reason for America's blind support of the Zionist regime, it has made the Zionists the biggest criminals in history, and the martyrdom of more than 34,000 people in about 7 months is only a part of their thick case of genocide. Also, this all-round support has caused the Zionist regime to continue developing its nuclear arsenal in addition to terror and arson in different parts of the region. This fake regime has so far refused to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and also to issue a permit for the inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency to inspect its nuclear facilities.

    The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson warned of Tehran’s decisive and resolute response to any act of aggression, referring to the mighty retaliatory operation the Iranian armed forces carried out against the Zionist regime on April 14. In comments at a weekly press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani said Iran launched Operation True Promise against military targets in the occupied territories on April 14 in retaliation for the Zionist regime’s fatal airstrike on Iran’s embassy in Syria and after the “international community failed to fulfill its duties because of the unconstructive interference from a number of countries.”

    He emphasized that Iran took this military action in accordance with its legitimate right and in order to create deterrence. Kanaani cautioned that any other act of aggression against Iran would trigger a response more decisive and powerful than before. He slammed the Zionist regime and its anti-human crimes as the root cause of instability in the region. It is imperative for European governments to immediately stop selling weapons to the Israeli regime if they are truly seeking to end the war on Gaza and contribute to regional stability and sustainable security, the Iranian foreign minister told his Finnish counterpart. In a telephone conversation on Sunday, Hossein Amirabdollahian and his Finnish counterpart Elina Valtonen discussed the latest developments in the region and the Tehran-Helsinki relations.

    Iran is not looking for tensions in the region, the Iranian foreign minister underscored, saying the root cause of crises in the region is the Israeli regime’s acts of aggression and crimes against Gaza. He emphasized that establishing peace requires adopting a correct approach and avoiding the application of double standards and contradictory moves. Amirabdollahian said everyone should try to stop the war in Gaza and in this regard, certain European governments should also immediately stop selling arms to the aggressor and the occupying Israeli regime that uses them to kill Palestinian women and children.

    Deputy Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem, stated that the resistance is present, ready, and willing to pay any price, noting that without its presence, Lebanon would have been “a broken stick and a crossing point for Israeli projects.” Qassem said in his speech in Beirut today, Monday: “This resistance announced that it supports Gaza and supports Gaza. This support has two basic aspects. First, it is support for our brothers, loved ones, and neighbors on the road to Jerusalem on the sacred humanitarian road, and second, it is a declaration of pre-emptive readiness in action that the Israelis understand.” Behind it, the resistance is present and ready, and it is now giving what it gives, but it is ready for any price and any option in defense of Lebanon and to confront the challenges.”

    He added: "If it were not for the resistance, Lebanon would have been broken , and if it were not for the resistance, Lebanon would have been a crossing point for Israeli projects, whether settling or establishing settlements or political projects that would be reflected in the composition of the country and the way the country is managed." He pointed out that "Israel stands as a predator and wants to enter Lebanon and the region at any moment, and nothing can stop it except weapons and nothing can stop it except the resistance," stressing that "the resistance will remain with its weapons and will work to increase it and increase its strength until God wills." He concluded by saying: "Everything we can do to be strong, we will do it, and those who think about seeking to weaken or look for weakness as an alternative should stop because they are screaming into the air. Weapons remain and are advanced and will create the future, God Almighty willing."

    Allied for Democracy

    The head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate, Aman, Major General Aharon Haliva, has submitted his resignation to the Office of the Israeli Chief of Staff, accepting responsibility for the Israeli military's failure on October 7, 2023. According to the Israeli news website Walla!, Haliva is expected to leave his position in the coming weeks and will be likely replaced by Lieutenant Colonel Shlomi Binder. Aman has been subject to a series of harrowing controversies and internal discord, stemming from the organization's failure to expect and warn against the Palestinian Resistance's Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, which took place on the dawn of October 7 last year.

    Later, Israeli forces confirmed that Haliva had submitted his resignation. "Major General Aharon Haliva, in coordination with the chief of the general staff, has requested to end his position, following his leadership responsibility as the head of the intelligence directorate for the events of October 7," the occupation's military said in a statement. "It was decided that MG Aharon Haliva will end his position and retire from the IDF, once his successor is appointed in an orderly and professional process," the statement added.

    Previously, the military intelligence body was considered to be a leader in the field of intel gathering and analysis, providing Israeli occupation forces with the necessary information to carry out their operations.

    Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth revealed that the commander of the IDF's central command, MG Yehuda Fox, informed the Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi that he will retire by next August after being in this position for three years. The Israeli newspaper reported that sources close to Fox quoted him as saying that he considers himself part of the general staff who failed on October 7 and like many others, the time has come to end his mission. In a similar context, Israeli media also quoted sources in the IDF as saying that more senior officials are expected to announce their resignations after Passover. It added that the mass resignation wave comes against the backdrop of investigations into the failure on October 7 which will prompt a new round of appointments to the general staff of the IDF.

    Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper warned of six outstanding issues facing the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warning of its inability to resolve them, and thus its failure to confront Hamas in Gaza. It said last night that all of these issues are related to the American position, and that they ultimately focus on the Palestinian file. This is the file on which Washington is demanding concessions, according to the newspaper. It warned that the outstanding issues are related to the Palestinian issue, and that resolving this issue would lead to a breakthrough in the remaining issues.

    Military analyst, Ron Ben Yishai wrotee thst the first file is the prisoners’ file, and that the Israeli government is unable to resolve it, has lost the initiative, and no longer has effective pressure cards on Hamas. Ben Yishai confirmed that the Israeli army had removed the bulk of its forces from the Gaza Strip, and that the civilian authority of the Hamas movement had not fallen, at a time when the Americans did not allow the invasion of Rafah in order to accomplish the tasks assigned to the army.

    The second outstanding issue is the issue of the invasion of Rafah itself, as he pointed out that there are no developments in this direction, and that the main reason is that Netanyahu and the army “have not yet reached understandings with Washington regarding the evacuation of nearly a million Palestinians.” According to the newspaper, Netanyahu calls on the army to begin Rafah operations as quickly as possible, and he rebuked Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy in closed meetings for not making progress at the required pace in preparing safe areas for Gazans in the city. Ben Yishai believes that despite the army commander's rebuke, Netanyahu himself is dealing with "laziness", which appears to be deliberate regarding negotiations with the Americans, in this regard.

    The Israeli analyst pointed out that the third issue is the lack of an alternative to the Hamas authority, and he added that as long as Hamas’s civil authority remains, the goals of the war will not be achieved and there can be no talk of a victory or the return of the displaced settlers to the enclave.

    He continued that "Israel" took it upon itself to return the settlers to northern occupied Palestine, but the reality is that "Hezbollah" does not seem to want a ceasefire and to enter into political negotiations and a diplomatic settlement, with American, French and Arab mediation, until after the Gaza war stops. He noted that all political and military entities in "Israel" do not want a wide war with "Hezbollah", or even a limited war in southern Lebanon, but the settlement scenario is far away as long as the Gaza war is not resolved.

    Ben Yishai believes that negotiations on normalizing relations with Riyadh are proceeding very slowly due to the absence of Netanyahu and his government’s willingness to discuss the establishment of a Palestinian state, based on the two-state solution, and therefore he saw that normalization remains far away, despite his belief that there is an opportunity for that. He concluded that "Israel" does not have a strategic plan to establish an international defense alliance against Iran.

    The Israeli army said, on Monday, that the head of the Military Intelligence Service, General Aharon Haleva, submitted his resignation after failing to confront the unprecedented attacks that the country was subjected to on October 7, 2023. According to the Associated Press, Haleva is “the first high-ranking Israeli figure to step down from her position due to the Hamas attacks,” which resulted in the deaths of 1,200 people, most of them civilians, including women and children, in addition to the kidnapping of nearly 250 people hostage to the Gaza Strip.

    The Israeli army said in a statement that Haleva requested “to step down from his position due to his leadership responsibility as head of the Military Intelligence Authority during the events of October 7th.” According to the decision taken with the Chief of Staff and with the approval of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Haliva will be transferred to retirement from the IDF “after appointing his successor through an orderly and professional process,” according to the statement.

    Al-Hurra TV correspondent quoted a statement from General Haleva as saying that "the Military Intelligence Division at his disposal was not capable of responsibility" before the Hamas attacks. He added that he had intended to resign since the beginning of the war, but the issue was postponed due to several factors, including tension with Iran, a round of exchanges of fire with it, and the Israeli army launching its internal investigations into the failures in confronting the October 7 attacks.

    He stressed that he supports the idea of conducting a comprehensive national investigation into the October 7 attacks. Haleva said shortly after the attacks that he "takes the blame" for not preventing the attack. The resignation of the head of the Israeli army's military intelligence service could pave the way for more senior security officials in Israel to step down from their positions, according to the Associated Press.

    It is noteworthy that last October, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied receiving any warnings about Hamas’ intention to launch attacks on Israel, blaming the failure to anticipate those attacks on intelligence. Haaretz newspaper said at the time that Netanyahu held responsible for the failure to anticipate the attack, especially on the Military Intelligence Intelligence Division and its head, Haliva, and the head of the Shin Bet General Security Service, Ronen Bar.

    Operation Iron Swords - By the Numbers

    • 1,900,000 IDPs in Gaza
    • 77,084 Gazans injured, 28% adult male
    • 70,000 tons of explosives dropped on Gaza
    • 70,000 housing units completely destroyed
    • 70,000 Israeli IDPs from Lebanon border
    • 45,000 bombs dropped in Gaza
    • 43,000 Gazans killed, including buried under rubble
    • 34,151 Gazans martyred
    • 33,000 Gaza targets attacked
    • 20,528 Palestinians in Israeli prisons [Haaretz, 20 Mar 2024]
    • 15,140 Israelis injured [i24 TV]
    • 15,000 rockets launched from Gaza
    • 14,520 Gazan children martyred
    • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [N12]
    • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [IDF]
    • 11,000 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank in 2023
    • 10,000 Gazans missing under the rubble
    • 9,920 Gazan women martyred
    • 9,400 Palestinians in Israeli prisons
    • 9,000 IDF needing psychological assistance
    • 8,365 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank since Oct.7th
    • 7,209 IDF injured admitted to rehabilitation [IDF]
    • 6,800 IDF officers and soldiers injured [Channel 12]
    • 6,000 HAMAS combatants killed [HAMAS]
    • 5,500 IDF wounded [reports]
    • 4,800 West Bank Palestinians wounded
    • 4,700 sites targetted in Lebanon
    • 3,850 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria
    • 3,484 administrative detainees
    • 3,188 IDF wounded [IDF]
    • 2,100 Gazan women are missing
    • 1,609 terrorists killed on the first day
    • 1,650 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria affiliated with Hamas
    • 1,160 Israelis killed on the first day
    • 604 Israeli officers and soldiers killed since the start of the war
    • 468 West Bank Palestinians martyred
    • 364 people [including fighters] killed in Lebanon
    • 260 Israeli officers and soldiers killed in Gaza
    • 240 Hezbollah fighters killed in Lebanon
    • 126 people recovered, including 91 Israelis, 11 bodies, and 24 foreign workers
    • 116 living hostages in Palestinian custody
    • 70 civilians killed in Lebanon
    • 29 IDF deaths were caused by "friendly fire"
    • 15 Israelis killed in the West Bank and Israel

    Not every number is reported every day, so sudden jumps generally reflect reporting artifacts rather than actual upticks. Many of these numbers fluctate, up and down, with no apparent explanation. This list records the highest number reliably reported for each matter, under the theory that reality with catch up with reports, as is relentlessly the case.

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