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Showing posts with label Amnesty International. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amnesty International. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Boletim informativo da Grécia #15 - 15.06.2013

Preparado pela equipe #rbnews, traduzido por @KHatzinikolaou

As notícias da #rbnews desta semana
  • Em uma surpreendente decisão, o governo grego decidiu fechar a rede pública de rádio e TV ERT, na terça-feira passada. Os trabalhadores imediatamente ocuparam a sede da rede, que continua até hoje. Enquanto isso, o apoio e a solidariedade de cidadãos gregos e das associações de jornalistas e meios de comunicação no exterior aumenta.
  • O julgamento de Kostas Vaxevanis no caso da lista Lagarde foi adiado para outubro.
  • A maioria dos postos de trabalho que serão criados pela companhia Ouro Grego em Skuriés serão subsidiados pelo Estado
  • O objetor de consciência Nikos Karanikas foi preso novamente.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Bulletin d'informations du 15 juin 2013 en Grèce #36

A la une de #rbnews international cette semaine:
  • Sans aucun préavis, le gouvernement a decidé mardi de fermer la Radio et Télévision publiques. Les employés ont tout de suite occupé le siège de la compagnie publique, ce qui continue jusqu'à présent, tandis que une grande vague de solidarité a été developpée par les citoyens, ainsi que les médias internationaux. 
  • Le procès de Costas Vaxevanis concernant le cas de la liste Lagarde a été réporté pour le mois d'octobre. 
  • Une grosse partie des postes de travail de Hellas Gold à Skouries, seront des stages subventionnés par l'Etat. 
  • L'objecteur de conscience, Nikos Karanikas, a été arrêté encore une fois. 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Amnesty International: the situation of human rights in Greece is deteriorating

Posted by @IrateGreek

The Greek chapter of Amnesty International organized a press conference to present the organization's annual report in front of the Aliens' Department in Athens today. This symbolic choice reflects Amnesty's key findings about the situation of human rights in Greece in 2013:
"Allegations of human rights abuses by police, including torture and excessive use of force continued throughout the year. Migrants and asylum seekers faced impediments in registering their asylum applications and were often detained in substandard conditions. Hate crime on the basis of race and ethnicity escalated dramatically."

Sunday, 10 February 2013

#rbnews international show 09 February 2013: Police brutality in Greece

This week on #rbnews international, given the abundant news related to arrests and torture by the Greek police, we discussed the issue of police brutality in Greece with Maro Savvopoulou, the press officer from the Greek chapter of Amnesty International. Amnesty has recently published a report on this matter and is currently conducting a campaign to push the Greek authorities to investigate these allegations and take appropriate action.

You can follow Amnesty Greece on Twitter @AmnestyGreece.

You can listen to the podcast after the jump.