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Operation Iron Swords - Day 182 - 05 April 2024

“At any point, Hamas could have ended this burgeoning tragedy to
surrender and release every hostage. …
Hamas instigated and owns this humanitarian catastrophe.”
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)


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The news of the American New York Times ’ dismissal of Israeli journalist Anat Schwartz, who supported a post on social media platforms calling for turning the Gaza Strip into a “slaughterhouse,” was widely heard . Criticism also rained down on her for her role in publishing a false report about sexual violence in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. According to what was published by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, the New York Times terminated its contract with Anat Schwartz, a collaborator with the newspaper, last Sunday, after it investigated her for placing a “like” on a number of publications biased towards Israel in the wake of the Al-Aqsa flood, including a publication calling for turning Gaza into “ Slaughterhouse” if any of the Israeli prisoners is harmed.

Although American journalists and commentators welcomed the dismissal of the Israeli journalist, some of them indicated that this decision may have come to protect officials at higher levels in the New York Times after the repercussions of publishing the false report on sexual violence. Journalist Max Blumenthal wrote on the X platform, “The New York Times fired Anat Schwartz over these publications to protect the reputation of the main author (of the report), Jeffrey Gettleman, and in order to avoid the complete retraction of a report that was completely refuted.” "The Times scandal is deepening," he added.

On the other hand, the PVT anti-fake news account indicated that the New York Times has not yet convicted that journalist, nor has it withdrawn that report. The New York Times published this report on December 28 under the title “Screams Without Words: How Hamas Used Sexual Violence as a Weapon on October 7.” Many observers doubted the validity and credibility of the report when it was published, and then the revelation of Anat's identity as one of the three authors of the report was a bomb that exploded in the face of the New York Times.

The newspaper launched an internal investigation after Schwartz’s biased position became clear. It was later revealed that Schwartz is not primarily a journalist, and has no experience that qualifies her to work with one of the most important newspapers in the world on a subject of such importance and sensitivity. Rather, she works as a director and screenwriter for the Israeli public broadcaster “Kan.” She previously worked in the Israeli Air Force intelligence service. Among the posts that Schwartz liked was one in which the official Israeli government account repeated conspiracy theories that “Hamas terrorists beheaded 40 Israeli children during their cross-border attack on towns and kibbutzim along the Gaza border,” claims that were also found to be false.

The Israeli army announced on Friday that it was targeting a “Hamas militant” when it killed seven humanitarian workers in the Gaza Strip, and acknowledged that it had committed a series of “serious mistakes” and violations of its own laws. The seven workers were killed in three raids within four minutes by an Israeli march, while they were fleeing from one car to another, according to what the army said, which indicated in a statement “an operational error in assessing the situation” after spotting an armed man suspected of being from the Hamas movement, which is classified as a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries.

The Israeli bombing sparked international condemnation, and the Israeli army launched an internal investigation, the results of which were reported today, and concluded with a decision to dismiss two officers and officially reprimand senior commanders.

The investigation of the difficult incident in which seven workers of the humanitarian organization WCK were killed in the Gaza Strip as a result of the fire of IDF forces was completed. The investigation was carried out by the Joint Chiefs of Staff's investigation mechanism led by Major General Yoav Har-Evan, and was presented to the Chief of Staff, Lt. Col. Herzi Halevi. According to the Israeli army statement, senior officers, including the commander of the Southern Command, will be reprimanded, while the commander of the Fire Support Battalion, with the rank of major, and the chief of staff of the battalion, with the rank of colonel, will be dismissed.

The event took place on April 1, 2024, during an operation to transfer humanitarian aid of the WCK organization to the Gaza Strip. The investigation showed that IDF forces identified one gunman on one of the aid trucks, who later believed that there was another gunman. After the vehicles left the warehouse where the aid was unloaded, one of the commanders mistakenly believed that the armed men were in the escort vehicles and that they were Hamas terrorists. The forces did not identify the vehicles in question as being associated with the WCK organization.

The Israeli army said that the investigation into the killing of the aid workers found that there had been a mistake in identity, as well as errors in decision-making. A three-vehicle convoy was transporting workers from the World Central Kitchen organization along the coastal road in the Gaza Strip on Monday evening. At the same time, an Israeli military drone identified the convoy as “enemy forces.” Following a misidentification, the forces attacked the three WCK vehicles, based on the misunderstanding that there were Hamas operatives in them, thus resulting in the death of seven innocent humanitarian aid operatives. The attack on the three vehicles was carried out in serious violation of the relevant orders and instructions.

The conclusions of the investigation show that the incident could have been prevented, and at the same time, those who approved the attack were convinced that they were attacking armed Hamas operatives and not WCK operatives. The damage to the aid vehicles is a serious mistake, which resulted from a serious failure, as a result of wrong identification, a mistake in decision-making and an attack contrary to the orders and instructions to open fire.

After the findings of the investigation were presented, and following the dire consequences of the incident, the Chief of Staff decided to take the following command steps: against the brigade support commander, an officer with the rank of major, removal procedures will be taken. Removal procedures will be taken against the brigade commander, an officer with the rank of colonel in the reserves.

In addition, processes of command reprimand will be taken against the brigade commander and the commander of division 162. Also, the Chief of Staff decided to reprimand the commander of the Southern Command for his overall responsibility for the incident. The IDF expressed deep sorrow for the loss, and share in the grief of the families and the WCK organization. The IDF attaches the utmost importance to the vital humanitarian activities of the international aid organizations, and we will continue to work to coordinate and assist their activities, while ensuring their safety and safeguarding their lives. The laws of war and the avoidance of harm to innocents. The IDF will learn the lessons of the incident, and will assimilate the necessary lessons for the next.

Israeli officers broadcast to journalists video clips taken by a person they presented as a “Hamas member” who joined the procession of the United States-based World Central Kitchen organization, according to what Agence France-Presse reported. The convoy was transporting aid to the northern Gaza Strip, and was bombed in Deir al-Balah in the center of the Strip. The three cars had the “organization’s logo” on their roofs, but Har Even said that the drone camera could not see the logo due to the darkness. “This was an essential element in the sequence of events,” he said.

The organization's team of workers includes an Australian, a Polish, an American-Canadian, three Britons, and a Palestinian. For his part, Andrzej Segna, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister, said on Friday that the Israeli ambassador to Poland apologized for the killing of a Polish aid worker in an air strike launched by Israel on Gaza this week. Cigna stated that Poland will not expel the Israeli ambassador, Yaakov Livni.

International relief organizations said on Thursday that they could not do more to protect their employees in the Gaza Strip and that the responsibility to avoid killing them falls on Israel, at a time when the United Nations called for direct humanitarian coordination with the Israeli army.

Israel's war cabinet is to take "immediate steps" to increase the flow of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip after the strike on the World Central Kitchen (WCK) convoy in Gaza killed seven workers. Israel is said to open checkpoints in Erez and Ashdod, read the war cabinet statement. "This increased aid will prevent a humanitarian crisis and is necessary to ensure the continuation of the fighting and the achievement of the war's goals. In light of this, Israel will allow the temporary delivery of humanitarian aid through Ashdod and the Erez checkpoint and the increase of Jordanian aid through Kerem Shalom."

Itamar Ben-Gvir's office released a statement refuting the decision: "There was no vote this evening in the Cabinet on the certification of Ministers Galant and Gantz on the increase of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and the announcement published on the subject by the Prime Minister's Office - is incorrect." The statement read that Ben-Gvir and others oppose the step and are disappointed the decision was not brought up to a vote.

The minister also called for the start of operation in Rafah: "The right way to return our hostages is to stop the aid supply to Gaza, and to introduce a condition - humanitarian steps only in exchange for humanitarian steps. It's a shame that instead of entering Rafah, there are those who prefer to engage in bringing equipment into Gaza that ends up directly in the hands of Hamas. We must enter Rafah now!"

War Termination

The Commissioner General of the Supreme Commission for Tribal Affairs and Families of the Gaza Strip, Akef Al-Masry, confirmed that the statement attributed to the tribes, which accuses Hamas of responsibility for the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip and of preventing the entry of aid trucks into the Gaza Strip, is incorrect. Al-Masry said, in a statement to the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed website, that “this statement is forged,” stressing that “the clans have nothing to do with this statement.” He added, "The one who promotes such statements is the occupation and some of its agents."

He continued, "Some statements have been circulated in the name of the clans recently to create a kind of chaos in Palestinian society." He pointed out that this data is in an anonymous format and is not attributed to any tribal figure. He stressed that the tribal components in the Gaza Strip are well-known components and are national components and not affiliated with any political party. Cairo News Channel broadcast a statement attributed to the Gaza tribes accusing the Hamas movement of what it called the catastrophic situation in the Strip and intercepting the entry of aid trucks from the Rafah land crossing.

Operational Update

Tehran will respond - "by the end of the month of Ramadan, at the end of next week" - there is no doubt about it. Both due to the honor and status of the man and also due to the fear of additional risks and as a deterrent against similar actions in the future. Direct firing from Iran's territory towards Israel - in such a scenario the ball returns to Israel, and it will have to decide whether it is an act that means a declaration of war or the continuation of the skirmish on the axis as it has been until now. It is clear that from Iran's point of view the worst scenario is that Israel and the US will see this as an act of war and act for a joint response - this is what Iran will try to avoid.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said: "The Zionist regime cannot escape from the seditions it creates. We warn that no action by any enemy against our sacred system will go unanswered. The art of the Iranian nation is to break the power of empires.... But America is not ready to abandon this regime. The Zionist regime is alive today with the American artificial respiration and is breathing in the American political, security and psychological special care room. Whenever this Western artificial respiration device is removed from the nose of the Zionist regime, it will take on a vegetative life and collapse, and this is close."

CBS network reported American intelligence estimates that Iran's response will include an attack by drones and cruise missiles - but it will be proportionate and aimed at a "diplomatic facility" and not against civilians. According to the Americans' assessment, the time and purpose are unknown, but that revenge is expected "from now until the end of the month of Ramadan at the end of next week."

As published in "Ulpan Shishi", the IDF is preparing for any development that may occur, and is ready for any scenario. Meanwhile, in the defense establishment, discussions were held on the possible responses, and there preparations are being made for both defense - and readiness for an attack. The defense establishment believes that it is wrong to open a direct front right now Against Iran, which itself works against Israel through its proxy affiliates.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant arrived at Tel Nof air force base, and spoke with the air and ground teams of squadron 133, led by base commander Brigadier General Ariel Dayan and squadron commander Lt. Col. In an attempt to reassure the public, Gallant said: "Preparation, preparedness and vigilance are not synonyms for panic and fear - the enemy has been hit hard in all places and is therefore looking for ways to respond - we are ready with a multi-layered defense."

"We attack wherever the State of Israel decides against any enemy - it could be in Damascus and it could be in Beirut," Gallant said and emphasized: "We attack wherever we decide. Our attack is strong, vigorous, and very precise, and it hits the enemy hard as a result. From this, he is looking for ways to respond, and these ways of responding can come from anywhere, and we are preparing to face this matter."

Operational Update - Gaza

The planned Israeli military operation in the city of Rafah has become one of the most “controversial” issues between America and Israel regarding the war in the Gaza Strip, especially in terms of its realism and the possibility of its application on the ground in terms of the areas to which displaced Palestinians can be transferred, according to experts who spoke to the “Al-Hurra” website.

Speaking to Al-Hurra website, the political analyst and member of the American Democratic Party, Mehdi Afifi, points out that the Israeli plan to evacuate the residents of Rafah is “unrealistic,” and the United States has a different vision, especially with regard to the “time period.” It is “impossible to evacuate more than a million Palestinian civilians accumulating in the border city with Egypt, within just 4 weeks, and the American administration believes that the period may range from 4 to 6 months, for them to be evacuated in a way that “guarantees their safe transportation and human accommodation,” according to Afifi. Safe areas and places must be prepared for their movement, and even “tents and camps” must be established for approximately 1,200,000 Palestinians. This cannot be done in just 4 weeks, according to Afifi.

The deep divisions between the United States and Israel over the Rafah Process, where more than a million Palestinians live, were evident in a virtual meeting between senior officials from both countries, three sources with direct knowledge of the meeting told Axios. Officials familiar with the discussions revealed that “the United States still fears that the Israelis do not have a reliable plan for a comprehensive evacuation, a process they believe could take months,” according to a report by the New York Times .

A large part of the meeting focused on “how to evacuate more than a million Palestinians in southern Gaza City,” and the Israeli side presented “general ideas and said that implementation may take at least four weeks, and perhaps longer, depending on the situation on the ground.” The sources said that the American side described the Israeli ideas as an “unrealistic estimate,” and one of the United States representatives at the meeting said that the planned and sufficiently studied evacuation process could take up to four months.

Speaking to Al-Hurra website, Palestinian political analyst Adel Al-Ghoul stressed that evacuating more than a million people from the densely populated city of Rafah within 4 weeks is “impossible.” The Palestinian political analyst from the Gaza Strip points out that "the only way to evacuate these people from Rafah" is to allow them to return to the northern Gaza Strip without conditions. The number of displaced people from northern Gaza to Rafah is 800 thousand people, equivalent to two-thirds of the displaced people in the city, and therefore their return to the north will reduce the “time period,” according to Al-Ghoul.

In practice, Israel should not “launch an attack on the central region,” as part of the displaced will return to the central region, such as Deir al-Balah, which will absorb a number of them, according to the Palestinian political analyst. Al-Ghoul stresses that it is “illogical” for the population to move to the Al-Mawasi area, which is located southeast of Wadi Gaza, on a 12-kilometre-long coastal strip, extending from Deir al-Balah in the north, passing through Khan Yunis Governorate, to Rafah Governorate in the south, at a depth of approximately one kilometre.

Estimates indicate that the population of “Al-Mawasi” is approximately 9,000 people, and the area cannot accommodate more than 200,000 Palestinians, and this would be “inhuman and inhumane,” according to Al-Ghoul. He says: "There are no areas in the Gaza Strip that can accommodate that number of displaced people, especially if the original residents of Rafah, estimated at 300,000 people, are displaced."

The original residents of Rafah may refuse to be displaced and refuse to leave their homes, as happened previously in the north. There are approximately 100,000 Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip currently, but in the southern city things will be much more difficult and the situation will become “complicated,” according to Al-Ghoul. The Palestinian political analyst confirms that the form proposed by Israel is “illogical and impossible to implement” neither in 4 weeks nor in 4 months.

But on the other hand, the Israeli military and strategic analyst, Kofi Lavie, points out that “the transfer and evacuation of the residents of the city of Rafah will be to the northern Gaza Strip, and areas including Al-Mawasi.” The homes of these residents are “tents” and they do not have “infrastructure, sewage, water or electricity lines.” These services are available to them through “mobile facilities,” and thus their movement outside Rafah will be “easy and quick,” according to what the Israeli military and strategic analyst told the website.

The Israeli army will have to "facilitate the proper movement of civilians to the areas to which they will move, and prevent Hamas members from moving among the population," Lavie points out. He stresses the importance of the Israeli army preventing Hamas members from exploiting their presence among the civilian population in order to "surprise Israeli forces and carry out military operations."

For weeks, Israel has been threatening to launch a ground military operation against Rafah, where 1.5 million people, most of whom are displaced, are gathered in the city located in the south on the border with Egypt. Afifi points out that "Israel did not give a clear picture to the United States" about where these displaced people will be transferred, and how the process will take place.

During the military operation in Rafah, some Palestinians may be forced to leave by sea, with the appearance of ships affiliated with “relief and international bodies”, transporting them by sea to other countries, and pressuring them “to escape towards the Sinai Desert, and some will be transferred to the Negev Desert, but there is no detailed plan.” How to transfer these people, according to the American political analyst.

For his part, Al-Ghoul believes that “the Egyptian position is not clear,” as Egypt has erected a “separation wall” on the border between Egyptian Rafah and the Gaza Strip. But the implementation of the military operation in Rafah, and in light of the Israeli bombing and tanks entering the city, and the “random” killing of residents, it is certain that thousands of Palestinians will head towards the Egyptian border and penetrate it, according to the Palestinian political analyst.

At that time, there will be no way for these people to survive other than burning the Egyptian borders, and there is no one who can “prevent a Palestinian human flood,” as Al-Ghoul points out.

One day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged to continue the war against Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States and other countries, until “complete victory” in the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces bombed the city of Rafah on the Egyptian border, raising fears of an imminent ground attack. v But Lafi denies the possibility of transferring the population to Egypt, because “the Egyptian authorities refuse to do so.” He says: "Israel must respect Egypt's will and vision, and any Israeli decision contrary to that will be a violation of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty." It is in Israel's interest to continue the peace agreement with Egypt and not jeopardize the agreement, according to the Israeli military and strategic analyst.

In conjunction with the expected Israeli ground military operation in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, questions arise about the options for displacing the million and a half Palestinians currently inside the city, and what are the areas to which they can be transferred? This is revealed by specialists who spoke to the Al-Hurra website. Israel has pledged to "destroy Hamas" as a military and political force, and repeatedly, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stressed that his country will continue its current war in Gaza until it achieves "the complete destruction of the movement."

Al-Ghoul believes that "the war will not end soon unless there is a ceasefire, a hostage exchange deal, and a political agreement based on governance in the Gaza Strip." In the city of Khan Yunis, battles have been continuing for more than two months, and Israel has not been able to purify the city or dismantle or eliminate Hamas brigades, according to the Palestinian political analyst. Al-Ghoul points out that the situation in Rafah will be much worse than in Khan Yunis, and therefore Israel’s plans to invade the city by land are “unrealistic or logical,” as he puts it.

But on the other hand, Lafi refers to Israel's announcement since the beginning of the war in Gaza that "the battles will continue for a year or two, and will not be a trip for a week or two, because there is a terrorist infrastructure for Hamas that was established over several years, and must be completely destroyed." He says: "There are entire underground cities that Hamas built, and they must be destroyed first, then all remaining organized Hamas military forces should be killed."

The Hamas brigades in Khan Yunis have “disintegrated,” and there is intelligence data indicating a significant weakness in the movement’s strength in confronting the Israeli army. The Hamas brigades in Rafah are weaker than those in Khan Yunis, and as long as there is no complete cleansing, it must continue until the movement is completely “destroyed,” according to Lafi. Continuing to fight Hamas and entering Rafah by ground is “logical” because the movement’s survival is a danger to Israel and the countries of the region, and its “power” must be broken even if the matter continues for years, according to Lafi.

Israel has repeatedly emphasized its primary goal in the war in the Gaza Strip, which is to “destroy the Hamas movement,” which is classified as a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries, while specialists spoken to by the “Al-Hurra” website debate about ways to achieve this in light of the movement’s reliance on “an ideology that is difficult to eradicate.”

Israeli media reported that Jordanian army trucks loaded with humanitarian aid heading to the Gaza Strip will be allowed to pass through the Kerem Shalom crossing for inspection. The Israeli "Kan 11" channel explained that "Jordanian trucks loaded with humanitarian aid will be allowed to pass through Israeli territory." She added, "The trucks will pass through the Allenby Bridge and then be allowed to pass and reach Gaza directly, with the exception of inspection at the Kerem Shalom crossing." Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi called for the opening of all land crossings with Gaza and a ceasefire in the Strip, stressing that "the starvation of the population must end." It is noteworthy that the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday that it would “temporarily” allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza through its border with the northern Gaza Strip, where the “Erez” crossing will be reopened for the first time since October 7.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi called for the opening of all land crossings with Gaza and a ceasefire in the Strip, stressing that "the starvation of the population must end." Al-Safadi explained, "The United Nations must be responsible for all humanitarian operations and have full access to the Gaza Strip." He pointed out that "anything less would be another lie and would not even begin to address the disaster that Israel has created," saying that "the starvation of the people of Gaza must end."

The forces of Division 98 continued to operate in Khan Yunis to cleanse the area of ??Hamas. Fighters of the 7th Brigade Combat Team destroyed a trapped structure with tank fire, located military equipment and weapons, and destroyed an underground terrorist infrastructure, this at the same time as Air Force strikes in the area in which a fighter jet attacked and eliminated two terrorists who were inside a military structure.

As part of the TSA commando's activity, a number of terrorists were eliminated by firing tanks and attacking aircraft, the brigade's fighters located weapons in the area. The combat team of the Givati Brigade continues to fight in the 'El Amal' area in Khan Yunis, during a raid by the fighters on criminalized buildings they located grenades and improvised explosive devices .

Following the launches carried out last night (Thursday) from the Gaza Strip towards the areas of Ashkelon, Kfar Gaza and Sderot, the 215th Fire Brigade attacked the launch areas in the north of the Strip with artillery fire. Air Force fighter jets under the direction of the fire center of the Southern Command attacked a number of targets in the launch areas, including launch pits, assembly points and a tunnel shaft.

As part of the air force attacks with the assistance of the brigade forces, fighter jets attacked a number of trapped buildings in the forces sector. During the last day, the Air Force planes attacked more than 30 targets throughout the Gaza Strip. Among the targets attacked were military buildings, tunnel shafts, government buildings, a military depot and other military infrastructure.

Operational Update - Judea-Samaria

Over 120,000 Palestinian worshippers performed their prayers at the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied al-Quds on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, despite intense Israeli restrictions and assaults and denying entry to thousands of others. Al Mayadeen's correspondent in occupied Palestine reported that people who tried to get the Mosque from the West Bank performed their prayers at the Qalandiya crossing, after being denied entry. Israeli occupation forces also imposed severe restrictions on worshippers inside the Mosque, inspected their IDs at the gates of the Old City and the steps of the mosque, and prevented several of them from entering its vicinity.

IDF soldiers mapped the home of the terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack in Gan Yavne this week (Sunday), in the city of Dora in the Yehuda Division, in which the late Lidor Levi was murdered and two other Israeli civilians were wounded. In addition, soldiers of the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Special Intelligence Service arrested 13 wanted persons throughout Iosh.

In an operation in the Coal area in the Menashe Brigade, a number of terrorists fired at the soldiers of the Haruv Patrol who were operating in the area, the forces responded by shooting, and injuries were detected. During the operation, the fighters will interrogate many suspects. In Tulkarm in Menasha, a terrorist threw explosives at a force of IOSH security forces, who responded by firing and killed the terrorist. Also, the fighters arrested three other wanted persons suspected of terrorist activities.

In the city of Yetta in the Yehuda Division, the forces arrested five wanted persons and located weapons. In Nablus, in the village of Malek and in the villages of the houses, four more wanted persons were arrested. The wanted persons who were arrested and the means of warfare that were confiscated were transferred to the security forces for further treatment, there are no casualties to Israeli forces.

Operational Update - Lebanon

Fighter jets attacked a military building of the AML movement where a number of terrorists of the AML movement were staying in the Marja'ion area in southern Lebanon. During the war, AML acted against the State of Israel and even these days planned another attack against Israel.

Soldiers of the Golani Brigade today identified a terrorist conducting a surveillance operation using a drone in order to direct launches to the northern part of the country and directed an Air Force aircraft that attacked the terrorist. In the last few hours, warplanes attacked terrorist infrastructures of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, in the areas of Kfar Kila and Tir Harfa and military buildings in the areas of Mis al Jabal and Beyda in southern Lebanon.

Fighter jets of the Air Force attacked a terrorist infrastructure of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Zabkin region, alongside a military structure of the organization in the Yarin region and another military structure in the Eyta al-Sha'ab region, where terrorists were staying. IDF forces attacked an observation post of the organization in the Sheba area. In addition, last night (Thursday), a military site of the organization in the Kfar Hammam area was attacked.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah warned that the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus is a pivotal incident that has consequences, noting that the testimony of a number of dear people in the terrorist attack is a big matter for us, especially Major General Zahedi, for his great credit for the resistance in Lebanon for many years. Sayyed Nasrallah appeared at the public celebration organized by Hezbollah on the occasion of International Jerusalem Day at the Master of Martyrs Complex, peace be upon him, in the southern suburb of Beirut.

During his speech at the celebration, Sayyed Nasrallah referred to the Israeli terrorist attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and said: We stop at the martyrs of the last days in the Zionist aggression against the Iranian consulate in Damascus, and among them are the martyrs of senior leaders who have historical value in our journey. He stressed that the incident was a detail 6 months ago in the incidents of the Al-Aqsa Flood, which came before and after it, saying: We extend our highest congratulations and condolences to His Eminence Imam Khamenei and the honorable officials in Iran, especially the leadership of the Revolutionary Guards and the Quds Force, and to their honorable families, announcing the holding of a celebration in honor of the martyrs in the attack on the consulate. Iranian broadcast next Monday at 4:00 Beirut time.

He added: Iran offers its best leaders as martyrs and endures pressure and siege, and there are those who talk about a scenario between America and Iran. This is a level of madness and hatred, stressing that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been a true support since 1979 for everyone who resists and confronts this occupation in Lebanon, Palestine and the region, and with its position and support it has changed many equations. It overthrew many hegemonic projects and contributed to the victories of the resistance.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah confirmed : The issue of the Iranian consulate is crucial, and we can conclude from the words of Imam Khamenei that the Iranian response to targeting the consulate in Damascus is inevitably coming, and the enemy entity has begun to take measures for fear of the Iranian response, and the timing of the Iranian response is part of the battle...explaining. The timing, place, and scale of the response are in the hands of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian leaders. He added: Everyone must prepare themselves, arrange their affairs, and be careful when the Iranian side responds to the targeting of the Iranian consulate and how the Zionist enemy responds to the Iranian response, considering that the foolishness committed by Netanyahu in the consulate will open the door to relief and the resolution of the battle.

His Eminence said: Imam Khomeini’s position had consequences in regional and international relations and burdens since the Islamic Republic severed relations with the occupying entity and transformed its embassy into the Embassy of Palestine and made the decisive declaration of standing by the Palestinian people and absolute rejection of this entity, pointing out that Imam Khamenei also emphasizes the firm position. From the Palestinian issue and from the occupying entity, and for this position the Islamic Republic has made huge sacrifices, economically, politically and security-wise.

His Eminence continued: If Iran wanted to change its position, it would have done so over the past decades, and its firm and solid position was expressed by the Iranian people in their demonstrations today in more than two thousand Iranian cities and towns, which expresses the Iranian leadership’s commitment to this issue, and Iran cannot sell or abandon its religion. And its friends and the oppressed in the region, calling on all resistance fighters who have their backs to Iran to be reassured because Iran does not abandon its oppressed and friends.

Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed: For every honorable resistor, friendship with Iran is the title of human dignity and honour, and he who normalizes with “Israel” and defends it and its crimes should be ashamed, considering that the relationship with Iran, which extends a helping hand to restore land and sovereignty, is through the simplest The principles are the relationship of loyalty. Sayyed Nasrallah said: There are those who are unable to accept that “Israel” is being defeated in the region and are unable to comprehend this, saying: Be ashamed of friendship with the United States, which is responsible for crimes and wars in the region. Biden’s hands, face, and all his administration are soaked in blood. Children and women in Gaza, Lebanon and the region.

Sayyed Nasrallah revealed: The Americans strongly desire to negotiate directly with the Iranians, but Iran so far refuses to negotiate directly, considering that Iran does not negotiate regional files with the Americans, wondering: If Iran said today, “We are present to negotiate with the Americans directly and talk about regional files,” would it remain? Pressure and siege on it as it is? He continued: On International Jerusalem Day, we express our commitment, our position, our resistance, and our great hopes, pointing out that Imam Khomeini’s decisive declaration of his standing by the Palestinian cause and the position of the Islamic Republic toward “Israel,” Jerusalem, and the Palestinian resistance are among the most important major reasons for waging wars against Iran and hostility toward it.

Nasrallah said: There is no doubt that the Al-Aqsa flood is a historical turning point in our region, and what comes after it is not the same as before it for the enemy, the friend, and the region. The Al-Aqsa flood put the existence of “Israel” in danger and revealed its fragility, failure, and loss had it not been remedied by the Great Satan. What was before the Al-Aqsa flood was not the same as after it at all levels, with regard to the enemy, the friend, the region, and the world, and most importantly, the “Israeli” acknowledges this result. His Eminence considered that the war on Gaza is a war of those who have lost their minds and a war of butchers and criminals, saying: After 6 months of the war, Netanyahu, Gallant and others in the entity are still out of their minds... The killing and starvation that the enemy is practicing in Gaza is for the sake of pressure and intimidation because there is no horizon before it. Neither in the field nor in negotiations.

He said: The American-Israeli assessment confirms that what happened last October 7 almost destroyed the enemy entity, pointing out that the enemy entity was unable to close the other fronts, including the Lebanese front, despite all the threats, and the Lebanon front will not stand, and this is a settled matter, and it is linked to the Gaza front. . He stressed that all the American, British and international intimidation could not stop the Yemen front in the Red Sea nor the Iraq front, and when the war stops, the entity will be faced with major entitlements, and this is what Netanyahu is running away from.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah added: With the political, field, economic, security, local, regional and international data, we clearly see what His Eminence Imam Khamenei was saying: that the resistance will triumph. Sayyed Nasrallah saluted the resistance fighters on the Lebanese front. They are fully prepared, morale is high, and momentum is great, pointing out that the achievements of victory on land, sea, and sovereignty will be blessings for all of Lebanon. He said: The absurd wars that you decided to ignite in Lebanon and the destruction that resulted from them, could you? To rebuild what you destroyed.

He stressed that the resistance in Lebanon does not fear war and is fully prepared for any war, and the basic weapon we have not used yet, saying: If they want war, we say to them, Hello and welcome... and the enemy knows what war with Lebanon means... the battle in southern Lebanon, in which we present The best of our youth is based on moral, jihadi, and sincerity, and we will not hesitate to do so, and we will continue the battle until the resistance and Gaza are victorious.

Al-Sayyid affirmed that the readiness of the resistance is present and complete, and the morale of the mujahideen is high, as is their enthusiasm on the front. He pointed out that the environment incubating the resistance, which has been displaced, has a destined position, and the achievements and blessings of this battle will not only accrue to Gaza, but to all of Lebanon and the Lebanese people, and our position on the Lebanese front remains the same when the front stops. In Gaza you stand in Lebanon, and Lebanon is in a position of strength. He added: We need one call to carry out any operation. A call in which we ask for 100 missiles on the Golan that will be launched within a few minutes. This is the level of readiness.

Sayyed Nasrallah said: To the enemy who knows, to the friend to increase in faith, and to the frivolous, this resistance in Lebanon does not fear war, nor does it fear. Rather, it has managed its battle so far within a vision and strategy, but it is fully prepared and ready, morally, psychologically, militarily, and humanly, for any war in which the enemy will regret if it launches it on Lebanon.

Operational Update - Syria / Iraq

The spokesperson for the Iraqi al-Nujaba Movement said the Shiite resistance group has dealt more than 240 “fundamental blows” to the American and Israeli forces in Iraq, Syria and the occupied territories. In an interview with Iran’s state TV, Hussein al-Moussawi said al-Nujaba Movement has always opposed the presence of American forces in Iraq and has carried out many operations against the US. “We have dealt more than 240 fundamental blows in Iraq, Syria and the occupied territories to the American and Israeli forces,” he said, IRNA reported. By launching severe attacks against the American and Israeli forces, the al-Nujaba Movement has conveyed the message that the resistance forces in Iraq will stand by their Palestinian brothers until the achievement of final victory, he added.

Operational Update - Yemen



All maps are lies. “Not only is it easy to lie with maps, it is essential,” wrote cartographer Mark Monmoneir in his book How to Lie with Maps. He showed that condensing complex, three-dimensional spaces onto a two-dimensional sheet of paper [in old days] is bound to be reductive.

But it is impossible to comprehend the war in Gaza without reference to maps, otherwise the entire conflict is reduced to an endless series of meaningless acts of random violence and the suffering of civilians. The first characteristic of guerrilla warfare is the loss of a front line.

Evidently, different mappers have different ideas of how to depict the war in Gaza, notably those that seek to depict Israeli progress in the ground campaign. Part of the problem is latency. The news that forms the basis of the maps takes time to filter out to mappers, and the cartographers take time in crafting their maps, and it takes time to curate them. These processes are uneven among mappers, so their maps may differ in detail. Probably there is some ideological bias, or at least thematic apperception, which is understandable in wartime. It may come as no surprise that al-Jazeera maps depict rather less Israeli territorial progress than other sources.

Finally, there remains the epistemological question of just exactly what are the colored in areas depicting. Naively, this might be understood as areas of Israeli control, that are no longer contested by the HAMAS. Or possibly these are areas of Israeli presence, in many of which the possibility of an RPG-wielding HAMAS militant popping out of a tunnel unexpectedly remains a live possibility. With the "zero-range" combat characterized by small unit tactics on both sides, maps may be prey to a fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords


The United Nations Human Rights Council called for a halt to any arms sales to Israel against the backdrop of the war in the Gaza Strip, in a resolution that expressed fears of “genocide” against the Palestinians. This is the first time the Human Rights Council has taken a position on the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip since October 7, when Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on southern Israel. The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on Friday calling for Israel to be held accountable for “possible war crimes and crimes against humanity in Gaza.”

28 countries voted in favor of the resolution, 13 countries abstained from voting, while six countries voted against it, and the Council has no binding means to enforce the implementation of its decisions. On the other hand, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said that the United Nations Human Rights Council is adopting an anti-Israel resolution, noting that “in the resolution, the United Nations condemns Israel for the war in Gaza, but it does not mention Hamas or its crimes on October 7.”

The Foreign Ministry added: “The resolution equates kidnappers with detainees suspected of terrorist activity, and also conflicts with Israel’s right to defend itself,” considering that “the resolution legitimizes Palestinian resistance to the occupation, calls for the imposition of an arms embargo on Israel, and aggressively ignores The supply of weapons to Hamas by Iran and its allies. The Foreign Ministry indicated that in response to the adoption of the resolution, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Merav Elon Shahar, left the hall in protest.

The United States voted against the resolution, as did Germany, Argentina, Paraguay, Bulgaria and Malawi.

Axis of Resistance

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Thursday led the funeral prayer for the seven forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps who were martyred in an Israeli attack on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus a few days ago. Ayatollah Khamenei led the funeral prayer for the seven martyrs on Thursday evening. The families of martyrs Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, Brigadier General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, Hossein Amanollahi, Mahdi Jaladati, Mohsen Sedaqat, Ali Agha Babaei, and Ali Salehi Roozbehani were present in the ceremony. The Leader of the Islamic Revolution prayed for these martyrs and spoke with their families from up close, Khamenei.ir reported.

President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi expressed confidence that the anti-Israeli sentiments expressed by people attending the International Quds Day demonstrations will result in the termination of the Zionist regime and elevation of dignity of Palestinians. The Iranian president took part in the International Quds Day rallies in Tehran on Friday, which also included the funeral procession for the seven IRGC forces martyred in an airstrike that the Zionist regime launched on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on Monday. "God specified that our generals would be martyred on the day of martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS) and be buried on Quds Day in order to give a special effect to this day,” President Raisi said, his official website reported. Praising the demonstrators for declaring their hatred for the Zionist regime in the streets of various cities and villages, he said, “We are sure that this feeling coming from the hearts and cries will definitely lead to the destruction of the Zionist regime and the elevation of the dignity of the Palestinian people and the Muslims of the world.”

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps warned the Israeli regime that it will certainly receive a response for the recent strike on Iran’s diplomatic mission in Damascus. Addressing demonstrators attending the International Quds Day rally in Tehran on Friday, Major General Hossein Salami vowed revenge for the Israeli attack on the consular section of Iran’s embassy in Syria that resulted in the martyrdom of seven Iranian military advisers.

“We warn that not a single action from any enemy against our sacred establishment will remain unanswered,” the IRGC commander said. He noted that the Iranian nation has mastered the art of defeating the power of empires and proving victory for the truth of faith. Echoing remarks made by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, the general said the Iranian forces will punish the Zionist regime.

Condemning the Zionist regime’s brutal atrocities in Gaza and hailing the resistance forces for bringing Israel to its knees in Palestine, Major General Salami said the fall of the rootless Zionist regime is imminent. He also scorned the US government for the lack of political wisdom and incurring heavy political and economic costs to support a doomed regime. The commander added that the US is saving the Zionist regime and extending its existence with artificial respiration, but Israel’s vegetative state will end as soon as the US draws back its supports. “There is no way to save the Zionists. The Zionists cannot choose between war and life. Their option is to surrender,” he stated.

Salami said in a speech before Friday prayers on Quds Day in Tehran: The travelers of Quds are ascending to the Supreme Throne today. Today we have the bodies of great Mujahidans in our hands. Martyr Major General "Mohammed Reza Zahedi" whom we called "Ali", was a proud mujahid, a man of honest promises, dhikr, prayers, enjoining good and forbidding evil. He added: Martyr Zahedi did not take off the clothes of Jihad from 43 years ago until today because he believed that the Commander of the Faithful said that if a people take off the clothes of Jihad, God will cover them with the clothes of humiliation.

The commander said: He was a pious person and hated showing off, grooming and being seen. He was pious, veteran and mujahid. Like a thirsty person looking for water, he preferred martyrdom in the way of God to everything else. He was a part of this luminous chain of martyrs who emigrated from here to defend the dignity, credibility, honor and reputation of Muslims and their security and reputation in the eastern Mediterranean. The martyrs of Hamdani, Allah Dadi, Shatri and Seyed Razi and the martyrs who symbolized our support for the oppressed and the oppressed in Lebanon and Syria were the continuation of this selfless generation.

Major General Salami said: The Zionist regime is a dagger that the mercenary and satanic regime of England plunged into the side of the body of the Islamic nation 75 years ago, and after that the criminal America strengthened this regime as a political, security and geographical bridgehead in the region of the Islamic world. Kurd to be a lever to control and regulate the criminal and colonialist policies of the criminal America. Since 1945, when the Zionist regime, as an artificial entity, was placed under the evil support of the West, especially the United States and England, with countless crimes in this land, security and good night and day from the Muslim nation of Palestine and from another part of It has taken Islamic and Arab lands. He added: "Zionists want to have a safe and secure political life in the midst of a world of intense hatred and hatred of Muslims." Today, when we look at the world and Palestine, we see that the geography of Gaza is small, but its political geography has gained a global dimension.

Major General Salami added: If the Zionists continue the war with Palestine, they will eventually be forced to submit to this heavenly resistance of the Palestinian people, and if they want to withdraw from the field, it will still be a failure.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Revolutionary Guards said: "The messages that are being transmitted to us from inside Gaza are that they say that we have no problem to continue this persistence, be firm that we will bury the regime in Gaza." The divine tradition is that Palestine will stand and the evil plot of the enemies will return to them, and finally their land, their homeland and the land that the Palestinian youth have not yet set foot in, will return to Palestine.

As worldwide demonstrations are held on the International Quds Day in support of Palestine, Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad movement Ziad al-Nakhala took part in the commemorative rally in the capital of Tehran on Friday. Iranian people from all walks of life have poured to the streets to stage pro-Palestinian marches in over 2,000 locations across the country. In capital Tehran, the event is attended by Islamic Jihad chief Ziad al-Nakhala and by chief of staff of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) Abd al-Aziz al-Muhammadawi, also known as Abu Fadak.

The event in Tehran is also participated by a group of Nigerian students carrying banners in support of Palestine, the Islamic Republic, and Leader of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria Sheikh Ibrahim Zakzaky. The Quds Days demonstrators in Tehran have also attended the funeral of seven IRGC forces martyred in an airstrike that the Zionist regime launched on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on Monday.

The demonstrators in the rallies have hoisted the flags of the resistance and pro-Palestinian groups, such as the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas, the Islamic Jihad Movement, Fatemiyoun, Zainebiyoun and Hashd al-Sha'bi. The International Quds Day is an annual event during which demonstrators express their solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposition to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by the Zionist regime of Israel. The day is seen as the legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who officially declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day back in 1979.

Under the slogan 'From the flood of Al-Aqsa to the flood of the free ', International Jerusalem Day marches were launched in the capital, Tehran, and more than a thousand cities and towns across Iran, with the participation of large numbers of crowds. Participants raised slogans denouncing the crimes of the Israeli occupation, chanting slogans of Death to America and Death to Israel . One of the demonstrators in the capital, Tehran, said: “This year, like previous years, we came to participate in the International Jerusalem Day ceremonies and say to the people of Gaza that the Iranian people are with you heart and soul, and we say to the heroes of the resistance that until the last drop of our blood we will defend Jerusalem.”

An Iranian citizen said: “My family and I are participating in the International Jerusalem Day march, and God willing, we will soon be in Jerusalem.” Coinciding with the International Quds Day marches, Iranians mourned the bodies of the seven Jerusalem Road martyrs who were martyred as a result of the Israeli terrorist aggression against the Iranian Consular Affairs Department in Damascus, from Ferdowsi Square to Tehran University.

An Iranian woman said: "Defending the oppressed is an obligation in Islam, and it is the least we can do for the Palestinian people. We teach our children the path to freedom." Participants in the International Al-Quds Day marches raised pictures of Al-Quds Al-Sharif and the martyrs of the resistance front, in addition to the flags of Palestine, and called for the necessity of supporting the people of Gaza, lifting their injustice, and protecting them.

In the presence of Palestinian, Lebanese and Iraqi resistance factions and Syrian figures, the Palestinians of Syria commemorated International Jerusalem Day in the capital of the diaspora in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus with a central festival and a large military parade.

The official in charge of Arab and international relations at Hezbollah said in his speech at the festival: “The issue of Palestine has become a question of struggle between right and wrong. It has become a question of struggle between free people and slaves, between sacrificing mujahideen and submissive people, between steadfast and faithful peoples and oppressive, arrogant forces.”

Secretary-General of the Palestinian resistance factions, Khaled Abdel Majeed, said : “This is the connection between all parties of the axis of resistance that is participating in this process and confronting the Zionist entity, this axis that bears a great responsibility in the regional and international conflict.”

The camp witnessed a majestic military parade performed by the youth of the Palestinian camps from all the Palestinian battalions and resistance factions, who threatened the Israeli entity with a flood of the free and honorable people of the world, which would advance from all directions. One of the young volunteers said: “We will show the world and America and Israel that we are all hand in hand against Israel and America and we support Gaza hand in hand and we will always, God willing, be with Gaza and next year we will celebrate Jerusalem Day in Al Aqsa Mosque, God willing.” One of the volunteers said: “God willing, we are here as a resistance project to liberate Palestine and our occupied land and to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque, God willing.”

International Jerusalem Day is gaining great momentum this year after the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle imposed a new reality at the regional and international levels. Peace be upon Jerusalem, its proud people, and the pure and innocent blood that was shed on the road to Jerusalem.

In Yemen, more than 150 demonstrations were launched in support of the Palestinian people, coinciding with “International Jerusalem Day,” corresponding to the last Friday of the month of Ramadan. The "Al-Masirah" channel, affiliated with the Ansar Allah group ( Houthis ), reported that "mass marches took place in more than 150 squares in 15 Yemeni governorates to commemorate International Jerusalem Day." The Yemeni capital, Sanaa, witnessed a massive demonstration in solidarity with Gaza and to denounce the Israeli attacks on the Strip. A statement issued by the demonstration called for lifting the siege on Gaza and delivering aid to its residents. The statement also called on the Arab and Islamic nations to boycott American and Israeli goods and companies that support Israel.

Allied for Democracy

The Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, described the Israeli army's decision to dismiss two officers following the raid that killed 9 aid workers as a "serious mistake that presents an image of weakness." The Israeli army conducted an internal investigation into the killing of seven humanitarian workers in the Gaza Strip, and announced its results on Friday, which concluded with a decision to dismiss the two officers and officially reprimand senior leaders. Ben Gvir said in a tweet in Hebrew on “X” that the dismissal decision was the abandonment of soldiers in the midst of war. The Israeli minister, leader of the far-right Jewish Power party, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition and known for his anti-Palestinian speeches, added, "Even if there are mistakes in identification, the soldiers are supported in the war, and certainly no field court is set up for them."

Defense Minister Yoav Galant convened a tripartite meeting last Wednesday in his office at the Kirya base in Tel Aviv with the minister's representative Benny Gantz, Inbar Giti and the representatives of the ultra-Orthodox parties - this is what we published this evening (Friday) in "Ulpan Shishi". The meeting took place after Rabbi Dov Lando, the leader of the ultra-Orthodox community, gave the green light to the ultra-Orthodox members of the Knesset to move forward with the negotiations.

Although the meeting was held in good spirits, it ended without results. Defense Minister Galant was furious with Gantz, claiming that he was deliberately sticking sticks in the wheels in an attempt to lead to elections, while the ultra-Orthodox are ready for significant compromises. "Ganz makes cynical use of the essential need to recruit ultra-Orthodox - for political needs," Gallant said. "This is an embezzlement of all values. Elections are the most opposite thing to the desire to succeed in the war. The voters will not forgive those who take the IDF hostage."

In the political system, it is estimated that a conscription law will be promoted with broad agreement only in exchange for going to the elections, even if at a later date than Gantz demanded, after which the issue will be settled by the next government. Prime Minister Netanyahu strongly opposes this, but political sources estimate that the ultra-Orthodox are the ones who will have the last word on the matter.

Even Winston Churchill's grandson is advocating for Britain to cease supplying arms to Israel, That's the take offered by Joe Lauria, editor-in-chief of the independent outlet Consortium News. Conservative peer Lord Nicholas Soames stated that it's time for Britain to halt arms shipments to Israel, particularly following the killing of seven international aid workers this week. The sentiment against unquestioned support for Israel is spreading within British ruling circles, fueled by leaked audio recordings revealing the government's disregard for legal advice warning against supplying weapons to Israel for its ongoing genocide.

Over 600 British lawyers, academics, and retired senior judges, including three Supreme Court justices, have urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to end military aid and consider sanctions against top Israeli leaders. The rebellion is evident across major political parties, with the Labour Party experiencing internal turmoil as London's mayor and 50 Labour MPs called for an end to arming an entity increasingly exposed for its actions. Mayor Sadiq Khan emphasized the need to hold the Israeli government accountable and insisted that arms sales to Israel be paused immediately.

The dissent is spreading across major political parties, including the Liberal Democrats, who recently urged No. 10's ethics advisor to investigate whether UK arms sales violate Britain's ministerial code, emphasizing the importance of not being complicit in breaches of international humanitarian law, as reported by The Guardian. Labour leader Keir Starmer, while attempting to unify his party on this issue, has only demanded the release of the legal advice mentioned in leaked audio recordings.

In 2023, Britain exported £42 million worth of weapons to Israel, with figures since October 7 last year yet to be disclosed. A British decision to break ties with Israel over Gaza would carry significant political implications beyond the monetary value of arms transfers.

David Cameron, the former Prime Minister, current Foreign Secretary, and potential future Tory leader, is allegedly facing pressure from within the party from those labeled as "extremists" due to his perceived lack of unwavering support for Israel. Despite previously referring to Gaza as an "open-air prison" during his tenure as PM, Cameron's criticism has become more tempered. However, he is reportedly experiencing internal party pressure as a result.

The British establishment, spanning across both political parties, is experiencing significant internal division regarding Israeli actions in Gaza and Britain's involvement.

Former US President Donald Trump believed that Israel was about to “lose the war of communication” in Gaza due to the scenes broadcast about the war in the Strip, and that it must resolve the conflict quickly. "Israel is about to completely lose the communication war," Trump said in an interview during the " Hugh Hewitt Show " broadcast on 04 April 2024. He considered that "the matter must be finished, and we must return to a normal situation," stressing that "a victory must be achieved, and it takes a lot of time." He continued, "Every night they publish video clips of collapsing buildings. They should not publish such clips, so they are losing the communication war."

The New York Times said that one of the strongest voices calling for an end to civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip is the voice of the people closest to President Joe Biden , his wife, Jill. The newspaper revealed in a report from Washington that one of the guests who attended a meeting held by Biden on Tuesday evening at the White House with representatives of the Islamic community in the United States told the president that his wife did not agree to him coming to the meeting because of his support for Israel in its war against the Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas ). In the Gaza Strip.

Biden responded to his wife's request that he understood, saying that the first lady was urging him to stop the war now, repeating, "Stop it, stop it now," according to an audience member who heard the president's comment. Salima Suswell, who founded the Black Muslim Leadership Council, recounted in an interview what she witnessed at the meeting, noting that she hastily transcribed the president's remarks because it was truly amazing to hear the strong feelings the first lady expressed about the war. Soswell added that the president stated that his wife told him, “Stop it, stop it now, Joe.”

In response to a question about the president’s statements, White House officials said that there was no disagreement between him and his wife, Jill, regarding the conflict, and that Biden was as angry as she was about the civilian casualties. Al Jazeera had quoted sources as saying that a Ramadan iftar held by the US President at the White House on Tuesday for Arab and Muslim figures, including doctors returning from Gaza, witnessed a withdrawal of a number of attendees in protest against Washington’s support for the Israeli war.

According to a New York Times report, the American First Lady was not the only one who urged her husband to stop the war; A number of the president's closest allies have put pressure on him to make more efforts to increase humanitarian aid to Gaza and end the fighting there, and to support restrictions on military aid to Israel. Among these allies is Delaware Democratic Senator Chris Coons. The American newspaper reported that Jill is the most influential in President Biden's inner circle, and is one of the few who provide him with a frank, unvarnished opinion on public policies and political issues.

Operation Iron Swords - By the Numbers

  • 75,668 Gazans injured, 28% adult male
  • 45,000 bombs dropped in Gaza
  • 40,000 Gazans killed, including buried under rubble
  • 33,000 Gaza targets attacked
  • 33,037 Gazans martyred
  • 20,528 Palestinians in Israeli prisons [Haaretz, 20 Mar 2024]
  • 15,000 rocket launched from Gaza
  • 14,793 Israelis injured [i24 TV]
  • 13,750 Gazan children martyred
  • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [N12]
  • 12,000 HAMAS combatants killed [IDF]
  • 11,000 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank in 2023
  • 9,920 Gazan women martyred
  • 9,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons
  • 9,000 IDF needing psychological assistance
  • 8,000 Gazans missing under the rubble
  • 7,895 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank since Oct.7th
  • 6,800 IDF officers and soldiers injured [Channel 12]
  • 6,000 HAMAS combatants killed [HAMAS]
  • 5,500 IDF wounded [reports]
  • 4,750 West Bank Palestinians wounded
  • 3,484 administrative detainees
  • 3,700 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria
  • 3,079 IDF wounded [IDF]
  • 2,100 Gazan women are missing
  • 1,609 terrorists killed on the first day
  • 1,600 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria affiliated with Hamas
  • 1,160 Israelis killed on the first day
  • 595 Israeli officers and soldiers killed
  • 453 West Bank Palestinians martyred
  • 255 Israeli officers and soldiers killed in Gaza
  • 222 Hezbollah fighters killed in Lebanon
  • 126 people recovered, including 91 Israelis, 11 bodies, and 24 foreign workers
  • 116 living hostages in Palestinian custody
  • 50 civilians killed in Lebanon
  • 29 IDF deaths were caused by "friendly fire"
  • 15 Israelis killed in the West Bank and Israel

Not every number is reported every day, so sudden jumps generally reflect reporting artifacts rather than actual upticks. Many of these numbers fluctate, up and down, with no apparent explanation. This list records the highest number reliably reported for each matter, under the theory that reality with catch up with reports, as is relentlessly the case.

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