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The Legislature.

--In the Senate yesterday a bill was reported from the Committee for Courts of Justice, authorizing the transfer of causes from Courts which cannot be held by reason of the presence or proximity of the public enemy to other Circuit Courts not so situated.

Mr. Brannon offered a resolution inquiring into the expediency of reporting a bill fixing the prices of articles of prime necessity and consumption by a sliding scale downward tariff, commencing with the prices fixed by the Commissioners charged with fixing prices last preceding the present time, as far as practicable, for each succeeding month, for a less rate until the same shall be reduced to certain minimum prices, and, as a co-operative measure, that said committee shall inquire into the expediency of preparing and reporting resolutions recommending to Congress the propriety of passing a law for funding the Treasury notes of the Confederate States at a rate of interest upon a downward scale, and to impose a tax upon such money upon an ascending scale, increasing as such notes become older; and to prohibit all importations except for arms and supplies for the army; and to prohibit the exportation of gold and silver, cotton, tobacco, and naval stores.

The militia bill was then taken up, and occupied the remainder of the day's session.

In the House, Mr. Anderson, from the Military Committee, asked that said committee be discharged from the further consideration of the resolution for the removal of slaves from counties threatened by the enemy.

The memorial of the working men and mechanics of Richmond was referred to a select committee.

On motion of Mr. Buford the bill fixing the fees and charges for the storage of tobacco was laid upon the table.

Mr. McCue offered a joint resolution for the protection and increase of sheep, and the encouragement of the growth of wool. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture.

Mr. Buford offered a resolution for securing the co-operation of capitalists in reducing the currency. Agreed to.

The order of the day, the bill to reorganize the militia of the Commonwealth, was taken up, and considered the remainder of the day's session.

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