From the West.
The Memphis papers of the 5th instant were received by last evening's mail. The Appeal considers the evacuation of Columbus one of the best executed movements yet made in the West. It was completely successful in every respect, not a gun being left behind, nor a man of the rear guard of our army captured during its progress.The Federal General, Mitchell, is reported at Nashville, making his headquarters at the St. Cloud Hotel, with an army estimated at about 15,000 men. Buell is in command at Edgefield, on the opposite side of the river, with probably as many more.
The enemy was gradually advancing on New Madrid, with the evident purpose of attack. On Sunday a regiment of Federal cavalry came within the vicinity, and were dispersed in confusion by a few shells from Captain Bankhead's battery, leaving a few of their arms and accoutrements behind in their retreat.
On the 4th inst., a force of Federal infantry, estimated at from 6,000 to 8,000 strong, had approached within three-quarters of a miles of our fortifications, where they had halted, and formed into line, it is supposed to await reinforcements.
Our gunboats were near by, and had commenced a vigorous cannonade upon them with shells from the river, which was still progressing when our informant left. They had then made no response.
We publish in another column the Federal account of a recent fight at Keltsville, Mo.--To show the falsity of the enemy's reports, we copy a special dispatch published in the Memphis Appeal.
Fort Smith, Ark., March 8.--A scouting party of six hundred, under Cols. Greer and Simms, have just returned to their camps.
The expedition moved to the rear of the enemy, and got in between their main body and their pickets. They captured and burnt two hundred and eighty of the enemy's wagons, taking between two hundred and fifty and three hundred mules and horses.
They killed twenty-five of the enemy and took ten prisoners.
They also captured a large amount of commissary and quartermaster stores.
The attack on the Federal train was made at Keitsville, Missouri. It is looked upon as one of the most brilliant achievements of the war. Such daring and calmness were never before known.
The prisoners taken, ten in number, have arrived here and are now in jail. Not one of our men injured.