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Cholera and cattle plague.

--The United States Consul writes from London to the State Department, under date of November 30, 1865, to the effect that no reliable indications of cholera have yet appeared in England, but it is the general conviction of intelligent people that it will visit that country in the spring, and preparations are being made to meet it.

Our Consul at Liverpool also writes under the same date that the cattle plague is making sad havoc in that district, and is on the increase. From seven hundred per week the deaths in England and Scotland have gone up to twenty-five hundred.

Our Consul at Oporto writes, under date of November 18, 1865, that the cholera had entirely disappeared from the city of Elvas, and the bulletins of the General Council of Health in Lisbon announce the country as free from the epidemic. It is untrue that the "Rinderpest" or cattle plague had broken out in that country. A disease, called the "hoof and tongue" disease, has prevailed to some extent, but few cases have proved fatal. It is an infections disease, and easily communicated; but as there have been several shipments lately made of hides and horns to America, the Consul states that the disease now prevailing in Portugal is not the destructive pest now committing such havoc in Europe.--Washington Star.

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