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Further from the North.

From Northern papers of the 20th inst., we obtain the following paragraphs:

A skirmish on Black Water river, Va.

Company P. of the 7th Pennsylvania cavalry, in command of Lieutenant Williamson scouting between Suffolk and the Black Water river, on Wednesday, met with the enemy three relies north of Carrsville. His advance guard, consulting of twelve men, were fired upon by a company of rebels bid in the bushes, and two men are supposed to have been instantly killed or severely wounded, as they are missing; and five others brought in were wounded, one of whom died. He was wounded in the abdomen. Several of the horses were severely wounded, and one or two killed. Several companies were sent out to reinforce Lieutenant Williams. The enemy's force is supposed to consist of a company of cavalry and a company of infantry; but it is uncertain, as they were concealed in the bushed and were not seen until the moment our troops were fired upon.

It is probable that an engagement will be fought on this river very soon General Peck has been greatly reinforced at Suffolk, and his right flank is effectually covered by gunboats in the Nansemond river. Our outposts beyond Suffolk have been strengthened, and excellent defensive operations are being prosecuted vigorously. The rebels have only eight thousand men on the south side of James river, in Virginia and North Caroline. Fifty thousand men can be sent there in twenty four hours.

The suffering at Norfolk — the army and Navy in conflict.

The New York Herald, of the 20th, says:

‘ Something like a question of jurisdiction has arisen between the naval and army officials at or about Norfolk. It seems that the population of that city have been in need of food, as none comes to them of consequence from that region. Hence, Secretary Chase has given leave to parties in Boston, New York and Philadelphia, to send two vessels from each place laden with necessaries of life, to be exchanged for staves or other articles of like character. One of the vessels had reached Norfolk and discharged her cargo, and had left upon the return voyage, when it was sent back by the naval vessels in Hampton Roads, upon the ground that Norfolk was a blockaded port, and therefore trade could not be legally carried on. This matter is now before the Government, and hence the visit of Gen. Dix hither.

Parson Brownlow on the poor Tennesseeans —— a Revolt advised.

Parson Brownlow, who seems to have played out at the North in his original role of exile and patriot, but is still determined to keep himself in the public mind, gets off the following in a letter to the Cincinnati Gazette:

‘ But the poor East Tennesseeans have no friends who can be heard or respected in their behalf. They are now ordered into those ice-bound mountains of Virginia, to be starved out, frozen to death, and butchered by superior forces, without money, clothes, or tents. I predict a general rebellion and revolt, and hope it may come, if they are forced into Virginia. If they have the pluck I think they have, they will suffer themselves to be shot before they will obey the order. They want to fight their way into Tennessee, where their families are starving, plundered, and oppressed, because the heads of their families are in the United States service. Let it be remembered that while our Generals find it impracticable to cross into East Tennessee with an army and its necessary transportation, Bragg and Kirby Smith can cross the same mountains into Kentucky and invade that State.--Let our Government, then, turn over to Brigadier-General Carter or Spears this Cumberland Gap army and its accompaniments, and I will under-write that they will go into East Tennessee, take the country, and bold it.

I now propose to the Government, in good faith to give me the command of fifteen thousand men, including those East Tennessee regiments, and all the outfit necessary, and I promise to take East Tennessee before Christmas, and to hold it and its railroads. I am in earnest in making this request. I am sick and tired of this criminal and uncalled for delay in seizing upon the strong point of the rebellion. Besides, I am able to go into active service, and if I can't get into the Army I must at once start a paper at the North, for the benefit of Northern sympathizers with this rebellion, and Secession Generals, and Secession staff officers who are in the United States army.

W. G. Brownlow.

The Northern press on the Kentucky "victories"--Tired of war.

The Tribune continues to grumble — it is a free press — of the conduct of the war in the field. It quotes from a dispatch from Indianapolis in the Cincinnati Commercial, declaring that ‘"Kirby Smith's armies have been driven between our army and the Ohio river; that an engagement is imminent; that they cannot escape,"’ and remarks:

‘ It strikes us that the loyal public has already had ‘"something too much of this. "’ Gen. McClellan on Sunday telegraphed to Washington that Stuart's cavalry, who made the bold raid into Pennsylvania, would certainly be bagged; but they weren't. We have had promise enough from Buell; where is the performance?

On Wednesday, the 8th inst., he allowed a part of his army to be attacked in overwhelming force by the rebels. They were fatally repulsed, but not till they had disabled twelve honored to fifteen hundred Union soldiers, including several of our best officers. It is said that the rebel loss was larger than our's; but where is the evidence? Did we take any rebel guns? Did we not loss some?

It was reported that Buell in full force fought Bragg next day and beat him badly. That is now admitted to be false. Then it was reported that a great battle had been fought and a great Union victory won on Saturday; but that proved a no such thing. Ditto as to Sunday.

It is now plain that there has been no second battle and no decisive victory, but the rebels have captured part of one of our trains and 500 men near Frankfort.

Now we hear that the rebels cannot possibly escape. We predict that they will escape with but little loss so long as Buell leads the Union armies. At all events, let us have no more victories announced beforehand. Let us win them first and herald them afterward.

’ ‘"We have had about enough of this,"’ is a remark sometimes heard of late, says the Boston Transcript:, the meaning being that we have had about enough of war. The Transcript then remarks:

Of course we have; for the simple reason that we did not want any of it. War was forced upon us — it will hardly do even to say as the least of two evils; rather must it be said as the only allowed escape from calamities vastly greater than itself — As the conflict has progressed its terrible character has been revealed, and the old love of peace has naturally shuddered at the hardships and losses involved. Still there is no change in the issue. It is as true to day as it was a year and more ago, that however sad the struggle, vigorously prosecuting it is the only means of avoiding dishonor, slavish submission, and unimagined disasters. Nay, the matter may be stated in far stronger terms. For obvious reasons, any anxiety for peace, accepting any compromises involving a dismemberment of the country and an acknowledgment that the Federal Government, sustained by the loyal people, has not the power to assert its authority against rebellion, would be opening the door to chronic treason, to anarchy, to a perpetual tempestuous chaos in all departments of life, which would turn this fair land into a wilderness as to its prosperity into a Pandemonium as to its social condition. Thoughtful, courageous and principled patriotism should remember, that now is just the moment,

"Rather to bear those ills we have,

Than fly to others that we know not of."

Gen. M'Clellan's headquarters.

A correspondent of the Philadelphia Press, writing from the headquarters of the Army of the Potomac, October 13th, says:

General McClellan again moved his headquarters this morning from the neighborhood of Knoxville to Pleasant Valley, behind the Maryland Heights. A long body-guard of cavalry and infantry, with a number of wagons, came winning along the road, followed at a long distance by a party in a carriage, consisting of Mrs. McClellan and a lady friend, with the baby and nurse, and the General. The latter was seated on the front seat with the nurse, reading a newspaper.

The nearest point to this locality, where the Confederate cavalry are said to have recrossed to Virginia, was fourteen miles below. Gen. McClellan and lady, during the short visit of the latter, have been staying at the farm house of a Mrs. John Lee; three miles beyond his headquarters. The neighbors report that a party of escaping rebels rode by there last night.

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