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SKB Rubin

    Rubin Central Marine Designs Bureau 
    SKB-18 Central Marine Designs Bureau 
    Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering 
    Ulista Marata 90
    St. Petersburg 191126

The history of Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering Rubin, being inseparably linked with the history of the Russian underwater shipbuilding, began on 04 January 1901, when the Construction Commission for Submarines was established. Since then, having passed through a number of transformations, the Construction Commission has become the biggest Design Bureau for Marine Engineering in Russia to which designs about 950 submarines have been built. The central design bureau of marine equipment “Rubin” is derived from the construction commission of submarines (submarines), formed in 1901 to design, guide the construction and testing of submarines. The company is inextricably linked with the history of submarine shipbuilding in Russia, in its development has gone from a small group of engineers to the largest multidisciplinary design team. Twentieth-century activities of the TsKB MT “Rubin” were carried out exclusively in the field of creating combat submarines for various purposes. According to the projects developed by TsKB MT “Rubin”, more than 80% of the submarines were built, which at various times were part of the Navy of the USSR and Russia.

Years of experience enabled CDB ME "Rubin" to create three generations of nuclear and diesel submarines (more than 20 projects) armed with new strategic and tactical weapons - ballistic and cruise missiles. The deepest-diving combat nuclear submarine "Komsomolets" ("Mike"), the world's largest submarine "Akula" ("Typhoon"), the world's most efficient nuclear attack submarine "Granit" ("Oscar"), the world's most silent diesel-electric submarine of project 636 ("Kilo") have been designed by CDB ME "Rubin". The submarines built to the designs of the Bureau serve in the Navies of 14 countries. The changed economic situation in the country necessitated new strategic decisions to be taken for long-term development of the Bureau. Overnight, 1000 high-class designers and developers - the creators of nuclear submarines from the Rubin Design Bureau turned out to be thrown out onto the street. They became the first unemployed of the Kirov factory. Later, some of them left the country, picked up on the fly by Western research institutes. In the mid-1990s, the leadership of CDB MT "Rubin" was taken the course to diversify the activities of the enterprise in order to preserve and most effective use of its intellectual potential. Remaining Russia's largest submarine design bureau, TsKB MT Rubin gained practical experience in creating complex civil engineering objects. Now CDB ME "Rubin" is a diversified company which is not only holding the leading position in marine engineering but is successfully mastering a number of conversion activities. Because of recent conversion efforts, approximately 40 percent of the work is defense related, with major thrusts in the past several years concentrating on high-speed train development, nonmilitary submarines, and tourist submersibles.

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