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Igor Leonidovich Baranov

Nuclear submarine designer Igor Leonidovich Baranov was the “father” of Russian nuclear-powered submarines with cruise missiles, notably the the Antey 949. The designer of the submarine "Kursk" was the general designer of 16 classes of Soviet and Russian submarines. In 1972 Barnov was appointed deputy chief designer, in 1977 became the chief designer, since 1994 - the general designer. Key projects: provision of construction and operation of a series of Soviet nuclear submarines with cruise missiles of Project 675 (in 1960–1968 29 ships of this project were built), development and modernization of nuclear submarines with cruise missiles of the 949 / 949A Antey project.

Baranov was born on July 29, 1932 in Tashkent (Uzbek SSR). In 1956 he graduated from the shipbuilding department of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute (now - St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University). In 1994 he received the degree of candidate, and in 2005 - the doctor of technical sciences.

After the institute, he was sent to work at the Central Design Bureau-18 (TsKB-18; since 1966 - Leningrad Design and Installation Bureau "Rubin"; LMBP "Rubin"; since 2003 - Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering "Rubin"). He began work at Rubin in 1955 as a senior design technician, consistently held the positions of designer, sector head, department head. In 1972, Baranov became deputy chief designer of the strategic strategic-purpose submarine cruiser projects 667A and 667B, and in 1974 - 667BD and 667BDR. In the 1960s, the development of the 3rd generation underwater missile carrier began in the USSR. He was called to become a threat to the carrier groups of NATO countries, and above all the United States. For a new, more powerful and long-range missile complex, a new carrier was also needed - a submarine that would conduct salvo fire from surface and underwater position with 20-24 missiles. The project was given the index "949" and the cipher "Granit". Works at the Rubin Design Bureau were headed by Pavel Pustyntsev, but he died in 1977.

So 1977 Baranov was appointed Chief Designer of 949 and 675 projects and their modifications. He oversaw the development of a project for the modernization of the third-generation submarines 949A "Antey". In 1994, he occupied the position of general designer for a complex of works on creation of submarine cruisers armed with operational cruise missiles (Projects 949, 675 MKV, 949A, 949U, 881, etc.).

Over the years of his professional activities, he took part in the creation of 16 Soviet and Russian submarines (11 of them were built in accordance with the 949A Antey project). In the tragic days when the nuclear submarine 949A Kursk was lost, for him it was a big human blow. Every year he came to the cemetery, to the cathedral, always stood aside, was silent, he never even talked, because he said: "I still feel guilty". Although there was no fault of his.

He said: the Project 949A, “Antey” is the best thing I've done in life. He was very worried about these ships, when they were trying to withdraw from the fleet, although they could serve for a long time, he ensured that the ships were left in the ranks so that they would be upgraded. For us, they will be for many years a reliable shield, and the Americans called them "aircraft carrier killers." They are very afraid of these ships, because they have very good weapons.

He participated in deep-sea tests of head submarines for maximum depth of immersion, in acoustic tests of submarines, analysis of their results and development of proposals aimed at reducing the level of underwater noise. Engaged in the project of modernization of the submarines of the project 949A in the 2010s.

He was awarded a diploma of the government of the Russian Federation (2002). Winner of the Lenin Prize (1984) and the Prize. P.P. Pustyntseva (2006). Almost until the last days of his life, he continued to lead the work on the creation of nuclear-powered submarine cruisers with cruise missiles. After a long and serious illness,, on December 25, 2017 in St. Petersburg in the 86th year of his life Baranov died.

Governor of St. Petersburg G.S. Poltavchenko stated : "Igor Leonidovich devoted himself entirely to serving the Fatherland. For decades, he led the work on projects of nuclear submarines, designed the submarines of a new generation, including submarines with cruise missiles 949 "Antey". Despite a serious illness, a strong-willed person, he practically continued to work at the enterprise until the last days, to which he gave many years of life. We highly appreciate Igor Leonidovich’s contribution to strengthening the best traditions of St. Petersburg and Russian industry. His departure is a great loss for the country. Thanks to people like him, Russia remains a strong, defensive state with high prestige in the international arena."

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Makarov expressed condolences to relatives, friends and colleagues of the General Designer of the Central Design Bureau "Rubin" Igor Baranov. The appeal reads, in particular: “On behalf of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, I express my sincere condolences to the relatives, friends and colleagues of Igor Leonidovich Baranov. An eminent scientist and engineer who made an enormous contribution to ensuring the national security of our country passed away. His whole life is connected with the Leningrad-Petersburg Rubin Central Design Bureau, where he worked until last years as the general designer of nuclear-powered submarines with rocket armament. Igor Leonidovich was directly involved in the development of several generations of submarine nuclear ships. The submarines of the Antey project created by him for many years became the most important component of the nuclear missile shield, the pride of the Russian Navy."

Igor Kurdin, chairman of the board of the Petersburg submariners' club, told how he remembered Igor Baranov, general designer of the Rubin Central Design Bureau. "The fact is that Igor Leonidovich Baranov is the last general designer, the level of which cannot be underestimated. In aviation, these are Tupolev, Lavochkin, Yakovlev, and in submarine shipbuilding, Igor Leonidovich along with Kovalev, with Spassky. With the people who created the nuclear submarine rocket fleet of our country. At one time he was Deputy General Designer for the construction of strategic submarines, on which I served for many years. Then I happened to meet with him, it was immediately obvious how intelligent the person was, calm, he perceived the comments of the crew and never put himself higher, although he was a very high level for us. This is an outstanding engineer. Nevertheless, it was easy to work with him."

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