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The capture of Yankee steamers.

--We yesterday briefly mentioned the capture in Chesapeake Bay of two Yankee steamers and a schooner, by a detachment of the Volunteer Navy, aided by Captain Fitzhugh, of the 5th Virginia cavalry, with fourteen men. The party left Mathews county on Friday, the 4th inst, and reaching the Eastern Shore that night, succeeded in capturing two steamers, one schooner, six Yankee wagons, ten horses, and also destroyed a large quantity of meat, bard bread, and other Government stores. Our forces burnt the schooner, bonded one of the steamers, and then came off in the other, bringing with them twenty-nine prisoners. When our force landed near Cherry stone, the Federal guard was surprised asleep, and informed that the Alabama was then at the wharf, and that they must march aboard, which order they promptly complied with.

The following parties, taken from the steamer Than, reached this city yesterday, and were committed to Castle Thunder: Capt Reuben Shore, Jacob Jones James F Shore, Wm S. Shore, Charles Buchen, and James Enneth.

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