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SKB Rubin - History 1955-1982

The technical design of the ocean submarine of the project 641 (75 units) was developed (chief designers - S.A. Yegorov, Z.A. Deribin (from 1958). The chief designer of the submarines, armed with cruise missiles, was appointed PPPustyntsov, who headed the bureau from 1951 to 1974. A project has been developed to re-equip a project 613 submarine to test new types of submarine weapons - P-5 cruise missiles developed under the guidance of VN Chelomey. On the submarine "C-146", converted by project P613, in 1956-1957. A number of successful launches of cruise missiles were made. In August, TsKB-18 began developing two first-generation nuclear submarine projects. Project 658 nuclear submarine (chief designer - SN Kovalev), armed with three ballistic missiles. The lead submarine of Project 658 K-19 was commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1960. In total, eight submarines were built under this project. Project 659 nuclear submarine (chief designers - P.Pustyntsev, N.A. Klimov (since 1959), was armed with six cruise missiles. The head submarine of Project 659 K-45 "was commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1961 The series consisted of 5 units. In 1957 several options were developed for refitting submarines of project 613 for the installation of cruise missiles on them (projects 644, 644D, 646). TsKB-18 moved to a new building on ul. Marata, d.90 in 1958, where it is located to the present. A project of a nuclear submarine of Project 675 (chief designer —P.Pustyntsev), armed with cruise missiles of the P-6 complex (26 units), was developed. The lead submarine of this project, the K-175, was commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1963. Subsequently, cruise missiles of the P-500 and Vulkan complexes were installed on submarines of Project 675. A technical project 651 (chief designer - A.S. Kassazier) of a large diesel submarine armed with four cruise missiles of the P-5 or P-6 complexes (16 units) was developed. The head boat of this project "K-120" entered service of the USSR Navy in 1963. In 1963, for services to create nuclear missile submarines TsKB-18 was awarded the Order of Lenin. A project was developed for the conversion of nuclear submarines of Project 658 to the underwater launch of the D-4 ballistic missile complex. The technical design of the 667A second-generation nuclear-powered submarine missile-carrier was developed (Chief Designer - SN Kovalev). The head missile carrier of this project was commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1967 and became the first ship of the largest series of atomic submarines (34 units). Subsequently, the submarines of Project 667A were continuously improved mainly by installing rockets with increased firing range, divided warheads, etc. on them. Part of the submarines built according to the 667A project in accordance with the treaty on the limitation of strategic armaments after the removal of their missile systems were converted into submarines, which carried out various experimental and scientific research. In 1966 TsKB-18 was renamed "Leningrad Design and Installation Bureau" Rubin "(LMBB" Rubin "). In 1967 leaders of the USSR — Leonid I. Brezhnev, A.N. Kosygin, A.A. Grechko — visited the under construction submarine K-137 of project 667A. In 1968 the design bureau of torpedo tubes (CBA) was transferred from the small-scale forest small shipyard "Rubin" to the special design and assembly bureau of mechanical engineering "Malachite" (this was the name of the SKB-143). In 1969, for successful selfless work to strengthen the combat power of the Navy of the USSR, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.Gorshkov awarded the All-Russian Institute of Maritime Weapons Rubin with a commemorative Naval Flag. In 1970 work on the creation of deep-sea apparatuses was transferred from "Rubin" to the Malachite SPMBM. A third-generation nuclear submarine project 949 was developed in 1971 (chief designers are PP Pustyntsev, IL Baranov (since 1977), armed with Granit cruise missiles. The main submarine of this K-525 project was commissioned The USSR Navy in 1980. Starting with the third K-148, which entered service in 1986, the submarines of this project were built according to the improved project 949A. A technical design 685 of the deepest submarine in the world was developed in 1973 (chief designers - N.A. Klimov, Yu.N. Kormilitsin (since 1977). Submarine of Project 685 "K-278" was commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1983. In 1974 I.D. Spassky was appointed the head of the small-scale plant "Rubin", who headed the company until 2007. In 1976 a technical project has been developed for 941 heavy nuclear submarine missile cruisers (chief designer is SN Kovalev), the largest submarines in the world. The lead submarine missile cruiser of this project "TK-208" was transferred to the Navy in 1981. A 667AM technical project (Chief Designer - O.Ya. Margolin) was developed for the re-equipment of the Project 667A missile cruiser for testing the D-11 missile weapon complex with the R-31 solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile. This marked the beginning of a new direction of Russian naval rocket production, which was continued by the creation of the most powerful missile system with a solid-propellant intercontinental ballistic missile R-39 for strategic strategic missile cruisers of the 941 project. was in December 1976 transferred to the joint flight tests of the missile complex. The complex was accepted for trial operation. The submarine was successfully in the ranks of the Soviet Navy for ten years. The technical design of torpedo diesel-electric submarines of a new generation has been developed. This project, known under the number 877 (the main (since 1994 - General) designer - Yu.N. Kormilitsin) became widely known abroad. A significant number of these submarines were acquired by a number of states. The lead submarine of Project 877 "B-248" was commissioned by the Soviet Navy in 1980. On November 5, 1976, the Museum of the All-Russian Forest Museum Museum Rubin was opened. For great services in the creation of special equipment (submarines), the small-scale forestry machinery "Rubin" was awarded the Order of the October Revolution. In 1978 a technical project was developed for the conversion of the project 667A missile submarine cruiser to a torpedo submarine for the project 667AT (chief designer - O.Ya. Margolin). In order to significantly increase the combat potential of the ship, the project envisaged the placement of airborne torpedo tubes with a large amount of ammunition in the newly manufactured middle compartment block, which was welded into the robust submarine hull instead of the cut and dismantled missile compartments. Such a decision required the development of a special hull design that had no analogues in the domestic shipbuilding. In terms of the total number of missile-torpedo ammunition, the submarine of the 667AT submarine surpassed all domestic and foreign submarines of that time. The submarine was commissioned to the navy in 1986. Later, two more submarines were re-equipped under this project. In 1979 a technical project 667M (“Andromeda”) was developed (chief designer - O.Ya. Margolin, since 1987 - E.A. Gorigledzhan) of re-equipment of the strategic 667A submarine cruiser under the “Meteorit-M” missile system with a strategic supersonic rocket 3M-25, starting from a submarine in surface or submerged position. In 1982 - 1983 mooring, factory running, and then State submarine tests (without a complex of rocket weapons) were conducted. Joint (state) tests of the Meteorit-M complex began in 1988, first from the ground stand and then from the submarine. The number of successful launches at all stages of the test was approximately the same as the number of failed. This circumstance, as well as the need to build specialized carriers, In 1981 a techno-working project 667AK ("Axon-1") (chief designer - O.Ya. Margolin) was developed to re-equip one of the 667A submarines withdrawn from combat operation into a submarine laboratory for advanced marine development of advanced sonar complexes (GAK), and a number of other prototypes of acoustic and non-acoustic radio electronic armament. Work on the ship was completed in 1983. This made it possible to carry out important stages in the commissioning and offshore development of both individual SAC subsystems, including the towed antenna, and the SAC as a whole before the start of the serial delivery of the complexes to ships under construction. In 1982, for the first time in the shipbuilding industry, I.D.Spassky and S.N.Kovalev were was awarded the title of General Designer. A technical project was developed for the conversion of the strategic 667A missile submarine of the strategic designation project 667AN into a large nuclear submarine for research works on the study of the World Ocean, the physical fields of the Earth and the sea bottom. The project envisaged the insertion of a new middle block to replace the cut-out missile compartments, in which research equipment and equipment were to be placed, as well as cabins and living rooms for the crew and researchers. Given the purpose of the submarine, the autonomy of navigation was significantly increased, which required not only the deployment of more reserves, but also the creation of comfortable living conditions for the crew and researchers. The refurbishment was carried out by MP "Zvezdochka" in cooperation with the PO "Sevmashpredpriyatie". In 1985 a technical project was developed for the re-equipment of the strategic submarine cruiser of the 667A project for project 09780 (Axon-2) (chief designer - O.Ya. Margolin, since 1987 - Ye.A. Subsequently, at the suggestion of CDB MT “Rubin”, in order to reduce financial costs and refurbishment periods, it was decided to re-equip the project 667AK (“Axon-1”) subproject 09780 after completing the test program. The revised technical pr. 09780 for this submarine was developed in 1988.

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