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The Commanding General.

The following bill to create the office of Commanding General, was passed on Friday by both houses of Congress:

    A bill to be entitled "an act to create the Office of Commanding General of the armies of the Confederate States."

  1. Section. 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That there shall be, and is hereby, created the office of Commanding General of the armies of the Confederate States; which office shall continue only during the pleasure of the President.
  2. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said officer shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. His usual headquarters shall be at the seat of Government, and he shall be charged, under the direction of the President, with the general control of military operations, the movement and discipline of troops, and the distribution of the supplies among the armies of the Confederate States; and may, when he shall deem it advisable, take command in person of our army or armies in the field.
  3. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the pay of the Commanding General aforesaid shall be four hundred dollars per month, without allowances; and, if the officer appointed under the provisions of this act shall be an officer in the permanent army the appointment shall not affect his rank as such, but he shall receive none of the pay and allowances of his grade as an officer of the permanent army while holding the office created by this act.
  4. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the staff of the Commanding General shall consist of a military secretary, with the rank of colonel, four aide-de-camp, with the rank of major, and such clerks, not to exceed four in number, as the President shall from time to time authorize. The pay and allowances of the military secretary and aide-de-camp shall be the same as those of officers of cavalry of the like grade; and the salaries of the clerks shall not exceed twelve hundred dollars per annum for each of such offices; office furniture, fuel and stationery; shall be provided for the Commanding General as the duties of his office may render necessary, to be paid for out of the appropriation for the contingent expenses of the War Department.

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