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Sales of blockade goods.

--The Bee Exporting and Importing Company, are disposing of their merchandize in Columbia, at the following prices:

Coffee, $7 per lb; sugar, $4; cloths, from $40 to $70 per yard; cassimeres, from $20 to $40; priets from $4.50 to $5.50; stockings, $50 to $100 per dozen; flannets, $14 and $15 per yard; cambrics, $4,50 to $6; black alpacas, $8 to $12; Coates's and Brook's spool threas, $15 per dozen; bonnet frames, $15; brown drills, $2.50; gent's hats, $35 to $60; blacking, $12 per dozen; handkerchiefs, $12 to $80 per dozen; cotton and wool cards, $20; knitting needles, $24 per dozen; needles, $20 per thousand; pocket knives, $4 to $15; letter and can paper, $40 to $80 per ream; black pepper, $5 per lb; mustard, $15 per lb; nutmegs, $5; calf skins, $60; sole leather, $10; tacks, $1.50 per paper; files, from $5 and upwards; saddle girths, $36 per dozen; lump chimneys, $60 per dozen; are, $48 per dozen; cod liver oil, $5, half pints ; hi carbonate soda, $2.50; Epso $2.50.

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