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Death of a French Cartinires.

--The oldest cantiniere of the French army has just died at Issondun aged ninety-four. Theresa Jourdan, born at Basacen, in 1768, was married in 1783, to Jean Patru, who afterwards became sergeant in the Sixty ninth brigade. She accompanied her husband in the Italian campaigns of 1796 and 1797, under Gen. Bonaparte. She next went to Egypt, was present at the landing of the army before Alexandria, then at the battle of the Pyramids, and at Kleber's victory near the ruins of Heliopolis. After her return from the East, she was present at the battles of Austerlitz, Jena, Dylan, Friedland, and in the campaigns on the Elbe, the Vistula, and the Niemen. She then followed the army into Spain and Portugal, whence she returned, and, going to Germany again, witnessed the battles of Easling and Wagran. In 1812 she followed the grand army to Russia, and was present at the battle of Moscow, where her husband fell in storming a redoubt.

She came back to France with the remnant of the army, and took part in the campaign of 1813; was at Baulzen and Leipaic, and at Waterloo in 1813. When the army was reorganized she was attached to the Fourth Regiment of the Line and accompanied it to Spain, under the Duke d'argonieme, in 1823. From 1830 to 1834 she was in Africa, in 1859, she went there again with the depot of the Fourth regiment, and remained till 1860. are the service of this extraordinary She went to Issondun with the depot of the Fourth, the officers of which allowed her a pension and she had rations with the men, who absolutely She had survived all relatives, but never wanted for friends, She retained her faculties to the last, and died without pain. The whole battalion, too strong, attended her funeral, and a Sergeant-Mayor pronounced an oration even her grave.

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