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From the Gulf coast.

--The Savannah Republican, of the 5th inst., says:

‘ Passengers who arrived here by the Gulf road, last evening, confirm the occupation of Cumberland Island and Fernandina by the Federals. They landed on Cumberland Island Sunday last, and took possession of the deserted works. All the cannon had been previously removed. Lieut. Col. Holland and eight men, who were on the island to secure some remaining property when the Federals landed, were captured.

On the same day other vessels landed troops at Fernandina, and took possession of the place. All the citizens had retired and taken their moveables with them. A good portion of our lighter guns, which the troops were unable to move in time, fell into the hands of the enemy.

A report reached town last night, by the cars, that the enemy had also shelled St. Marys, and destroyed the greater portion of the town, the few citizens left there finishing the remainder before leaving; after diligent search, though, we could find no reliable authority for the statement. There were but few persons left in the place, and the enemy would hardly destroy it, unless some resistance should be offered, which is not probable.

There were twenty-one Federal vessels in St. Andrew's Sound Sunday afternoon.

The report of the capture of Brunswick, so freely circulated yesterday, is without foundation. No enemy was in sight when the cars left there at 8 o'clock yesterday forenoon.

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