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Federals on the Eastern shore.

The designs of Lincoln become developed more and more as his victim is more securely bound in his grasp, and the hope of escape becomes less. By an edict, every boat is to be destroyed capable of being used by refugees to cross the bay? This is the prelude; then that people, vainly trusting to the proclamation of the notorious Dix for protection and safety, are required to go through the mummery of an election of men to mis- represent them in the Wheeling Government. A threat is thrown out, that if the people do not vote, and thus implied sanction the usurpation of Pierpont, and the military rule of Lockwood, they are to be treated much more severely in the future than they have been. In vain may they ask by what law of their State an election is now to be held? They are represented by high-toned, honorable, and talented gentlemen in the Virginia Legislature--gentlemen selected in strict conformity with the Constitution and laws of their State, and elected by an overwhelming majority of a then free people. All their county offices are filled by men of their own choice. Yet the military rule of the despotism, in the face of most solemn promises, decrees that an unlawful election shall be held; and gentlemen are to be turned out of office, and degraded tools of a loathsome tyranny be placed in their stead to do Lincoln's bidding. The people under military threat, are forced to submit to this high-handed outrage. It has been supposed among civilized nations that a people in the military possession of the enemy had at least some rights; but it seems to be reserved for these Republicans, par excellence, this Constitution-loving people of the North, to eclipse the very Jacobians of France. ‘"O, Liberty, what deeds are perpetrated in thy name."’

When the farce is over, no doubt every Northern paper will herald it as a triumphant victory, as a proof of the Union feeling of Virginia, stifled by Jeff. Davis & Co., but there are Eastern-Shoremen, who have escaped the tyrant's grasp, and who will represent their people truly. One of them writing to us says:

‘ "It is but natural that we should feel deeply our own wrongs, and sympathise most strongly with our friends in our down-trodden homes; yet we would not be impatient, we have every confidence that Virginia will care for all her children, and that the gallant chief of our rising Confederacy will see, at the proper time, that the rights of all true Southrons shall be duly respected."

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