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The old Richmond Chess Club.

Before the great fire of the 3d of April there was, on the corner of Eleventh and Main streets, a Temple of Chess. Up a steep and most impracticable stairway into a neat and cosy little room the lovers of the game nightly flocked. And these citizens, warriors, statesmen and clergymen met in the mimic war over the board. The fortune of war made Richmond a focus, and many strong players were drawn thither by current of events. All were welcome, for there seems to be a sort of Freemasonry in the game. Murphy was here twice during the course of the war. There was a Major Brockenbrough, an artillery officer, who handled the Club so roughly that the veteran player, Colonel Johnson, had to be called up, and even he had a hard fight. The gallant General John Pegram played a dashing and brilliant game. General Jenkins was also a strong player. Private soldiers — here the peers of their generals — met them on chequered field; and the conscript and the legislator fought on equal terms.

No trace of this little arena remains. It passed away with the Confederacy, and seemed a miniature of its downfall. Its castles taken, its kings dethroned, its knights captured, and the fatal check-mate proclaimed.

But let it be revived. There are many of the old members here; and this Club is now historic, and should be perpetuated. Fit up another room; get together the old players; challenge some of the big city clubs: and fight it out on that line if it takes you all the summer.

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