The Conscription in North Carolina.
North Carolina has furnished during this war nearly 100,000 men for the Confederate army. For the year ending in July last she sent 11,874 conscripts, and between three and four thousand volunteers. In her quota there has been only 2,040 substitutes — a smaller number in comparison than any other State of the same population. The following is a list of the exempts in the State: Asylum 23, apothecaries 18, black smiths 588, county and State officers 282, cadets at military institutes 15, colliers 11, C. S. judicial officers 1, C. S. tax collectors 2, details 1,913, disability 7,868, Ex. clemency 87, Express Co. employees 14, foreigners 117, factory employees 155, fire department 57, foundries 6, Government contractors 28, hatters 3, harness makers 1, militia officers 2,346, magistrates 407, millers 668, millwrights 123, mail contractors and carriers 72, miners 36, non-combatants 196, overseers 120, operatives in iron works 17, preachers 156, physicians 264, paper makers 14, policemen 34, printers 54, postmasters and clerks 9, railroad employees 533, shoemakers 651, salt makers 627, school teachers 121, substitutes 2,010; State ordnance employees 258, State agents 2, seamen 11, steamboat agents 1, superintendent gas works 2, tanners 174, telegraph operators 18, wagon makers 219, wheelwrights 13, powder manufacturers 3, Government agents 17, habeas corpus 31. --Total 21,558.