
A remarkable Regiment.

--A good deal has been said of the First old United States Regiment of Cavalry, on the score of the eminent officers of the present war who once belonged to it. But in this respect the Second Regiment United States Dragoons is the most remarkable of all in the old army. The following leaders on the Confederate and Federal sides once belonged to it:

H. H. Sibley, Major 2d U. S. Dragoons, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

R. H. Anderson, Captain 2d U. S. Dragoons, now Major General Confederate States army.

John Villipigue, (deceased,) Lieutenant 2d U. S. Dragoons, now Brigadier General C. S. A.

F. C. Armstrong, Captain 2d U. S. Dragoons, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

Wm. Steele, Captain 2d U. S. Dragoons now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

B. H. Robertson, Captain 2d U S Dragoons, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

John Pegram, Lieutenant 2d U S Dragoons, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

J H Hawes, Captain 2d U S Dragoons, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

Alfred Pleasanton, Captain 2d U S Dragoons, now Major General United States army.

Philip St George Cooke, Colonel 2d U S Dragoons, now Brigadier General United States army.

L P Graham, Major 2d U S Dragoons, now Brigadier General United States army.

John Buford, (deceased, who was the best cavalry officer in the Federal service,) Captain 2d U S Dragoons, died a Major General United States army.

Lewis Merrill, Lieutenant 2d U S Dragoons now Brigadier General United States army.

Wesley Merritt, Lieutenant 2d U S Dragoons, now a Brigadier General United States army.

Brevet Colonel Chas A May, resigned his commission as Major 3d Dragoons just before the war.

The following officers were transferred from the 2d Dragoons in 1855:

W J Hardee, now Lieutenant General Confederate States army.

N G Evans, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

Geo H Stewart, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

Chas H Field, now Brigadier General Confederate States army.

General Twigge was the first and Gen. Hurney the second Colonel of this regiment.

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