Yankee opinion of blockade running Jews.
For some time back a large number of Jews from this city and other portions of the Confederacy have, after accumulating by their peculiar tricks of trade, large sums of money, shown an overweening desire to desert us in our hour of trial, taking good care to carry with them what they have made while among us. That those who still have it in contemplation to follow in the wake of the Judas Iscariots who have already gone before, may know in what light they are looked upon at the North, we copy the following extract from the Norfolk, Va., correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer:‘ "Three men, evidently of the Jewish persuasion, both by looks, manners and name, though they claim to be Christians, have arrived here from Petersburg and Richmond. In their possession were nearly ten thousand dollars in gold. Notwithstanding their assertions of disloyalty to Jeff. Davis and loyalty to the United States, they were remanded to the safekeeping of Fort Norfolk until a thorough innestigation takes place. Their treasure remains in the care of 'Uncle Samuel's' servants, who will return at to the rightful claimants at the proper time.
’ "Jews frequently come through the lines with considerable quantities of gold, and they are ever ready to assert their loyalty. They have almost invariably met with more persecutions than any one else in the Southern Confederacy, and yet they are never short of money. No doubt many of them go back again to the South with large quantities of goods, by the blockade, and, after reaping rich harvests, return as persecuted refugees, only to re-enact the same game as long as the Union authorities are lenlent."