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Excitement in Grayson county.

--Considerable excitement exists in Independence, Grayson county, relative to the murder of James Taylor, by John Isom and his son Fielding, an account of which we published several days since. The two Isoms, and John Green, charged with the murder of Rufus Cox, are confined in the jail at Independence, and on Thursday evening last, some thirty or forty persons from the neighborhood visited the place with the intention of hanging them. They were however, persuaded to forego their purpose for that time, but determined to carry it into execution on Monday last. The crowd called at the jail and informed the prisoners of their determination, and exhorted them to make their peace with God, and prepare to die on Monday, assuring them their execution was a fixed and unalterable fact. The citizens were much excited on the matter, and it is thought the attempt to execute summary vengeance, how much soever the diabolical crimes of the accused deserved it, would lead to trouble.

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