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The Legislature.

In the Senate on Saturday a communication was received from the House that it had agreed to the joint resolution appointing a committee to consider the law of enclosures.

A communication from the Governor, accompanied by a letter from Dr. Johns, was received relative to the distillation and sale of spirituous liquors for medicinal and hospital purposes; advising the repeal of an act passed at the recent session of the Legislature relative to its sale.

The President announced, that in his view the present session was simply a continuation of the late extra session, and that he therefore did not consider it necessary to disturb the former standing committees.

Mr. Frazier, of Rockbridge, considering the decision as one of very great importance, and for the purpose of getting the opinion of the Senate there on entered an appeal from the President's decision, which was allowed, and the subject laid over till Monday.

Mr. Thompson, of Dinwiddie, from the Committee on an Adequate Supply of Self, said he had been requested by the Committee to submit a resolution, and that the same be considered by the Senate with closed doors.

The Senate then went into Executive session.

In the House, the following bills were passed. A bill incorporating the Union Manufacturing Company of Fluvanna; a bill increasing the fees for keeping and supporting prisoners to sixty cents per diem, leaving it to the discretion of the county courts to fix the rates for the several counties between the minimum of 35 and the maximum of 60 cents per diem.

A communication was received from the Governor, laying before the House a letter from Dr. E. W. Johns, Chief Engineer of the Confederate Government, recommending that certain distillers be allowed to distil whiskey from eye for the use of hospitals. The documents were referred to a special committee.

On motion of Mr. Barbout, the House went into secret session on the subject of salt.

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