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Mayor's Court.

--Mrs. Isabella Ould, charged with shooting R. H. Meade with intent to kill, was arraigned before the Mayor yesterday. The reader will remember that this affair took place at a saloon kept by the parties, on Franklin street, nearly opposite Metropolitan Hall, on the twenty-second of September last, and was caused by jealousy.

The following witnesses for the Commonwealth answered to their names:--R. H. Meade, A. J. Ford. Oscar P. Gregory, Miles F. Mathews and — Tyler. No witnesses answered for the defence, and Mr. Marmaduke Johnson, counsel for the accused, asked that the case be continued until Tuesday next.

R. H. Meade stated that this case had been under investigation for three months; the witnesses for the defence failed to answer; those witnesses knew nothing about the shooting, but could only prove an intimacy in by-gone times.

Mr. Johnson said that he hoped all the witnesses would be summoned, and required to appear. The only difficulty in the way of a speedy investigation was about the witnesses. He was ready to proceed with the case now or at any future time. He hoped that the Court would take notice of what this virtuous young man had said in regard to the accused. In conclusion, Mr. Johnson expressed the hope that the case would be continued.

The Mayor thereupon continued the case until Tuesday next, and admitted the accused to bail in the sum of one thousand dollars for her appearance.

Mrs. Ould was dressed very much in the style in which she appeared on Saturday last — a jaunty hat, with masked veil, bugles, gold thread, beads, lace, ribbons, a cloth cloak and debage dress. Her appearance indicates that she is entirely ready to meet the charge against her.

The remainder of the day was devoted to the hearing of civil cases, a detail of which would not interest our readers.

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