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Complimentary order.

The following complimentary order has been issued by Major Gen. Elzey:

Hdq'rs Dep't of Richmond,
March 8th, 1864.

General Orders No. 10.

The Major General commanding congratulates the troops upon their completely successful defence of the city of Richmond and its resene from the ravages of the invader.

The enemy was gallantly repulsed on the north side by Col. Stevens's command, and on the west by Brig. Gen. G. W. C. Lee's troops. Their conduct is entitled to the highest praise and credit.

To Col. Bradley T. Johnson, and the officers and soldiers under his command, the thanks of the Major General are especially one for the prompt and vigorous manner in which they pursued the enemy from Beaver Dam to Richmond, and thence to the Pamunkey and down the Peninsula, making repeated charges, capturing many prisoners and horses, and thwarting any attempt of the enemy to charge them.

The Major General commanding begs leave to tender to Major General Hampton and his command his sincere thanks for their cooperation in following up the enemy, and their gallant assault upon his camp at Atlee's Station on Tuesday night, in which the enemy's entire force was stampeded and completely routed, leaving in the hands of Gen. Hampton many prisoners and horses.

Lastly, the conduct of the Home Guard of King and Queen county, and of Captain McGruder's squadron of the 42d battalion Virginia cavalry, who, in conjunction with small detachments of furloughed men, under Capt. Fox and Lieut. Pollard, of the cavalry of the A. N. V., attacked the retreating column of Col. Dahlgren--killing the leader and capturing nearly one hundred prisoners, with negroes and horses — deserves public acknowledgment.

By command of Major General Elzey.
T. O. Chestney, A. A. G.

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