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An official USGS software project is code reviewed and approved at the bureau-level for distribution.

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Modeling and Software

Hydrologic modeling and analysis tools are important components of NAWQA studies. The types of modeling and analysis tools that play a large role in NAWQA include: Statistical models and analyses, Geographic information system (GIS) analyses, Process-based models, and Hybrid statistical, GIS, and process-based models.


ModelMate is a graphical user interface (GUI) designed to facilitate model analysis
by software applications that invoke model simulations as external processes.

Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST)

The Fractured Rock Geophysical Toolbox Method Selection Tool (FRGT-MST) is an Excel-based tool for identification of geophysical methods most likely to be appropriate for project goals and site conditions.

GWM: Groundwater Management Process for MODFLOW Using Optimization

GWM is a Groundwater Management Process for the U.S. Geological Survey modular three-dimensional groundwater model, MODFLOW.


Computes estimates of survival and capture probability for open capture-recapture models when sex is not allways known.

1DTempPro: A program for analysis of vertical one-dimensional (1D) temperature profiles

1DTempPro is a computer program for the analysis of one-dimensional vertical temperature profiles.

Graizer-Kalkan (2015) Ground Motion Prediction Equation

Graizer-Kalkan (2015) ground motion prediction equation (GMPE) is designed to predict peak-ground acceleration and 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration response ordinates for shallow-crustal continental earthquakes to be used in earthquake-engineering applications including probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analyses.


SLAMMER is a Java program that facilitates performing a variety of sliding-block analyses to evaluate seismic slope performance.

SLAMMER - Seismic Landslide Movement Modeled using Earthquake Records

SLAMMER is a Java program that facilitates performing a variety of sliding-block analyses to evaluate seismic slope performance.


An R package to estimate nest abundance using a state-space superpopulation capture-recapture approach in which inference about detection proability is based on the age at first detection, as opposed to the sequence of re-detections in standard capture-recapture models.


Laharz is a Geographical Information Systems tool for automated mapping of lahar inundation hazard zones.

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