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Charged with Felonious shooting.

--Yesterday morning John F. Newsom, of North Carolina, was arraigned before the Mayor to answer the charge of feloniously shooting and killing Richard Morris, of co. D, City Battalion; wounding Martin Grepp, of co. F, and also private Frey, of the same battalion. The evidence elicited proved that private Charles Johnson, with another private and a sergeant of the battalion, went to Castle Thunder to deliver over some prisoners in their charge. When about to leave the prison Newsom, who was then on post, ordered Johnson off, supposing him to be making signs to the prisoners. Johnson made no reply to him, but passed on to the Libby prison, where his squad was on duty. Some half hour after this Newsom was relieved from duty and started to his barracks. As he was passing the Libby Johnson saw him, and asked him why he ordered him away from Castle Thunder. Newsom replied that he was obeying orders. Johnson said he was doing nothing to deserve such treatment.-- Newsom said, "You were talking to the prisoners." This J. denied. Newsom then said he did not care whether he was or was not Johnson said, "You did not treat me like a gentleman, and if you will put down your musket I can whip you." With this New some stepped back and partially raised his gun, seeing which Johnson walked off.--Grepp seeing the crowd approached it, and on being told that Newsom had cocked his gun at Johnson, remonstrated with him for so doing. After some words between these parties, Grepp became excited, pulled off his accoutrements, and advancing upon Newsom gave him a blow in the face. Newsom instantly sprang back, raised his musket and fired, the ball striking Grepp in the breast, tearing up the flesh, then glancing struck private Frey on one of his arms, fracturing the benes, and, continuing its course, lodged in the abdomen of private Richard Morris, who was a mere spectator, causing his death within a few hours thereafter.

Maj. Alexander, the commandant of Castle Thunder, stated that Newsom was on post performing his duty when he ordered private Johnson out of his beat. The orders to the sentinels were imperative, and strictness was absolutely necessary, to prevent persons from talking with or making signs to the prisoners. He also stated that Newsom was on his way to his barracks when he was stopped by Johnson and questioned as to his conduct when on post. Maj. A. did not see the shooting, but thought there were others about the Castle that did. The Mayor therefore adjourned the investigation till this morning, and requested Maj. Alexander to continue the custodian of the accused for the present, which he readily consented to do.

Newsom, we understand, has been tried by Court-Martial, and since then has been turned over to the civil authorities by Gen. Winder for a further trial.

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