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The cavalry fight on Tuesday last.

From a wounded officer of the 5th N. C. regiment of cavalry, who came down on the Central train last night, we have some further particulars of the fight in Madison county on Tuesday. In the morning our cavalry, consisting of Hampton's, Jones's, and Robertson's old brigades, were stationed on the Rapidan river, near Liberty Mills. They learned that the enemy were approaching in force on the turnpike road leading from Madison Court-House to the Mills, and preparations were at once made to meet them. Our forces were drawn up in line of battle and a charge ordered by Gen. Stuart, who commanded in person. Comparatively little resistance was made to this charge, the enemy giving away at the first onset. Our troops pushed them for about a quarter of a mile, when they found themselves in front of a line of sharpshooters, who opened fire upon them. Our front lines were then dismounted, to engage the enemy on foot. A sharp fight ensued, lasting over an hour, in which the loss on both sides was considerable.

In the meantime, a column of the enemy which had advanced on another road running parallel with the turnpike, came in on the rear of our men, and made a charge upon them. In this situation of affairs, our columns were wheeled, and a charge made on the party attacking in the rear, which resulted in dispersing them, and the capture of about one hundred prisoners.

Our troops then fell back to the Rapidan and crossed that stream, and proceeded some miles up the south bank of the river, where a force of the enemy had crossed at an upper ford. Here another engagement ensued, resulting in the enemy being driven back over the river.

On Wednesday our cavalry crossed the Rapidan into Madison county, and drove the enemy across Robertson's river, capturing, it is reported, a number of prisoners and several wagons.

Our loss in killed and severely wounded in the fight of Tuesday is estimated at about one hundred. In addition we had a number slightly wounded and a few captured. Nothing is known of the loss of the enemy.

Passengers who left Hamilton's Crossing yesterday morning report that heavy firing was heard in the direction of Raccoon Ford, on the Rappahannock.

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