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Igor Dmitrievich Spassky

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Igor Dmitrievich Spassky, who headed the Rubin Central Design Bureau from 1974 to 2007, is rightfully considered the creator of our country's underwater power. Under his leadership, 187 submarines were built at domestic shipyards, including 96 nuclear and 91 diesel-electric. On the account of the design team under his leadership, such successful projects of nuclear and diesel-electric submarines as 667BDR "Kalmar", 941 "Akula", 667BDRM "Dolphin"; nuclear submarine missile cruisers of projects 949 Granit and 949A Antey; diesel-electric submarines of projects 877 "Halibut", 636 and 636M. One of the most important achievements of Igor Dmitrievich is the creation of a powerful engineering and technical school by him. Her students have developed unparalleled in the world nuclear submarine cruisers of the Borey and Borey-A projects,

Since 1950, the life and activity of Igor Dmitrievich Spassky was inextricably linked with the design of underwater boats. I.D. Spassky was a pioneer in the field of the transition from separate, insufficiently coordinated developments of different types of weapons, to system design. The contribution of Igor Spassky to science and construction technique is realized in the construction of almost 200 nuclear and diesel-electric Submarines of various projects.

Sergei Kovalev, general designer of three generations of SSBNs, who worked with Igor Spassky for more than half a century, once described him as follows: “Spassky not only heads Rubin, but also determines its technical policy in a very wide range of directions. type of project 941 as no alternative. Actively fought for the creation of marine solid-propellant missiles. Is the initiator of the introduction of the modular method of building submarines, the creation of recreation areas and much more. In the most difficult years of the beginning of the creation of naval strategic weapons, we were inseparable In the new economic conditions and with a sharp reduction in government funding, he restructured production and economic activities, which,unlike many other design organizations, it allowed preserving the bureau's team and its creative potential."

Igor Dmitrievich Spassky was a Soviet Russian scientist, specialist in the field of design and construction of submarines, chief designer of the Leningrad Design and Installation Bureau "Rubin" of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry of the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences. I.D.Spassky developed a number of fundamental technical directions, providing both high efficiency, safety of submarines and their nuclear power plants. New technological methods of construction of submarines, significantly reduced the time and cost of their construction and significantly increased their combat characteristics.

A vivid example his new approach to design waas the Creation of "Typhoon" system, which took place with the major technical and organizational participation of I.D.Spassky. The grounded and firm position of I.D.Spassky determined in due time the preservation of the part of the navy of diesel-electric submarines and the creation of an entire family of low-noise and highly effective submarines, winning the highest reputation in the world market.

By participating in the works on the creation of nuclear rocket launcher submarines of the first and second generations, he passed on all Stages of Design Posts from designer TsKB-18 (now CCB "Rubin") to the chief engineer of this Design Bureau. From 1974, I.D.Spassky headed the Central Rubin Design Bureau, first as main and then (1983) as the general Enterprise Designer. This responsible post fully disclosed I.D.Spassky's talent as great organizer, designer and scientist.

Igor Dmitrievich was born on 02 August 1926 in the city of Theotokos (now-Noginsk) of the Moscow region in a Russian worker's family. In 1949 he graduated from the steam-power Department of the Higher Naval Engineering College named after F.E. Zerzhinsky. Since 1949 he served in the Navy of the USSR. Since October, 1949 he served on the under construction cruiser "Frunze" in the city of Nikolaev. In 1950, the engineer-Lieutenant I.D.Spassky was seconded to work in the shipbuilding industry with abandonment in personnel of the Navy (dismissed in to the reserve in 1955 with the reduction in the armed forces, with the rank "Senior Lieutenant engineer).

From 1950 he worked in SKB-143 (now-JSC "St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau" Malachite "), participating in the creation of an experimental submarine with a steam-gas turbine installation. Since 1953 he worked in the central CB-18 as an Engineer-Designer, from 1954 as Head of sector, since 1956 as Deputy chief designer of the nuclear submarine. Igor Spassky was only 31 years old when in 1957 he was appointed deputy chief designer of the first Soviet strategic submarine missile carrier (SSBN) with a surface launch of Project 658 missiles. The lead ship was still on the slipway when the decision was made to modernize submarines for the first in the USSR ballistic missiles with an underwater launch (project 658M), for participation in this program Igor Spassky was awarded the Lenin Prize in 1965.

In 1968, the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry approved Igor Spassky as chief engineer, deputy head and chief designer of the bureau. This appointment, as Igor Dmitrievich says, was "somewhat unexpected" for him - he jumped three steps of the career ladder laid at that time. In 1974 went to the Leningrad Design and Installation Bureau "Rubin" (KB-18; now-OJSC "Central Design Bureau of Marine Technics" Rubin "), first as the Chief Designer, and since 1983 as the General Designer. In this post, he remained until the end of 2006.

The fundamental contribution of I. D. Spassky to the creation of marine component of the nuclear and missile potential of the USSR and Russia, based on submarines of the Navy is widely known in the Russian submarine engineering community. He developed a number of fundamental principles that ensured both high efficiency and safety of operation of submarines and their nuclear power plants. The optimum volume of automation of control of submarines was defined, and he developed fundamentally new technological methods of construction of submarines, that significantly reduced the time and cost of their construction and significantly increased their combat characteristics. I.D.Spassky's contribution to science and technology was realized in the construction of more than two hundred submarines, including the creation of a whole family of the most low-noise and highly efficient diesel-electric submarines, winning the highest reputation in the World market.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of January 23, 1978, the Chief Designer of the Leningrad Design and Installation Bureau "Rubin" Igor Dmitrievich Spassky was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the golden "Hammer and Sickle" medals.

Between 1950 and 2006, he participated in the creation of four generations of submarines. In total, on its projects built 187 submarines (91 diesel-electric and 96 nuclear), which constituted and constitute the nucleus of the Soviet and Russian fleets. He was the head of the TsKB, which developed the nuclear submarine K-141 "Kursk", the last submarine of the class "Antey", which came to the armament of the Russian Navy. On August 12, 2000, a torpedo exploded aboard the submarine, and it sank. Most of the crew died during the bombing, but some sailors survived and lived a few more days in the ninth, the tail compartment of the ship. Rescue work failed. By the time the rescuers got to the bay, the sailors had long been dead. During the rescue operation, I. D. Spassky controlled work on cutting and raising the boat.

I.D.Spassky continued to lead the team of the Central Design Bureau Marine technology "Rubin". Under its beginning the prospective programs of development of the enterprise were accepted and realized. Reconstruction of premises was carried out, engineering Networks and Communications "Rubin" Bureau provided the tool base of designing was intensively developed different purposes. With a sustained interest I. D. Spassky oversaw the development of the world's underwater shipbuilding, analyzed the trends that had emerged in the foreign submarines, directed the Bureau work on research and design of prospective submarines for the Russian Navy.

By the efforts of I.D.Spassky the Specialized Design Bureau turned into a modern multi-disciplinary enterprise, where on the basis of modern defense Technologies it mastered a number of important prospective conversion directions, among which are: creation of ice-resistant Offshore platforms for oil and gas production, high-speed trunk and City electric Transport, the latest samples of technologies in the field of ecology and Renewable energy sources.

Spassky is also the inspiration and creator of numerous projects in shipbuilding and other fields of science and technology. Under his leadership, the design bureau turned from a highly specialized bureau into a diversified enterprise. The design of marine equipment for the development of the shelf and other civilian offshore structures has become one of the priority areas of Rubin's activities, in particular the Prirazlomnaya offshore ice-resistant stationary platform, the Sakhalin-1 and Sakhalin-2 projects offshore ice-resistant platforms, and the dam's buttocks. Petersburg were created with the participation of Igor Dmitrievich.

Since 2007, he retired from administrative work and focused on the creation of naval equipment: submarine carriers, support vessels, sea-based elements. At present, he is the scientific supervisor of the Rubin Central Design Bureau.

Under Spassky, Rubin contributed to the preservation of the cultural heritage of St. Petersburg: the St. Nicholas-Epiphany Naval Cathedral, the Pushkin Museum-Apartment and the Literary Cafe (Wolf and Beranger). Igor Dmitrievich supervised the creation of the museum-monument "Submarine Narodovolets", the monument "Glory to the Russian Fleet" (1996, to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet). In 2002, Spassky was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of St. Petersburg." “Life needs to be filled with content that can make our future more interesting. I can't help but note that a designer is one of the best and most significant professions that requires extensive and deep knowledge. on the jubilee day 72 labor years and is decently estimated by my comrades-in-arms, "- says Spassky.

I.D.Spassky skillfully combined scientific-organizational and public work. He was chairman of the dissertation Council at TsKB "Rubin", deputy chairman of the Scientific Council on Wave processes of Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on State awards in the field of science and technology, a member of the Commission of the Security Council Russia. He was the scientific director of the collection "History of domestic shipbuilding" in 5 volumes and the Scientific and Historical handbook "Russian Submarines" in 3 volumes, a member of the main edition of the Handbook "History of Creation and development of the Russian and Soviet OPK (1900-1963)".

Active and fruitful production, scientific, organizational and public activity of Igor Dmitrievich Spassky was awarded Soviet 2 orders of Lenin (6.04.1970, 23.01.1978), orders of the October Revolution (1.08.1986), Labor Red Banner (28.04.1963), Russian orders "for merit to the Fatherland" 2nd (2002) and 3rd degree, Honor (29.12.2010), Medals, including "for combat Merits" (26.10.1955), honorary Diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation (2001). Lenin Prize laureate (1965), USSR State Prize (1983) and RF (2007). He was awarded a gold medal named after A.P. Alexandrova Ras (2013, for the fundamental contribution to the development of the Russian nuclear fleet), 14 medals, numerous orders and the highest marks of various branch and public organizations, Russian Orthodox Church.

He was an Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1987). Doctor of Technical Sciences (1978). Professor (1984). Member of the Inter-agency Scientific Council on Shipbuilding of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was elected deputy and member of the Executive committee of the Leningrad City Council, and People's Deputy of the USSR in 1989-1991 years.

His high authority in the field of shipbuilding was expressed in his election in 1987 as a full member of the Academy (Academy of Sciences of the USSR – Russian Academy of Sciences RAS). He is a member of the Scientific Council on Wave processes of RAS, a member of the Commission on Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness Under the Chairman of the Russian Government, Member of the Scientific Council of the Military Industrial Commission, expert Council on problems of legislative support for the development of the defense-industrial complex at Chairman Federation Council, Scientific and Technical Council and Maritime Council Under the Government of St. Petersburg. I. D. Spassky wsa Chairman of the dissertation Council at the CCB Mt "Rubin", and under his guidance the present Scientific staff, from which more than 100 certified scientists came out, including 10 Doctors of technical sciences. In recognition of the international recognition of outstanding merits of academician I. D. Spassky in the development of world and Russian science, the International Astronomical Union by the decision of the naming Committee on the small bodies of the solar system appropriated one of the small planets the name "Spassky". The fruits of multifaceted activity, high international reputation of Igor Dmitrievich Spassky made him one of the leaders among the leaders of the Enterprises of the defense-industrial Complex of Russia.

He lived in St. Petersburg, and was named an Honored Citizen of St. Petersburg (22 May 2002). The character of Igor Spassky did not give him a closure. Within the boundaries of one sphere of activity it was full of creative ideas that strives to realize for the benefit of Russia.All work life and activity of I.D.Spassky is inextricably linked with St. Petersburg. Possessing inexhaustible eEnergy and high personal culture, Igor Dmitrievich made a significant contribution to the preservation and growth of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the city. With his most direct and active participation: Recreated Pushkin's museum-apartment and the Volfa and Beranhe literary cafe; a major overhaul of the Nikolobgoyavlenskiy Sea Cathedral was completed; restoration of the Temple of St. Basil the Great in lodan field and church John Baptist XII century in old Ladoga; modern upscale international business centers have been established on Nevsky Prospekt and Obvodsky channel; the first aquarium in Russia.

The city on the Neva decorated Museum-Monument "D-2 submarine", Monument "Slava To the Russian fleet "in honor of the 300 anniversary Russian fleet, the monument "from Dolphin" to "Typhoon", the development of projects and thecreation of which was directed by I. D. Spassky. On his initiative, permanent targeted assistance is provided to a number of cultural Centers, children's, medical and sports institutions.

He was married and had two children. He was fond of fishing.

The scientific supervisor of the work of the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering (CDB MT, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation),Spassky celebrated his 95th birthday on 02 August 2021. For more than 70 years of work in the field of submarine shipbuilding, about 200 submarines were built under his leadership.

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