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Latest from New Orleans.

--An Exhibition of Feeling.--The Mobile Advertiser learns from a paroled prisoner from the Crescent City the following account of the exuberance of feeling displayed in their behalf by the citizens of New Orleans on their departure from that city on the 8th instant:

On the morning of the departure of the exchanged prisoners — numbering 335--on the steamer Samuel Hill for-Baton Rouge, the loves and vessels alongside, from Canal street to Jackson street, in Lafayette, was one dense mass of spectators, who enthusiastically cheered our brave troops as they passed up the river. The ladies, as only Southern ladies can; gave vent to their feelings by waving handkerchiefs and giving a hearty ‘"God speed" ’ to their own defenders. We are pleased to state that the crews of the British war vessels stationed in the river gave cheer upon cheer on the departure of our Southern sons. On account of the unanimous feeling displayed by the citizens of our sister city, several arrests were made by order of the brute Butler.

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