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2001 Congressional Hearings


    Testimony on the security of U.S. nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons facilities
    December 13, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Strategic Forces Subcommittee
    • Major General Franklin J. Blaisdell, USAF, Director, Nuclear and Counterproliferation Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, United States Air Force
    • Rear Admiral Dennis M. Dwyer, USN, Director, Strategic Systems Program Office, United States Navy (no statement)
    • Brigadier General Ron Haeckel, USAF, Acting Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration
    • Dr. Linton Wells II, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence

    Testimony on the Department of Defense's implementation of the President's Military Order on detention, treatment, and trial by military commission of certain non-citizens in the war on terrorism
    December 12, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    December 5, 2001 - House Committee on International Relations
    • Richard O. Spertzel, VMD, Ph.D., Consultant, Head of Biological Weapons Inspections, United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM), 1994-1998
    • Dr. Kenneth Alibek, President, Advanced Biosystems, Inc., Former First Deputy Chief, Civilian Branch, Soviet Offensive Biological Weapons Program
    • Elisa D. Harris, Research Fellow, Center for International and Security Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
    • Hearing Transcript (PDF 417KB)


    Advance Policy Questions to consider the following nomiations
    November 8, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • R.L. Brownlee to be Under Secretary of the Army
    • Dale Klein to be Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs
    • Peter B. Teets to be Under Secretary of the Air Force

    The Future of Afghanistan
    November 7, 2001 - House Committee on International Relations
    • The Honorable Peter Tomsen, Ambassador-in-Residence, International Studies and Programs, University of Nebraska at Omaha
    • Stephen Philip Cohen, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
    • Barnett R. Rubin, Director of Studies and Senior Fellow, Center on International Cooperation, New York University
    • Elie Krakowski, Senior Fellow, Central Asia Institute, Johns Hopkins University
    • Hearing Transcript (PDF 481KB)


    Testimony on the role of the Department of Defense in homeland security.
    October 25, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    The U.S. Diplomatic Efforts in the War Against Terrorism
    October 24, 2001 - House Committee on International Relations

    Advance Policy Questions to consider the following nominations
    October 11, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • Linton F. Brooks to be Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, National Nuclear Security Administration
    • Marvin R. Sambur to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition
    • William Winkenwerder, Jr. to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs
    • Everet Beckner to be Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration
    • Mary L. Walker to be General Counsel of the Air Force

    Department of Defense's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR)
    October 4, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    October 3, 2001 - House Committee on International Relations
    • Vincent Cannistraro, Former Chief of Counterterrorism Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
    • Charles Santos, Former Special Assistant to The Undersecretary for Political Military Affairs, United Nations
    • Oliver ''Buck'' Revell, Former Associate Director in Charge of Investigative and Counter-Intelligence Operations, Federal Bureau of Investigation
    • Hearing Transcript (PDF 679KB)


    U.S. Policy Toward South Asia After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11
    September 25, 2001 - House Committee on International Relations

    Advance Policy Questions to consider the following nominations
    September 25, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • General Peter Pace, USMC for reappointment in the grade of general and for appointment as the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    • General John W. Handy, USAF for reappointment in the grade of general and for appointment as Commander in Chief, United States Transportation Command and Commander, Air Mobility Command
    • Admiral James O. Ellis, Jr., USN for reappointment in the grade of admiral and for appointment as Commander inChief, United States Strategic Command

    Advance Policy Question to consider the nomination of General Richard B. Myers, USAF for reappointment to the grade of general and for appointment as the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. Senate Committee on Armed Services September 13, 2001


    Testimony on installation programs, military construction programs, and family housing programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    August 2, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support

    Advance Policy Question to consider the nomination of General John P. Jumper, USAF for reappointment to the grade of general and to be Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Senate Committee on Armed Services August 1, 2001


    Advance Policy Questions to consider the following nominations
    July 31, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • John P. Stenbit to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence
    • Ronald M. Sega to be Director of Defense Research and Engineering
    • Michael L. Dominguez to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
    • Michael Parker to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works;
    • Mario P. Fiori to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment;
    • H.T. Johnson to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Environment
    • Nelson F. Gibbs to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations and Environment

    Navy shipbuilding programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 31, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Seapower

    Global power projection, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 25, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
    • James G. Roche, Secretary of the Air Force
    • General John P. Jumper, USAF Commander, Air Combat Command United States Air Force (no statement)
    • Lieutenant General Robert H. Fogelsong, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, United States Air Force (no statement)
    • Lieutenant General Joseph H. Wehrle, Jr., USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, United States Air Force (no statement)

    Missile Defense Programs and Policy
    July 19, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Testimony on Army modernization and transformation, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 19, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Airland

    Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 18, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Overview of Military Personnel, Health Care and the Reserve Component Issues in the Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 18, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Military Personnel

    Testimony on active and reserve military and civilian personnel programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 18, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Personnel

    Testimony on ballistic missile defense policies and programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 17, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • Paul D. Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense
    • Lieutenant General Ronald T. Kadish, USAF, Director, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (No Statement)

    Fiscal Year 2002 Maritime Administration Authorization Budget Request
    July 13, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Special Oversight Panel on the Merchant Marine

    Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 12, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 12, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Joint Hearing: Subcommittee on Military Procurement & Subcommittee on Military Research & Development

    Testimony on Cooperative Threat Reduction, chemical weapons demilitarization, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, nonproliferation research and engineering, and related programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 12, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

    Testimony on ballistic missile defense policies and programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 12, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 11, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 11, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Military Readiness

    Fiscal Year 2002 National Defense Authorization Budget Request
    July 11, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Military Installations and Facilities

    Testimony on the budget request for national security space programs, policies, operations and strategic systems and programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 11, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

    testimony on the readiness of United States military forces and the FY 2002 budget amendment, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 11, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support

    Testimony on the F-22 aircraft program, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    July 10, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Airland

    Testimony on the Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Amendment, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002
    July 10, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services


    Force protection at U.S. military installations
    June 28, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism

    Testimony on the Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Amendment, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    June 28, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
    • General Henry H. Shelton, USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (No statement)

    Fiscal year 2002 National Defense Authorization budget request
    June 28, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Military training on the island of Vieques
    June 27, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services
    • Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense
    • Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy
    • Adm. Vern Clark, Chief of Naval Operations (No statement)
    • Gen. Michael J. Williams, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps (No statement)

    Defense Science and Technology Program
    June 26, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Research & Development Subcommittee

    Readiness posture of the military services
    June 26, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Readiness Subcommittee

    Testimony on the Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2002 budget request for the Office of Environmental Management, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    June 26, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Strategic
    • Carolyn L. Huntoon, Acting Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management Department of Energy

    Testimony on the Defense Strategy Review
    June 21, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
    • General Henry H. Shelton, USA, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (No statement)

    current status of cooperation between the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs in sharing medical resources
    June 21, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Personnel Subcommittee
    • Rear Adm. J. Jarrett Clinton, PHS Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs)
    • Thomas L. Garthwaite, Under Secretary for Health, Department of Veterans (No statement)

    U.S. national security strategy and the Quadrennial Defense Review
    June 21, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services
    • Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
    • Gen. Henry H. Shelton, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff (No statement)

    U.S. national military strategy options
    June 20, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services
    • Ms. Michelle Flournoy, Senior Advisor, International Security Program, Center for Strategic & International Studies
    • Dr. Donald Kagan, Professor, Yale University (No statement)
    • Dr. Andrew Krepinevich, Executive Director, Center for Strategic & Budgetary Assessments
    • Dr. Michael O' Hanlon, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution

    Technology issues associated with Department of Defense Space Operations
    June 20, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Procurement Subcommittee & Military Research & Development Subcommittee

    Ballistic Missile Defense testing
    June 14, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Role of the Department of Defense in combating terrorism and force protection lessons learned since the attack on the USS Cole
    June 14, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism
    • Mr. Robert Newberry, Assistant Secretary of Defense, (Special Operations & Low-Intensity Conflict), Department of Defense
    • Brig. Gen. Jonathan H. Cofer, Deputy Director for Operations, (Combating Terrorism), J-34, The Joint Staff
    • Hearing transcript

    Testimony on Navy and Marine Corps equipment for 21st Century operational requirements in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    June 7, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Seapower
    • Joint statements, Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfare Requirements and Programs
    • Major General William A. Whitlow, USMC, Director, Expeditionary Warfare
    • Rear Admiral Michael J. McCabe, USN, Director, Air Warfare
    • Rear Admiral Bruce B. Englehardt, Deputy Director, Submarine Warfare
    • Rear Admiral John M. Kelly, USN, Deputy Director, Surface Warfare
    • Lieutenant General William L. Nyland, USMC, Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs and Resources

    Testimony on the "leap ahead" technologies and transformation initiatives within the defense science and technology program
    June 5, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities
    • Joint statement, Edward C. Aldridge, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
    • Dr. Delores M. Etter, Acting Director, Defense Research and Engineering; and Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology
    • Dr. A. Michael Andrews II, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology and Chief Scientist
    • Dr. Donald C. Daniel, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology, and Engineering
    • Dr. Jane A. Alexander, Acting Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency


    Patterns of global terrorism and terrorist threats to the homeland
    May 22, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism
    • Mr. Mark Wong, Acting Deputy Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Director for Regional Affairs, Department of State
    • Mr. Samual Brinkley, Sr. Advisor on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Department of State

    Constraints and challenges facing military test and training ranges
    May 22, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Readiness Subcommittee

    Implications concerning the need for the V-22 aircraft for our military services
    May 21, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Readiness Subcommittee

    Lessons learned from the current version of the TRICARE managed care support contracts and recommendations for the design of the next round of contracts
    May 17, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Personnel Subcommittee

    Vulnerabilities of Department of Defense networks
    May 17, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Readiness Subcommittee
    • Linton Wells, II, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense, (Command, Control, Communications & Intelligence), Department of Defense
    • Lt. Gen. Joseph Kellogg, Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computers, (C4) Systems Directorate (J6), Department of the Army
    • Brig. Gen. Dale W. Meyerrose, Director of Command Control Systems, Headquarters, U.S. Space Command & North American Aerospace Defense Command and Director of Communications and Information, Headquarters, Air Force Space Command, Department of the Air Force
    • Maj. Gen. James Bryan, Commander, Joint Task Force on Computer Network Operations, (JTF/CNO), Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
    • Lt. Gen. Peter Cuviello, Director, Information Systems for Command, Control, Communications & Computers and Chief Information Officer, Department of the Army
    • Vice Adm. Richard Mayo, Director, Space Information Warfare Command & Control, Department of the Navy
    • Lt. Gen. John L. Woodward, Director Command, Control, Communications & Computer Systems, Department of the Air Force
    • Brig. Gen. Robert M. Shea, Director, Command, Control, Communications & Computer, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps

    Testimony on the Department of Energy's Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    May 15, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

    Facilities' conditions and the perspective of the senior enlisted
    May 9, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Installations and Facilities Subcommittee

    Military Voting
    May 9, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Personnel Subcommittee
    • Mr. David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States
    • Mr. David O. Cooke, Director, Administration and Management, Office of the Secretary of Defense
    • Mr. Mark C. Seavey, Assistant Director, Legislative Division, The American Legion
    • Mr. Samuel F. Wright, Co-Chairman, Uniformed Services Voting Rights Committee, Reserve Officers Association of the United States
    • Mr. Bob Manhan, Assistant Director, National Legislative Service, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States

    Implementation of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative
    May 3, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Installations and Facilities Subcommittee
    • Mr. Randall Yim, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense, (Installations)
    • Mr. Paul Johnson, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, (Installations & Housing)
    • Mr. Duncan Holaday, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy, (Installations and Environment)

    Testimony on the lessons learned from the attack on USS COLE, on the report of the Crouch/Gehman Commission and on the Navy's Judge Advocate General Manual investigation into the attack, including a review of appropriate standards of accountability for U.S. military services
    May 3, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Ukraine at the Crossroads: Ten Years After Independence
    May 2, 2001 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

    Testimony on the U.S. military's capabilities to respond to domestic terrorist attacks involving the use of weapons of mass destruction
    May 1, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capailities

    Testimony on the report of the Panel to Review the V-22 Program
    May 1, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Recommendations on the V-22 Osprey program
    May 1, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Procurement Subcommittee


    Conditions of military facilities and their effect on readiness and quality of life
    April 26, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Installations and Facilities Subcommittee

    Testimony on the Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Request for the National Nuclear Security Administration in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    April 25, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces

    Testimony on strategic airlift and sealift imperatives for the 21st Century in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    April 26, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Seapower

    Testimony on the recruiting initiatives of the Department of Defense and the military services and to receive an update on the status of recruiting and retention goals
    April 24, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Personnel

    Testimony on shipbuilding industrial base issues and initiatives in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    April 4, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Seapower

    Posture of U.S. military forces
    April 4, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Reorganization plan of the National Nuclear Security Administration
    April 4, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Special Oversight Panel on Department Energy Reorganization


    U.S. military forces
    March 29, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    U.S. Military Forces
    March 28, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services

    Military transformation and its impact on the equipment modernization programs of the military services
    March 28, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Procurement Subcommittee

    Testimony from the unified and regional commanders on their military strategy and operational requirements, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    March 27, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Testimony from the unified commanders on their military strategy and operational requirements, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program
    March 22, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Testimony on installation readiness, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program.
    March 21, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support

    U.S. National Security
    March 21, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services
    • Joint statement, Newt Gingrich, Member, U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century and Gary Hart, Co-Chairman, U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century
    • John J. Hamre, President & Chief Executive Officer, Center for Strategic & International Studies
    • Mr. William Kristol, Chairman, Project for the New American Century

    Testimony on the readiness impact of range encroachment issues, including: endangered species and critical habitats; sustainment of the maritime environment; airspace management; urban sprawl; air pollution; unexploded ordinance; and noise
    March 20, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support

    Implementation of TRICARE benefits for Medicare-eligible military retirees
    March 14, 2001 - House Committee on Armed Services, Military Personnel Subcommittee

    Testimony on current and future worldwide threats to the national security of the United States
    March 8, 2001 - Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Reinvigorating U.S. Foreign Policy
    March 7, March 1, February 28, and February 14, 2001 - House Committee on International Relations
    • The Honorable Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State
    • The Honorable Frank Carlucci, Chairman, Report of an Independent Task Force: "State Department Reform;" Chairman and Partner, The Carlyle Group
    • Mr. Lewis B. Kaden, Chairman, Overseas Presence Advisory Panel
    • The Honorable Marc Grossman, Director General of the Foreign Service, Department of State
    • Hearing Transcript (PDF 713KB)


    Advance Policy Questions to consider the nomination of Paul D. Wolfowitz, to be Deputy Secretary of Defense. February 27, 2001. Senate Committee on Armed Services
    • Statement of The Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld, before the confirmation hearing on the nomination to be Secretary of Defense. January 11, 2001. Senate Committee on Armed Services


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