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--A man named Alexander Quesenberry was waylaid in Sidney about seven o'clock Saturday morning by two ruffians, named Charles Lewis and Mike Powers, who robbed him of a pocket-book containing sixty dollars. He was accosted by the two men with some common-place inquiry, and before he had time to reply one of them had clasped him about the arms, while the other seized him by the neck. Thus situated, he was powerless to give an alarm as to prevent the intended depredation. He was quickly relieved of his money and bade to proceed on, while the two robbers scampered off in an opposite direction. Making known the affair at the Provost Marshal's office, and describing the men, detectives Boyd, Carter, and Hammond were enabled to lay hold of them near the scene of their exploit. The pocket-book and money stolen from Mr. Quesenberry were found on their persons. After being brought before the Provost Marshal they were sent to the Mayor's office to be dealt with by the civil authorities. This is the second case of garroting that has occurred either in Richmond or on the suburbs within the last three weeks.

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