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Operation Iron Swords - Day 175 - 29 March 2024


NEW - War Termination
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NEW - Operations - Gaza
NEW - Operations - Judea-Samaria
NEW - Operations - Lebanon
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“At any point, Hamas could have ended this burgeoning tragedy to
surrender and release every hostage. …
Hamas instigated and owns this humanitarian catastrophe.”
Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA)

War Termination

An unnamed Hamas leader is quoted in an Arab language paper describing ceasefire and hostage talks, saying flexibility was shown lowering to 30 Palestinian prisoners per female soldier. In the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed report, the source claimed Hamas showed flexibility on the issue of female soldiers by increasing the number to be released from five to 10, and moving away from its original position to only allow their release at the advanced stage of an agreement. the source claimed Hamas went further in lowering their demand from 50 maximum-sentence prisoners per female soldier, down to a ratio of 30 to one, which would be part of a first phase of an agreement. According to the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed report, the source also said Hamas gave up on specifying the names of the Palestinian prisoners with maximum sentences for terrorism charges with blood on their hands, saying "they all deserved to get out."

Israeli TV News 12 reported a significant change in the position of Likud ministers regarding the abductees deal was registered yesterday at the extended cabinet meeting, and all ministers except Defense Minister Galant and Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed support for flexibility with Hamas. Tonight (Friday) in "Olap Shishi" N12 revealed the quotes from that stormy meeting. At the meeting, the head of the Mossad, Dedi Barnea, said that "given the conditions for the deal, the return of residents to the north is a tie-breaker." Afterwards, Transport Minister Regev expressed support for the deal and said: "Every effort should be made to bring the abductees, even at the cost of the return of residents to the north." It is possible that at the end of Shabbat, a delegation of workers is expected to leave for Cairo for negotiations.

A senior official familiar with the negotiations told News 12: "It is not for nothing that the goals of the war were written - to create conditions for the deal of abductees. It is happening now, and we must exhaust it without wasting any more time. If the parents of the abductees knew what the gap was about, and what the controversy surrounding the expansion of the mandate , they would explode."

At the meeting, Netanyahu objected to the flexibility of the terms in negotiations with Hamas, arguing that one should not give in to the demands he sets. Gallant and Chief of Staff Halevi also opposed the expansion of the mandate for the negotiation team with Hamas, so as not to erode the achievements of the war. During the discussion, Netanyahu was surprised to learn that most of the Likud ministers in the cabinet supported expanding the mandate for the negotiating team. Besides Regev, cabinet members Dichter, Cohen, Katz, Dermer, Gantz and Eisenkot also supported flexibility with Hamas, in the face of strong opposition from Prime Minister Netanyahu and some opposition from Gallant and Levy.

After the cabinet meeting, Netanyahu gave permission to the head of the Shin Bet Ronan Bar to go to talks in Cairo, and at the same time the head of the Mossad Barna went to talks in Qatar. Netanyahu instructed the two that the talks will take place within the framework of the mandate already given last time - but creativity can be shown. Following the publication, the Prime Minister's office responded: "Contrary to the publications: most of the cabinet ministers opposed the negotiation team's proposal to allow the Palestinians to return to the northern Gaza Strip without control."

Prime Minister Netanyahu approved the head of the Shin Bet Ronen Bar to go to Cairo for talks. Netanyahu's decision was made at the end of a discussion in the cabinet on the issue of contacts for the kidnapping deal. Bar will go to Cairo, at the same time as the head of the Mossad, Dedi Barnea, who will arrive in Qatar. It should be emphasized that Netanyahu instructed the two that the talks would take place within the framework of the mandate which was already given last time - but it is possible to show creativity. The reason for this is that the mandate has not yet been fully exhausted.

Israeli TV News 12 reported the US is close to an agreement with the Palestinian Authority - which results in the end of payments to the families of terrorists. According to the report in Politico, the agreement will put an end to general welfare payments to the families of terrorists who carried out attacks in Israel." This is one step among the American plan to "reform the Palestinian Authority", which should also include fighting corruption and improving services for residents. Senior officials in the Biden administration who were exposed to the drafts of the plan said that instead of the policy of paying the families of terrorists - the Palestinian Authority will promote a "general welfare program", without giving further details. According to the plan, the "renewed authority" will be "cleansed" of corruption, and will be able to take control of the Gaza Strip the day after the war.

Today, the PA finances Palestinian terrorists and their families, in the event that they are injured, imprisoned or killed while carrying out acts of violence against Israel. In Israel it has been claimed for years that the funding encourages terrorism, and now the plan is to convert the funding into an economic welfare program. A senior official in the Biden administration was quoted as saying: "There has been a lot of work on this behind the scenes, and the progress is encouraging." Another senior official in the administration added that "changes in the system are expected soon", but Politico points out that "as with everything related to Israel and the Palestinians, problems may arise that will cancel it". According to the report, the White House and the US State Department refused to comment.

With the escalation of warnings of “imminent famine” in Gaza, according to a warning issued by the United Nations, international pressure is increasing to end the war, which has entered its seventh month, as diligent efforts are being made to reach a truce agreement that provides time for consultations that will lead to an end to the conflict and the development of plans for the reconstruction of the Palestinian Strip. The American magazine Politico revealed in a report this week that officials from the administration of US President Joe Biden are holding preliminary “talks” about options for achieving stability in Gaza after the war, including a proposal that the Pentagon help fund a “multinational force, or Palestinian peacekeeping team.

The magazine reported that the options being considered “will not include American forces on the ground,” and instead, US Department of Defense funding will go toward “the needs of the security forces, and complement the assistance provided by other countries.” In response to a request for comment from the magazine, a senior US administration official said: “We are working with partners on different scenarios for interim governance and security structures in Gaza, once the crisis subsides,” refusing to reveal details. He added: "We had a number of conversations with both the Israelis and our partners about the key elements for the next day in Gaza, when the time comes."

Although the discussions are in their early stages, as they are expected to continue between Washington and its partners, according to Politico, for weeks or months, this leaves open questions about the obstacles that may face such a step, and the extent to which Israel and the Palestinian Authority accept the presence of peacekeeping forces. International or local in the Gaza Strip. According to Politico, Israel is "reluctant" to hold these talks until it defeats Hamas militarily and ensures the release of hostages held by the movement. Some officials within the Israeli government have also called for a "post-war occupation of Gaza," a proposal the United States opposes.

Israel refuses to end the war in the Gaza Strip without releasing the hostages held by Hamas (classified as a terrorist organization in the United States and other countries), as well as eliminating the capabilities and leaders of the Palestinian movement, which is confirmed by Israeli political analyst Mordechai Kedar, who believes that sending multinational peacekeeping forces "It would not be in the interest" of his country. Kedar said in a phone call with the Al-Hurra website: “Israel, in general, will reject any international presence in Gaza, because this will serve the interests of our enemies. We insist that the solution in Gaza will only be in the hands of the Israelis, without any external interference.”

In turn, Israeli political analyst Yoav Stern believes that sending international peacekeeping forces “will not be the appropriate solution for Gaza,” considering that they “will fail to achieve security.” He added to Al-Hurra website: “Achieving security in the Gaza Strip depends on the presence of a local party, or from the Palestinian Authority. The worst option may be the return of Hamas control again.”

US President Joe Biden said that Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, are “ready to fully recognize Israel” in any future agreement, in response to criticism of his policies in the Middle East during an election event, Thursday, in New York. This opinion is supported by the head of the Jerusalem Center for Future Studies, Ahmed Awad, who says that the presence of multinational peace forces “will be met with rejection from all Palestinian parties.” He added: "Hamas will refuse, and I think the Palestinian Authority will also refuse, because it has jurisdiction over the Gaza Strip, especially after a (technocratic) government was formed in order to facilitate the return to rule of the Strip."

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas approved the formation of a new government headed by Muhammad Mustafa, two weeks after his appointment. Mustafa said in statements reported by Agence France-Presse, “The first national priority is the ceasefire and complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. We will work to develop visions for the reunification of institutions, including assuming responsibility in Gaza.” The formation of this government came after coordination, or “at least with the satisfaction and approval of Arab and international parties,” according to the head of the Jerusalem Center for Future Studies, who considers that this “raises a question: Why bring in Arab or multinational forces or form so-called Palestinian peacekeeping forces?” ".

He added: "These forces do not know the Gaza Strip well or the nature of the population, and they will start again," pointing out that "they will be a factor of chaos and not bring stability, especially since the Palestinians will not accept being ruled by strangers, and may view them as new occupiers." Awad continues: “The same applies to the formation of Palestinian peacekeeping forces, apart from the presence of a political and relief path for reconstruction in the Gaza Strip. This issue may raise doubts and make the Palestinians feel apprehensive.” The Palestinian analyst stresses "the necessity of the presence of Palestinian Authority forces in Gaza, within the framework of settlement plans," saying that "security services in the West Bank are capable of leading governance in the Strip."

The spokesman for the Palestinian Authority government, Ibrahim Melhem, refused to respond to Al-Hurra’s questions about these plans. Meanwhile, Fatah movement spokesman, Osama al-Qawasmi, did not answer phone calls for comment. Talks regarding a ceasefire and hostage exchange in Gaza are still ongoing, despite the exchange of accusations between Israel and Hamas over the lack of progress. In turn, Stern believes that “Palestinian peacekeeping forces are a different designation that could exist. It is an acceptable designation based on some considerations.” It is still unclear who will train and equip members of the potential Palestinian-led peacekeeping team, according to Politico, which says it “may include some of the 20,000 security personnel supported by the Palestinian Authority.” For his part, Kedar confirms that Israel "will reject the return of any Palestinian Authority forces to the Gaza Strip," considering that "everyone knows very well what may happen in the future... What happened on October 7... will happen again."

He added: "The best idea for Gaza after the end of the war is to establish rule by the local tribes, because they are the ones most entitled to rule the Gaza Strip, and they are the ones who care about the fate of the Strip and seek stability." The Israeli government refuses to formulate a vision for the future of Gaza, according to Stern, adding: “The current government coalition cannot accept the return of the Palestinian Authority there, even though there is no alternative. But they look to local families as the alternative, and this may fail.” He continues: "The current government will not accept any plan, because the rejection is in principle and not because of the various details."

Stern expresses his pessimism regarding the possibility of consensus (in Israel) regarding the Palestinian Authority or another force taking over the management of the situation in Gaza, saying: “Negotiating the current Israeli government regarding these proposed solutions means dismantling the government and collapsing the coalition.” The Palestinian Authority lost power in the Gaza Strip after a conflict with Hamas in 2007, and the authority, which was established 30 years ago under the Oslo peace agreements, exercises limited rule over areas of the West Bank.

Biden administration officials are holding preliminary “talks” about options for stabilizing Gaza after the war, including a proposal that the Pentagon help fund a multinational force or Palestinian peacekeeping team. The influence of the Palestinian Authority has weakened greatly over the years. Studies show that its “popularity is weak among the Palestinians,” but it remains the only leadership body generally recognized by the international community, according to Reuters.

Despite this, Palestinian analyst Awad believes that “Hamas will accept the presence of the Authority to restore security to Gaza, and will not deal provocatively with the new government,” considering that “without that, there will be major problems.” He continues: "The new government is not biased or politicized, and Israel can cooperate with it as an administrative government that primarily performs service work."

Operational Update

After consultation between the Minister of Defense and the Chief of Staff, it was decided not to hold the air force flight and the flotilla in Eilat on Independence Day this year, in light of the IDF's focus on the war and in accordance with the recommendation of the commander of the navy and air force. A flight missing for Memorial Day will be held as usual over Mount Pilots and Mount Herzl.

Operational Update - Gaza

Hamas began preparing for an Israeli ground operation into Gaza's southernmost city of Rafah, according to a report published by the Al-Araby Al-Jadeed on Thursday. According to the report, citing a Hamas leader, coordination was underway "emphasizing not to allow the breaking of resistance in Gaza under any circumstances, no matter what it costs."

The name of an IDF martyr whose family was notified was allowed to be published. Sergeant Major Alon Kudriashov, 21 years old from Modi'in, fell during an operation at the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis. A terrorist approached a defender where the Nut Force was staying - and fired an RPG at them. In addition, six fighters from the Agoz unit were seriously injured in a battle in the southern Gaza Strip. In the battle, ten more fighters were injured in various ways. The injured were evacuated to receive medical treatment at a hospital, their families were informed.

IDF and Shin Bet forces continue targeted fighting in the area of Shifa' hospital. The combat teams of the 401st Brigade, the Nahal Brigade and the 13th Naval Forces under the command of the 162nd Division are fighting in the area while avoiding harm to civilians, patients, medical teams and medical equipment. In the last day, the fighters continued to eliminate terrorists and locate weapons and terrorist infrastructure in the area.

The Nahal Brigade's combat team continued to fight in the center of the Gaza Strip and as part of the operation, together with the Air Force, eliminated a number of terrorists throughout the last day. The brigade's fighters, guided by intelligence, located and destroyed a number of rockets in the area that were aimed at Israeli territory. In one of the attacks, the forces identified a terrorist cell in a building near them, In a quick closing of the circle, they were eliminated by a fighter jet attack. The forces identified additional terrorists in their sector and eliminated them with gunfire.

The forces of the 98th Division in cooperation with the Air Force continue to operate in Khan Yunis in the area of ??Al-Amal and Al-Karara neighborhoods, in the last day they raided terrorist infrastructures and eliminated terrorists in encounters and airstrikes. The fighters of the combat team of the commando formation encountered a terrorist during a raid on a structure and eliminated him. Also, the forces located military equipment in the building.

The forces of the 7th Brigade Combat Team destroyed terrorist infrastructures and located during searches weapons including grenades and explosives. The forces eliminated a terrorist squad by firing tanks. The combat team of the Givati Brigade destroyed a military warehouse where many weapons were located. Led by the fire center of the Southern Command and the Air Force, a military building in Nazareth that was used by Hamas for terrorist activities was attacked.

At the same time, the Air Force continued the air assistance as part of the ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip. In one of the dozens of attacks carried out by the Air Force in the past day, a fighter jet attacked a military building, this in a quick closing circle after the maneuvering commando brigade fighters reported that terrorists were shooting in their direction from the building.

The American magazine " Politico " said that "Egyptian officials presented a large number of requests from the United States" during the ongoing negotiations regarding the war in Gaza, including "financing and security equipment." According to five officials from Egypt, the United States, and Israel, whose identities were not revealed by Politico, Cairo “requested in recent months that the United States consider assistance in providing additional tranches of funding and new military equipment - such as security systems and radar - to secure the border with Gaza, in preparation for... For an Israeli ground military operation in Rafah.

These requests come at a time when American officials are deliberating with their counterparts in Qatar, Egypt and Israel, to develop a road map that will eventually lead to a ceasefire, to allow the release of all remaining hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. As part of those talks, Israel said it would seek to expel Hamas militants from the southern part of the Strip, through a ground operation in Rafah, where about a million Palestinians have been displaced.

For a long time, Washington has been providing huge amounts of military and non-military aid to Egypt, but this aid has begun to arouse internal American criticism because of Cairo’s human rights record.

Despite world leaders warning of an Israeli invasion of Rafah on the border with Egypt, where 1.5 million people are crowded, most of them displaced, Israel insists that this operation is “necessary” to achieve the goals of the war. Last January, Egypt issued a strongly worded statement in which it warned Israel of a “dangerous and serious threat” to relations between the two countries if it moved to “occupy” the Philadelphia axis separating Gaza and Egypt.

The Philadelphia Axis, also known as the "Salah al-Din Axis", is a buffer zone under the peace agreement concluded between Egypt and Israel in 1979, and its length is 14 km, as Israel needs Egyptian approval before launching any military operation there, as stipulated in the peace agreement between them. Egyptian officials considered that intervention in Rafah would inevitably force hundreds of thousands of Gazans to flee south to the border, where they would likely attempt to pass through.

Officials are particularly concerned about Hamas militants crossing into Sinai, a region that has for years harbored extremists who have carried out attacks. “The additional funding and equipment requested by Egypt will help its army deal with the potential influx of Gazans on its border,” officials told Politico magazine.

Egypt issued a strongly worded statement on Monday, warning Israel of a “dangerous and serious threat” to relations between the two countries if it moves to “occupy” the Philadelphia Corridor, located on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, in a move that two Al-Hurra analysts considered a battle of words and an escalation in tone due to the major dispute between the two countries. sides about this file. Two American officials said that the Egyptian petitions, “although typical, especially in the midst of intense international negotiations, added a layer of complexity to the talks and slowed their speed.”

“For Israel to go ahead with the invasion of Rafah, we really need Egypt’s approval,” the Israeli official said, adding: “It is their borders that they are concerned about. They do not want to house all of Gaza’s residents in Rafah.” The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declined to comment to Politico magazine. The US State Department also declined to comment. A third American official said that the administration “accelerated talks with the Egyptians in recent weeks, amid growing concerns about their country’s borders,” adding that Washington “also wants to close all potential smuggling routes to Hamas.”

Operational Update - Judea-Samaria

As part of a joint operation by the IDF and Shin Bet in Nablus, two wanted persons suspected of carrying out a shooting attack on a military post were arrested several hours before they were arrested in Nablus. During the arrest, the weapon that was apparently used by them to carry out the attack was seized. The suspects were transferred for further investigation by the Shin Bet, there were no casualties to Israeli forces in the incident.

In another operation in Nur a Shams in the Menashe division, the IDF and the IDF intervened, under the intelligence guidance of the Shin Bet, arrested Omar Abu Halal, an Islamic jihadist, who is suspected of being involved in shooting attacks and the preparation of explosives as part of a military infrastructure that promotes attacks In front of IDF forces and Israeli civilians. Abu Halal was transferred to the Shin Bet for interrogation.

In a brigade operation in Madama in Samaria, the fighters carried out many scans in the area and found weapons, incendiary materials and military equipment. In Hebron in Judea two wanted men were arrested and in Lakf in Ephraim another wanted man was arrested. The wanted persons who were arrested and the means of warfare that were aggravated were transferred to the security forces for further treatment, there are no casualties to Israeli forces.

Statistics from human rights groups reported by the New York Times revealed that Israel “detains more than 9,000 Palestinians” under its military and national security laws, which is the highest number in more than 10 years, noting that many of these “were subjected to attacks and detained without any accusations. The number of Palestinians in Israeli prisons has increased significantly since the Hamas attack on October 7 and the Israeli military operations in Gaza. The New York Times report indicated that Israeli forces “arrested hundreds of people in search of Hamas fighters” (listed on US terrorist lists) and in order to “obtain information about the location of the kidnapped hostages” in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli forces also launched security operations in the West Bank, which they said were “in search of people wanted for terrorist crimes.” Human rights groups reported, according to the newspaper, that the arrests in Gaza and the West Bank “are likely arbitrary,” while Palestinians are being held in “inhumane” conditions. For its part, Israel says it "treats detainees in accordance with international standards."

The Center for the Defense of the Individual (HaMoked), an Israeli human rights organization working to help Palestinians in Jerusalem and the occupied territories, said that “more than 9,000 Palestinians are currently languishing in Israeli prisons.” The Israeli army said that many of them “were detained in the West Bank, and there is an unknown number of Gazans detained inside Israeli military facilities,” according to the American newspaper.

HaMoked explained that “more than 3,500 Palestinians are detained without any charges being brought against them,” which is known as “administrative detention,” the use of which increased after the war. The organization also added that "before October 7, there were about 1,300 Palestinians detained under administrative detention," according to data from the Israeli Prison Service.

On Thursday, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights condemned violations by Israeli soldiers after publishing videos monitoring a series of crimes that Reuters said “create a distasteful record of the war on the Gaza Strip at a time when famine looms, leading to intensified international scrutiny of the Israeli military campaign.” The Israeli human rights organization "B'Tselem" defines administrative detention as "the imprisonment of a person without trial on the grounds that he intends to violate the law in the future, and has not yet committed any violation," adding that this detention "has an indefinite period and is based on secret evidence."

The Israeli army announced earlier that it runs “several detention facilities” that house those arrested during the October 7 attacks, noting that after interrogating them, “those found to have no connection to terrorist activity” will be returned to Gaza. A spokeswoman for the Israeli Prison Service said that all prisoners “are being detained lawfully, and their basic rights are being respected,” according to the New York Times.

For his part, the head of the Palestinian Authority for Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners’ Affairs, Fares Qaddoura, confirmed to the New York Times that, “As of this month (March), there are about 200 minors and 68 women facing charges of engaging in hostilities, and they are being held in Israeli prisons.”

The newspaper explained that Palestinians from the West Bank are being transferred to the civilian-run prison system in Israel, while hundreds of Gaza residents have been sent to at least three detention facilities run by the Israeli army, according to Israeli officials.

The New York Times revealed an unpublished report by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), which stated that “detainees from Gaza in Israeli detention facilities are subjected to assaults, including beatings, stripping, theft, sexual assault, and deprivation.” From communicating with lawyers and doctors. The report indicated that these practices were used "to extract information or confessions and to intimidate, humiliate, and punish."

For her part, the spokeswoman for the Israeli Prison Service said: “To our knowledge, such incidents have not occurred. Prisoners and detainees have the right to file a complaint, which will be fully studied and addressed by the official authorities.” Data from the Israeli army and human rights organizations also indicated that “dozens of Palestinians have died in Israeli prisons” since October 7. The army said that it was aware of the killing of 27 Palestinians in its prisons, according to the American newspaper, which indicated that “the circumstances of the deaths remain mysterious, and many of the identities of the deaths are unknown.”

On Thursday, the judges of the International Court of Justice unanimously ordered Israel to take all necessary and effective measures to ensure that basic food supplies enter Gaza without delay. The UNRWA report included testimonies of former detainees who spoke of cases of sexual assault or harassment. Male detainees said that they were “beaten on their genitals,” while some women indicated that they were subjected to “inappropriate touching during searches, as a form of harassment, while they were blindfolded.” "The eyes." Some of them also reported that they were “forced to take off their clothes in front of male soldiers during searches, and were prevented from covering their bodies,” according to the report, details of which were published by the New York Times.

After statements by relevant UN rapporteurs, last month, about receiving information about two Palestinian women being raped inside Israeli detention centers, and that others were threatened with sexual assault, Israel accused them of bias, while the rapporteurs did not provide detailed accounts, evidence, or sources for the facts. The Israeli delegation to the United Nations issued a statement at the time, rejecting the “despicable and baseless allegations.”

Operational Update - Lebanon

"We are turning from being hunted down to chasing after Hezbollah, wherever Hezbollah is we go. This is true for Beirut, Baalbak, Tyre, Sidon, Nabatea and the entire width of the sector and it is also true for much more distant places like Damascus and more - wherever we have to operate , we will act. The one responsible for the serious damage in Lebanon is Hezbollah and the one responsible for the many casualties in the Hezbollah organization is Nasrallah personally," Gallant continued. "They have over 320 terrorists killed, and we will exact a price for any action that comes out of Lebanon." Minister of Defense held a situation assessment at the Northern Command, and observed the targeted elimination of the deputy commander of Hezbollah's rocket and missile unit. During his visit to the border, Gallant sent a firm message to the terrorist organization, clarifying: "We will increase the pace and expand the campaign - that's what I told Defense Secretary Austin this week in Washington, that's what I told the special envoy Amos Hochstein and others and that's how I put the IDF in command of the North today." Gallant also added.

Minister Galant attributed the escalation in hostilities to Hezbollah's aggression, holding the organization responsible for the damage and casualties incurred in Lebanon. He emphasized that Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, bears personal responsibility for the organization's actions.

Lebanese "Hezbollah" announced the implementation of a number of operations against the Israeli army, "in response to Israel's attacks on the Syrian capital, Damascus, and the city of Aleppo (northwestern Syria), and in support of Gaza." Hezbollah issued several statements stating that “in support of our steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and in support of their valiant and honorable resistance”:

  • At 4:00 pm today, Friday (Lebanon time): “The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen targeted the Jal al-Alam site and enemy soldiers deployed in its vicinity with Falaq missiles,” as part of a response to the enemy’s attacks. "Israelis in Damascus and Aleppo."
  • At 03:50 pm today, Friday: “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted an Israeli infantry force in Hadab Yaron with artillery shells, inflicting confirmed casualties.” ?
  • At 01:00 pm today, Friday: “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted a gathering of enemy soldiers in Hunin Castle with artillery shells.”
  • At 12:40 noon today, Friday: “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted the headquarters of the “91st” Division in the Pranit barracks with “Burkan” missiles, and directly hit it, as part of a response to the Israeli enemy’s attacks in Damascus and Aleppo.” .
  • At 09:45 a.m. today, Friday: “The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance targeted, for the second time, the Zibdin barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with Falaq missiles.” ?
  • At 08:00 AM today, Friday: “The Islamic Resistance Mujahideen targeted the Zibdin barracks in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms with missile weapons, and hit it directly.” ?

Today, Hezbollah mourned 7 of its members, saying that they "rose as martyrs on the road to Jerusalem," without specifying where they were targeted. Israeli media reported, citing sources, that Hezbollah sites were targeted, leading to the killing of at least 6 of its members, including a field commander.

Two launches were detected from the Eyta al-Sha'ab area in southern Lebanon to the Birnit area. Within a few minutes, in a quick closing of the circle and close cooperation of the 146th Division and the Air Force, an aircraft attacked the launcher from which the launches were made. Also, warplanes attacked a Hezbollah military structure near the launcher that was attacked. Fighter jets attacked a military building where a terrorist was identified in the area of Miss Al Jabal. In addition, during the day, warplanes attacked a series of targets of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Sheba area in southern Lebanon, among the targets attacked were military buildings and terrorist infrastructure. Also, during the night, the IDF force attacked a Hezbollah launching position in the Yaron area.

The IDF attacked and eliminated Ali Abd al-Hasan Naim, a Hezbollah terrorist who served as the deputy commander of the terrorist organization's rocket and missile unit, using an Air Force aircraft in the al-Bazooriya area in Lebanon. Ali is considered a significant center of knowledge in the organization, a leader in the field of rockets, one of the leaders of launch plans heavy rockets and as part of his role he worked to plan and launch targets towards Israel's rear.

The commander of the Northern Command, Major General Uri Gordin, met today (Friday) with the heads of the incoming and outgoing authorities in the north. As part of the meeting, a dialogue was held with the heads of the authorities, in which the main points of the intelligence and operational assessment of the situation, the conduct of the command during the war, as well as the processes of speeding up the readiness for the continuation of the fighting in the northern sector were presented.

The general thanked the outgoing heads of authorities for their cooperation over the years, and in particular during the war, and emphasized to the incoming and continuing heads of authorities that these meetings are an integral part of the conduct of combat and that the relationship between the IDF and the local leadership, and through it to the residents, is of great importance for the exercise of command in combat.

"The local leadership has enormous importance in the cooperation with the IDF, with us. I want to tell you - we are determined to create a better, safer and quieter situation here in the north," said the commander of the Northern Command, Major General Uri Gordin, "about our offensive activity, there is no need to say much, it sounds good and believe me it is also seen in the sky of Lebanon , near and far. We continue to attack Hezbollah, determined to push it back and destroy its infrastructure. But that's not enough, this week we advanced another step on the readiness scale, with the training of the forces, learning from the fighting in the south and many other characteristics that will bring us more ready for command day. I see you as full partners, shoulder to shoulder with us in conducting the fighting."

Sarit Zehavi at Alma Research and Education Center in the Alma Center Weekly Newsletter, reported that " the question of returning northern Israeli residents to the evacuated border communities has resurfaced in recent weeks. Some argue that it was a mistake to evacuate these dozens of villages, towns, and the city of Kiryat Shmona, suggesting that Hezbollah only attacks military targets and uninhabited areas, and claiming that the evacuation has given Hezbollah the freedom to attack these areas, knowing they are devoid of civilians. This argument holds that repopulating these areas would deter Hezbollah from further aggression.

"However, this perspective overlooks a fundamental fact: since the war's onset, even before the communities were evacuated, Hezbollah has been launching projectiles and unmanned aerial vehicles towards the entire northern border area, including inhabited communities. For Hezbollah, the status of a targeted community does not affect its operational strategy. Hezbollah has largely refrained from extending its attacks beyond a 5-kilometer radius from the border, but whatever is within that zone can be attacked. This has displaced 43 Israeli communities, turning 61,000 Israeli citizens into internally displaced people overnight.

"Despite the evacuations, Hezbollah continues to target civilian areas near the border.... The agricultural damage to northern border workers extends beyond physical destruction, and includes harm to fields and buildings. It also affects livestock, harming both birthing rates and life expectancy. Moreover, since the war began, many foreign agricultural workers have opted to return to their home countries.

"For communities near the border fence, the time to reach a safe zone upon hearing a siren is mere seconds, often insufficient for protection against incoming rockets. In addition to lacking proper protection and being at risk from rocket fire at any time, farmers who stay behind to tend to their crops and cattle also face the undetected threat of anti-tank missiles, which can strike without warning....

"The current reality, where northern residents cannot return to their homes, is difficult to grasp. The evacuation has had severe consequences not only for the residents—uprooting elderly individuals, dispersing communities across the country, and forcing children to adapt to new environments—but also for agriculture, with unharvested crops and destroyed farm buildings. Furthermore, the evacuations have caused damage at the national cognitive and regional deterrence levels, granting Hezbollah a strategic victory by establishing a "security zone" within Israeli territory.

"However, the belief that Hezbollah would cease fire once communities return to their homes near the northern border is fundamentally flawed. Hezbollah has no qualms about harming Israeli civilians and has no intention of stopping the conflict."

Operational Update - Syria / Iraq

Reuters reported that an Israeli attack in Aleppo in northeastern Syria killed 5 Hezbollah members, as well as 33 Syrian military personnel and civilians. Reuters cited two security sources who provided the information.

The Foreign Ministry of Iran strongly condemned the Israeli airstrikes on Syria’s northern province of Aleppo that killed dozens of soldiers and civilians in the wee hours of Friday. In a statement on Friday morning, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani expressed sympathy with the Syrian government and nation, specifically the families of victims of the “brutal” Israeli attacks. “The attacks are a clear violation of the international rules and regulations, have violated Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and pose a serious threat to the regional and international peace and security,” the spokesman said.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, confirmed today, Friday, that the Israeli attacks on Syria are completely unacceptable, noting that Moscow condemns these actions and considers them provocative. The Israeli attacks on Syria are provocative and fraught with serious consequencesThe Syrian army announces that it will confront a simultaneous attack by Israel and Al-Nusra. Commenting on reports of Israeli air strikes on several Syrian governorates, Zakharova said: “Once again, we stress that such aggressive actions against the Syrian Arab Republic, which constitute a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of this country and the basic rules of international law, are completely unacceptable.” She added: "We strongly condemn these provocative actions that use force and have very dangerous consequences in the context of the sharp deterioration of the situation in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone."

The Syrian Ministry of Defense announced earlier today that a number of civilians and soldiers were killed and wounded as a result of an Israeli air strike coinciding with an attack by terrorist groups on the city of Aleppo. Yesterday, Thursday, the Ministry announced the injury of two civilians , in addition to material losses as a result of the “Israeli aggression” on a residential building in the Damascus countryside. The northern countryside of Aleppo is controlled by an armed organization called the National Army, along with groups affiliated with Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (the former terrorist organization of the Al-Nusra Front, banned in Russia and a large number of countries), which control Idlib and its countryside. It is noteworthy that, despite Syria regaining control, with basic support from Russia, over large parts of the country from the grip of terrorist groups, there are still, to this day, terrorist hotbeds that are trying, with American and foreign support, to destabilize stability.

Operational Update - Yemen

The American newspaper Politico , citing Western intelligence officials, revealed that China is “inadvertently helping Iran” in stifling ship traffic in the Red Sea, which hinders global trade flows. According to the newspaper, this is due to China's "illicit" purchases of Iranian oil, which indirectly finances a series of attacks launched by the Houthi rebels in the Red Sea, and has had a horrific impact on global shipping traffic.

About 15 percent of global trade flows through the corridor that extends from the Gulf of Aden through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal in Egypt, linking Asia and Europe. China buys about 90 percent of Iranian oil, including crude oil sold by the Quds Force, the paramilitary arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which is responsible for Tehran's foreign military operations, according to Politico. The newspaper noted that the Quds Force "is training and financing Iran's terrorist proxies throughout the Middle East, including Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Houthi rebels in Yemen."

One of the officials told the newspaper that the Houthis "are attacking international roads, and the first country to be affected by them is China itself," noting that "he is not sure they realize this." A Chinese government spokesman did not respond to POLITICO's request for comment.

Both Iran and Russia depend on oil revenues, which are considered a "lifeline" for economies subject to Western sanctions. According to the newspaper, international sanctions on the Iranian regime left it suffering from financial distress, which prompted it to “grant the Quds Force annual allocations of oil to be sold abroad, through a complex network of companies,” so that Iran could “continue financing its terrorist agents.”

China derives about 10 percent of its oil from Iran, where Chinese companies have been able to purchase crude oil at a significant discount. Politico added, "Although the Houthis pledged not to attack Chinese ships, they fired several missiles earlier this week at the Chinese-owned ship Huang Pu." The Houthi militia has attacked dozens of ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea since October, causing traffic to drop by 60 percent, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.

The Houthis claim they carried out the attacks in solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, following the war that broke out on October 7 after a Hamas attack on Israel. But many of the ships they attacked were not Israeli or destined for Israel. The United States and some European countries strengthened their presence in the Red Sea, but that was not enough to deter the attacks, according to Politico.

Intelligence officials say, according to the newspaper, that the Houthis "carried out the attacks using drones and missiles provided to them by Iran." As a result of the attacks, major Western shipping companies, such as Denmark-based Maersk, rerouted their ships around the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, adding up to 14 days to the journey time. Although taking the longer route does not make a huge difference in costs, thanks to higher Suez Canal transit fees, the extra time could disrupt the supply chains on which China's export sector depends.

"The main impact is spending more time at sea. It is very important for China that global trade routes operate without interruption," said Kiel Institute trade policy analyst Julianne Haines. According to the newspaper, the attacks angered the countries of the Indian Ocean, including India and Sri Lanka, considering that they "bear the brunt of the turmoil in the Red Sea."

Iran's participation in an international arms exhibition in the Qatari capital, Doha, this month was a remarkable step that revealed the extent of the development of Iran's military products and its desire for regional influence. At a conference on trade held in Sri Lanka last month, Iran faced sharp criticism, with some representatives of the United Nations' International Maritime Organization calling for legal action against Tehran, according to people familiar with the meeting, whom Politico did not name.


All maps are lies. “Not only is it easy to lie with maps, it is essential,” wrote cartographer Mark Monmoneir in his book How to Lie with Maps. He showed that condensing complex, three-dimensional spaces onto a two-dimensional sheet of paper [in old days] is bound to be reductive.

But it is impossible to comprehend the war in Gaza without reference to maps, otherwise the entire conflict is reduced to an endless series of meaningless acts of random violence and the suffering of civilians. The first characteristic of guerrilla warfare is the loss of a front line.

Evidently, different mappers have different ideas of how to depict the war in Gaza, notably those that seek to depict Israeli progress in the ground campaign. Part of the problem is latency. The news that forms the basis of the maps takes time to filter out to mappers, and the cartographers take time in crafting their maps, and it takes time to curate them. These processes are uneven among mappers, so their maps may differ in detail. Probably there is some ideological bias, or at least thematic apperception, which is understandable in wartime. It may come as no surprise that al-Jazeera maps depict rather less Israeli territorial progress than other sources.

Finally, there remains the epistemological question of just exactly what are the colored in areas depicting. Naively, this might be understood as areas of Israeli control, that are no longer contested by the HAMAS. Or possibly these are areas of Israeli presence, in many of which the possibility of an RPG-wielding HAMAS militant popping out of a tunnel unexpectedly remains a live possibility. With the "zero-range" combat characterized by small unit tactics on both sides, maps may be prey to a fallacy of misplaced concreteness.

Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords Iron Swords


Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper indicated that the multinational force that Gallant intends to bring to Gaza will consist of armed elements from three Arab countries, the names of which the Ministry of Defense did not publish for fear that this would make this step difficult to implement. According to Gallant's plan, the same force will first secure humanitarian aid convoys, as well as the port being built in the Gaza Strip, and the intention is for the United States to lead the multinational force, even if it does not have forces on the ground, according to the words of "Yedioth Ahronoth."

The newspaper added that according to the plan, this will strengthen elements on the ground not linked to Hamas, and solve the worsening problem towards the Americans. Gallant briefed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy, and the Defense Cabinet on the progress made. During his visit to the United States, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that the results of Israel's war against the Hamas movement will affect the region for the coming decades. Mossad chief David Barnea and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar went to Cairo and Doha as part of negotiations aimed at completing a prisoner exchange deal, according to what Hebrew media reported.

Axis of Resistance

A prominent leader in the Hamas political bureau, Bassem Naim, said in a statement to RT that Russia can play a major role in protecting the Palestinians on the international scene and unifying the internal Palestinian ranks. Leader Bassem Naeem praised Russia's position on the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, pointing out that Moscow hosted delegations from Hamas, and the role it could play in defending the Palestinians on the international stage and achieving agreement between the various internal Palestinian factions.

He added: "Russia is a great power, and therefore it is very important and very decisive in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It is one of the permanent members of the Security Council, and it is involved in various fields in this region, and therefore it can help in many cases politically and diplomatically." The movement's leader said, "Russia's role is very important for the Palestinians in general, and the resistance in particular, when it comes to its seat in the Security Council and its veto power over American plans to undermine the Palestinians and their resistance."

Basem Naim expressed his concerns about the American plan to build a port in Gaza, and warned that it could be used by the Israelis to commit more war crimes against the Palestinian people. He said: “I think this could be used to the advantage of the American presence here. For example, this could be part of a long-term plan to control by the Americans and Israelis the seashore and the land line from west to east.”

The Hamas leader also criticized the role played by the Western media since the beginning of the war on Gaza, explaining that it has revealed little regarding coordination between the armed Palestinian factions, which represent about 12 groups stationed in the besieged area. He added that most of the interviews conducted by Western media with leaders in the Hamas movement were biased and focused on the events of October 7, without going into the content or details.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei slammed the Zionist regime’s massacre of Palestinian women and children as a testimony to its incapability to face off or defeat the resistance forces. Ayatollah Khamenei had a meeting with Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the secretary-general of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, and his accompanying delegation, in Tehran on March 28.

In the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei praised the Resistance forces and the people of Gaza as the winners of the field thus far. “The peak of dignity and steadfastness demonstrated by the people of Gaza and Palestine and the failures of the Zionist regime throughout this six-month war are a divine event and phenomenon,” the Leader stated. Referring to the crimes committed by the Zionist regime, which have resulted in the massacre of innocent civilians in Gaza, the Leader said, “The fact that the Zionist regime, despite its extensive military equipment and support from oppressive world powers, is killing women and children, indicates that this regime is incapable of opposing the Resistance forces.”

Ayatollah Khamenei also expressed confidence that the people of Gaza would eventually achieve victory with the help of God.

For his part, Ziyad al-Nakhalah expressed his appreciation for Iran’s support for the Palestinian issue and honored the memory of late Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani. “The events unfolding in Gaza today are in fact a repetition of what took place in Karbala. Despite facing numerous difficulties and conspiracies, the people of Gaza have displayed an unparalleled steadfastness alongside the Resistance forces. Together, they have successfully foiled the plots devised by the US, the Zionist regime, and their supporters to dismantle the Resistance,” the Palestinian figure said, Khamenei.ir reported.

Emphasizing the complete coordination amongst the Resistance forces, especially Hamas and the Islamic Jihad, Nakhalah underlined that the people of Gaza and the Resistance forces are determined to persevere until achieving ultimate victory. He finally expressed confidence that, with the grace of God, this victory will be achieved in the not-too-distant future. President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi criticized the heads of certain Muslim states for their inaction and passivity in the face of the Zionist regime’s onslaught on the Gaza Strip.

In a meeting with Secretary-General of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement Ziyad al-Nakhalah, held in Tehran on Thursday, President Raisi praised the bravery of the resistance groups in Gaza against the crimes of the Zionist enemy. Lauding the unity among the Palestinian groups, the Iranian president said, “Today, Gaza is the scene of victory and standing, resistance and faith of the Palestinian people against the dark and unprecedented crimes of the Zionist regime and America.”

Describing resistance as the only option to confront the brutality and criminality of the Zionist regime, Raisi said, “The people of Gaza proved that this (Israeli) regime does not adhere to any law, international treaty and human principles at any level.” He stated that Palestine has the right to resistance for the same reason that it has the right to life, his official website reported.

Reiterating Iran’s support for the resistance movement and the people of Gaza, President Raisi criticized the inaction of the leaders of a number of Islamic countries in fulfilling their duty towards the Palestinian nation. Referring to the broad dimensions of Gaza's resistance against the criminal Zionist regime, he said, “The people of Gaza not only did not wait for the support of some countries and Islamic governments, but with their unique resistance, they proved the insignificance of international institutions, organizations and unions claiming human rights and challenged the unjust world order.”

For his part, Nakhalah appreciated Iran’s unwavering support for the resistance and stability of the people of Gaza. Paying tribute to late Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani, he said, “Today, the Palestinian nation has surprised the Zionist enemy and its allies, especially the United States, with its steadfastness.” He also appreciated the support of the resistance axis for the Palestinian nation and added, “This support, in addition to raising the spirit and motivation in the hearts of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian warriors, contained the important message that the Palestinian nation is not alone in fighting against the Zionist enemy.”

Iran’s highest-ranking military commander assured Hamas that Tehran will continue to give its unwavering support for the cause of Palestine and the resistance forces in the struggle against the Zionist regime. Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri had a meeting with Ismail Haniyeh, head of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, in Tehran on Friday.

Describing support for the causes of Palestine as one of the “basic strategies and goals” of Iran from the outset of victory of the Islamic Revolution, the top general promised that the Islamic Republic will continue to back Palestine unwaveringly and vigorously. Paying tribute to the Gaza-based resistance forces for carrying out the Al-Aqsa Storm operation in October 2023, Major General Baqeri said the unprecedented operation inflicted irreparable defeat on the Israeli regime.

The Al-Aqsa Storm operation exploded the myth of invincibility of the Zionist regime and made Palestine an overriding issue in the world, the commander added. The Iranian general also noted that the Zionist regime would have fallen apart without American help, saying Israel’s sole response to the Al-Aqsa Storm operation has been the massacre of innocent women and children, destruction of hospitals, and starving out civilians.

For his part, Haniyeh said the Al-Aqsa Storm operation allowed the voice of Palestinian people to be heard across the world. Commemorating late Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani’s efforts to support the oppressed and stand against the tyrannical powers, the Hamas leader said Iran’s backing for Palestine has raised the morale of the Palestinian fighters. Haniyeh finally expressed gratitude to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian military commanders for their attention to Palestine.

Iran and Russia depend on oil revenues, which are considered the "lifeblood" of two economies subject to Western sanctions, which pushes these two countries to search for illegal ways to obtain money, with China being the preferred destination. Despite the sanctions, Russian and Iranian oil finds its way for sale via shipments to China, which is considered the largest importer of oil in the world, as Beijing benefits from price discounts, which enabled it to save at least about $10 billion by purchasing oil subject to sanctions, according to a research paper published by him. " Atlantic Council ."

The research paper explains the Russian and Iranian oil trade system with China, which bypasses the Western financial system and shipping services. In 2022, the Group of Seven countries set the price of Russian oil at $60 per barrel. The sanctioned oil trading system relies on payment in the Chinese currency, renminbi, through small Chinese banks in exchange for Russian and Iranian crude. Oil shipments are being transported by what has become called the “shadow fleet,” which is a group of oil tankers that operate outside maritime systems, and follow steps to hide their movements as they move at sea without transmitters or receivers to avoid detection.

Once Russian and Iranian oil shipments arrive at Chinese ports, the country of origin is changed as Malaysian or Middle Eastern oil. Before its invasion of Ukraine last February, Russia sold most of its oil to Europe, but with Western sanctions, Moscow is forced to sell more of it elsewhere from China and India, forcing it to work harder to avoid sanctions. Last February, Washington blacklisted 14 Russian oil tankers as part of the United States' efforts to enforce a ceiling on crude oil prices imposed by the West on Russia against the backdrop of its invasion of Ukraine. The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on the state-run Russian shipping company Sovcomflot, and indicated that it had given 45 days to unload oil and other cargoes for the 14 tankers before the decision came into effect.

The price cap aims to limit the Kremlin's profits while keeping energy markets supplied. Until the supply chain for this oil is complete and it becomes a salable derivative, it is sold to “teapots” in China, a term given to small refineries that handle 90 percent of total Iranian oil exports since state-owned Chinese refineries stopped dealing with Iran on a regular basis. Official. These oil refineries pay Iran in Chinese renminbi through small financial institutions subject to US sanctions, such as the Kunlun Bank, and this ultimately allows Beijing to avoid exposing its international banks to the risk of US financial sanctions.

Sources told Reuters that oil trade between China and Iran has stopped with Tehran blocking shipments and demanding higher prices from its largest customer, reducing cheap supplies to the world's largest crude importer. The research paper reveals that once Iran receives its dues in the Chinese currency, it has two options: either buy Chinese goods, or keep the assets in a Chinese bank, indicating that Iran cannot use the Chinese currency outside China as it is not desirable for international trade and this currency is rarely used. In transactions between two countries when China is not one of them.

In 2022, trade data reveal that Iran purchased equipment from China worth more than two billion dollars, and electronics worth one and a half billion dollars. These data do not reflect the value of financial transactions between Tehran and Beijing if they are likely to be denominated in the local Chinese currency. Trading in Russian oil is considered easier than Iranian crude, as it is allowed to be traded as long as buyers pay less than $60 per barrel, while dealing in Iranian oil is prohibited, which gives Moscow more bargaining power.

Russia also depends on transporting its oil to China on the shadow fleet, and it exports oil to China in exchange for importing equipment and technology. In 2022, Russian oil sales to China amounted to about 88 billion dollars, and Moscow paid approximately 72 billion dollars for Chinese goods. Trade between China and Russia increased using the national currencies ruble and renminbi. In his statements, Russian President Vladimir Putin is proud of the diplomatic support he receives from China. He points out that Asia, led by India, is flocking to Russian oil, and that Africa considers it an ally against Western “neo-colonialism,” according to a report published by Agence France-Presse.

The marine area off the coast of the Sultanate of Oman has become a hotspot for Russian oil shipments to India by transferring it from one ship to another, according to what Bloomberg revealed. The research paper indicates that China ultimately deals with what does not harm its interests. After last December, three Chinese banks stopped accepting payments from Russian companies subject to sanctions, and Chinese officials claim that they are working to solve the problem with their Russian counterparts. A report published by Reuters stated that Moscow is suffering from some delays in receiving oil payments, as Russian oil companies face delays of up to several months in receiving payments for crude and fuel in light of increasing caution among banks in China, Turkey and the UAE about secondary US sanctions.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday that Russia is working with its partners amid unprecedented pressure from the United States and the European Union. The research paper called on Western authorities to pay attention to the financial ties between the regimes that are subject to severe sanctions, the existing cooperation between these countries with China, and to pay attention to the circumvention strategies that these countries have followed to bypass the sanctions.

Allied for Democracy

In the shadow of the crisis in relations with the United States following the failure to impose the veto in the United Nations on the war in Gaza, the American newspaper claims that in recent days the administration secretly approved another deal to supply Israel with 1,800 advanced bombs weighing 2,000 pounds and 500 bombs weighing 500 pounds. It was also reported that last week the US State Department approved the transfer to Israel of 25 F-35 aircraft and F-35 aircraft engines at a cost of 2.5 billion dollars.

The Washington Post reported that the US administration agreed in recent days to provide military aid to Israel, including F-35 aircraft and hundreds of bombs. Sources in the Pentagon and the US State Department told The Washington Post that the new military aid includes more than 1,800 Mk-84 bombs, weighing more than 900 kg, and 500 Mk-82 bombs, weighing more than 225 kg. Last week, the US State Department agreed to provide 25 F-35 aircraft worth $2.5 billion. It is noteworthy that the approval to provide aid was based on previous authorization from Congress, and therefore it was not necessary for the administration to specifically inform Congress of this aid.

This comes despite the disagreements between Washington and Tel Aviv regarding the expected Israeli operation in Rafah, as some members of Congress called for suspending the provision of weapons to Israel until the latter pledges to take measures to reduce civilian casualties during its expected operation in Rafah. In turn, an unnamed White House official said: “We continue to support Israel’s right to defend itself, and setting conditions for it to receive assistance was not our policy.”

The Washington Post indicated that the Israeli government did not comment on the information about the US administration’s approval to provide this military aid. This comes in the wake of the visit of Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to Washington, during which he asked Washington to expedite the provision of military aid. US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown said on Thursday that Israel "has not yet obtained everything it asked for." Following his statements, the Pentagon was quick to clarify that there had been no change in Washington’s policies regarding providing assistance to Israel, and that the United States “continues to provide security assistance to its ally Israel while it defends itself against Hamas.”

Operation Iron Swords - By the Numbers

  • 74,980 Gazans injured, 28% adult male
  • 45,000 bombs dropped in Gaza
  • 40,000 Gazans killed, including buried under rubble
  • 33,000 Gaza targets attacked
  • 32,700 Gazans martyred
  • 20,528 Palestinians in Israeli prisons [Haaretz, 20 Mar 2024]
  • 15,000 rocket launched from Gaza
  • 14,793 Israelis were injured [i24 TV]
  • 13,750 Gazan children martyred
  • 13,000 HAMAS combatants killed [N12]
  • 12,000 HAMAS combatants killed [IDF]
  • 11,000 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank in 2023
  • 9,920 Gazan women martyred
  • 9,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons
  • 9,000 IDF psychological assistance
  • 8,000 Gazans missing under the rubble
  • 7,820 arrested by Israelis in the West Bank since Oct.7th
  • 6,000 HAMAS combatants killed [HAMAS]
  • 5,500 IDF wounded [reports]
  • 4,750 West Bank Palestinians wounded
  • 3,484 administrative detainees
  • 3,600 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria
  • 3,079 IDF wounded [IDF]
  • 2,100 Gazan women are missing
  • 1,609 terrorists killed on the first day
  • 1,600 wanted persons arrested throughout Judea and Samaria affiliated with Hamas
  • 1,160 Israelis killed on the first day
  • 595 Israeli officers and soldiers killed
  • 453 West Bank Palestinians martyred
  • 254 Israeli officers and soldiers killed in Gaza
  • 222 Hezbollah fighters killed in Lebanon
  • 126 people recovered, including 91 Israelis, 11 bodies, and 24 foreign workers
  • 116 living hostages in Palestinian custody
  • 50 civilians killed in Lebanon
  • 29 IDF deaths were caused by "friendly fire"
  • 15 Israelis killed in the West Bank and Israel

Not every number is reported every day, so sudden jumps generally reflect reporting artifacts rather than actual upticks. Many of these numbers fluctate, up and down, with no apparent explanation. This list records the highest number reliably reported for each matter, under the theory that reality with catch up with reports, as is relentlessly the case.

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