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A brilliant dash.

--On Friday evening last, Capt. Rains, with 200 cavalry, left Chattanooga, and proceeded across the country, directly to Wartrace, in Bedford county, Tenn, on the line of the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad. Wartrace is 96 miles from Chattanooga and 58 miles from Stevenson, by way of railroad, and 55 miles from Nashville. By a direct route through the country, it is about 60 miles from Chattanooga.

Capt. Rains aimed to make a dash upon the rear of the Federal army and put them to flight. He was successful in rushing upon them but unexpectedly found them several thousand strong. The surprises was complete, but his force was only a handful compared with the large number into whose midst he had rushed. It caused a wild scatteration among them. Capt. Rains and his men being well armed with double-barreled guns, took good aim, fired one volley, and then retreated before the enemy had time to recover from their fright. The Captain thinks a large number were killed, from the many that were seen to fall, which appeared to be near 100, from the hasty glance he had time to make. A great number of shots were fired at him and his men as they retired, and he lost four of his men.

Capt. Rains intended to hover about and harass the Lincoln army, but he was informed by one whose veracity he was induced to believe, that the Federals had reached Chattanooga, which caused him to return to that place — only to find the report untrue.-- Atlanta Confederacy.

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