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The Legislature.

The Senate a communication from the announced the disagreement of that to an amendment by the Senate to bill, providing for payment of tobacco destroyed by fire at the public warehouse. was referred to a committee.

bill for the relief of families of in counties within the lines or under control of the enemy, was reported with

confirming and amending the char the Richmond Glass Manufacturing and a bill to incorporate the Richmond company, were reported.

Newton introduced a preamble and

resolutions, for reviving the bill of the extrassesion to regulate prices. Tabled.

A bill more effectually to suppress unlawful trading on boats plying the rivers and canals of the Commonwealth, was passed.


In the House the militia bill was received from the Senate and made the order of the day for Monday at 1 o'clock.

The following bills were introduced:

A bill to amend and re-enact the 32d section of the 158th chapter of the Code.

A bill to amend and re-enact section 37 of chapter 38 of the Code.

Mr. Baker introduced a resolution looking to the convoking of a convention of the farmers and planters of Virginia, and the other Southern States, through their Legislatures, for the purpose of increasing the production of food, and regulating the price of the same.

Mr. Burwell offered a resolution respecting a requisition upon the cotton factories of the State for a supply of raw cotton and cotton yarns for distribution and manufacture by the people, and appropriating — dollars for that purpose.

Mr. McCutchen introduced a resolution to prohibit blockade running across the border.

The bill to provide for the preservation of the records of the counties of Warwick, Elizabeth City, James and Williamsburg, was passed.

The bill to regulate the transportation on railroads, previously under discussion, was passed. Adjourned.

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